The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

TUT r F i VOL. u . CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER XI, X890 NO. 36. IT IS EV ID ENT TO US by the increase in trade that the people know when they are getting and we have determined {owing to the success of past bargain days) to give our pat­ rons the ^advantage of * M ond ay and Tuesday , OCTOBER m we will give to the purchaser of $1.00 or over worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, Under­ wear, Hats, Caps. Boots, ShoeBriffr Rubber Goods, (in fact anything in our ^ Goods Department) The Greene County Battallion G. A. R. met a t Yellow Springe, Thurs­ day, ft number from here attending, including a, majority of the G. A. B., Post and the W. R. C. They report a pleasant day. Marriage licenses; Chaa H Bum* gardner and Versa Snyder; Wm E Clemens and Leonia Morris; Albert E Bales and Mattie L Whittington; W G Foreman and Emma-S Glasser; Robert M Williams and Sadie J Bus­ ter; Theodore F for cash only. Come one, come all, come everybody. We will save you money, BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORK at LOCALS. Fish a t . G ra Y’ s . . Some very nice new combs at , ItlDGWAV’S. . >Sweet Potatoes at W. R.M c M illan ’ s . For any Jdiul of*a watch go to S. L W alter. Choice Timothy Seed at A ndrew &B ro , ('ail and see our pocket and table outtlcry C rouse & B ull ' s Largest line o f trunks and valises in Greene county, a t rock bottom, prices. C. L, C rain . “TIIE OL1) RELIABLE" Meat Store o f C. W. Crouse may al­ ways be found at the same place deal­ ing out the best meat in the market,- at the lowest prices. A fine line line o f Patent Medicines at 1 Ri do way ’ s Syrup and Molasses at G ray ’ s . pried Peaches at W. R. M c M illan ’ s . For nice Jewelry aud cheap for rash go to S. L. Walker. Highest market price paid fpr wheat a t ' A ndrew & I5ao. A nice line o f feed baskets at C rouse A B ull ' s Horse Blankets, a ll grades and prices at C# L . C rain ’ s . Don't buy any LAMPS until you see our “ad” then the new stock w ill be in. K idgway , Dried Apples, Peaches, Apricots and Prunes at G ray ’ s . The Best Cigar In tow'n a t W. R. M c M illan ’ s . I f you want a nice clock o f any kind cheap for cash, go to 8 . L walker. , Barbed aiul smooth wire At A ndrew & Bao. See onr new papatrie at S5 cents. ItllHJ.WAY. Totweos and Cigars At GAav’s. Canned corn., canned tomatoes, canned loaches, canned blackberries, Ac,, at , “W* I t llelIttA ak ’A We have a kd o f fru it cans o f oar own make that we w tll d o s t b i t At to cents |M*r dose*. Honey at ; G ray ’ s . Beautiful and E lite Box Paper 25 Cents. v R idgway . For all kinds of spdctaoloa go to S. L. W alker . F n r and Plusli Lap Rohes a t prices to su it the times, at C. L. C rain ’ s . Cheese, Crackers and Ginger Snaps at • W. R. M c M illan ' s . ■ Aveua, Oatmeal Cracked wheat Grauulated Hominy Farino, Parched Farinose at G ray ’ s . . We still have a few sets of buggy harness which wo will sell very low. A ndrew B ros . When you want a good, meal, lunch or oysters go to Boyd's?restau­ rant, on Limestone street. I f you want a good watch, cheap watch, go' to S. L. Walkcr. • Cheese, Gtjackcrs.and Ginger snaps at 4' G ray ’ s . Anything in fertilizer a t rock bot­ tom prices At A ndrew B ros . A new line o f Hair Brushes, * R idoway . Hard and .Soft refined Sugars at > G ray ' s , TIMOTHV SEED, Choice home grown, at K err ’ s . Wood and WlHoW ware at rr • G rat ’ s When yon want a good cigar go to Boyd's restaurant. F ifth ! F ifth! Fresh lake white, cat, picfeoral and herring. Next door to the ban*. P eggy L awson . F I cam JU tfe* . The Weather Is now cool enough to keep meat from ono day to another, and we desire to keep our store dosed on Sunday, would respectfully ask our customers to procure their meat ou Saturday night. C. W. Caous*. Person* wishing stock lit the Southern Building and Loan Asso­ ciation, of Huntsville, Alabama, and. Cincinnati, Ohio, or any Information eottoeroiaf the Association, please e a f le n K Ia Smith, oounty agent,•o r H. M. Stormont, treasurer, or «J. R. MoElroy, Sec’y. ~A. G, Barber and wife and Mrs. Cam Dean, of Jamestown, were the guests of Jno. A. Barber; Wednesday. Mrs, Frank Milburu leftGednrville last Tuesday evening for Allegheny City, where she will join her husband, who has prepared a borne in which to receive her. She was accompanied to the train by a number of her ^intimate friends who wished her a happy 1 future in her new home.. Harry Johnson, of cottage No. 4* O. S, aud S. O. Home, Xenia, was taken in charge by Bev. Andrew last Monday morning. He had become homesick and was running away from the Home and trying to reach his home. The proper authorities were notified and they came hc ''0 after him.. Ed Smith is doing an elegant busi- hessin the Southern Building and Lorfn Association, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Huntsville, Ala. Besides {the Board here, he has organized onej in Xenia, with Geo, V. Wood as presi­ dent. The best financiers in 'the country are taking stock in the South­ ern, which goes to show it' is a first- class investment. REAL ESTATE, Missions, U. P. 8 Hariri. TRANSFERS OF Board of Home church to Henry Clay, lot ton’s add to Xenia, #100. W C J Randall to Susan N Biffel, 61 sq. - feet, Jefferson, g l aud ex­ change. J H Gowdy to A W Osborn, part lo t 58, C’edarville, $400. Mary Cran to Francis M Gill, lots 210 and 211 and part lot 212, Yellow Springs #760. Josephine and I-W Baldwin to Jno. B Allen, quit claim to property here­ tofore conveyed, $100. Admit of A Paxson to Mattie J Paxton, 70 a, Beavercreek, #2,625. Victoria ifcGiven to H S Browder, goiteikira to 82J a, Silvercrtek, $640. Flora F and James Oramrine to H 8 Browder, quit claim to same, $640. Catharine Towell to Victoria L Me- Given, 16 «, B om , #1,120. S choo l Items. The high school had a half holiday Tuesday afternoon which gave an op­ portunity for visiting each of the other departments. . We concluded to begin with number one, and 1 on entering the room we round the scholars answering to the roll call, which ran up to sixty, fifty- four of whom were present. Surely . Miss Owens has her hands full, and Dry' she is patiently endeavoring to teach the young idea how to shoot. In number two the order of exerci­ ses was spelling, one very essential element of an education. Miss Broni- agen seems to have the tact fo r, suc­ cessful teaching in this branch. The diacritical marks of every word are given-as the word is spelled. - Number three was engaged in Arith­ metic. Each scholar was called upon by-Miea Miller to explain the process after having solved the problem, Mr. Alexander lias number four under good control, and called a class to recite the Homan notation, which was accurately ami expeditiously per­ formed by even the smallest pupils, Number five is doing excellent work. A class in rending and one in grammar showed that the scholars are interested in their studies. Number six is on a rapid march for the high school and recited a lesson in grammar as a sample of the kind of work they arc doing. The schools generally are doing good work, and ifjthoy are regularly attended by all the scholars the inter­ est will increase and the best results he obtained. We give below an extract from the Ohio Educational Journal for this month, on good scholarship: “A scholar is a learner. A good scholar is one who has learned enough in a masterly way to beget in bun scholarly tastes and habits.^ He knows some things well, and has the ability and disposition to learn more. Some people who never-reach the college door arc better scholars than some others who have gone through college and carried offa diploma. I t is said that some college graduates are not able to read their diplomas. I mean no disparagement to the college. A good many young people have come to me for advice. ‘'Would you advise me to go to college?" "Shall I attend a normal school?" "How can I beet fit myself for ieaching?” are questions often on the lips of young people. [1 ' I we offering special bar­ gains in all lines of The answer in all such cases is, lay a foundation ot good scholarship. Any superstructure you attempt to rear without will surely come to naught. Do not attempt any shortcuts, they are a delusion and a snare. I f any school, no matter by what high-sound­ ing name it may be known, offers to do more for you in two tame til that the best colleges catf do in four, turn from it; go not in the way thereof.” A good plan is to stay a t home, a t­ tend your own school an<l study hard. I t wifi he cheaper and better. I t Is a mistake to start to oollege before the rudiments o f an education Have bssN obtained. If one can not apply him­ self to study a t home he will rarity euoeeed Id college, MID RUBBERS New stoek con­ stantly arriv­ ing. CLOTHING sold regardless of cost. T h e y w i l l meet prices of all competitors. Having deci­ ded to close out f ^ this l i n e o l Clothing t h e y offer a choice assortment at first COST or less. It must go. A full line of the celebrated Simpkiason la­ dies fine shoes always in stock. t