The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES. -To keep l«n*ona, piit ta a. glass cun i»dcoverwith ooWwater, ^hanging ti»9 gaiterevery week; —Stuffy furniture le qta4e endurable |»yweans of pretty, clear starched linen f ' and‘such pretty llnanB yorae ppw- ys flowered and striped and (ta lked, that the homeliest set of furm tare olad therein Is transformed into something pleasing. —Scalloped,, Ciorto—-Alternate layers of sweet, tender Corn (wl^ioh has been boiled and out fide from the cob) with cracker ctumbe. Season well with salt and pepper and plenty of butter! , Pour . over milk until the dlah is nearly full, Bake until nicely browned.—Good Housekeeping. —Do not throw away bread beoause. it It dry; it can be utilized in many ways; keep it in a tin box or dry place; it can housed for puddings, fritters, and for any mixture where rolled cracker? would be used by many; bread is pre ferred to cracker, will'’ not absorb fat when used for dressing. •—When broad is source and you do not care to host the oven, .take three cupfuls swoot milk, a spoonful of salt and one of baking powder; add flour to stir vory stiff. Fry in a skillet with a little hot lard. They must bo covered while frying, and they will rise two inches, and are not at all greasy,— Housekeeper. —Steamboat Pudding.—Butter well the iqold, sprinkle a handful sugar in the bottom, lightly butter some thin slices of bread; put first a layer of bread, then raisins and sugar until the mold irfilled; overall a custard of one quart of flour and three eggs, flavor if you choose; steam one hour and servo With sauce.—Boston Globe. —Roly Poly.—Five ounces suet; one- half pound flour;, salt Chop suet fine; add the flour and small; pinch salt Mix thoroughly with cold water, roll out about one inch think; then spread with fruit jam and roll up. Tie in floured doth, leaving room to swell, and plunge into boiling water. Boll at least two hours. Serve with sauce.—-DetroitFree, Press' —"Bechamel Sauce.—Take a pint'.of white stock, a bunch of sweet herbs, two whole cloves, a bay leaf and a little salt. Set all over a slow fire and boll it down to one-half. Mix a tablespoonful of arrow-root in a pint of milk and let it simmer for a few moments, then pour the flavored stock on it and let It cook slowly for twenty minutes.—Indianapo lis Sentinel —An Old-fashioned Nut Cake.—Two cups of sugar stirred to a cream'with tbroa-quartora of a cup of butter, a oup of rich milk, a teaspoon of soda, four, eggs, four Bcant oups of flour and a tea spoon of cream of tartar. A oup of hickory >nuts, obopped vory fine, is stirred through the cake just before it is put in the oven. It should be baked in large, brick-shaped loaves, iced with a thlok Icing, through' whloh half a cup of biokory nuts havo boeqj Stirred.—Boston Budget Potato Cake.—Steam five or six oderate-sizod potatoes, pound them In t mortar with a small piece of buttor, add milk nntil they are moderately thick; then pat in two tablespoonfuls of pounded sugar, and tho grated rind of lemon; cook for a-few minutes, then let it cool; mix a llttlo milk with the yelksof three eggs, add to tho potato and beat together; whip the whites of the eggs to a froth, mix thorn lightly with the other ingredients, put in a buttered dish and bake hot even.—Dem- orcst’ft —Clams amwatlm—Chop all tho hard part of uncooked elates; to a cupful of clams add a cupful of .fine oraoker or bread crumbs, reserving a little for tho top of the mixture before It is placed in the oven; add also to the chopped clams a dessertspoonful of chopped onion, a small teaapoonful of marjoram and sage, a little chopped celery, some cayenne and salt; moisten all with the broth of the clams; dll bat tered shells with the mixture, sprinkle crumbs over the top with some bits of butter and place in a hot oven for twonty minutes; garnish with parsley Irhett served.—Boston Herald. EMPEROR WILLIAM. tow Ha Annanaeed Himself at the Hoaee o f an Old Friewd. When the Emperor of Germany was StKiel in September it had been an- sconced that he would pay a visit to a nseb-esteemed family in the city on a strtain day. A few minutes before the appointed Wr agentleman in plain clothes ar rivedon foot at the door of the house Mdfold themaid-servantwhoanswered thehell to lead him tohermaster. She •tidpolitely thet tbet would he impoa* Ate, for hermaster wee expecting the htperordirectly, and would naturally titotobe in private with him. “But," she added, “ I should be glad htake anymessage from you." the visitor replied that it wee neoes- Ay forhim to speak to faermaster, and a thegirl renewing her objections, ha Mhted* it will not her so bad as that, Miytakeme to your mastey; and as to Emperor, I know him very well, Jarsince the time when he wasPrince Encouraged by this saws, the girt to anftoaaee the g»*ti«to«a*a *>hnt begged far hi*Stoweon a vis- card. "Well.” said the gentlemen, "if ye* ' absolutely know say ***!*, I as* i William, and ammyself tit* KaU ‘ -S. Y. Journal. COW*A*TDIW rvjpri m m t * % A WemtorftdvWenfTto* by * IffdVfcnow* Stock-Kaleer. * J. L. Cheeney, a popular stockman, known all over the northern part of Chihuahua,, as "Black, Jim," and, who has two ranches on the bead waters of the Bio do las Conoho, tells, of a wonder ful freak whtoji made it* appearance in his "out-off cow-pasture during tho dry. hot weather in August.. The pasture contains 72 acres, and while it fa on the south hillside sloping, towards tito Con cho, has a' surface remarkable for its evenness., In the latter part ofJ»ly,t{io graft began to die, all except, a ring or band about 85 feet wide and 800 yards in diameter which kept perfectly green end luxuriant* In th f center of the, largo circle there appeared,another,much smeller than the first, being only about six feet across the "rim” and 100 yards ip diameter, but connected with the larger Circle by 17 patches o f green, giv ing the ' whole the appearance of a double wheel connected with 17 spokes, each of which were about a yard across! the edges of the green being clearly divided from the surround ing dead grass and weeds. In the center of the small wheel appeared a disk of green about nine feet in diam eter, exactly corresponding to the hub of what' seemed to be a gigantic wheel; however, the disk and the inner wheel were not connected by "spokes" as tho outer , and inner wheel wore. On the north side o f the center disk there was a perfect Maltese Cross, 0 feet 0 inches across the arms and about 11 feet the long way, while on the south there ap peared a Latin cross, or cross of Christ, of about tho same dimensions. The cattle absolutely, refused to tpuoh the .green grass of either wheel, spokes, disk or crosses, seeming to prefer dead weeds to. any thing of such an uncanny nature. (Scientists who investigated the matter seemed to be of the opinion that the green grass grew on the out lines of an ancient fortification, a theory which seemed plausible enough until the late rains sot in, since which time the grass, which was all so green and nice during the dry weather, has with ered away. Explanations of the phe nomenon are still wanting.—St Louis Republic. •• . Where Dollars Are Made. •No part of the New South offers great er opportunities than North Alabama and the brightest jewel of that section is Florence. The skill of tho onglnoer can woll be challenged in the selection of a site more .advantageous for health- fulnes: beauty : and utility. Four years ago it was a village of 1,250 in habitants. - Now it is over7,000 and still growing. Tho proceeds of tho land sale which occurs there WCdnoMay.Novorn- ber 19, will be devoted entirely to the building of manufactories ana other developments at Florence. Thirty fac tories aro already located there. The Cincinnati, Hamilton ami Dayton Rail road will soil excursion tickets to Flor ence at ono-fare for tho round trip, 'on November 17- and 18. good for 15days returning. For'rates, descriptive mat ter, eta, call on or address any agent of the (X, II. & D. or E. O. McCormick, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Cincinnati Hero is a chance to make dollars. “ You were dissatisfied with your pastor somemonths ago!" "Yes." “Ht,s ho re signed yeti’* “ No; but tho‘ congregation is.’’—Ycnowine’s Nows. Do tour clothes last as they used tot If not, you must bousing a*>aportcathinf/pow- Arrxbat rots them. Try tbe good oUtyanhimtcd Dobbins* Electric Soap, perfectly pure to-uay as in IB05. ___________ _ _ TnZnc’s a widedifference between a self- made man and a summer maid man.— Washington Star. H ave no equal as a prompt and positive euro for sick headache, biliousness, const!- -tlon.palttInthoside, andall liver troubles. ' ?’» Little Liver Pills. Try them. T n decline of literature—Tbo printed blank that accompanies rejected manu script—St. Joseph Nows pati s Carta Tens thyme—Soup. "Goon form"—Venus. A oaih tn a stow—Oysters. TMe-mendous!—Borneoaka. A C hurch Sensation—Drowsiness—Pittr burgh Chronicle, R crai , dissipation—A meadow "larkJ— Texas Siftings. R a X away with a coachman—Thehortea. —TCXasSiftings. A iwrte of * man generally makes a goose o f a husband.—Ram s Horn. Tn* first regularfall opening—Thst of the oyster.—BostonHerald. Ax aching tooth may he little, but it’s nervy.—Elmira Gazette; Miss C umxixo , of Bear Lake Mills, Mick., has two tongues. That’s ell we waiittc know of the Gumming woman.—flihgham ton Lender, t ,« AMAXoften finds It difficult to break tbt fee. but the past summer it didn’t take any tofort for ice to break s man,—Yonkers Statesman. -, A M ax in BonsaU found a silver Watch In bis hen-house. As he failed to find his thicken*there, it was vory evident that his ben-houe* needed & watch.—Norristown _______- — . No MAtrra what the season of tho year, wo always have flies with na. ,In thowarm weather they aro house flies, in tho cold diys snow flies, sod perpetually time flit*, y-fepum Herald. ^ •(You must have been given * rather warm reception,” Mid tbomMchant to his IwtoXtiOMd collector. *‘We!L tttther. It a w * somMsstio* of flr* sk i toe, SOM ap#sk.**—dndlsCapohaJoamr“ 1 . 1,p0 Lessons jin B»pi- nesa. fl. flbort Oats in F igures, 1 . H ow to W rits .* Good Buslnaas Letter. OVER 45.000 COWESSOLDIKElflHTEEMMOUTHS. I-/I sbe^u^-stonif.fcsitoccssa^Jfr,tHoutan&s^of prt«■■,■ ■ u>'■ 1 M* i»» — "» 1 '.■■"«— ■ * ... Nothin* eleevrould Indue* dovsrrraient offldsto.lrostoeeiimsnbr th* doesn*. bends of banka; p— *»—* iMmift-niMW clerka br thousands, to send for this splendid work at th* rata of ova* 199 a day. IhtnnMlTMtc... . cok. Tbebookteanewendasoodone.^Fiftyper of tbe orders' ere.fromExperiencedmen, n«T fromthouwhohnresaenltIntheband*ofother*, ookIs eipietally valuable tor boreandTonnemen ----- ire ■eilUH, te *ft ea Thispublicationwill beto manya younymanthesteppingstone toa(ueoaasfal businessenresr. Ithaslotsof poult Isabook of lesson*—busies** lassons-on* hundred mors Thebook' whoa e Mf. It ____ _________ ____ : businessIsssons.Tbsarithmeticof its.lessonsIs tho arithmetic of tha cash-desk, the counting-room, and the bank, Tbe lesson* on , Interest and Discount . . . willbefonndsidebylids,withactualnote*anddrafts,printedIncolors, and.writtenupIneoramerqlalform Bankchecks,reproducedbyphotographyandprintedincolors,altoformamost attract!**feature. PRICE,$1,60 SHORTCUTS IN FIGURES.^^^^^ rulTiHSeFffluriSnTTE^ the country upsidedown,orrutU- ledoesnotappfr *“ -*1 ______________ _______ bvten minntawi uva,Mgltenlatbebook.youwill -------- .... —,, ------ . ... wornamiwhlebwillnot* uoronborfcutsthanyonwill find in*Any.other er,right aideup* _______r............. — illtiBtoanImmensenumher>andbyten l n< ffoPn ThisItthe titleof matteraddedtoth__ _______ .. It explains a new multiplication 1 ---- ntijy ‘ Fes^study of tl.e. eiplana- O?Courts,thisru * ly toallslumbers,butit --- . ------ ‘ im sr s beable to tell at aplanerwhichwill CORRESPONDENCE book. Someof thebeatweresecuredfromQcrtnanyandare entlrolynew Inthiscountry. “ HOWTOWRITEAGOOD BUSIXEM I.ETTEK" It the titleof anotherM-paee section whichisbonndInwith the edl- ----------------------------------------. .. tlou of ONEHUNDREDLEU- SONSINBUSINESS. Itwnafirstpublishedatasepsratabookand30,000 copiesweresold.Illustratedthroughout. Thechaptersonenralopeaddresses,style*of penmanship, andU.8. postageareparticularlyattraetlre. THEBURROWSBROTHERS60., 8HONT-CUT. IxWt, Put dosrn both llirure*, and- carry on* (flwsys carry-ons), # j ** i *, Put downbothAs- ures,andyou hare theproductSOD. thousands o r EXAMPLES CAN BEWOBKEDLIKE THESETWO. LEARN WHICH. 63 48 3024 46 27 1242 arereceiveda- opy*f ‘‘Oat ftnndrsdLessoesin .............. Itswslfhtleloll—M.Beits, an: . . . . . . . . . . Iwould not pertwithItfee ythlBf,end reelthatI nerermad*abetter lareeb- Dent.— A. K Letter,Albany, XT. Quit* recently a PbUadalpbla Banker ordereda dosuncopiesforhi*elsrk*. r as anerldence of my appreciation, I ssadflredrtr lars. forwhichsendBramoreeoplst.— J. 3. AttttU, R B.Departmentof Affriculture, WatMngton. Ihare never beentowell pleasedwiththe Invest, mentof adollaras.InthisInstance—A.P. Seller,Many* field,OMo. YourbookIswhat I have beenlookingfor- Flynn lug Is nowmadeapleasure Insteadof the tiresome routine it formerly was.—A tt Oole, with UnaryW. KtngetOa.,Chicago. On*of the best booksI eversaw. Would not taka anything for mine If I couldnot get another.— T.K llaward.StandardOlySaddleOo.,Jackeon,XicMgaeL I IAI I I T t i O m sewtssfsl keilarts. ___ P l l l l l I A pv* 8^00 fora slnylewrinkle. 1 W F S l ■ V Another In thisbookcost ns S » . We hareseen baslncusmenpick oeta slnele lesson here aaithere, stylo*, as they did to, " thaton* .- lesson Inworth to me the price ofthe book.** OTWereferto any Mercantile AgencyInto*U.S. jr tpanyClevelandBankorBusinessMan. PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. 23*25-27 EUCUD AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Cornu Svery Week — Finely IltuttraUd — Bead itij 460,000 t'am ilitt. Five Double Holiday NumToers. Thanksgiving, Christinas, New Year's, Easter, Fourth-of-July. FREE TO 1891. ■V Te nnyNewNubacrlberwho WILL OUT OUT and aendna thin adver* tlacment, with name and Post-Olflce address and tt;75, we will nend The Yenth’s Campanian FREE t* January 1,1891, and for a fall year from that dale. Thin offer Inclade* tha FIVE DOUBLE HOLIDAY NUMBERS, and all tha ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY SUPPLEMENTS. M.Addrttt, T he Y ou th ’ s C om pan io n , Boston, Mass. EVERrWATERPROOF COLLAR on CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP TO THE RRARK I f fO t t O S P l l t I N o t t o P lB O Q lO r ! BEARS THIS MARK. t r a d e M a r k * NEEDS NO LAUNDERINCL CAN BEWIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. I 'E ^ S ^ C e S iG cA S iX C b& c e a CO LD HEAD RELIEVES INSTANTLY . IKLYBBOTUKS, HWarrenSt,NewYork. PriceBO ct* pnHPS AKKEDt FOR CATAKHIL—B*»t. .lUlett to Uto. •L ciieapeet Kellel to lmmadlatw, A euro to certain. For Coldto tbeBeadMhMnoequal. Q A T A R R H It to anOtntmentr of which, boetrlto. Fxi#e,»e. ,8oWbyd . Addnas, ' K. I tod to tha IBnUa' _ WEmcL Ttk Lafsst Styles L’Art Do La Mods. - • r ceMHii plates . "•nSS5®8BV“ “ ,r OTOdtfUlfmrKewldieR RsllBlNrtilkt'MflUmbru ISLANDHOME 9 M a jA saaao s la fV c a a a u W , hyertor «ad Braedir ar PurctortnAFrtadiCoedi Horse*, lolferaverylsrn Istod of horses to ssiack Ifrem. I gs»r«<H my |ltodk,toti<*pfiCMrewM* Itotosmiienoflettyterms. PVHMsrs ttotyi wsletms. 6feSHW«) N b |M(to* Midi. A EOBBEU OR THIEF IdMtwtoas^MMAwteasBrtDltoMlayo# J orrs ’ $60. ST or W^on Soils k m c ! S M im t o i i S iip tiitM i, L I . A STAMPEDE. Cemfljnga droveof horses riree roa yleotyel weric for hoars, Yoa don’t hare new ie riiiek what lb* weatherto. Yoa tot evsiythleg tHd*,da tha work ie over. Bat.the cowboy to nererao- pr»r*r*a. WRea toto," picnic" hspptnt, what* ertr the weather, he 1*not drenched snd wet to (he th!* before tt’e orer, became he to storey* “ ‘ arhh a "FM i Bread Penaml Slicker,” .t ith^oa* of these saddle coets **,¥*« esn'tmt..,. wet If yoa tiy. Yoar satire saddlewfll be i»«?d* the coet, andit will bedry, too. Did yea erertry . the Fernowl Slicker? Just .try «*•, thn cost rtry-XtUe, Then no more eoUe, fsrtn, riitamsi ttsni, and other rtsaH* to expoewt ct vrsether. Ertty rtnnent Msmpsd With *' Fish Brsad” Trade Merit, Don’t, aapmt any Metier mat when ydd era hem th*"tt*hDrand SBcker** dettoend wkhoot amrn east. Psrttoaisrs aad Wastrstcdeewloiae fraw A, <lt TOWIRt: « B«st«n, Msfls* e^r -yommm shim L# IM S IW w l y m S H PS^V -mhHa .... he «k« uTa, A. tws V A S E L I N E - ITOR ONE DOLLAR sent us by mall, we will I deliver, free of all charges, to any person to the United Staten, mi the following articles carefully pocked in a neat box: One two ounce bottlo at Pure Vaseline, loots. . On* two ounce bottle iVnselin* Pomade, lk ,a One fa* of VaselineCold Cream....... . U * One cake of Vaseline Camphorlee.;..... 10 ** One cake of Vaseline Bosp, unscented... 10 “ One cskeof Vesollno8o*p. scented........Ik * On* two ounce bottle of Whit*Vaseline Ik “ — n , u Or for stamps any•Inxleartlclest th* prto*. If you have occasion to use VaSolluo to any form be careful to accept only genuine goods put up by us In original packages. A great many druggists are trying to persuade buyers to toko VASELINE put up by them. Novel S old to such persuasion, as tho srtlelo is as litatlon-— ‘ - — tho result , Vaseline is rlthout value, and will not give yon you expect. A bottlo of..Blue Seal i told by all druggists at,ton cents. Cheaebroigh M’f ’g. Co., 14 State 8L, Nerr Tcrk. mrasaa rawrsrsamcr mm ymmen GOLDMEDAL, PAIUB, 1874 W . B A K E R & CO.’S /, JTs abioluletp war* < to to MUM*. No Chem icals eraassd laMspnpsmHe*, It has ewrsMeaMns HmetUeeerenftb *f Coceamlatdwkhfkach,Airowmst |er8e(ir, tud le ikorefsmfsr nun*<n,lwU w seeSwl, 1s tup. It b.dsllciea^taeerisUeg, iatmfdwnleg, Kssuv Dtaaerxn, ls*dedmlnUyadaptedIbrlersiU* Isawailasiorpsrsoa*labsshfc. ’ Bold byOroeeredverywhera. W.BAKESACO*DtffSttSer*Xew. TRKATCD PRXK.- rMITIVXI.T OUMKDwithVegetable KWetdMs HavecuredmanyUiouseadcasts. CarspsMeeta***• Bouncedhepulesshy thebertphjrslcls**. rruesMs* doMuymntemsrapidlydiseepser,sadinIs*danM least twe-tklrd*of ell sympsMa* are removsd. mad forFREEBOOKof tmtfmonluls of mlri/rolou*tares. Ten days treutaient fanUsked fra* by mull. If yea erder trlsl, send 1#eent* is >Ump«_•« per port***. DM. II. M.UKKKS At OWNS.ATUXTS, DA. w au i i u nm m , euiuwsi, PLAYS! PUYS1PUYS!PLAYSI i ORALLI A CO ., W •DMSMlI H torts emy swim wSM. ft.TRABIMAIRI, MM dkDDkiexi* tvnerh sketchor ekeepModel if FORSALEEighty Acre^UID In Price Coantjr, Wl*. Yor psrltcnlsrs apply to H. B, Anno, Mto Sixty-teranthM.,Enrtewood.IU. iN E * AlNUU orcAXALoauM x A mm MdMMI«M PArxasnfy*«rm*Sta IftftftACRES*'««»'tRNCRNW«ji lUUU 1 1ord9 UilHll kewwawrmmau IMWi 1817“ A.N.K.-S. ijn a m lin n n iS lm ' adviuotis nMhxxMHk Alaailllin al Ip flit
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