The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

• p i t E *3 UNDKPKMDKNTWKKKLYNKWOPAPKK. SATURDAY1,' JULY 12, 1890.. IF. If. BLA lR t,Editor andJProp'r. FRlCE • FER ANNUM. DEAO-LOOK THE TINT T INED IETRICT. IK I •A special from Washington C. II., says: As the Tenth District Jtepubli- can Congressional Convention draws near the Judications o f a coni|dication ‘ o f affairs at the convention become .more apparent, and even the * candi- •dates themselves are predicting a dead-lock. Indeed .it isVdifficult tt iinagine how a deiul-Iock can - bo avoided;' -There ts a strong candidate ill each county o f the district except­ in g , Fayette, and in Ross comity thoy ' have two candidates. , The latest information is that lion* John Little., o f Greene county, lias -written a 'le tter to 'h is friends in Gwtenb county-in "which lie says that i f -they w iil’give him the solid Greene comity-delpgatimiand.allow . hiin^to name thefedelegates, ho will come . to .the convention and try .'to win. Lfttieincif claim that;their favorite Will receive swung suppbrt from f^fiti'tonjquiity in casejjpfTa break from'‘Coh>nerU. E. Dban^who has ai- rcaffy secured the solid-Clinton coun­ ty delegation. There is a ritinor'afloat that some work .is being done on the sly for General. Asa Busbiie)), of Springfield . -It is said tiiat tlfe plan is to jrpring Hite name ot Bushneil at. the proper time during the inevitable dead-iock Clark county ,will cast a solid vdfe for hint. Greene is to fail, into lino in order to return the compliment which Clark comity bestowed upon Mr. Litilein Bjornier convention by voting for Jiini solidly With the 107 votes o f Clark and Greene comities; .only three more votes'will be neces­ sary to uomiiiate-Geiieral Bushiiell. - These, it is thought,, will be easily «Unc!e* John Crain who has made his heme in CtwUrvMe for the p#8t lifty years, enjoys with Squire Osborn the distinction o f being the oldest in­ habitant. >?When I came to this place’*said Mr. Crain to * II kkald liian “Cedarville was a town o f about 150 Inhabitants and ! have witnessed its growth from that to its present size, But two stores were here at that time and they were run by Messrs- Jno. Orr and Jiio, Nesbitt” . Mr. Crain came bore to go into five butch­ er business amt yv&e the first liian to cut a beef steak; in tlie town and sold it at three cents pef'pomid. “ Thiev­ ing” , said Mr. Crain “ was an almost unheard of crime at that time. The doors of all dwelling houses remain­ ed unlocked and the latch string out day or liightand the thought that ally o f their number was mean enough to steal never entered their rnind.” The oulyWay to account for the fact was dliat oforybody was on-an equality, socially, and thqir honor at least was at stakC, while another,, reason was there was not asmuch to stpalthon as now." Butdt did not take-as much to satisfy a man in,those days, ilar-i vesters received aOcents a day and Tiieyrfott*tiiat_w,BS"“iill any—sensible man could expect. During .the win­ ter 'seasons ''wood choppings,' corn huskiugs' and .quiltings furnished amusements instead o f operas, balls, etc. as at the present timo. Almost a decade- lias passed since Mr, Crain finished his three score and ten years yet lie has the appear­ ance o f a man that had yet another score o f years1 to remain among us. secured from. Clinton or Fayette counties, where the General is .well liked. 'A gentleman who - generally knows what lie 1stsilking about said today that General Bushnell will be the, nominee o f the CoiivcTitioil ,,Tho light iii Ross Comity •ing hard, mid it looks as if -tho dele­ gation will bo about equally divided, although the Hurst men .are claiming tlie General will reooivo the votes o f thirty out o f the forty-six delegates o f the comity. Although no action has been taken in this county on the matter, it K quite evident Unit Fayette Comiuty will throw her entire delegation .to Uu ^st after casting a few complimen­ tary votes, in case none o f the Fayette delegates devehijm strength. ...B u c k t e u V A r n ion on iv e . The\bpRt salve in the world for cats, iomm , ulc ie, ciU r team, fever tcr, chft|ii>eti h:u»<is chi'bluiiiB. <iornfl«nd all akin cmpMun-, ifnd jxwitive fv cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed do pive perfect a itistaction, •«r money rein <l»»l. Price 25 cunts a box, For sale bjnB; G. Ridgeway’s Tlie C; 1*. congregation, will have nomore night services until .Septem­ ber. Epoch. TI.e transition from long, lingering aud painful sickness to robust health, marks an epoch in the life.of tlie iu- dividuak- Such°a~'rcnvarkaWo event is treasured in the memory and tl. miv agency whereby the good health has . \ been attained is greatfully blessed, is WHX^j| oilco i8-tltat so much is beard in praise o f Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe, their restoration to health, to tho use o f the tirccftrAitcr- ativc and Tonic. I f you are troubled with any diseass of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, o f long or slroft standing you will surely flud-roHef by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at Rino way ' s Drug Store • Oii July 12, I(envy M* Stanley, tlie fainots African explorer, will wed a London celebrity. Miss Dortliy Ten- nan;* AVhcn congratulating ~Mr. Stanley, tlie Princess o f Wal,es said o f Miss Tennant: “ Yon marry not uiily^a-veYy pretty and very oljaYiii- ing glrf, but a woman brimful genius.” •Ajudicial decision has been ••otr- dereil that a person hits no right ,t'o leave a team standing on tho street without'control o f some kind, and that v.'hoii damage to a person or property'results from such negligence thcoWncrof the horse or team of horses is liable for flic d tillage. ANDREW JACKSON, ------„ "• V t ■ * ■ SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CCX -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- AAD .- 1" Doors, Sasii % ft LATH, MOULDINGS, FLGORlNG, SIDING, ETC, ^ Have just received a new stock. Can offer yeti better. Grades for less money than you .have deen paying for:.poorgrades. AND SEE GKRADES AND PRICES. 1 ! im FOR GRAIN RA ISERS . Can they make money at present prices ? Y E S ! H O W ? tr ' « v* . . By keeping the soil rich, 1 By-cultivating it well, By using ifce best seed, T H E N Have their Grain and Seeds * » 1 Threshed, Saved andCleaned. BY THE N lCHOLS '& :SHEPARkJ UNACQUAINTED WITH T®3 GBOGRAPHYOF THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE .INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF '.'HIS MAP OF . V Cholera infanturn- lias lost ita ter­ rors since tlie introduction of 'Cliaiu- bcrlain’s Cholic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy* When that remedy ()p h used and tlie ihreatmcnt as ditecl* Ied with each bottle Is followed, a cure- |is certain. Ml*. A. \V. Walter, a. ' , , , prominent merchant at Waitersburg. Ashland s Mayor has given notice iH.^says: It cured my baby boy .ul\ at he will enforto; the law against cholera infantum after several other remedies find failed. The .child, was «o low that lie seemed atmost beyond the aid o f humane hands or reach o f any medicine.” 25 or 50 cent, bottles for salc W Ridgway- th li ut vYa! fhe sale o f ciimretts. This statute r e a d s “ That whotbever sells, gives or furnishes to any minor under fif­ teen years o f o f age any cigarette, cigar or tobacco shall be fined not less than live or more tiiau twonty- 11vo dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty da.vs or both.” . 1YF> Mist, the millionaire manu­ facturer, o f Springfield, apologized to a congregation last Sunday, On thu night o f July 4 his daughters gave a lawn party at Ids residence, which is the costliest and has the most spaci- . ‘Hs park in Central Ohio, A fine orchestra was hired to furnish musiq and the young folks danced to it. -Mr. Mast, who is Superintendent o f the Hundiy-school, explained to the Sun­ day-school Sunday that he flldti’j mean to do it. The affair Is the go**lp o f local church circles. Tho Pulpit and ttio ttoga. = Rev. F. M* Bhrout, pMtor United Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., -lays: ‘jf feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King’* New Discovery -ia» done for’ me. My liings were badly diseased, and my parishioners ’hoiight that I could litre only a few weeks. I took five bottles of I)r, King’s New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 28 lbs. in weight, Arthur Love, Manager Loves Fun­ ny Folks Combination, writes: “Af­ ter a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em Ml, And cures when every­ thing falls. Tht greatest kindness I can'do my*many thousand friends is to urge them to try it,’ Free trial bottles at RtnowAY’a Drug Store, Regular sizes 60c. and $100. J T B R A T O R It will handle Grain and Seeds F A S T E R , B E T T E R and * c l e a n e r ; . than ariy other Thresher. . It .will save enough extra grain (which other machines will waste) to pay all thresh­ ing expenses, and often three to five times that amount. It will*Clean the Grain and Seed so miich better that you can get an extra price for it. It will do your work so much Q U IC K E R , so much C L E A N E R , and . so free VjfromW A S T E , thatyou will save money. > ... . - SuchThreshing Machinery is made' only by NIGHOLS & SHEPARD fEATTLEI CREEK. MICHIGAN l THECHICAGO,ROCKISLAND ft PACIFIC RAILWAY, __ Bast and West of th* >m Ohlcago, Joliet, Ottawa. 018—Davenport, Muscatine, ad Sioux Falls, In ISSOURt - *• iTOOiyiuiuj oti clidj * _____ w*« — . — EyUEOTA—0&meron, St, Joseph and Kansas City, -In.- Omaha, Fairbmy and Nolaon, in NEBRASKA- ” - - ------- ---------- iVjUe ....----- -Horton, Topdica,. “ tCreokl ■Pond * _ ____ ____ _ ______ ______________ and Denver, _ _ j ]3pringa, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FREE? Reclining1Choir Cars to rad from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson and Dodge City, and Palace Sleep­ ing Gars between Chicago, W ichita ana Hutchinson. Traverses new and vast areas o f rich farming and grazing lands, affording the best facilities o f Intercommunication to ali towns and cities east and west, northwest and southwest o f Chicago, and Pacino and trans-oceanlc Seaporta,.„^-— MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, ruumanjsisepers, ana Dining ca rs i Council Bluffs and Omaha, with Free CbicagoTlleaTifbihes! lining Chair Cars between Chi- hoi &F ROUTES to and from Balt Lake, O TYancisco. The DIRECT DINE to o f the. Gods, the Mountain Citlee. Grat.deurs o f Colorado. daily, _______ _ _ Dos Angeles and 8au Manltou, Garden Jute W i b 4796. 1N701TED CLYDE8DALE STALLI0I A Very Fine Three Veer Old. Took Sad premium at the Illinois State Fair last year. I sa finely broil young follow o f the best stock to ho Tonml in .Scotland. Owned by Tomlinson Ss Oo/tnay lie fmind during the season o f 1890 at Paul TnmllnsonV 3 tulle South o f Cedarville, O. Come and sec, * tf . TOMLINSON k Co. , gden, Portland, L t o ana from Pike's peak, uu iw *****un, >, Mining Camps, Sanitariums, and Scenic VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE,’ ' *nd Minneapolis and St. Paul. ChairCars (FJSBE) to and from thosepplnts an'l ,iThr9U|Ci PhairCar and Sleeper between Peoria, Belrit Dakd f^fL^^Ux Fabs, via Book Island. The Favorite Dlno to Pipestone, water- *ud the Summer Beeorts and Hunting and Fishing ^ ^ ^ n O ^ T D I N E vIlA'SKNECA and KANKAKEE offer* facilities to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Dalhyotte, and Council Bluffs, §t, Joseph^Atchtoon* Leavenworth, Kansae City, flinneapolla and St. Paul, rp, ??okets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Ooupo* Ticket Ofltoe in the United States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN# OsasnlXaMfir. C H IC A G O , IL L . QsaTTicket ft rasa Agasi WORKOFFERED! We want a few energetic, reliable then,.to solicit orders for Nursery stock* Satisfaction to costoiners guaranteed. Sncecssfiil saicsmenaic making good Wages. No exjiericncc tiecessary. We hire on salary and offer special injlticcmcnts to i^giu- iicr# for next 00 day*. Address (stating age.) Ww 1),.Chase k Co., . Lock Box. 84) “ CARBURET OP IRON.” DIXON’S STOW POLISH . 18 T g * BEST. I . Sukiiciibe fur the Herald, A«e Co., j f , . . . ' _ Geneva, n . Y^unly $1.25 per Year,