The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

dJfctt. <>* !«irj i i l ■m dLU-> a %*,•»”?' f t) K[ t* '.irw*4 r-f SjHf #« % „ J.pja*.ff. ' \ ft'* , s'vwMPk * I>1" 5 ^H*|B^$f-' j•, /'...• ■**«■ |Jf » -* *• *>A ±'-5SX<3r- O U T C > J t p . ,**$ „ - * # * ' ,#5,1. € • > « ! »f**-4»*/ ef/'. ' i|tf iTlft % ■ h K“ t > ■ | M-r .*».'•• 4h‘Z * > ,*. zf*• ?*!£?#•?■ *S>#-*s : y ,„ T , »? **. *&*•«* ?2<v» ,£*** Ail goods m this department sold ori Tuesdays of each week at 1-4 off DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ±- \ * 1 1 i , * t , , ■* '** * m ■ . / , - - * 1-4 off on all goods sold on Wednesdays* A lim itof $l.<Wworth.ofeacliis made,on CANTON FLANNELS, CALICOES. : , \ m u s w b A m iv » ^ » , .j r{s ; ifi [■ y r ~ i ' **; % if •%{,** fr P ' •’? BOOT AND SHOl DEPARTMENT- ,l-\ ■> 1-4 offon all leather goods on Thursdays; I ■ ' ■ . * - „ ' - CARPET, FLOOR OIL CLOTH AND HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, 1-4 off on all goods in this department onFridaysT — y - - A splendid stoek of $20,000 worth of goods offered. f f z m . o. mms. •niE IfEIiAIiI). IXtXXPmtiXJHW* WISBKOY »MW«FAP*!» SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11,1800 IF. II., B L A I R , E d ito r and ErQp'r PRICE i 1.25 PER ANNUM. CHURCH U IltK C tO B Y . Covenanter Church.—Itov T.' C Zin'nul, Pastor. ..m-gitUr services at If iOO* tu; Sabbath School at lOioda m R#F» l/hnToil»*™RM. J., P, Mortal), pastor. SerrfoeK’ntHftOn hit Sabbath school at 10)00 It tit. M.E. Church.- Rev. G, h . Tufts, pa^ toi. Prewchiugnt I0-.45 a mi flabbalh IioAl at B-^Ca. n».s ol«*a, *:oo p, m,; YoUtt^ l^jJsHJrs 7-JX) p m; i<ray«r nissitiof WtfilBasdajr *v«itiuK.»t iim It. P, Church.r- Kev, J. C. Warhucfe, pastor, ftervfcois at IIurn a m and 7 t »■; Sabbath school at 10100 am A V . tS . ChUroh.—Be*. J. D. Jack •on, pastor^ Services a t 11:00a in and 7 .-00 pmaaeb A«bl»»th 5 Nabbatli school’ »rfw p m; class, 7;uu p in each Friday. baptist Church.—Itcv. !h MTurner, {•astor. Preaching every Habl>ntfi at III in,and7 j 00|» ni; -Salibath Hchonl at Hoe,'* pm* Prayer meeting Wod ucHuay nlghtt CedarrlHe IV a liib lter y O rdi nAHrte. 'U:i A inanVho, on hie own evidence claims to lie a gentleman, by name of Passmore, came to tmr village some time ago and itfopoatti to eatabUib hifr.Klf in the saloon buainm in viola- twiji of all law, and ga inst the wishes of a large maj<»rify of owr cit'sens. It) doing so he EassihOrad so mncli bad ftWkey that the above large majority became indignant, and in their imllg- hatiotthMiittdad to strilun Srtvin the Auddar straighi awt, addeh peoooed- teg on the part o f i i t atUsena was l^ te d upon by .dUPP inliable ■Rasa* m an per*. *H<al taaiuiiNi •Ajseriwui ihikm, thereupon the peeeaa’M* and yiey hairad goyd mtlaea, Faamutra, ^•claimed hluiidlt^ «nd «ritRagim«i 6&nEodw* tn eapend th s littk of our ordinance restriction, if the above large mujorityshould make an attempt or in any way interfere with him in bismanner of doing business in this land of libertv and home of the free. 810,0001 Whew! gp much money had never been • heard of before in Cedarville, and it was to be expended right here in order to test the validity of the ordinance; and put into imme* diatc circulation. Visions of grea, prosperity began to arise in the minds of our.'people. Interference with the Passmore's manner of doitag business was all that was necessary and the money would begin, to flow. So by a previous arrangement the Mayor was to proceed in the interference business, and in order to get everytiling inlcga shape his Honor wrote a legal letter to the above Passmore and was about to call for the full amount o f810.000 al at one time, but remembering that no one here had ever handled so much money, concluded to take it in install* meats, and drew the first check a t 8850, with the understanding that the gentleman whose rights were being abridged would Passmore over as it was needed. But alas for our fond expectations. While his Honor was preparing die check for the wealthy Passmore, who out of respect for his gray hairs had been granted the privilege o f roaming i t wifi, and being of a roving disposi­ tion, rSuned and roved until the last seen e f him he was roving and roam' ing and hounding away over the hills in an Eastwly direction, followed by the expletive* of the Mayor, who now realizes more than ever that "The melancholy days have come, the aad* deal ofth#year.” Aad tho* we're left to hold the sack Until our friend Passmore comes back, Add COI, Con must have his lasts, ftsthre ike I his I mm SWent to Waste, Aad In tfOodhumor he did get vrfcllo ike turn* was going wet, Aad to tkooeanelldldftopose 9 a iqr result* with d l |n i foee. T»wlwdlotlH»*wimi#,» ^ The rot* waaoontiiMWMtcoaodsMd &# 4 *n*e the wbiskerrlM* was bust, ♦ 10.000 in order to test the vsJklity.of And cm. Cowdid |*»y the Mil, While Passmore and. Gettswere at the still. AMd that reminds tts of another Of the C»»l.!s fuss and featherI 'Twas Qotts that held the gun in hand While o’er the counter wont for his man, And tor this little bit of fun ■ Washeld by his Honor in tho sum Ofsomething like three hundreddollars^ Which, when this modest little sum Was nut at once produced, His Honor thought tho better wdy ■ The way the Jaw provided, And thereupon prepared a bond To whichGotta would subscribe With onoor two good sureties true. They would tho law abide. Thus out ofJuUCon went his bail; All things were moving smoothly, When all atonce Getts sail Anti \oft the Col. mourning thusty, “Iioo, Hoo!” he cries, and asked his Honor “Do you think tbore's any daugor That I’ll have to pay that bond For that d— roaming ranger:” His Honor being an honest man Replied In terms amusing ”1 thins yon will, unless yourman Returns, repentant and assuring You that he will be there And to tho Court repair For settlement of the question.” Towhich the gonial Con replied “BeGerry I am done, The man has given me the schlip And ! will have to pay the sum.” Quoth Con, “I'll hie mssilfinto my hotne And in a quiet way I’ll kick tnesilf until Xleara The cnatoms bfthe day, And whsn l go another’s hail PH be apt to know the rayaott, I'll just say and without fail My friend, be gorry, I’m not in aay* son. Years, £ a Aacft. Mr. O. B. J 0 uce,of 8 pribg 8 ays:|"lhave ufted Chamberlain^ Fftln Balm for severe and painful hums With better effect than anything else I have feVcr tried I t relive* the pain instant and cures without leaving a trior.” Pain Balm is oneof the mo«t useful medicines that any family can ha provided with, especially for rheu­ matism, lame hack, sprains, brttf*es, tcoth-acha earaoheaml like ailments. One aj$li«atk>n trill relieve the pain and a fkir trial insure a extra. 50 oeal botdaaforaale by B. (I, Ridgway. I f people would takeithc advice of H a rv e st E xcu rsion* v ia th e B. G, Kidgway, the druggist, they I’ >un*ylvania L in e s, never would start on a journey with- Harvest Excursion tickets to land outabottile of Chmnberlain's Gojjc, and business centers in the West, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I t Northwest, South, and Southwest, can always be depended Upoir^and is pleasant to take, . '?* will be sold at one fare for the round ' Lrifhritt thS Peiuisylvania Lineii West Jof Pittsburgh on September 9th, and ’ We want every mother to know 23d, and October 14th. For complete that croup can bo preveuUd^/ True crohp uover appears without a warar- ing. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have- taken cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the start: After that Apeculiar, rough coughJs,.. devel­ oped, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Cham­ berlain’s Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after arough cough has appeared, the disease may be pre­ vented by using this remedy as direct­ ed. For sale by B. G. Ridgway. T h e Queen F a y s A ll E xp en ses, Tho Queen's last "Free Trip to Eu­ rope” having excited stich universal interest, the publishers of that popular magazine offer another and 8200 extra for expenses,, to the person sending them the largest list ofEnglish words constructed from letters contained in the three Words "British North Amer­ ica.” Additional prizes consisting of Silver Tea Sots, China Dinner Sets. Gold Watches, French Music Boxes, Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, Man­ tel Clocks, and many other useM and valuable articles will also be awarded in order ofmerit, A special prize of a Seal Skin Jacket to the lady, and- a handsome Shetland Pony to girl or boy (delivered ftee in Canada or IJnited StateB) sending the largest lists. Everyone sending a list of not le* * than twenty Words will receive a prat*j information apply to nearest ticket or passenger agent. U o toeseek ers’ E u n n ls n s . Will leave Chicago and Milwaukee via the .Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for points in Northern. Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, (including the 'great Sioux Reservation) Montana, Colo­ rado, Kansas’and Nebraska, on Sep­ tember 9th, and 23d, and October 14th, 1890. Rates for these excursions will be about one fare for the round trip, and tickets^will be good fbr return within thirty days from date of sale, ' For further information, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent i n ' the United Stated or Canada, to A. V. H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111, Pittsbargli,(M i &St.Unis Ry PAJf-IIANHLE ROUTE. Schedule In effect June. 1,1890. Trains depart fromCedarville as follow GOING WEST. flag stop, flag slop, II f 4.48 a. m. * 10.14 a. m. U*5,3Ip,m , GOING EAST. 8 a. ta. r * 3.57 p.m. * SUNDAY. Thafollowingtrains Hop on S»** ent. Send six U. 6. 2c. „stamp* fbr i on y compkta rul**, illu«trated eatelognaj *A*T‘ of prize*, and Mmplt nnmber o f Tha] ^ . Queeh. Addrasa tfha Canadian] Tim«£ir*u above is cent Queen, Toronto, Canada, |E a« fBally* *Hailyvx: |10.l4<a. m.