The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
• V 1 / B A R G A I N S A L E WINTER F A L L LARGE STOCKOF « 4 GENC ’S FURNISHING GOODSb* At prices lower than ever before. New bargains while the season lasts. Call regularly and examine the large variety we are showing. Fall Overcoats in Kerseys Melton* Corkscrews from 88 to 820.. J Children’s Overcoats, Infancy Plaids, JCersey and Black Cheviot, - with or without Gape, prices $2 to $1Q. Underwear.—One of the most complete stocks ever shown, Natural Wool, Camels Hair, Swift Conde, Medicated Flannels, Canton Flannel, etc., prices 25c to $5. WmteivQvercoats in Chinchilla, Beaver, As* trachnn, Irish Frys, Meltons and Kerseys, prices 85 to $25. Odd Pants, all the latest styles from the smallest boy to the largest man, 25c to $8. Gloves.—This department is complete. Cnlsor, * ’ ™........ ei-s“ Calf work* Buck, Larinack, Plymouth, Seal Skin, Calf Skin, Angor Knit Jersey for dress and ing, prices 25c to $2. Cheviot Suits for hoys, men and children, bound and plain, in single and double breasted sacks and cutaways, from 85 to 818. Shirts.—We lead the procession. Everything that a person can imagine in full dress embroi dered fronts. Satin Stripe Flannels and Dornit from 50e to 83. . Hats and Caps woare showing in tlnsdcpartmcut a full line of the latest,stiff and soft hats in markot Jersey Suits, ages from 4 to 9, in blue, black and brown, prices 83 to $6. Trunks and Valises.—In Leather, Zinc and Wood Finish,.prices from $1 to 810. Ako a, full line Traveling Bags, prices from 75c to $8. Hosiery.—See our fast black warranted not to fade. In Nat, Wool, Lisle Thread, Boldriggan prices 5c to 81. Everything in this line; STOP AND INQUIRE THE PRICE OF EACH “ AUTUMNAL BARGAIN” WHILE THEY LAST. A V ISIT , WILL PAY YOU, BRADY & SC E IN FE LS , 43 EAST MART STREET, * - - - - - XENIA. OHIO. 1 / ♦ r H E AH JNDBCENDKWT WEEKLY MEWSEAEBB SATURDAY, JpQV. 15, 1890 IT. J T. BLA IR , Editor and Prop’r M ICK St.Rff M R ANNUM. tUKUBCH H ffiU C T O O T . Ooveanrtier Church.—Rov T. o dprmil, PMtor. tlogulnr narvlcpn At lliOO * tn; Sabbath eofaool at 10:00 ■ in R .P . <UbLaroh.—R « \. 3. V. U M h n , Motor. Service* at II tfO* toi; hnfcbreti Ejhoc4»tH>jOO»ni. M.JL Cbarcb.—BAv. G.Ii.TnA*!P*s* foe. * M f Snbbntlr idhool at W0 tu m.i <&*•*,* s » p . m,- Toaog People’* moetfor at 7JCtp in , U. P . Cbnroli.—•fcev. J. O. Wnmock, posior. Service* a t UrfWa m and 7 p H t Snbbifth school at IfiOOa hi „ A.M .E. Church.—Rev. 1. D. Sack ton, murtor. Sorvlooe at 11too* in ami 7>00p m each Sabbath; Sabbath whool W 9p a il elaMi,7jrtlpmoaahFriday. BantUt Church.—Rev. D.M Turner, School at ig c ^ w i Proper MMSnt.WOd* field Republic-Time* reporter had With a former Cedorvillkn, -------—Thom- ieou, but now of tb« Springfield police force, whore eoceotricitie* our readers are well acquainted with, will doubt- kre prora interreting: “ You fellowshave been talkie about lost of iV said OfBcer Thoiafcm a t roll call l**t night, “ and If you’ll just tit down add keep your ehattenn mouths shut half an hour H I tell you all about it.” Every mother* *wu defied hishAtand itunhlod into* dreir, and listened to the following narrative: ‘‘In ’fi# I wa*with a party « f fbr- agon from Shorn**’*xrmyin Tm m * #«> and owhig pw* viMOMWa gre •!><**% * ^ f t* * way b*W w« rrelirefi H. « d m were apprised of our mistake in a rather nnriikmnt Wty Whmi A ##*• twmtef *5SisSi «*; one day while we wero eating our sup- the captain and his aidei came up per by the light of a burning distillery laughingly remarking that they would, after a. hard days ride, ■I t was a live- now feed the yanks on some of their lv skirmish for a few minutes, b u t|own flea|,. Those ignorant fellows are they were too much tor us and we superstitious as heathens, ami when f gave in. They lost no time in hust ling us away from there,ns they judged they saw I was whole, their astonish ment knew no bounds. They rolled by our presence the main army was, nie over and Gripped „ie, but fouud not far off, and within two days we«uo' wound of any kind. I t was then wereBafe, or rather unsate, behind the j d e d ^ d they would carry out their stockade at Audersonvule. I sized (promise ana give me a military burial, up the live ghosts m jhere, and made {wtIny fen d e d spirit should haunt up my mind I wouldu t become one of T • * ■ •• them, so I immediately began laying plans to escape. I t Wt©I who first proposed the tunneling scheme, about which so much has been written, and the boys readily took up with the idea, with the result that it was uotloug be fore we rivaled the moles at making underground passages. I wanted to tunnel a mile or two into the woods outside o f the stockade, before coming to the surface, but the other boys felt so good ro get outside that they would, come out on top of ground scarcely a hundred feet from the grounds, and while they reeled from the labor of «r C/ y* u*iy( squirming through they would invol-1kj untarily begin singing “down with the traitors,” or some other patriotic air, and the guards would turn around and shoot ’em, and that knocked our sebemera the head. A t last old man Wirt*, who had champ o f the prison, found I was the instigator of * plot to pull down the palisades and ra id jjt them/ I was curried to the. quarter master's tent and laid out in superb style,"'for fhc timbprfeH“ you. - How do I know? Why, I was in a sort ^of a trance all the time, knew everything that was going on, but couldn’t*move hand or foot. I was kept there three days, when a fine coffin arrived and the entire regiment that had fired at me was appointed an' escort to ray re mains, which were conveyed fully twenty miles away to a bluff near a small stream. There a ■deep grave was dug and the cofiyi was lowered into it, much to my horror. I tried to ell, or kick on the box to let them } now I was alive—I would rather lie killed first and buried afterwards—but I couldn’t stir mmuscle. The captain read a short burial service, the regi ment fired a salute, the drums beat “ taps” and tbe bugle souned “lights out” so sweetly that I forgot I was being buried alive and rather enjoyed Then the clods tumbled in on the coffin lid and I again. . 1 stru the quartermaster, so he decided to make an example of me, and I was sentenced to be shot. 1 defied them, and swore a whole regiment of ’em might shoot a t me a t a distance of one hundred yards and their bullets would have no effect. He seemed interested, and something impelled me to make a ________ f bargain for a decent burial if I could, Jnever stop. ’Finally my so I said ‘old man, I ’ll tell you what I* stofie and I lost t was horror stricken 'led, hu t they had the grave half filled up before 1 finally moved and with the strength of a giant broke the lid off the box; and—some thing gave way under me and the whole shootin’ match tumbled down, down, down, until I thought it would struck consciousness. to oat and a guide who escorted me back to the Union lines, where I told my story, and, it having been discov ered later that the whole regiment of my would-be-executioners had commit ted suicide out of remorse at having attempted to nssnsamate a supernatural being. Uncle Ham decided that Iliad done my share towards putting down the rebellion find I was honorably dis charged- I have the papers down homo uo\y.” As he ceased speaking. Dal Record stepped forward and with the oxqui- site grace for which lie is noted, said: ‘Old bov, I’m something of a liar my self. Allow me to welcome you as the second member of tbe Ananias club.” ' Small-pox ib prevalent in Washing-, ton couuty, Ind. I’ll Jo: You stand nie up a t one jWhen I came to, the first sensation hundred yard*, and have your whole felt wa* a tingling in this hand where regiment shoot a t me a t once, and if I am not h it by any ofibe bullets, but am dead when you get to me after ih* the thumb ought to be. I awoke to find myself in a large cavern, and my thumb*gone. I think it was smashed off in tbe fall, and my band, falling in a little stream of mineral water which volley is fired you bun- me with mili tary honors, and if lam miltilafedyou cook and feed my remains to my ftifloW traversed the cave, had been wonder- Thi* tickled tbe oldvillain 'frilly healed. I found the water very. Fully two thousand people were a t the State Capitollast night, to listen to the concert tendered by the Original Nashville Student to the Tennessee legislature and their friends. The main auditorium was filled with ele gantly dressed ladies and gentlemen while the galleries looked like boquets frcshlypluckedfrom some flower gar den. I t was a charming treats, one that was heartily appreciated and thor oughly enjoyed. I t is astonishing what pathos, what soul-stirring beauty dwells in the voice o f these black- skinned' songsters. By natnre they are endowed with the soul of music; by culture this genius has been under perfect control, and for melody, for sweetness of voice, for correct time, for expression of true vocal sentiment, their quain t,' weird-like refrains brought back to memory visions of the old plantation days, camp meet ings, break-downs, fields and forests of our ante helium Sunny South.—Nash- viile, Tend., World. Pittsburgh,(Mi A* U. Louis fly l’AN-II ANIlLEICODTE. Sclmlulo in eilCct Juno, 1.1890. Trains depart from CetlnrvilIo«H follow liOING WEST. IIT OG a. m, flag stop. - * 10.14n. m. 11AL5._31_ i >._ hi . ________flag: stop.____ GOING EAST. * 8 a. in. * 3.57 i>. in. SUNDAY. Suit- DOysgooaoye «uu wo aM tiuunw ^ pu..or so 4 was awe w wane my way up MinriM 1 was taken out, and ret u p 1 through my late grave, and discovered b ra target, according to program, by their tracks, tha t the ‘mourners’ at Jure m the smoke curled up irom the my funeral haa fied when they dis mantle* of their gun*I tumbled back- covered my spirit kicking up such a ward*, my head struck the root o f a'row the first thing. I wentto a negro tree and I ws* apparently dead When ‘hut near by and procured something For lame back there is nothing bet ter than to saturate a flannel cloth with Chamberlain's Paiq Balm and bind it on the affected parts. Try it and you will be sutpriaea at the prompt relief it affords. The same treatment will cure rheumatism. For sale by B G.Kidgwsy. The following trains stop on day only. EAST. ' * WEST. || 1C. 14 a. m. ' || 4.17 p. m. li'G-37 p. m. 4.2G a. m. T im s givotl above is Centra^T luie. |F<ag fDailjr. ‘ Dully except Sunday. ", " ' i r t d a n n l s t r a t e r ’s S a le . In pur«uin«« of an order of tbe Frobete court of Greene County, Ohio, in the e*ee wherein Charles It. Kyle, adminietr&tor of the ehUte of John l \ Frazier, deceased it plaintiffaMt A, IS, Frazier et al arc defendant*, to me dtreeM and delivered, I will otTer for tale on the premhez In Cedarrillc, Greene County, Ohio, lit puhiio Sec tion, on Tuesday, November 18, A D. 1890, at 2 o’clock p. Bi. the following deeorihed lande and tenement* towitr , , Sltnate In the Connty of Greene, State of Ohi* •and in the villageof Cedervilie, and bounded and dereribed as follow*, viz: Beginning at a point on the east line of Main' Street in mild tillage, 121 81-100 feet eontherly frem the S, E , earner of the inUreeetlen of Main end Grove etreete in (aid village, thene* northerly along tbe eaid «aet line of «atd Main etreet, 78 M-100 feet to the S. W. corner of 1>. S. Ervin’s lot; thence easterly parallel with said Grove street 100# foot to the 8 . B. comer of Said 1>. S. Ervins lot; fbenee northerly parallel with said Main street d e fe c t to the south line of said' Grove street, theaee easterly rdong said line of Grove street 80K feet to an alley; thenee southerly parallel with said Main strict, 77 feet to an alley; thenee westward!/ akuig tha line of said alloy, 361 foot to the place of bfr|aatitiif* These premisesare sold free and clear foam the dowry inforert of Franeie Frazier, widow ef . John F .Fm lef, deeagaed, Paid pr»ml*e* nppmieed it $1800.0*. Terms ofsale; ene-’thlrdenehon day *elet •nS-thlrd in «u ytAti ene-thlrd In twoyes™ fromdayofante. Dsfotted payazenta to bear si* per cent, interactaid be seereed by mort gagenpoh thepmaltee sold. C mas . H. Kvb«,.Adnt!iil*tra(pr. l O i i i f r i arewiiMa ^ i
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