The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

our whole stock is what we are determined to do, desiring to close up our business in as short time as possible, we begin Monday the 24th to offer our * ■* • ' Dry Goods, ClotMng, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gloves, Hosiery a vl& Underwear, Show Cases and Store Furniture ' • ■ , ' ■ f ■ ' jl ■ .* • ■* '• at cost or less. A credit of nine months will be given on all sums over $5.00, with note and approved security. STEWART & McCORKELL. •r^E i^E^aEf). e ANIXPEPKNDKNT WKEICLY NEWSPAPER. SATURDAY , NOV . 22, 1890 Miss Amanda Duffield who has heen visiting friends near Dayton has returned home. W. H. BLAIR , Editor and Prop’r PRICE S 1.2 0 PER ANNUM. Caleb Nooks pays the highest mar? ket price tor bulls, bologrty cows and all kinds o f butcher stock. Sorghum, Syrup and Orleans Mo­ lasses at « K eek ’ s . A new lino of pocket and family bibles at K err ' s . I.bny my window glass at K err ' s , Fancy box paper 20;conts per box at Kerr's. ( Oysters and Celery* ( Cranberries and Figs, Applos, Oranges and Banannas ' 1 at B ird ’ s . SWEET CIDER ‘ 35 ’conts per gallon at ‘ B ird ' s . Oysters always on-hands at B ird ' s Sweet Cider » at B ird ’ s . Dr. Baldridge was callpd to Sabina yesterday morning to- attend Frapk Fortier, who is dying w ith , consump­ tion. Will Marshall can now be- heard singing “ It’s nice to be a father,” as I u ' b wife last Saturday presented him with a son. Benton Barber and wife celebrated • (ft: _ ' their fifth marriage anniversary Wed­ nesday by entertaining a . number o f their friends. ; 1, Where will you, eat ’ j'our Thanks­ giving turkey? .<• Nashville Students - Opera House, Monday evening, Nov. 24. ' Reserved seats 25 and 35 cents; at Stormont & Co.'s. / . Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Harve Spen cer, a girl. ^ ___________ Little Mabel Crain is very ill with malarial fever. Wallace Barber week from Xenia. moved here this Rev. John Kyle will talk at the U . P, church to-morrow. Geo. W . Harper made a business trip to Columbus this. week. Miss Clara Black, o f New Carlisle, is visiting Mrs. John McElroy.- Miss Nellie Smith, o f Jamestown, is the guest o f Mrs. George Boyd. Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson, o f Xenia, is the guest o f Miss jEdith Satterfield The friends o f Florence Keys will be glad to hear that she is convales­ cent. "B. W . Northup and wife are spend ing a week or two with their children a t Lima. ^ ___ »Mrft, D r. Oglesbee and Mrs. Winans are visiting relatives in Spring Valley tail week, _________ ____ A number from here went to Spring* ft Thursday evening to witness * Fnntanna." _________ Mrs. Julia Patton, o f Columbus, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dean, this week. George B . Thomas' and wife, o f Springfield, are spending a few day* with Mr. r $ parents at this place.. Miss Pearl Jackson entertained a number o f friends at the home o f her parents in South Cedanrille, Thursday evening. * _________ Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the United Presbyterian church Thursday neat, Nov. 27th, at D a. m. Sermon by Rev. J* C. Wnmoek. Rev. John M. Kyle, returned mis­ sionary from Brazil, will preach in the United Presbyterian church to-morrow night ut 7 o’clock. A ll cordially in- ■v iled .......... • “ ' *". ’ The Ladies Aid Society o f the M, E. church will give a social on the evening o f the 27th—Thanksgiving. The lunch will consist o f coffee and sandwiches, ice cream and cake. To be held at Ervin & Williamson’s hall. Everybody invited? A special from Paris says, Mr. Whitelaw Reid, the United States Minister, accompanied by Mrs. Reid, left Thursday night fgr a two-raonthtf tour o f Turkey and Egypt. Many friends went to the station to bid them adieu, The Minister has kept in Paris all summer, Working witb the French Government for the settlement o f the embargo on United States cattle and products, and lie now takes a well earned rest. Mothers' meeting Saturday after? noon, Nov. 29th, at 2 o’clock at the “ Y ” rooms, subject, 127 psalm, 3d verse: A ll mothers are requested to attend. Ed Smith and Mr. Sqhlessinger are organizing a local hoard for the South­ ern at Jamestown, this week. Dr. Winters wishes ns to state he did not see the burglars at work on Mr. Crouse’s safe, but merely saw the /light. :■ I . *—*^-*—^“— * The scholars ot room No. .3 gave their teacher, Miss Miller, quite a neat surprise last Saturday, it being her birthday. Excursion tickets to Dayton, Tenn., will be sold via the Pennsylvania Lines December 2d, 3d and 4th, good- re­ turning ten days, on account o f land sales. FAW C E T T !■ School Items. . The present week has been a ^busy one with the teacher* and pupils, as they have been engaged in examina- tibnsoftho work passed over during the quarterjust completed. During the quarter the pupils have been regular in attendance and have made excellent progress We hope to have as good a record for the next quarter as ha* been made during the present. Thomas Arthur was brutally as­ saulted by three colored fellows while on his own farm last Tuesday night. Mr. Arthur had retired for the night but hearing a dog and believing it to be among his sheep he got up, and se­ curing his gun went out to shoot it. Going into the field lie found the dog and taking good aim, settled *11 old •core* so far as that dog was concern­ ed, but no sooner had he shot than three men who had been in hiding jumped out and assaulted him. Mr. Arthur, seeing them coming, had laid hi* gun down preparatory to meeting them, hut they proved too much for him and after inflicting several severe bruise* ran away, carrying Mr. A r ­ thur's gun with them. One o f the fellow* Wfe recognized as hailing frbm Xenia, aod it i* presumed the other two are from the same place. T he supposition is they were out coon hunting and the action o f Mr. Arthur in killing their dog, although he was justified in doing so, was the sols cause o f the assault No arrest* have heen made a* yet. . Mr. Harris, who has been here the past two mouths in the interest o f Wood’s automatic washing machine, intends spending the winter in Indiana. Will Smith, o f this place, will assist Mr. Murdock, who will remain here. A Kentucky girl has sued an 'old' man for breach o f promise.and wants $20,000 damages for her shattered heart. The fact that she looks at her heort'irom a financial standpoint, is pretty good cvideuce that if she wins she will make something over $19,999. H erald who the Pittsburg paper Has in stock a fine line of WATOHEB* CLOCKS, JEWELRY and DIAMONDS! .The finest line of Optical Goods in Greene County, a Specialty made iOf Brazilian Pebble Spectacles in Gold, Silver and Steel frames. They confer u brilliancy and distinctness of vision, with an amount of case and comfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. BARR & M 0 RC 0 N Now determined that no firm in this COUNTY or AD­ JOINING COUNTIES shall undersell them in ^F IIN IT IR E ^ They have a.full line of all kinds of Furniture, such as Parlor Suits,''Bed-Room Suits, Dressers, Bureaus, Book­ cases, all ksnds of Beds, Chairs. Stands, Tables, Rock­ ers, and everything found in a First clasS Furniture Store. Give them a call. To patrons ,of the want to subscribe for Stockman we will furnish that for 81 a year, providing their subscrip­ tion to this paper is paid in advance. The regular price o f the Stockman is $1.50 a year. W e will also give club rates for any paper or magazine our patrons wish to subscribe for. It is claimed that the microbes o f erysipelas and diphtheria have a-bitter hatred toward one another—-something like that which existed between the Romans and Carthaginians o f old. It is proposed to utilize this hatred to the benefit o f humanity. For instance, when the microbes o f diphtheria colo­ nize a human frame it is proposed to plant a settlement o f the microbes o f erysipelas therein. War to the knife between the microscopic nations o f course will ensue, and when the smoke o f battle clears away there will not be enough left on either side to do any harm. The proposition is a very novel one. It only remains to be s^en whether it will yield worthy results. Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoeawhile in the service, have since been permanently cured o f it by Chamberlain's '"'•olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by B. G, Ridgway, They C u ’ t Afford to Trifle. When a man or woman Is all bro­ ken down with a hacking cough, and their rest Is disturbed at night, and finally their bones get sore, their hexds heavy, eyes watery, then is just the time they can’t afford to trifie with themselves. The grest medici­ nal properties o f W ild Olforry as a stimulant to the weak lungs and Ir- ritatrd air ceils has long been known. To this has been added in Jackson’s Wild Cherry and Tar Syrnp, a few o f the esseutlal Jngredieuts to stimulate nutrition to the weak parts, and they positively guarantee one dose to re­ lieve the most obstinate cough, and on* bottle will generally cure a cold. U N D E R T A K I N G Is a specialty. We keep on bands a full line of Coffins, Gaskets, Robes, Etc, All calls will be promptly at­ tended to. B A K E 6 MORTON . TOTHEPATRONSOFTHE flliLD A cordial invitation is extended to 5 ou to examine -the elegant * * NEW STOCK being received now. A complete line of line all the latest styles togetherwith SYery grade office Business Suits, Overcoats, Bant­ ings, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality,in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART * CO. X E N I A , - - O H I O . An honest Swede tells his story i n > >*.. „ plain hut unmistakable language for | O vficb or D ittos to G a l l ix , the benefit o f the public. “ One ofm y Dealers, in fine horses, Columbus, 0., children took a severe cold and got the croup. I gave her a teaspoonful. o f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and in five minutes later I gave her one more. By this time she had to cough up the gathering in her throat. Then she went to sleep and slept good for fifteen minutes. Then she got up and vomit­ ed; then she went hack to bed and slept good for the remainder o f the night. She got the croup the second night and I gave her the Same reniedy with the same good result*. I write this because I thought there might lie some one in the feme need and not know the true merit* o f this Wonder­ ful medicine.” Charles A . Thotnp* tWee 25 and 50 Cents. For sale by seen, De* Moines, Iowa. 60 cent hot- B. G* R idgway. tics for sale by B . G . Ridgway. G entlemen —Early last spring ono o f our horses was seriously injured by beiug kicked. Arabian Oil was rccommcuded to us and wo gave it a trial. The result was not only satis­ factory, hut surprising. The wound heated rapidly, ainl the animal was ready for use In a few days. Since that time we have by Its use rim <1 a number o f cases o f scratches Slid re­ moved some had cases o f curb. Ara­ bian Oil Is undoubtedly the best gen­ eral Stock Liniment that w e ever used, and we advise Farmer* and Horsemen to keep a supply o f H in their stables at alt times. Yours Re­ spectfully, D ittoe & G allin . W e offer $100 for a case ofSerstdie* Wrabian 01! will not cure. For sale by It. G, Ridgway.