The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

% * fa a r t g g g a a s ^ ^ mammrMt mmwmxtm 3>, I t / - J* , **- I.'*-i ’ ICUWl * ' <•;.x| i % %. ■ Ohio G O I N G O U T < 3 ^ B U S I M E S S . v SALE DAYS. C L O T H I N G ! . .D E P A R T M E N T ,[ BOOT AND SHOE iiPIBTfefliT- All goods in this department _sold on 1-4 offon all leather goods on Thursdays. Tuesdays o f each week at 1-4 off. J ■ C A R P E T , F LO O R O IL CLr T H A N D HOU SE F U R N IS H IN G D E P A R T M E N T , 1-4 off on all goods in this department on Fridays; V A splendid stock of $20,000 worth of gOd^s-offered.-':; ':’7’ v 7 .: 7 ■'H; :- DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT 3 ---- i :l-4 off on all goods sold on Wednesdays. A limit c f $1.00 worth o f edch is made on CANTON FLANNELS, CALICOES. MUSLINS AND YARNS. m . o. mms 'P i lM t f E l ^ r l L D . INDEPXNDBST WEKltr.Y NEWaPAVEIt SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, I 8 O 6 IV. I I . B L A IR ) E d ito r and P rop 'r. PRICE « f.2 5 PER ANNUM. G H lI ttC H D I I tE C X O lt F . Covenantor Cluireli.—Kov T. C- P|»r«ml« Pastor. itojmUir aorvloos »t 11:1)1] a »); .Sabbath school at 10:00 a 111 1?. P. Church.—Itov, ,1. l-V Min ton, ’ p.asi«ir. Hervices at II :00 a in; Sabbath school at 10:00 ;l m, M.I3. Church.—liov. O. h. Tufts, nafr- tor. Crouching at Hl:L> a lit; Sabbath wluml til 9*30 *. in.; Class. 8:00 p. til,; Young People’s Jiieoflti • at 7:30 .p m: jiravcr meeting Wednesday evening,at U*P. Church.-—Ttov. J. C. \Vnrno"k, pastor, .Services at 1la’ll a in and 7 p in; Hnhhath h CI ioo Tat 10:00« lit AM. II. CiuirCl).—Itev. J. I). Jack- son, pastor. Services, at 11:00 hiii mid 7:00pm each Sabbath; (Sabbath school 8:00 p in; class, 7:00p nl Bitch Friday. baptist fllitircti. — Uev. I). M Turner, pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at lUiii,ami 7:00 p m; Sabbath School at ’2:00o’clock p in } Prayer meeting Wed­ nesday night: l ^ n a l g ta ffra * e . Cedarvillc had a little foretaste o f oiual^uffrage two weeks ago, and while ’it was not a legal election, the set o f voting was the sam e." Each woman selected here ticket, went to the polls and in the presence o f the judges deposited it in the ballot box and had her nim e registered, the same *» if the election had been ordered by the highest authorities in the state. Consequently some things may be learned from that Saturday’s exper­ ience as well as i f it had been a legal election, First we learn that a woman tan go to the polls without necessari­ ly receiving any moral contamination. A frequent objection brought against woman suffrage Is, that It would ba demoralizing to warn** to ootne in contact with the men who frequent itapoll*. T h e a c to fca a tis f a vote is sorely not defiling in itself. Wom­ en do not need ty remain about the polls. . The business of officers is to maintain order at such places. *IIow it can injure a woman to po°s through even a crowd of rough men, suppos­ ing they should be there on her wav j to the polls any more than it would injure her to pass through them on the street or on a fair ground, or to sit with them in a street or railroad car, is difficult to explain. Again, we have learned in this experience that women arc ready to go to the polls when an important issue is at stake. When an opportunity to help the cause! of temperance, or any other good oh-1 jeefc by a vole is offered, women of] conscience will cast their preconceived. opinions of propriety to the winds and ( will accept o f it, and in sn doing shei wilRhave the approval of good ::;en.; It has also confirmed the *ruth .of the; inspired declaration that it is not good for man to be alone, even in govern­ mental affairs, that he needs a help­ meet Iic-re a3 well as in the home, and in the church. It will no doubt be generally conceded that no such a vic­ tory would have been obtained that Saturday had it not been for the wom­ en. A neW era will be introduced in this nation when woman is allowed to take her place along side o f man—the place sh6 occupied in the beginning, A WoMAX VOT£R. " Z ~ r ~ , The interior work is finer and nunc • elaborate. Here the kernel ofNjte |corn is largely employed, producing amazing and lovely effects. On, the walls are wrought pictures, illustrating fawn scenes, legendary and nursery tales, etc,,, with a fidelity that is cal-' oubited to raise a doubt that the run? tcrial employed is the homely utif^af-^1 1iangrowth o f western farms. Ffes- [cues and flowers, figures o f persons .|mid.animals, draperies and thousands . Lof surprising and beautiful things are Imade of field plants for the delight of j the visitors to tho palace, whoso us- ; lonishnici.t is succeeded by admiration • *of ilia genius that conceived and xle,- «velopeii so much o f art and beauty |from such homely fabrics arc esn* I v . -V I •ployed. 1 ' ■ — # ' • r■1 1 ~ir1 • » I f people would take the advice of |B, (i. ilxdgv.ay, the drugght, Inever would start on a journey {out a Lottie o f Ohamlkriala’a Unite, Cholera mi<l Diarfhctft Remedy. It can always ho depended upon and Is |pleasant to take. <. The above cut representing the | and nailed on in geometrical figures or jT lie< laeon IC&yw A ll Expeiinc*. Sioux City com palace—and there J.other designs. The various colors ofj The QueeuV* last “ Free Tiip to Eu- wasnevera corn palace outside- o f tho cereal pejrmit of a wide range off rope” having excited such muvenal shading and coloring, while its artistic! interest, tho paid;:hers of that popular possibilities, developed from year to jmagazine offer another and §1100t-xlr:} year in building the palace, admit o f for expenses, to the person sending the production o f effects that are as - * they with* Sioux Oily—is a palace covered nud embellished, os with tapestry, outside and inside, with products of the field, corn predominating, ingeniously and fancifully arranged. In building the palace a largo structtire^r first erect­ ed of lumber, o f a shape that will car­ ry and show to advantage the multi­ form decorations with which it is to ho adorned. It is in form lofty, with broken lines, pinnacles, buttresses, bridges, gables, ornamental windows, etc. Over every inch o f this wooden sur­ face are laid corn and kindred plants in architectural harmony, in a multi­ plicity o f designs, The corn is em» ployed in the stalk, the ear, the ker­ nel, and even the husk has its decora­ tive uses. A ll the grains and grasses o f the field lend themselves to the beautifying o f the palace. The wall* W e want every mother to know that croup can I ks prevented, ' True croup never appears without a warn­ ing. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the start. A fter that a peculiar rough cough is devel­ oped, which is followed by the. croupt. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few closes o f Oham- beriahfs Hough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a tough cough hat appeamd, the disease may be pre- vaatod by using this remedy as direct­ ed, F or sale by B , O , Rldgway, «’ o f corn, cut lengthwise or crosswise, eyes, startling as pleasurable H igh over the entrance o f the pal­ ace o f 1880 was K ing Corn’s crown as the nucleus o f a sunburst, while below was the national flag In graceful folds —all wrought in Vary-colored corn as true and as beautiful as i f painted by au artist's brush, The roo f is overlaid with corn leaves. Pinnacles and col­ umns arc capped with the sorghum plant, or with grains or grasses. The irridesccnt walls seen from a distance, seem to he a rich mosaic o f polished woods, while with the “ Banners, yelloy , glorious, golden,” that * 'From its roof-tree float and flow,” the palace enraptures the beholder as them the largest list o f Euglish. words constructed from letters contained in the three words “ British North Amer­ ica.” Additional prizes consisting o f Silver Tea Hots, China Dinner Bets, Gold Watches, French Music Boxes,' Portiere Curtains, Bilk Dresses, Man­ tel Clocks, and many other useful and valuable articles will also lie awarded ift order o f merit. A sjieeiftl prize o f a Scai Skin Jacket to the lady, and a handsome Shetland Pony to girl or hoy (delivered free in Canada or United State*) sending thelargeet lists. Everyone tending a list o f not lew than twenty word# Will’ receive a pres­ ent, Send six U . S. 2c. *t«mpe for complete rules, illustrated mAaloguc Are covered on the outride with earn mansion that may dissolve before hi* one who looks upon a cloud-painted l of prizes, and sample number o f The Queen, Queen, Toronto, Canada. * i