The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

v • \ .. ^ rp w i'u .. }J . ^ i, '- 1 * i i r i l^ r ^ i \i i i r liwfciwrHi ( ■ ■ ' - ■ A MAKES THE PRICES COME DOWN 15/ id Vp^wibr^i 50;cents to $1,00each, worth................ .......... ................ ..................... :........................................ ...,,...75 cents to $1.50 Tf >lat /hets'T5 cents to $450 per pait; worth............ ...........7..'.............................- .....................................................,...,,,.....,..,$1.00 to $6.00 &bto^Si Boots $1.50 to $5,25 per pairworth, . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . .$2.00to $4,00 best1Quality(RubberJbppts, guaranteed..*>.«; ..... ........................................................................... ...............................................«$2,7o jest stock of Clothing and lowest prices in our city. Entire new stock of Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps just in. All the new thing* Sadies’-and Misses’ caps. Prices not as Low but LOWER than anybody. Bargain Bay Monday, STEWART to McCOKKELL. T i l E H E H A L B . ANJ.SPJSfEKIMKNT WJBKKLYN e WSVAPICB. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 , 1890 If'. JI, J iLA J ll, JBdiior and J*rop'r T PRICE' % 1.28 PER ANNUM. '-Miss Hemphill, ofSouth Charleston, j Miss Maggie McMillan returned is the guest of Miss Electa Stright, home last Monday frpm Indianapolis, this week. ■■:?, ■;•■ ■ Amos Ferguson went to Iowa this week, thinking a trip there might prove beneficial to his health'. He will, while there, visit the ACoru Pal* ace at Sioux City? Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Barber,. of near Xenia, visited in Cedarville this week. ■ ' ■ J . J . Osborn, Superintendent of Public Schools at New Carlisle, is vis- (iting his father, ’Squiro Osborn, FAWCETT Has in stock a fine line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and V DIAMONDS! Cnl Grain* after a very serious ill ■ness h now able tq attend to business again, , Cincinnati B. CL Itidgway was this week,- on. business. in McDijUL& Ervin ate putting in a [ this place, this week dam ai their mill just west of town, which is attracting the. attention of our citizensjust a t present. The work is progressing finely and will be; when completed the most substantial.dam in the county, ^ " The finest line of Optical Goods in Greene County, a ,Specialty made o f Brazilian Pebble Spectacles in.Gold, .S ilver' and. Steel frames. They at 1confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision , with an amount'of ease and Jcoinfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. Lou J , Beauchamp will address the citizens of Cedarville on Prohibition and the issues of the- day on next Thursday evening, October 16. Rilea McMillan* of Fair Haven,.re-, turned home yesterday. .Bert Brotherton, who has been working in Ghicago, returned home this week; Mr, and Mrs. Smith* -, of Dayton', are the gutests of Mrs; S.’s father. Jos. Brotherton, this week. The Shakespeare club was reorgan­ ized last Monday evening with ten members, they having met at the residence ofMrs. James Andrew for that purpose. Mrs. Andrew was elected.president. Their first meeting will be a t the residence of Mrs. Kerr, next Tuesday evening. Mrs. AnhaM. Palmer, National W. C. T. U. evangelist, who has been se­ cured by the >county union to r- a month’s work in the county is to' give three days to Cedarville. L, B. Logan, who spoke on prohi- Robt. Bird n&d family ’left Thurs­ day morning for. a two weeks visit With friends in Missouri, Mrs. David Stormont went to Spar­ ta, III.* Inst Tuesday, where she will spend a few days visiting friends. «Tr P. Barr went to Oakland City, his former home, last Thursday morn­ ing, where .he Will remain about ten days. The “T V twill hold, their regular business meeting rtext Monday even­ ing in their parlors. A full attend­ ance is desimd-- *A young man,who ia seriously con­ templating matrimony, last Sunday Went to inspect a house now under construction* with a view to renting. While there it commenced raining and a couple of citizens passing, took advantage of its shelter. The young man, not wishipg to he seen for fear of giving the “snap” away stepped into a closet, - He was effectually hid­ den* but it continued to ram and the unwelcome citizens (remained, wholly unconscious of the mental anguish they were causing the prisoner. We understand the young mnu was ouly in hiding about three hours, but lie told his best girl that it seemed like three weeksto him, bition in Ervin and Williamson’s hall, Thursday night, had a very enthusi­ astic audience, Mr, Logan is clear and logical in his views and his man­ ner of expressing them, and made a good impression. The Cedarville boys are eager for a few games of base hall* and wish, through the H ebami , to issue a chal­ lenge to the Xenia club for a scries of three games, the first to be played in Cedarville. . I f the hall players of Xenia Want any of their medicine let them address CalMorton, at this place. ■a Mr. and MrS, Andrew Jackson, who were visiting in Ghicago, returned home last Saturday, accompanied by their daughter, Pearl* who made. a three months visit with friends in that city. The Lake’s Presbytery, of the Cov­ enanter church will meet in the Cedar­ ville church . on Tuesday evening, Oct. 14th, a 7 o’clock. The ’Ladies Presbyteri&l Missionary Society will meet at the some time, and the even­ ing will be devoted to the rending of. papers prepared by the members of the society, and to a conference, upon SIGH T RESTORED . A B r illia n t O peration on am J3ye T h a t H ad B een Long B lin d . Miss Ellen, Baldwin, of Selma, had a most difficult surgical operation per­ formed on her left eye last Tuesday by Dr. T. F. Bliss, of .Springfield' that restores the eight after nearly a subjects connected with mission work. year 0f blindness. The operation con- . All are cordially invited. mated in removing the crystalline lens Arrangements are beiug made for a t6afc lies the aad near the mass meeting to he held soon in tiie center of the eye ball. In this case interests of a public library. A speak- the lens h*d become perfectly opjupm Lillie May* little daughter of Mr*. Minnie Bhrode Wooten, 1 * very sick with scarlet ftver* a t her home in Louisville, Ky. Communion services In the Cove­ nanter church (Rev. Sproul's) next “Sabbath. Rev. Hargrave, ofNotrA- wood, will assist. Preaching in Hie evening of Sabbath qjt 7- o‘tio«k, ■Mrs*. S. M&erMfi*, g (yM ^ iA t d , NatkmM T . U Uemki j r * x - jKctoi to deliver a l^urwhare ion the “Needs tJCTh* B out ,” Monday even­ ing theSTth- Rev. Jackson, of Greenfield,., spent a couple of day* in GocWville With reTafives. From here he goes to Clif- Vm to-day M id Will assist at eomtattb- -iii't fN-rvieee tlwra to-morrow, , Hon. Thomas McBotrgall, of Cm- fkiuufi, will tpeak to the republicans ofthis vicinity in the opera house, Monday evening. Everybody .is in­ vited, Mies Katie Gates, Mks Lueretia Willi* slid Mm Laura Phelps, teach­ er* in the public schools of Xenia, were the guests of F. L , Alexander, hurt fkttttday, A fishing party consistingofGeorge m.d Jim Baker, Luthar Hauser and , Mvec TomUnsoto will leave here to-day ibr the reservoir, wlmra they will re­ main about a week. •alt BWekto*’* Amato*•* !* •. sores, .fttffst*spfti isanwiHMiliSKui ■ 1 * «*r Wfc, Iw e t At the reunion of the Tenth Ohio Battery held a t Jamestown,* Wednes­ day and Thursday of this week, the attendance was very small, ouly twen ty-three members being present. The meeting was called to order in the G. A. R. hall Wednesday afternoon by the president of the association, W. A. Bird* of Pike county* when the usual routine busines* was attended to. A t seven o’clock p. in., there was a mass meeting of the citizen? at the school hall, when the visitors were given k cordial welcome by ■Mayor Grow, who in a neat'epcech gave them the freedom of the t^Wn. The address of welcome was responded to by the president of the association*, after which they were addressed by Horn Robt. Doan and Melvin Hayes, of Wilmington. These services conclu­ ded, they repaired to the Wickendmm House dining hull where an elegant spread had been prepared by the G. A. E., of that {dace, assisted by the citizens, and which was eiyoyed as only old “ vets” can enjoy, a banquet, The following members of the battery from Cedarville was present; & *A Gilbreath, J . A. Mitchell, G. W. &brodes, L. 0 . ToWneksy, J . J , Os­ born, Jos, Randall, Geo, Randall, Dep Randall, John Randall, Ed Bpencer and G, IX Canady and wife, while the visitors there by special invitation warn J . W, McClain and wife, Mr*. O, W. fibrode* and Jas. Gowdy. A t the meeting of Thursday the baknoe of the business of the association wee tranMcted, and they adjourned to meet in Cedarville on the.second Wed­ nesday in October, 1^91, a t which time the dtiaens of this pkoe will give thetoa oordlal reoaption. Newspapers are nil liable to mis­ takes. Even the old reliable Xenia. Gazette this week who with its usual enterprise id chronicling the news of the county, made a slight error in saying that “Hugh Stormont, a popular and well known merchant, and Miss |Fieto Miiburn, (laughter of J . II. Milhurn, had gone to Springfield and there lve- coino husbnttd and wife.” The young couple, in company with friends, had gone there to attend the theater, and no sooner had they gone than Madam Rtimor coinmoncpdher work, which' the Gazette reporter seemed to take as “law aud gospel” got in his work ac­ cordingly, to find the next morning it had been “ only* a dream.” Mr. Stormont says he catt forgive the Ga­ zette for everything they have said about him, but that he blushed, That he*considers a good foundation for a Khel suit as he has not. bltiS-kcd lor four years. t or will be secured to talk up the mer­ its aud needs of a libmy in our town. The Xenia Library was started by eight young Indies who personally so­ licited tljtepurchasers of tickets at one dollar per year. The sale of tickets together with a few books donated was the beginning, now they have six thousaud volumes, employ a libra­ rian aud keep it open all the tune, Tim people of Xenia ore interested in their library and suliecribe liberally toward ita support. There are few towns the size of Cedarville hu t what have n li­ brary, and we are just ns able to sup­ port one as uny other place. The people are awake to their own interests and to whatever is to the welfare of the community, and wowould bespeak for the library a liberal subscription aud patronage. * MT# yesterday afternoon attended the literary exercises at tlierchool aud found, after the numerous Invitations issued by the {superintendent, one patent prwwat. That, however, did not deter the scholars iu the least, and i t is barely possible their hearts were somewhat lighter in the thought their friends were not there to hear them. In room No, 1, over which Miss Owens presides, there Wore fifty- two scholars present aud their exerci­ se*, which condsted oi singing and recitations was exceedingly good for the little ones. In Miss Gilbert’s room* the Grammar department, We found the teacher had turned the exer­ cises over to tbc rhilomathiau society, and they had almost boubltided* hut we were so fortunate a* to hear* he* sides * letter and recitation, a part of the society’s paper. Judging from what we hoard it afforded infinite amusement to the initiated, m it abounded to local hits and' the idio- lyiiifaihi rtftb*eehoUtswere vetoti* kteft without fear or favor. “Tell me not in mournful numbers, that ilia town is full ofgloom; for .the man’s » crank who slumbers in these bursting days of boom. Life is real, lift is earnest, and the grave is not its go«d; every dollar that thou tunust helps to make our new town roll. But .enjoyment, aud not sorrow, is our destined cud or way; if you have no money, furrow—buy a corner lot vochdayl .Live* of great men all rc- miad us, we can win immortal fame; let 114 leave the. chumps behind us; and we’ll act there alt the same. In this world’s broad field of battle, in the bivouac o flife, lot us make the dry lame* rattle—buy a corner lot far wife! Let us then be up and doing, with a heart fotany fateffttll achiev- iug, still pursuing, booming early, booming late.’’ _ . $ lilH t « f Xiettetw Remaining uncalled for in the Cedar­ ville Ohio jxfct oftioa for the mouth ending Hept 30* 1890. L ist No. 9. Miss ( ’arrie Allan, I t B Backin, (2) Mr William Cottrell, Mary M Hutch* son, Mrs bully Jones, M r Jonah Moa* toe, John W Mason; Mrs l ’drliefiifen- err* Ohio M Winters. Foreons calliug for the above please say advertised; Jjto. W. M c E k A m I ’ h i wUl There will be communioh servi<^ in ' the R. P. church, (Rev. Morton’s) to-’ morrow- Rev, D. McKinney,/of Cincinnati, will preach a t , 11 a, in,,, and at 7 p .m . and the best Vision, was to tell light from darkness. To reach th e . lens it whb necessary to make .an incision through the cornea nearly- half >m inch in length, cut out a piece of the iris to enlarge the pupil and with a very fine instrument open the capsule or membrane enclosing the lens, then by gentle manipulation the lens was extracted from its bed without injur­ ing the other delicate structures of the eye. The eye was then closed aud a light bandage constitutes the dressing. In a few days a pair of glasses supply the place of the lens sod visionwill bo about normal* The extracted lens was about one-third of on inch in diameter and one-eigth of an inch thick.—Re­ public-Times. . Trimmed hats and bonnets at reas­ onable prices, At Mrs. GondonV. Wanted 10,000. chicken* at K ero ’ s A nice line o f Tablets a t K eku V- Tbo cheapest and best velvets and ribbons fpr dresB trimmings can be found at Mr*. Condon's. Choice Celery At K ekk ’ s . Boy yout* Window Glass of Km ;. Iteavy-welglit* double bressti--! plusli coats Are ait the rage this ye&r. They can lie had in any size at Low­ ry’s Trade Emporium, where ycu will also find a complete- stock of overcoats of all kinds as well as any­ thing in Clothing, Underwear, Root* and Shoes, Hits* Caps, etc. ‘ J . E. LOWRY. MILLIKEBt. Wehave the latest things in Hats, Velvets, Feathers, Birds Ribbons, i e , Brices reasonable. , B arbkr & M c M ii . lak . .stananKniBM*^^ m l i i w nm r , JPHtbADXIJfmA, rW O XX lLLARdl’ER YKAK. BO V O 0 B E A D IT V j SehJ portal for ft free sftiftple copy, i Thrat m nths Trial 26 oaato toll VOL 1 t ° | f to AI ,. ..$2 o / thi ialty .nee. a i f ease when Cloth for c£ that I m eery] Torton’i Kinnej .11 a, BXSD in ox six -.!■« Selma jeratio: kat 'T< fipriti) er lies perAtic ystallit ud nea h this SB5! cctly < to tell . -» - ltb e 1 *- Cast an ii made, triy hi . Som ’ piece < and ti ' * '% r n-tibe c * Hot Helens, prices the ler * Wh rithout lunch ucturec rant, closed H Th ; the dr ribbe jlamsS. foum vision whei ’actedR ih in di V TIM \ thick Cl ■ f A- cmnetal London 1 v .C l ms a t 1 A t - A a « t Mt «t velvo . M nings c Boy f* ' ‘ C 1 •cut Jlft'»S oi K lil(j hi rage tit! OHS y riz« at #c i* wJtei dote tai< fi ss well -) (erwftftf, f etc* * 3 %, LOU Ce !K T . ] ^ < ». * ' i t e s t t i , Feai M i, 1 fcMlLL w* 4 Pi urn T 1 fy tv . ^ tb WtA, ’K ttY ii K A D ie smstpl ft) jOBUlX