The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

- r i ^ E ^ E ^ a i x D ; am j n i i i n k m i i t w n n irm iirinn a . m"i'll ii — '■*■ ' ,i ’ mmmmmmik SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1890 W. H. fiLAIR , Editor and Prop'* M IC * t l . 2 » MR ANNUM. ' The Hawthorne family who made such a favorable impression here last winter will give an entertainment in the opera house next Monday e^en ing, at popular prices, viz: [0 , 15 and 20 cents. The company has been newly organized and is far superior to what it was when here.. Do not fail ,to secure seats at once if you have not already done so. For sale at Stor­ mont & Co.’s. The. strike o f the miners ot Brook­ field, Trumbull county for 10 per cent, advance'in wages, has been com­ promised by the company agreeing to pay 5 per cent, advance. The men hud been out about two months. While S. B .‘Hubbard’s new resi­ dence inSandusky was in process of building the workmen hung a card on • plate glass window on which were thewords: “ Keep ont. This means you.” The letters have been photo­ graphedunto the glass by the sun’s rays and cannot be removed. The littledaughter o f J. S. Fulles- ton, of Huntville, Logan county, jumped out o f a wagon in, which she was playing and was caught around the neck in a swinging rope and hung so that life was almost extinct before she was rescued. Physicians applied restoratives and succeeded in bringing her back to life. The following is the solution o f the problem given in the H erald a few weeks agOj as solved by Prof. J. V . Stewart, formerly o f this placer “ What number divided by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 give 1 remainder anddivided by 7. give 0 remainder?” Let. x.* equal quotient by twos and let y equal quo­ tient by sevens; then 2x plus l equal 7yand by indeterminate analysis x. equal 7y minus 1 or 3y plus y minus 1 over 2. Let y minus 1 over 2 equal w then v equal (2 w plus 1.) Now since the number must' be a multiple o f 7 put w equal to that multiple, which makes y an integer. Hence w equal 21 and y equal 43 the quotient by sevens. Therefore 7 multiplied by 43 equal 301, the required number. Some boys were playing tricks on an old man named William Kriek in West Salem on Halloween, and the old man, becoming enraged, bred On them with a shotgun. Two' o f the boyK named Cobb and Crum were wounded. Twenty-seven shot were taken out o f young Cobb's legs, Gobb’ was. not seriously hurt. Kriek was arrested. A ItanlnMN Card that Cleans ItaMineHti. 7 On Main street in Dunkirk, Ohio, is a saloon kept by one R. H . John* son. His business cards, on one side rend, R. H. Johnson; Fine W iikb and Liquors, Main Street, Dunkirk,.Ohio. On the other side is the following statement o f what his goods will do: AN HONEST SALOON ADVERTISEMENT. Friends and Neighbors:—G rateful for past patronage, and having a new stock o f choice wines, spirits and lager beer,.I make drunkards and beggars out o f sober and , indus­ trious people- My liquors excite riot, robbery nnd bloodshed; diminish com­ forts, increase expenses and shorten lives and are sure to multiply fatal ac­ cidents and distressing diseases, and likely, to render these latter incurable, they will cost some o f you life, some o f you reason, many o f you character, and peace. W ill make fathers and mothers fiends, wiveswidows, children orphans, and nil poor. I train the young to ignorance, infidelity, dissipa­ tion, lewdness, and every vice, cor- j a Story o f Palestine and its People, il- rupt the ministers o f religion and mem-, lustrated with over 4(H) wonderful en- . % .j® .c r a v in g s o f scenery in Holy Land, hereof the church, hinder the Gospel o]d luaMt<T^, nnd famous pic- end send hundreds to temporal and j tunas from the Land nnd Times o f the eternal death. ‘ Tw ill accommodate Saviour, also a grand picture o f Jeru- the public,” even at the cost o f my Salem on the day o f the crucifixion, in 12 colors and ten feet in length, ‘This A SAFE INVESTMENT . . b o n e which is guaranteed to brini you satisfactory results, or in csseoi ad lon • return of purchase price. On this ss(e plan yon can buy from onr ad­ vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. Ring’s New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Longs or Chest, such as Consqmption, Inflammation, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to teste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended npon. Trial bottle freest Bidgeway’a Drag Store. (1) M e r it W ins- . We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Lite Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salveand ElectrioBitters, and have never handled remedies that M il as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, }f satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won theirgreat popularity purely on their merits. Ridgeway’s, druggist. (1) A O E X T 8 W A S T E D For Dr. Tnlmage’s New Book, cover ing his life's work and great trip “ To, Through, nnd From the Christ-Land,” entitled “ From Manger to Throne,” Embracing a New Life o f Christ, and soul, for I have a family to support and the trade pays, for the public en­ courage it I have a license, my traf* fie is therefore lawful and Christians even countenance it, and if I do not sell drink, somebodyelsewill. I know the Bible says, “ Thou shall not kill:” “ Woe unto him that givethhis neigh­ bor drink,!* and not to “ put a stumb­ ling block in a brother's way,” 1 also read that,“No drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God,” and 1 suppose .a drunkard maker w*ll not share any better fate; but I want a lazy living, and have made up my mind that my iniquity pays very good wages. I shall therefore carry trade and do my best to decrease the wealth, impair the health, and endanger the safety of thepeople. As my traffic flourishes In proportion to your igno­ rance and indulgence, I must do all I ran to prevent your mental culture, morrl purity, serial happiness and eternal welfare. JFor proof^of my ability, I refer to Ae pawn shop*, the ] olke office, the hospital, lunatic asy­ lum, jail and the gallows, whither so many o fmy customer* have gone, I teach old and ybnnf to drink* and charge only Ibrttmmaterial*. A very few kstOM ait aftongh. t o m until death. R. H. J ohnson . is Dr. Talmage's life work and his greatest bock. Orders are now pour­ ing in from oil parts of the civilized world. You will neve like it. 1,000,000 copies will be sold the the firstyear. Agents should drop al) else and secure territoiy.. Such chances come only once in a lifetime. Exclusive territory given—full pro­ tection. The most remarkable and wonderful o f all booksabout theLand, Timesand People o f the Bible. Go to work nowand yoirwiU make hun­ dreds of dollars. Territory going with a rush; act now; no capital need­ ed. Name territory you want, and write at once for particulars to B .F , JOHNSON AGO, 2600 Main Street, Richmond, Vs ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO . i r -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP- Doors, Sash % Blinds, EXCURSION* «• the MOUTH. B e in s e i Rates v ia the P ea*- ly iv iw la LI rcs ts Feints Xm Kewtwdky, Teememsee a * 4 A lsh sa ia Excursion tickets at one fhre for pound trip will be sold via the Penn­ sylvaniaLines to points in the .South, on account o f land sales, as follow; On November 7thand 8th to Mid- dlesborough, Ky. OnNovember17th nnd 18th Dayton, Tenn. and to Flor- eno», Ala. - - TMtote will be good returning fifteen day* from date o f sola. LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new sotek. Can offer you better Grades for less money than you have been paying for poor grades. CALL AND SEE GRADES AND PRICES. O ffice of D ittok & G allin , Dealers in fine horees, Columbus, O., G entlemen —Early last spring one o f our horses was seriously injured by being kicked. Arabian Oil was recommended to us and we gave ft a trial. The result was not only satis­ factory', but surprising. The wound healed rapidly, and the animal was ready for Use in a, few days. Since that time we have by- its. use cured a number o f cases o f scratches and re­ moved some bad cases o f curb. Ara­ bian Oil is undoubtedly the best gen­ eral Stock Liniment that we ever used, and we advise Farmers and Horsemen to keep a supply o f it in their stables at ail times. Yours. Re­ spectfully, D ittoe A G allin . We offer $100 for a case o f Scratches Arabian Oil will Pot cure.' For sate by B. G. Itidgway. BARR & M0RC0N Now determined that no firm in this COUNTY or AD­ JOINING COUNTIES shall undersell them in J. A . G kawfokd , J . II. L ackey , Xenia, O. Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY They have a full line of all kinds of Furniture, 6uch as Parlor Suits, Bed-Boom Suits, Dressers, Bureaus, Book- Cases, all ksnds of Beds, Chairs. Stands, Tables, Rock­ ers, and everything found in a First class Furniture Store. Give them a call. Is a specialty. "Wekeep on hands a full line of Coffins, Caskets, Robes, Etc. All calls will be promptly at­ tended to. BARR &MORTON. i m We have for this season’s trade some large growthy pigs o f both sexes. Prices to suit the times. Also 3 extra Short-Horn bull calves. Call on, o - address as above. COOKS A N D HEATERS We have % complete line of A cordial invitation is extended to you to .examine the elegant NEW STOCK being received now. A complete line of fine of all kinds at^ Roek Bottom Prices. We think we can pleaseyon both In quality and price. Give u sa call. Crouse& Bull. all the latest styles together with every gradeoffine Business Suite, Overcoats, Pant- iPuraisliing Goods. ings, Oents Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART It CO. X E Z V I A , - . . . . . . OF CEMOVUI General Hawking Butinas lraasacitd. W . H nva rn r, W . L C l t m M i , C m l i l e v CHAS. E. SHITEffi Is the place foryon to gte a smooth shave or a stylish hair cut. BASEMENT ORB BUILDING.