The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES. —.Ki'CHa little camphor at hand these liot'lajh, and if tho head becomes up- comfo^t-ably warm, hatho It with a tea- spoonful in. two ounces of wfttov, This drives hack the blood and averts sun-, stroke. . v. ; i : —Varnished furniture, mahogany or rosewood, if kept carefully dusted, re­ quires only tin occasional rubbing with cllamois-skrn or thick flannel to retain its polish .perfectly. . Soap should never be used on varnish. ’ • —Gooseberry Jelly.—Proparo the ber­ ries as for jam,' and when very soft strajn. through a jelly hag, and to each pint of j nice .add^.nearly a pound of ijugatv iioil tho'juice ten or fifteen min- utet before, adding the sugar, then boll . the two toguther until .it stiffens upon trial- VVhon done put into glasses and geal.—Orange Judd! Farmer. —Soda Foam.—Two poundst of white sugar,'whites'of two eggs, twooiincesof . tartaric .acid, two tahlespoonfuls of ‘flour,’'jpjefi of p'n.<l;lomion and two quarts of water, Boil two or three minutes,. To use, dissolve ,hd.lf a teaspoonful of. soda in half a glass of cold water, stir, in two tablespoonfuls of the acid and drink while effervescing.—Tire Home. —Eor a basic substanco for most plain 'fruit saucoV and. jellies, rhubarb is in­ valuable. It is, howeVer, as it .receives and retains all flavors without impart­ ing much'of its own. SOwhen the sup­ ply of fruit i's likely to ■ be scant it ijs ■well to can this fair use later on. It can bo mixed with any or all jellies and ■preserves to a considerable' extent with­ out its .presence being detected, evert by an'export.—Christian At Work. . —Ah eminent physician , says: “ The best remedy for bleeding at the nose is. La vigorous motion of' the .jaws, .as if, in the act of mastication. In tho c'aso of a child a wad of paper should be'^Taced in ifsmouth, and tho poor child instructed to ohew it .hard. It is the motion of the jaws that stops the flow of blood. This remedy, h<alsays, is so extremely simple thatmany will fool inclined to laugh at it, hut it has never been known to-fail, evenin severe Cases. • \ , —Devilled, JMuttqn.—iie lt in. a clean frying-pan.two taMef-toonf-nls Of butter, and one of red currant jelly; when it simmers put into it slices of the cold mutton,--cut evenly, and not too fat. Heat slowly, turning sovoral times, tlfL they are very hot, blit not until thoy be­ gin to crigp. Servo the slices ,on a hot platter, cover and sot over hot water. ' To the liquor left in the pan add three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a small quantity of made_mustard, and a pinch .of salt; lot it boil up and pour, it over tho meat on tho platfer.—Ladies’ Home '"Journal.’.:' . I '■ ,•: THE USE OF MONEY.. » 1" ™,’‘ 1 • ^ "V-* Why Clilldi'ou Slionld He Taken Into Con- ' lidencoIJy Tliolr E’ntHors.' No father ought toroarhls children in ujtcr ignorance of his own life, his aims and resources. If he does, tbojLhave. - nothing b^ whlch thoy can. gauge his ability to grant thorn what they a&k. If they ate given the money asked for, or less, they take all they ekin'gob and spend all thoy take, whether it bo five, dollars or a hundred- They have no means of knowing tho essential differ-, once to him, or whether there is any. It is not enough to tell them, in a general' way. things can not bo afforded, for they can see no dlfferencowhsther fatheraf­ fordsany thing or not, except that tliey- havc to work a little harder to get i t I f fathers took their children into their OonilCoricb attd' explained to them that a certain, amount -of money qould be spared, them each year, or quarter or week, at the case might be, and no. more, and they then economized on it- - and came out with a surplus, they would learn more of tho value of money, and see something of tho order and beauty of economy; they might rise from econ­ omy to sacrifices, and often prove help­ ful hurdbn-shafers instead of burden- makers. IIow different the son or daughter feels towards the father when they know tho particular, definite burden ho is carrying and realize why tho thing cannofcbo afforded. How it develops the* manliness or womanliness of a child when it feels father's load after being made personally acquainted: with It from fathers or mother’s lips— ‘ hot in a fault-finding, complaining way, but in s^ftjyjtofghtforward, confidential manner, tnatarawsthecbikfaud parent ittto very close relationship. „ Making' a confidant of a' child in this way educates it to*the comprehension of relative money values and gives a knowledge of finance not otherwise ob-' tainable. The child would thus bo bet­ ter pmpared to meet either. poverty, Competence or wealth'. But above this itwouldknow Us father and the family, •and bo educated in social sympathies and in ex e cu te power. A man who, instructs his wife and children to be economical, giving them no standard of wlHfc economy is rela­ tively to his possessions* blunts percep­ tion, represses self-kntwlcdgc and self* control, and falls to find out the good' qualities and helpfulness of those who might to be, hnd w*uld bo if allowed, and most et^rful. helpers. Fathers do not know -bat there is in their.children till they Kve them an opportunity of knowing the* financial Conditions. If poverty is your lot, tho *uidren should he taken into your confident to help youj if competent* or wealth, tu* Jtmi may help them to know the worth* of money by being made to make cer­ tain allowances supply their want* and net them a surplus. In either case they learn the use o f money.-- Farm, Field tod .Stockman* The Pride o f Matrimony. ,In his recently published “ Trials of a Country Parnon," Dr, Jessupp tells somo amusing anecdotes .picked up in Arcady. As thus; "Itfa very shocking to h sen­ sitive person to hear tlio way in which the old people speak o f their dead wives or husbands exactly,as if thoy had boon horses or dog.i They are always proud Pf having been married more than once. ‘You didn’t think, Miss, as I’d had .live wives; now, did you? Ah, biit 1 have, though—leastways I buried five on ’em in tho churchyard, that l did—and tree on ’em bowtiosl’ 0,n another occasion I playfully suggested: ‘Don’ t you mix up your busband&'now and then, Mrs. Pago, about thorn?' ‘Well, to tell yo the truth, sir, I really dul- But my third husbdnd, ho was a man! I don't mix him up. Ho got killed fight* ing—yovi’ ve heerd toll o’ that I malco no doubt: r Th'o othors warn’ t nothing to him. He’d a mixed thorn up quick enough i f ' they’d^ interfered wi’ him-. Lawk ha! Ho’d a .made nothing of them!’ ”—St James’ Oazotto. • Through Car. Line to Mackinac.' , Commencing July ;lsL there, will be established ft; Through Lino of first- class, vosfibuled Pullman and Wagner Sleeping Cars daily between Cincinnati,' Dayton,Toledo,. Detroit, Mackinaw City and. all principal resorts of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan via the C., JL & D. R. R: to Toledo and Michigan Cen­ tral to Mackinaw. , - .*■. ; Sleepers will be. attached to train's leaving Cincinnati at 10:00 p,.m, daily, returning, leave Mackinaw at 0:00 a. in. The advantages secured by purchasing through tickets via this route, composed of such favorable and well known linos astho_ Cincinnati,^Hanvilton ■& _Dayton, R. R. and’ .Michigan"'1Central railway' must bp apparent to all first-class trav­ el, No other line can offer such advan­ tages as to accommodations and route, allowing stop-over at Toledo and De­ troit, following the shore of Lake JIu- ron. to- tho most lovely resorts on the American Continent. ' V* For pamphlets, pertaining to Macki­ nac Island, and other Summer "Resorts reached via this lino, write,to any agont. of tho C., H. & D. R. R., or toJE. O. Mc­ Cormick,. Conoral Passenstor and Ticket Agent, No.tiOO W. Foar^Pstrcot, 'Cin­ cinnati, O. Six Fowls Free., will bo sent by. Cragin 8c Co., Pbllada., Pa., to any one in the U. 8. or Canada, postage paid, upon receipt of 33 Dobbins’ JSjectrio Bonpwrappers, See list Of novels on circulars aroundeachbar*. L abor Is honorable; always excepting, possibly, thelaboring Jawof tuo,demagogue or ignoramua,—Glatuo (ICan,) Mirror. RcuTArtcpmay bo placed in every repre­ sentation. made by Maher &Groph, Toledo, O,'. whoso ud. will" bo'found elsewhere, in this paper. No risk in sending ,them money ;,ihey will do exactly as they agree. Tna music that hath charms to soothe tho savagq was produced by his victim while being Scalped.—Binghamton Leader. A, M. P riest , Drbgglst,' Bhelbyvillo, Ind.i says'; “ Hall’s CatarrhCuregiyes tho uostor satisfaction,. Cangotplenty of testimonials, as it cures every one who takes it,” Drug­ gists soli it, 75c. E ven when a rattlesnake manages to (coop Its bond aUright it Is liable to got rat­ tled at tho mil.—N, O. Picayune. Too hardly realizethatitismedicine, when taking Carter’s Little Liver Pills: they are' very small; no badeffects; all trouble's from torpiddlver are relieved by their use; I t Is’only, when* a man begins to dictate1 his letters that he finds out .now poorly ho can. talk.—Fuck; H alv - ccbed eruptions will return. Eradl- cato themwith Glenn’s Sulphur Soap. Hill’s Hair and Whisker Dye, GOcents. .•.T he trouble-with justice is that siiedoog so little besides bolding .her scales.—Gal­ veston News. P uere Is a-rumor current that a paper la this country recently printeda census joke, but it lacks, confirmation. . However; such a thing Is liable to occur almost any day.— Norristown Herald. A re Toe Going to Travel? If so, and in whatever direction, or by whatever route, have a sufficiency o£ IIos- tettor’a Stomach Bitters with you. Thou you may bid defiance to soaslelcucss, bravo the influence of a malarious climate or'at* avoid dys- begotten counteracts an unexpectedly developed tendency, to coasti- pation, biliousness andrheumatism. ’ ■ •CoMrETixioNbegets enterprise and enter­ prise has induced a grocer to advertiser hgenulno horse-radish, fresh from the horse.”—Binghamton Leader, — t —-•* ATieoa to Wives, Havlng used “ Mother’s^Prillnd” I would not bo without- it -it is a boon to wives who know thoy must pass .through the painful ordeal tit Childbirth: M rs . O. M ko - BintNE, Iowa, Write tho BrudUold Regu­ lator Co, Atlanta, Ga., for further particu­ lars. Sold by all druggists ^ A’ s • T he manwhoenrrios a ballot hi oneband. -and ft flvo-dollar bltl in tho other, to-day shouldcarry a ball on ono log and a chain on tboother to-morrow.—Ashland Press A nt ono can take Carter’s Ltttlo Liver Pills, thoy are so very smull. No troilbloto •wallow. No pain or griping after taking, ‘ T h e reasonmost poets think t o no pur pose is that their thoughts are idyl thoughts,—PhiladelphiaPress. T he best cotighmed’eino is Tiso's Curo for Consumption, Said cvetywhere, 35 c. How sab it makes aman foci to observe a flve-dollar.'strawbaton* soven-centhead. A han shouldbe euro ho’s right, then' fob lowhis knows.—Yonkers 8 tateaman. T he 'enterprising real-estate speculators of Beattie have beenlayingoutsubdivisions so fur fromtown that it will soon bediffi­ cult to determine ivfcsrft Boston ends and CeattlohesioE,—Cbtcngo Nev;e, T here arc ten thousandmen intfaoUnited States whowouldat once set out for Africa on exploring expeditions if they onlyhad themoney to go ahead on. This want of money is onoof tho reasons why so many of our enterprising men remain at homo andunknown.—Detroit FreeFrets, A n English paper atates that “women aro too much inclined to touzls tho h&ir/I~a statementthatmost married men will- in­ dorse,—ThoRam’s Horn,____ „ “I t ’ s not my fault,” observed tbo strug­ gling butcher, as howeighedtwelve ounces of bone to tho two pounds of steak, “i f l can’t make both ends moat”—American Grocer. . . ' . . Ta n whirligig of time reverses somo things completely. Tbirt#? years ago,' in this country, old masters sold their slaves .at.Auction, Now we frequently, see “old masters” advertisedto bo sold at auction. —Norristown Herald. A B awimor I! girl has gon# Insane be­ cause shewasn’t born a mam Bhe never had to meet the rent nor shave, nor ssrve on a jury, nor pay a poUUJt, nor fastenher suspenders with a shingle nail, but sho .didn’t knowwhenshe was well off.—Her OhtntTravellcr, f A cracker hnd a biscuit trust Is tbe lat­ est teistness combinaUon, It is proper to Say that too great a trust in biscuits has broken wp many a happy home.—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. iEytmshotfldseo a messenger boy run Aingwhen therewa* no cause for It. that would boa phenomenon; but If you should seo himrunning when therewa* cause for it thatwouldbeamiracle.—ElmiraUaxetta , NowoouMtbe pretty girt Ineomforta Me summerooetnme, uudef .thewhite !»oe ^Sitaade. Whatever may happen later, tjiRMiHtgmai who to permittM to siton thef s C ? ^ im her p « m by Isn’t likely it tbeiKwsst M lut abeototo O K © B K J O Y S , . Both tho method and results when Syrup o f Figs istaken; it is pleasant andrefrtahiugto the taste, andbets gentlyyetpromptly on tlieKidneys’, -Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ temeffectually, dispels-Colds, head­ aches and fevers and cureshabitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho -only remedy o f its kind ever pro­ duced, the taste and ac­ ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in . its action nnd truly.beneficial m'its effects, prepared only from thomost healthy-nnd agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com­ mend it to ell and havo mado1 it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is forlsalo in 50c and $1 bottles by all icadingdrug- gists. .Any reliable druggist who may not Have it on hand will pro­ cure it promptly for any onowho wishes to try i t Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , BANFRANCISCO, tAU louismts, m new Y ork . N.r. " “ town "in- soirrnwi: your •urplu»«Arnlsss 1* I rtny In Urn irK 8 Ttolnvoi . .* «*rnlt)g l)l Pittsburg, Kansas. Itlucentrsllr l«(-*tcdfor the entiroUnitedStntea. Kmile*» cowl Helds turnUhlnx cvnl for twenty year* Iff mnnufiicturerA, at SS cenla per ioh . — cun mitke imiromoney THrmtuy nlptrent to 1 'ltlahury. K mim , tnkii Hoyotlier-pointon . , . tl>n Ootitlnent, beCuund It l« • mlnlnK, mneUlhg and niAinirnetutlna<ItT. -----------------------— KAXNAN, non hi* 10 I*M pop- illation. Uestfncd tofie tlie srrente»t ,ni»notufturlnit, mlBlncnndrmeltlnytownontfiltcontlnfim. Ifyou w»nt« 8 »feliiTe*tine>t, fi-.-y» rewlout, Formapi »ndinformation,Bddte*» PITSBURGTOWHCO., Pittsburg,Kan. ■WEAR*lilt TAMAney ih ih iiia THE BEST t i« a y oCAo i End ss oxl l , f t s to nis rs a FARMERS I* ft !nje« imt nff i PITTSBURG G aM 15M s . olksnlw tasrnw t M iftm fr*m f C Z iW X & 'X ’ilZ IZ .Z Z X M fM U k U t P A IN L E S S . P I L L S e F F E C TU A L T ■■P*WORTHA GUINEA A ForBILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS Such as Wind and Pain in tho Stomach,- FnUnoas ahd Swelling after Meals, St ,..mi DsAiuaiaASA PfiisiiMMa siJ . f/aivA /n*g Af RnncfjM THE FIRST DOSEWIU. CIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES.. > .. BEECHAfA-8 PILLS TAKEN AS DIRECTED RESTORE FEMALES TOCOMPLETE HEALTH. - . Far Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Jmpaifedl;; - Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc’.* - theyACTLIKEMAGIC, Strengthening thorauBcnlaC System, r.efrforlnjgdorig.jMt-tfomi piexlon, tirlngloeb.-iclctlio Seenedgeof appetite, andarou#tne.wliU'th 9 ROSEBUO-QF . HEALTHlho.uihole physical energy of tbetiumauframe.. OU»of tiletiontKUAranW** to-tho Aeroous andDebilitated Is thntBEECtlAM’SPILLSHAVETHELARGESTSALEOF ANY PROPRIETARYMEDICINEINTHEWORLD. _ . _ ■ ,. -w ; • / Freni*red only by TIHIS, IlKfiOUAM, t t . nelritl, LuR«>nklr«* EnBlnfflS- Som btj Itrugahu*generally, 8 . F. ALLEN CO.. 36 Saqd; 3 G 7 Csnil SI.,,NeWjr‘- BqleAjzentafortheUnitodSfnte . ^ ,• o Id p ro v e rb be brad — ‘‘S A f l O L i O is drea.ber bhAh. lroya.lbyItself:: TV y ' Ib lnyow riaekb - house -c leAn ing : G ro c e rs Keep iti ^ DO YOU LIVE IN GREASE? - As a true patriot and’ citizen you should naturalize youTself . by using the best inventions o f the day for removing such a charge. To live in- ( 3 -rease is utterly unnecessary when SAPOLIQ is sold in hll "the stores, and abolishes grease and dirt. THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. 801,0 BV DirrUGJ.STS EVKttVmiEKE. C . O N S U M P f t O N I This KNIFE and 7-in, SHEARS, postpaid, $1. S H a - i i S S S fi,| 3 ladc,mcts.r't«dy'a{icacl,sac: T.lnldillcst*te«lalieitra, " It.LrnTKATEI* LIST VRKK. i****»_“ itO W ’A '» L'HKAUA-ZOlh” to c^ntf. Maher & Groshf OSStrMt, TOLEDO. . -Owo. . __D E L G W E N ’ S ■- ELECTRIC BELT PATOiTEOAuc. 16 , 1887 , IMPROVEDJULY 30 . ISIS. ....... iWWWi* DR. OWXM'RILEOTRO- GALVANICITODVBELT VANDBU 8 PSH 80 RY VnraAll Unttitlt CM- ■>UUU,Luittfitn.OiHitral •»*d NeryoM Dekllltyi ?Ooativea*M, XJdaey DiwAifA., NmoaiMM,. TrtmbilnjCi . S*- - ’ - htiufira, W-sstiag ei HMI. miih Aby Iwpxu 4 tn»e* in rrsiav'YA RiumAtisurraaTiBros souiriiTRtArt ViAStlMl ELECTRIC iNSOLESu^arsiR. AlsoonKleetrla Trust and MoltCivOblnod. S.sitDo.rcit.liU t r»t»lUott'Ste.t.U( ydtlSs HsUcalt(iluninM i «**!* h , SnlliiiU*pan**, tUnw OWKff ELI,orRIGBELTAAPPLIAVCRCO. 300 NorthRnMkdwny.«T. LODU.JA 0 . 838 BrosdWsy', NSWTQXXCXTT. * ‘ ‘ TIIK BEST iS ’tllE CHEAPEST.**" Bedy.Dis Vsutn.A, T hreshers m For Pamphlets , writ* to TIC AttiTMAHA TAVLMCSMPARV, m sm CloVER HULLER 3 ■MtFIELf. 8 . .LEeTROTYPINQ ixsxr.s^^ .sss .y jtss i •DID EVESYWHBEX. ro enro toltoMttew. tick Ifssdscke.OsnMlpMiM, Italsrio. Ltvcf COMRlslnts, Uko^tbo ssM m 4 esrtsm tMMMy. RMltH'B BILE BEANS 17*0 thoSMALL 8 TKK <40 tlttlo t>MMtotbsbottle). . They*rathomostconventcot: salt all sets. Priesofotthsrsite, 85 centsperbottle. K I S S I N G at 7< 37 . 70 : Photo-krsvars. IL IOO II i m immi sicsof this picturo for i toots(Aoppsrsor stsMpi). . . . , . j . f . BMrm* co„ Makersof “BiloBean*/' St. !««)«, Mo. mm jT M m n t y rM i? »UKX’8 CM' LMMRN. T)w«,»«a*ef jt'iBC IMsaM »w*u<*is i * i « i’. t. a . me Oku Um i l l iiwlrm :ih »M ilullkiMMNS.rMi('<P m * d.*ir a«!>y*v* l« lstsscy •i*aniuiiMSHiiiiiiwy j wsaoSMil, *y s s—Mi«,*.wWoMtlriB 1 Cft, iftlHHV. MOM. JteM XJlve la * *»•***«».If eo. rMiWMt* . MAKTMANWrMWifeMrU. AfisdlnlClyflexible. Idtwfl krl’hnf<1*r,esndV. K Goyrsmenf. .Seed tofW iSw , IfATlTMAH M FU .« » . , B eaverFsliftPs. teiritnMu» pa tmetef *■»ywonot* WANTPR I0.00Soldiers V I H l l | L U to apply r o n PENSIONSiiiiiLaw: Writ* a» fivir:*same, aeryleeandP. O. address. I W -fllHMill? coa E?SS7S'e5SS,BESa’*l It Tin yU lrm liUAU iM rib ioiM -w .u m - eaxe rkursnsmy(MrwMUb M A K E MONEY! ; OFTHEHIGHESTGRADE , pBoiipiiy etfcuTEO «ir '. ft,N* KelloggNewspaperGo. WepffertaourCdstomtrsandTheTratfi• geptraly tf|e m\ satisfactoryworkpmibii (athesebrandies. Oirfacilitiesenableis tofaracurt«rkYeryraRidI|. If job desire toreleaseyoirtypeon iois largejob,seK Ittoesforeitherstereotypingoreledrotyp- {K, ml itwit!beretimedto pa pretty aidingodorder. . Waaabei specialtyifNewspaperHsi* ••A ... toll* IH>ft? ISJKSSt SSSm- m ame iw fi«« «iiHA BOREWELLS! OsrWetfbUdiinn tin tIi«m<’.*S ji*UAWL*.t>rnA*v\»a-rt*furtr. .TUayde»||«kR WonKmrA Eike(!KKAi»:R rROFIT . ThryriMl*HMr«fbiwvheiY gitw n KAIL? Afar eifp,S Incla’M to MjBcfceotliArneUr. LOMISft NYMAN, TIFFIN, - OHIO, •TEAM *EM rAKE « * y em im w m . RUS 8 BLL A CO.’S H * Rlibrid Sow -JHthiet. Heerm T*ov«Bf»*."t#flowwgJt«Hd**** t l T iv Cataiogua FREE! Y E M O K nesoribrs their UJ m i itmnv wftiftrftraftttiwftNMfMemck , OHIO, airs* moMcrnw mrsM nrw U f. t’lfral.r ,h.whHt -whoMt ntiilrdwwtntsa. T m steuem. rr,«ful-. OthrrwlMlwthray. Ad’s tiw um t « tamsasmt , a wii,r**sw».*.«. ■rlAUEtstsPAM* trrtfam tM«OK* PENSION! BABY VSmU’jM, ft. A *Tkr'Vtaftiietory"iiaAltoWtoMC- „ ..IVrUft>w)l«l WMN ..r«rf ftMF-JLe.erjHLtR’a Fdk.. ... ^ I l ANO. II to AT ftOJUtM mtABXI tTAWOlTAmY. CroouUosu* Tret. TRCC SALESMEN I l l l o M RTAltKROU Yj&teZA PENSIONS W rit* At mint lo J . I„ M eFsrlsbd. W A thiufttiB .u u “ WholORoot Vb-MtaS' ------ JRoot ftaev” p a y . ------------------------------ ; fCRKEKIRB. LOtfUIARA.MO. ■O-AAM*MMrAMktniy*>•yMoWf. . IMPEMIEtEM fAMHHMlMbMtWMMA { . mi *(**! P h I. . . 41 ,* «5 ¥ WIH VWI*#} H“ M»in litersinestiMfosaaKywoeriii tbecowifyfromwMcbti select. *.N. K ellogg N ewspaper C o ., SCE a c r o DtAR3.*RH ST., CHICAiO, 1U . sa* a saa waihut street , sr« loirs , mo .- - 71 a 73 C3TAR10 STREET, CLEVELAHO-, OKia ITT A 173 ELM. STREET, ClstlbHATI, OHIO 431 WAM03TTE STREET, KANSAS CUV. MCL SS * 4 0 4EFFERS3N ST., MEMPHIS, TENfL { 7* TO SO EAST STH STREET, ST. PAUL. MtHti P |ENsiONffSi!&fir£% 3 7raiil-if.t*5r.r.l}»fiJadlr*tln*fIuii*»(»U ’y»,»ew OrHAXSTnlsrArEKMiTfAmrwWlH. "ANDWH.IfErWA.iri CURES AT SONS WITH- w | ■rWAftiymapmkoFsftMpwnefc <^.\PEmNMN 1*D«*os6 ****** HfilWlrinl*w,lb»i « « m *4 PAth*r» A re**. lillrdtnB lftH i <i. J-XiSi»*»rn » *a tee*rearteener. UUnk« ft If, M ».rH M. MISTER, AUj, WaUitML » . ft SWRAlUtitaEArra•WyMyWWSi^ to 48 a day. Samples worth l l.U |F l C f t Lln-Thotornibrbnt-AM'feet* W rtti 1MtEa-TERSirATrRKIEHOLSItSCO„1Mly,aithr aese r.DUCATXONAL. WteSEMtOMMl st^thoi^^rt’ rtBE^cbniS tpritts* Tin* tjeMM*t*tmm*tmetm. " a . n . k . - ^ ..... T aW " WH em WRmKat xn AvvKirrtaKita p u m k Mote t a t yon mm th* to «Ms B«»* k