The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

•ruK h e ^ ld . 7.^.,'-'r . ' f ^ l n n ’g .A g ,, ,, ^ . $M INPKrSlTOlUfTWSSEC.YK«W*»AWm SATURDAT, OCTOBER 11, 1 8 * W , I T . B Z A U t , E d ito r a n d P r o g / r , pn ici $ I >19 PffWANNUM' London, Ohio, is to have * h i court houie. On iMt Saturday the corner-stone wm laid, by the Moeonfe fraternity of tha t city. The President left Washington Monday morning, a t 11:21 o’clock, via the Chesapeake andOhioRailroad* to attend the Grand Army reunions a t Galesburg, Topeka and Kansas City, <*uJ incidentally to visit St. Louis, Indianapolis, IVwria, and other cities *n route. He was accompanied by Secretary Tracy, Marshal Ransdel, Captain Meredith, Private Secretary Halford, Mr. E . F . Tibbott, the Presidents stenographs?, represent** tivesof the two preps associations, and Mr. C, R. Bishop) of the Chesapeake . and Ohio Railroad, who has charge of the transportation arrangements and the details of the entire trip. The party will travel in the elegant Pull*;: than hotel car “Haselmere,” tendered for that purpose by Mr. -George M. Pullm an.. The President;and most of the otheni expect to return to Wash­ ington on the 14th instant: <mmmi.' -----—. X heO . A. Vt- M em o ria l C o llege. Five noble and patriotic women o f Kansas have formulated d grand In­ dustrial and Educational scheme, and have procured a charter from the Leg­ islature of that Btate for ‘*A National G, A. R. Memorial college,” located atOberlin, Kansas, where thechilrden of ex-Union soldiers may receive a free educations There is to be five de- S artments — Literary, Commercial, lusical, Military and industrial. Ev­ ery student, mole and female, is to wear a uniform, aud the young men are to be as thoroughly disciplinedand drilled as in any o f the military schools of the country.' The ..young women are to wear uniforms also, so that an exactsocial equality may be maintained, and proper economy ob­ served. —sat ManackSMettiSoldiers’ H om e . Wkfie in Benoit w« vMled t i e stats Uststuttea, and present to enr leaders some potatoof'in tarsst* The ii ammsd ln Chsls8o, ond on ie ty Mgh ground otefa- 8 m view. The grounds am lain offhandsomely eaddottedhero aod thsnwM i hodutifUl flowers. JA comfortabls thres story(tamebuilding stands in the center. As you enter the large corridor elwiy thing is clean and hopioKke, One atMll (Oomonfirst Moor is a “relic room" and contains arany interesting IhiM l, The build­ ing m divided into Wank, with 14* brary, Hoepital, Aeiembly room, Ac; cech floor Imswide porches (w ished with rocking chairs, lounges, roller chriraandeverv thing to cheer the hours away. Wo tolked with iota* of the boys and «U appear satisfied. There are at present lu3 inmates; tho moms are furnished fay- various corps in tile Department o f Massachusetts and a few private individuals; each mom has two singlebells with all oth­ er Ihrahhifijm to mike them elegant. There teemed to he some competition is to whieh Corpshad the most beau* tifal room, but with handsome nigs, chin* silk window draperies,beautinil pictures, easy chairs, and all the “ brio a brae” that living hands can desire, wehad ho choice. Them was ANDREW JACKSON. SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP& CO. we -DEALER IK ALL KINDS OF- *• 1 * ■ - - ■- - o ’8 one room that pntieularly pleased the eye, called th e ‘‘Pope” room(tarnished by Mrs. Pope and family of 875 Col* The experiment has started under the mt>st favorable auspices. Beginning January 1, 1890, with twelve pupils, they have now ninety* two—Coramereial Department, thirty- two; English Literature, Longusge and Elocution, eighteen; Musical, twenty-five; Military, seventeen. All the students must give certain hours for industrail pursuits. To support this worthy enterprise these patriotic people appeal to the Nation, through Miss L. A. Mints, Oberlin, Kansas’ Asking that every one send something, from one brick for the building to any amount he feels able to give, even a days work. “The expense of one day’s tuition for one pupil” will be accepted grate­ fully. We hope that the venture will be a success, and that a colossal monu­ ment to patriotism will be eetabliaeed, and that hundreds of young men and women will receive a training and ed­ ucation here that will fit them for use­ ful and important live*. —[HomeMagazine w n v K w i f j i v i r » There have bean 49,885 interments in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincin Hath • Another passenger rate railroad war is on. Tickets (torn Cincinnati to St. Louis are selling a t three dollars for the round trip. President Woodruff, ofthe Mormon Church, officially recognizee the U. 8 . laws against polygamy and forbids further plural marriages. The Republican 3t»to Central Com' mittee o f Ohio wm called to meet last Thursday* Ex-Governor Foster hi booming hk campaign. Monday he bad a rousing meeting at Sycamore, and helped the children raise the flag over the school boose. ' StateRailroed CtaamisrioiferNorton will order guard gates a t “ Dead Man’s Crossing,” Whiten Urn*, on the C. H A D * . umbus Avenue, Everything was so harmonious and artistic it was perfect. A bed throw to he used for afternoon naps, was made of softest wool and represented an AmericanAug, made in perfect proportion. This ,is cer­ tainly typical, and amid the horns of rest, comes the words of a friend to every soldier. •‘ are * 110 * to defend, Thm w* btartf to befriend, There are Mali tobeer up from the pall, There are bm ttt that will elaap it when . « Uttered end tom. There are prayer* to brood like a dove, Therearefingert toiaehion it fold unto fold And hunde that will wave it above/' Fresh flowers sent by loving sympa­ thizing hearts fill every nook and corner bringing sweetness and beauty. As an auxiliary to '' this Home a ladies’ Aid Association has been or­ ganized to look alter the physical, so­ cial and spiritual welfare of these ’he­ roes, and make endurable the failing years. Mrs. Julia K . Dyer is President with Recording and Corresponding Becratariro-andPTreasurer,—whose-reH-^! ports we have greatly enjoyed. This organization ! b govered by constitution and by-laws, and the state o f their finances proves ability. Whore woman’s heart and hand are ready to assume the responsibilities of the care and comfort or these veterans all will be well, and may they never weary till the last one has passed be­ yond the infinite mystery or pain. S fM iiie a C a ie s . 8. H. Clifford, New Casse), Wls., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disor­ dered, his liver was raffected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away,- and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles o f Elec­ tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111,, h id a running sore on his leg of eight years’ standing* Used three bottles o f Electric Bitters and seven boxes OfBucklen’s Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.* had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was Incurable, One bottle Elec­ tric Bitters and one box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at B . G-. Itldgway’s Drugstore. Thu Pulpit end th e t ag s . Bev. F. M. Sbrouft, Pastor United Brethren Chutcb, Blue Mound, Kan., says: “I feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King’s New Discovery IiM done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought that I could live only a few Weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 80 lbs. In weight A rthur Love, Manager Loves Fun­ ny Folks Combination, writes: “Af­ ter a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, beats ’em ill, and cures when every­ thing teils. The greatest kindness I can 00 my many thousand friends is to urge them to try i t ’ Free trial bottles a t BnrtWAt’a Drug Store, ttegalar.tizet fiOe, and $100. Bnoklew’s A n te * «*tva. The beet ash* hath* woridfer eafe brides#, •#»*#,. uteri* *»k t h e ^ Jtam t J*enrfe pUss,oc»*p«y nqn tw l,J t If LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING. SIDING. ETC, Have just received a new stock. Can offer you better Grades for less money than you have deen paying for poor grades CALL AUD SEE GRADES AND PRICES. M i t t i TEMSTTIi «wr _____ . buiei BIF i i t f f i NuiEss i t t i k p l i k u EiuiHii. A dm in istra tor’s N otice. The underBigned baa been duly ap­ pointed administrator of the estate of Auu Clementina Wright, deceased, late of Greene county, Ohio. Those having claim# against said estate will present them^aiid-those-ltidehtod-wUl-pleasa- make prompt payment, • • Sept. 9th 1890. F. N. S h AKFBB. BARR & M0RC0N S . A. GALBREATH JUSTICE O F THE PEACE, REAL ESTATE, LOAN and IN- SURANCE AGENT. - Special attention given to Pensicr sion claims in all branches. BANK OF CEDARVILUE General Banking Busincs Transacted. G es. W . H arper, F ree . W . L . Clem ana. C ash ier. COOKS Now determined that no firm in this COUNTY OB ADJOINING COUNTYS shall nndor sell them in FU R N ITU R ES - They have a full line of all hinds offurniture such as Parlor suits. Bed room suits, Dressers, Bureaus, Book- Gases, all kinds of Beds, Chairs, Stands, Tables, Beck­ ers and every thing found in a First Glass Furnituie Store. Give them a call. U N S E B T A E S I T G . t . * Is a specialty we keep on hands a full line of Coffins, Gaskets, Robes etc. AU calls Will be promptly attend­ ed to BABE &MORTON. We have a complete line of STOVES of all kinds at RockBottom*Prices. We think we can pleaseyon both in quality and price Give ns a call, O xoum Ss Boll. ^^rcordiai invitation is extended to you to examine t h e e l e g k i t - ^ NEW STOCK being received now. A complete line of fine Drew Suitings, nil the latest styles, together with every grade of Fine Business Suits, Overcoats, Panting s and Gents’ fine ^Furnishing Goode* Our prices, Hke quality in fine goods t nn not be excelled. r D. 11. STEWABT & CO. We are earning a' full line of the SffitBTTMft ^ a ewmvim which we will eril from onroMce for leu money thoii (WMtt the eanv«e*er«. Come and bxauiiae a tlehMli and we wfll nave yon money* D.M. STEWART snoMMorofGEO. H. CRABB. XENIA, . i • * ' • - • OHIO,