The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

YOL. n CEDABVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1% 1890 NO. 3?. and totheinterest of.every Wide-awakeperson to take advantage of 1 OCTOBER 20th. 21st, when we give 10 per cent, off to the purchaserof 1.00 or ever worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, Underweal, Boots; and Shoes (in fact anything in our Dry Goods Department) . for cash only* Remember that no otherstc offers such inducements as these, and that i f you consult your own interest youwill surely go to .BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE. v . . . * Castor .oil axle-grease, the' best triads at W. R. McMictiAN’s. . Some Verynice not? corals at . IU dgwat ’ s . * Syrup ftud Molasses at G ray ’*. * Horae Blankets, all grades and prices at . C. L. C rain ' s . .* When you w*nt * good meal, lanck or oysters go to Boyd's restau­ rant, on Limestone street. \ The cheapest and best velvets and ribbons for dress trimmings can bo found at Mr*. Condon’s. * j f Highest' market price paid for '*urheat'fV AxnmxwA Bao. V TIMOTHY SEED, Choice home grown, at K err ' s . * A nice lint offsed baskets at .C rouse A Bunn's . Cheese, Crackersand Ginger Snaps * t W. B. H c H ix O i A m ’ s . ■ . A new line o f Hair Brashes, E ximjwat . * When yon want a good oigar go to Boyd's restaurant. v Cali and sea onr pockst and table cattlary O rocsr A Bonn's *Buy yoar Window Glass o f K err . Trimmed bats and bonnets at reas­ onable prices, at Hr*. Condon's. aCboiee Timothy Seed at Axnmm A Bno. * t The Best Cigar in town at W . B. M c U ildak ' s . ( - Beautiful and ElU* Box Paper 25 Cents, K ido way . ^ Choice Celery at , Kw h ’s. ' Wood and Willow Wars at v . G ray ’ s * Avsua, Oatmeal . Hacked wheat . Granulated Hominy Purine, Patched farinose at ‘ 6 ) u f 'i . - Heavy-weight* double breasted ptush iOatft stea liibe fag* this yeur. They can be had in any kta#at Low­ ry’* Trade Emporium, where you Win also find a ocuuptote itoek. o f overeouts i f ail JdndsM w*Hue any* Jhtof toCtoiMkifcCi and Shoes, Bat% L « . LOW BT . - JPfeht WliAX Fresh lake white, cat, pickoral and herring. Next door to the baiiK. P eggy L awson . N Wanted 10,000 chickens at K err ' s <•» Anything in fortllizor at rock bot­ tom prices at A ndrew B ros , " A One line line o f Patent Medicines at B idoway ’ s -v . . . Hard and Soft refined.Sugars at ■ G ray ’ s , ' A nice line o f Tablets at K err ’ s . ' Canned corn, canned tomatoes, canned peaches, oanued blackberries, An, at W.B.HclftLDAN!s. "* Don’t bay any LAMPS until you see onr ’’ad” then the new stock will be in. B woway , * Cheese, Crackera.snd Ginger snaps at G ray ’ s . We still have a few sets o f buggy harness which we will sell very low, A ndrew B ros , Honey at G ray ’ s * Barbed and smooth wire at A ndrew A Bno. >. Fish at G ray ’ s . "* We hate a lot of fruit cans o f our own make,that we wilt close ont at £0 cents per doaen. C rouse A Bunn. K Dried Apple*, Peaches, Aprigots andPrunes at G ray ’ s , gee onr new paputrie at 25 cents, B idoway . Tobaoos and Cigars at G ray ’ s , * Far mud Pinih Lap Robes at prices to snit the times, at C. L. C rain ’ s , wt HR OLD RELIABLE” Host Stors o f C, W, Crouse may al­ ways be found at the same place deal­ ing out the best meat in the market, at the lowest prices. Largest lifts o f tranks and Valises in Greene ooanty, atrock bottom prices. C. L , C rain . '“ Persoas wishing stock ’in the Southern Building abd Loan Am * Uiatiwn,o f Huntsville, Alabama, and CineUauti, Ohio, or any information aeneernlng the Association, please « * - « * * £ . A«ith,ooaR*y *$#»*» or M. Wt itemsend, treasurer, or & ft. Mollloy, See’y. - C s a a s ii Paucs^edistgu. - Councilmet in regular sessionWe<l needay evening, Mayor Towudey pre­ siding. The roll call showed Messrs. Gray, Sweeney, Shull, VanHorn and Orr. After reading the minutes o f the previous meeting the reports of standing committees were received. The mayor reported .fines assessed within the past month to the amount o f fill? and licenses $3.75, while he had collected o f that amount <26.00, The following bills were allowed: Crouse & Bull. $14.25 Ja*. Caldwell, 10.00 J.C.Grindle, 30.63 W. H. Boas, 0.75 T. V , Biff, .75 G. W. Shrodes, 3/25 SamlKildow, ‘ .75 D. Silvey, ' 14.75 W . H. Torrence, 25,00 StandardOU Go., 32.05 Lather Brock, ' 1.50 Jno. Smith, 3.00 Wm. Smith,’ 2.50 M. W. Silvey, 7,88 Alex McLean, 20.50 Interest on fire bond, 45,00 BridgebondKo. 2andinterest, 109,00 Wm. Mitchell, 6.25 Luther Townsley, 29.00 Be it resolved by the village coun cil o f Cedarville, That the action of tha Mayor in employing council to prosecute the case o f the incorporated village ofCedarviile vs. ft. Passmore, charged with violating theprohibitory ordinance, beand the same is hereby ratified. „ 1(Mr. J. E. Manor and wife, o f Co­ lumbus, arevisiting "friends in this place, - _______ , . Most persons who attend public meetings go to hear what is said, and itis notjuBt as entertaining as it might be for persons to Btay .through­ out the service and chatter incessantly other .reason than merely to drown the speaker’s voice or ciill at­ tention to themselveB, I f the latter was the causeat a recent meeting held here one evening this week it worked to perfection—-everybody in the vicin­ ity were painfully conscious o f their presence. P resby tery M eeting. The Lakes Presbytery of the R. P. church met in the Covenanter church, (Rev. Sprout's,) on Tuesday evening last, constituted and immediately ad­ journed until the next morning.. In the meantime the Ladies’ Presbyterial Missionary Society held lavery inter­ esting meeting. Mrs. T. Gj Sproul was called to the chair and opened the proceedings-withdevotional exercises. Delegates were present from five con­ gregations and letters and papers from nearly all the others. The first paper “ OurLord’s Talents,” was read by Miss Mary J, Keyes, o f Northwood, Ohio. This paper was' full of good thoughts enforced by scripture- quota* tions, apt illustrations and historical incidents. “ The extent of the work of Ladies* Missionary Societies!'- was read by Miss Lydia Reed,ofRichland, Ohio. This jmpcV was short’ and to the pointandshowed the far reaching influence o f women in mission work A paper written by Mrs, McCarrell, o f Southfield, Mich., entitled “ Chris­ tian Beneficence” was read by Miss Maggie Miller, ofCedarviile, in a cleat and distinct voice which-brought out well the find points o f the address. After these paper* followed a confer! Once upon various topic*, in which member* o f Presbytery a* well aa* the ladies participated. Miss Maggie A, Wylie, o f Belle Center, Ohio, spoke upon “ Womans’ work for women in heathen lands.” Mrs. M. George, o f Cedarville, spoke on the “ Peculiar fit­ ness of Woman for Foreign Mission Work.” Rev’s. B. O. Wylie and J. J. Huston spoke on differentphases of foreign mission work, in telling ad­ dresses. A ll the subjects were wel handled and will, wo hope, have atom -deucyto stir up a deeper interest in mission work. Christian greetings were conveyed to the society from the TJ, P. Ladiee’ Missionary of Cedar­ ville, by Miss Effie Barber, and from the ft, P. Missionary Society (new ■1 are offering special bar- gains iir all, lines of x ^ ... . . . . . World’s Fair, to be held in Chicago, 1 wwW our * 0 , the time given persons whohadstreets and alleys obstructed to remove said obstruction had expired andthecoun­ cilauthorized the marshall to com­ mence work removing than at ones. Them being no further burin*** coun­ cil adjourned. We this week give the readers of the H eraud a larger paper than usu­ al onaccount o f onr advertising pat­ ronage which continues to increase. We famish the usual amount ttf read­ ing matter, howsver, and wflloontin- «c todoso. school,) by Miss Mary Murdock. A large andattentive audience was pres­ ent which sefemed to enjoy the pro tractcd exercises. On Wednesday at 9:00 a. m., the society held a business meeting in Mrs. I). S. Ervin’sparlors. The work o f the Presbytery was chiefly routine, but among other bus­ iness the following resolution was earnestly discussedand adopted unan­ imously. Resolved; That we desire the religious andChristian in*titUtH>n*,and believing the Sabbath to be a bulwark o f our civil and religion* liberties, we petition themanagers to have no work done on the Sabbath, and that the exhibition bekept (dosed on the Lord’s day, and that no intoxicating liquors he used in the building or on the grounds during the fair* Furthermore we resolve, That i f the exhibition' !* kept open on the Babbath, we a* Christian* cannot eon- srieatimiriy interest ourselves to tta •Room. <- ANDRUBBERS New stock con­ stantly arriv ­ ing.., - ■ .'-v:';.,'• CLOTHING sold regardless of cost T h ey w i l l meet prices of all competitors. Having deci- dedto olose out ^)iis l ine o l faothing they offer a choice assortment at first COST or less. It must: go. A M l Hue of • ■ * the celebrated Simpkinson la­ dies fine shoes '■■A -. t always in stook.