The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

* *V. *v *■ '* «, *•*;* lift, j ih v . j RRSW ' - « n r n j _ ■ i ij>- - ^ ’ :>IJ - S * -.* v ? r 1 . «j % >„ -, » o ijxr o - ■o t r 'i? o > iw^ > All goods in this department sold on Tuesdays of each week at 1-4 off. , DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. 1-4 off on all goods sold onWednesdays. A limitof $100 worth of each is made on CANTON FLANNELS, CALICOES. MUSLINS AND YARNS. S A L E D A T S . I ROOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT- 1-4 offon all leather goo^s on Thursdays' CARPET, FLOOR OIL CLOTH AND HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, 1-4 off oh all goods in this ,department ofrFridays. J-' .. f ; " ' '■/ A splendid stock of $20,000 worth of goods offered. M . 0 THE FtEI\a.IxB. d i WDnitNDiMT v u n r um irA P U SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1890 W . JET. B L A I R , E d i t o r a n d jP ro p 'r. PRICK f 1.20 PER ANNUM, d e d i c a t o r y p o r n . B e a d a t O f e R l a i ^ t h e l s t l M i ' a l R eU e f C t r p i H om e a t H s l l a i , J « I y 1 7 . LAURA ROSAMUND WHITE. Whoa from a rooky,.lofty «a<mnUi*lid* « AMoot U Mowath«ockoos loaf w*i « f , Tkorii«« and foil—r**#ot—a»d for aid wid* Call tooooh«U mt thronrhttooliooopfcor#. Till tkotort ton*fro* Koto'soflwy Arooi IiiawNt, *©ft#)|*4,wodjoolodio** utt. D ot *of trhot mr * t , yaaw 0 i what naowt, Whatgriotaaegwfy oae* wars Froodoa'o jMfll Upontorbrow*h* won a *Urrj trow*, BattoToMtaWMpotatodattortout, HotXorttorn mm , laMovin'*approvingblow, Foogtofcrtovlifo, oadvronld tto DfJrt toaow. I willaot toil ttoMothatohoto* Mi, Oar loyaliiodoroTttoW.R. C., Tto otonrwondorfol, andgTOvrlngold, BnitoanttlWaadoodMdoath ohm *bo, Ofoaariiao*, doriaobtop#aadMia, Ofitotdorkopook ttton toortMl Hkorolo. Aorta*tbobv}dg*of too*A* foatly ooorto. WithSovran i t mmmy » to* hoHonrod y ^ g Ago**wi boarbbortUlagofU m dnwM* AadHot**a a# ttaolofOnto! toad*, Andtorton ia gUdtrftunpk 0 *dotn«|«- Dior, Totogh sotooo, dfotoat, ooftoadofoor. Howhott otoni toothwtoo otoraaot oonid aot tn o toM h i dying loan, tbo om IM’ i Aadyoa*oon aoadOr,aatdiof* "MmV* Croat, . WithIUMgr*oloOotegorSorJoaraofODb’or mjjyUAia«oJ[|akAiMMlii'AAAMjdL oT^asraraorcavawwaDtsaa^aa^awa a^ao^a^aaw y ^ mMtr a>#twof i oooooboa*# TbobioofcooMiioa MobMiogOaao raloooool, , HtHg aPHRUBDEa 'BIWPWs■WHDSNH -IWHP - i titttaii i f t EjilhMitti ikli% IM i^ESRDNRr . ^ Oaw iwtloi jap ,lfcf oolHit^ tioA, ^u|L m^uA. ^S^mRERPBHfE1PB^EP^EB^| b i^SD Tbo wormdocicoforfarthergoodwoobom. ‘ •Whotiholl wodo?” wemid, ,' «‘Tohonor thopotriotdrad, ’ ■ " Andtholivipg,whoneedoarooret Aratheronogiflo P »oporoT “ Richonj grantJoourland, ■, WbntoonwogWoTwoplnnnod Thinhomofor tbowomengrand, Whobode,otWar'o.borahcommand. TothehingeOf theirheart*adieu, Andbuttonedtheooatoof bine, 'Midthedram’oand tbobugle'enolia, Overthebro««Uof thoir boy«. Themother! orootdandgrey, Andthoirooturarafhraway, Undertheoodof theSooth; And thewife, whokilled themonth Ofherlord, inoadgood-bye, KnoWothatbeneath theaky, SoaeeWherehiedreamleeaduet Makeegreener thegreenearth’« emit. Or, if Northera dow'ret Ohowr, Tkonlaeeofhiedeepre)»ie, Sheuolta widow,whomfate Hu leftateharity'*|S*. MWtwilt bay/' we laid"or nor A bornefor theealnti of cheer, WhotoiledonthebatUe-feiir, Wherewee<eiki> bloodyeeelf. "Aad inhorpUaledim, when grim DeOthWatched, loot theytieolnwmhla, TholimathathodeemedhU dee, Ieltaotttmetoetrew “ flower* fortboaeloyalooee, Whofollowed thefouhioggesi, Andtbowoaoded, 'mUUtmotand ehoU, ThatmimWkedtboeloehof hell?''. Toth*armynamehail Andtothee, floroneeHtgbUogale,* Takaoaroarmeadto-day, Thi*gift, oadyearwreathofboy. Theeioeraldtokea it elighi, paredwiththebrii Doeeaiaof beauty, beeid* If 'U*eom ght eo o e Thattreaehery foiledtodivide. HereMy the.mteranham.teat, AndMewifobe0matreolygwrt; Andfoe Q a A.» . horeee hereSad That tbonotionto teaderiykind. Myeonafeyl Myeowatryi for the* BraveShornemmembeddowa “ tothe tea/* And'torai forUy gloryaadgreo# ThatSheridan*#owlftetoedinador Hertbeetfor thee)for theel aaa. Thetond footoarfomfotbenwaft# AndbondedfromMateeon, Id* emitetnt, and foto AoM m geldof tbtoeomrnerok. Hatwiderfoo'ondioftip1 fveit foefe^^t^ a MStL. W ■ ■ . IM^ROBwIPS B i ^ a L a jDahAmikJt^hoUiifoJn> JFEnwEBP jBEBIW#E^HaveENHHHwi^EWwNfeA- Thitifotdfthegmaedtoaotfoed. f l emtheoawltothatbottletlngl :Qnroot*oep|f*l>f l**wtoji, ~ 4MWEIIPEBIWMBPPDE Eg IniMem*fa ienbiettog. In theheai* of oer Hag, th»tk« fanned From the eaatward and weetward etrand, •Mid tbeoehoe* of long ago, That oat of theSouthland blow, ; We give, and wo nroy yon toko. On toe ehoroof this mpphlre lake, Where the cool wavee ouent and foam Thto national “ Home, Sweet Home.” While American flretidee glow, Hera the patriot?* love will Dow, And hie children team the worth O f thefomllelt land on earth. ’ •Mr*. Wittenmeyer. Omy T r ip <• R m W ii mud S om e • fth e ThlUjp» W e N*w. After leaving Independence Hall we went through W»namaker*s mam­ moth atore, which occupies one square and isseveral stories high. You can get anything from a paper o f pins up to a complete outfit for housekeeping Next going to the United StatesMint, we saw them coining silver and also saw the smallest gold and silver coins in the world, the gold piece be­ ing 7| part o f a cent, the silver l ’ o f a cent, and the marriage piece o f Christopher Columbus. In those days license was not used, but instead, this piece o f gold, about as large round as a quarter and vdry thin. Engraved on one side were two images joining hands, on the other the date; this piece was presented to the .bride, .While here we learned that there will be no gold pieces issued smaller than five dollars. Gold dollars are at a premi Um, being worth tl.75 . Next-we went to the city building, which is not finished, but has already cost 118,000,000, We were taken to Um top o f the building on anelevator,then were transferred to another and were taken to the top o f the tower. We were then three hundred feet from the ground. When this is completed it will be two hundred feet higher, with Astatue o f “ Billie Penn” thirty-five feet high on the top o f that. While we were up here we could not help hut notice how straight this city is laid off. W eeouldieeone street which was Mid tube fifteen miles long and net * turn la it» There wen many m en Bring* o f interesthere, hut our Ursa beingshort wc left ferBattiaorfc While there we visited a park con- (shown through vaults containing mil- taiuing 750 acres. There was a . nice tlions o f money, - We were showti^ ia stono walk leading from the entrance j the department where the sold bills to the mansion house on the hill about |are destroyed. They arc first done up a mile distant. This park contained jin packages then cut in the center, five hutulred.deer, two hundred sheep j one half being preserved and theother and a number o f other animals, among ^half ground to a pulp. Next we visit which was a baby camel named Annie tthe White House. It is a low flat two Rooney. Baltimore was not without tstory structure psesentiug a very poor her Washington monument, which was very nice, and from the top wc bad a fine view o f the city. From Baltimore we went with an excursion across the Chesapeake bay, a popular summer resort, which is noted for its bathing and fishing. We spent the afternoon there very pleasantly, re­ turning to" Baltimore about ten at night, We next went to Washing­ ton, and’here saw more than we can describe. Washington is a beautiful city with its wide streets, beautiful shades, parks and statues. It has been said it should be called the city o f statues. .We start first to visit the Washington monument, which is 555 feet high, in style about the same as Bunker Hill monument; was erected in 1879. The elevator ascends and descends eveiy half hour after nine appearance from the outside, hut the interior is elegant. The grounds around the buildingare very beautiful. At last wo came to the Capitol an elegant structure o f marble, very dif­ ferent in appearance from the White House. We spent a short time in the Halls o f both branches o f Congress. There are some beautiful pictures and statuary in this building. It is said that.the rotunda o f the Capitol is the most wonderfully constructed room in the world, having a line o f echo that is not known in any other build­ ing. Two persons standing side by ride a certain place in the rotunda and a speaker off at a certain distance one can hear every word distinctly, while the person at their ride cannot hear a word spoken. This line o f echo was not discovered until o flate yean—that o’clock in the morning; ' not taking |ia what makes it appear so wonderful, over thirty person* each trip. .We A fine library is being built a short also visited the Smithsonian institute o f which we had heard so much. We saw a collection belonging to Warren K . Moorehead, one o f our Greene county boys. The collection was made from Greene, Warren, Clark and In this collection we Jscarcely get around. distance from the Capitol, We thought they were not getting this be­ fore it was needed, as the room in the Capitol is full to overflowing. The books are piled on the floor tillyou can There are a Roes counties. noticed a seven footskeleton taken j great manymore things thatwe saw, from amound atFort Ancient. From but cannot take time to describe them, such as the fish cominierion, botanical there we went to the National Mu­ seum, and there saw someVary pretty shells, coral and oriental pieces, and a number o f other things. From hare we went to the Bureau o f Engraving, Thk ia where all the .paper money is made for the United States. First’ they taka a sheeto f plain green paper, j engrave, then print it, then it hi placed ht boxea aeearely looked then trans­ ferred to the Treasury where it re- cehree the number and the red stamp, NextHtfotdtheTraMKiiy and ara garden, Ac. We left Washington the 19th and arrived at Gedarvijjle at 6 p. m., the 20th. Wft. ..... . ■» ■S—II u .r .. B a r idM 's A ra k a DaHs, ; ThebootMlveia the world lor rat* broiasa,soma, ulcers, witvtoman fever aoree,fetter*chappedtymaa, diiibfotuc, eomaadallakincraptloiio,andaoritivc* tycurMi pike,or»opay required. life Kaaraatmd togive perfect totiafeetkm, or money tefcndM.^Friee M aenta a * « , Forasle by B»&•Mdfiiffay** ,