The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
1 • t .fagrnrrunmr m r’Ni-yy.t: »T£2srnBai[,»/\^tiWMP>tfsa»pjg3^irr'J ■BKlTJ^Jf-wrWfc t h e i f E ^ a i i B . ^;r .4 ..... ■:~,-... ■»-*■..■. j .--'^.7'7.7L'. TTJT ■r~l?.'.-■ AN INDKPENPUNT WKKKl.Y NUWHPjtPCB. S A T U R D A Y , DEG* " 6, 1890 IF. H. MLA IR , Editor and Prop’r PRICE *1.25 PER ANNUM. Highest market price paid for wheat at A ndrew & B ro . Barbed and smooth wire at . A n d r e w & B ro . Mrs. Beil is recovering from her recent illness. . . . Mrs. C. L . Grain went to James- town yesterday, intending to spend Sunday with her parents at that place. Miss Carrie Badger, who came home to attend the funeral o f her brother, returned to Paducah this week, where (the is attending school. Ed Spencer and wife went to Col umbus this wpok to bid their son fare well. H e is a member o f the regular army and has been ordered out ou the frontier. Three o f Mrs. Ellis’ children are sick. - ■ • • A l l who have subscribed to the li- irary will please leaye their subscrip tions at Mr. Gray’s. Cal Morton’s friends gave him a surprise at his home on Xen ia Avenue last night. Miss ,8. G . Barber and Miss Turn- bull are the guests o f Miss Turnbull’s brother, Dr. John Turnbull, Loya l Temperance Legion w ill meet next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock instead o f Saturday. Old Kentucky flue cut tobacco 40 cents per pound, at A ndrew .B ros . ■ Wildman’s mince meat at . A ndrew B ros . Try our Spanish Queen Oo cigar at ^A ndrew B ros . " Lee Stewart was in'Cincinnati this week. Washington C I I . , now has free mail delivery. Altoona Dec. 17, 18 and 19, at the . 'Cedarville opera house. ' Mr. and Airs. Jos. Brotherton are in Fostoria, this week, visiting friends. Miss Cora Milburn is making a pro tracted visit with friends in Springfield. Robt Bird spent a couple of days in vCincinnati this week buying holiday goods. Chas. ’Dean and wife entertained a number of their friouds at diuuer, Thursday. B., G. Ridgway spent the greater part o f this week in Cincinnati buying holiday goods. • Our menchants this year will have the handsomest display o f holiday goods ever shown in this town. , Airs. Lloyd returned to her home in Farmersvilje, to-dav, after a week’s visit umong friends at this place. Mr. and Airs. Hugh Turnbull en tertained friends at their pleasant ■home south-east o f Cedarville, Wed nesday. • D r. Findlay, o f Xenia, was in con sultation with Dr. Baldridge, Wednes day, in regard to the illness o f Aire. J. D . Williamson. A lr. Harve Storindnt, o f Anthony, Kns., is visiting his parents, Air. R iley .Stormont and wife, o f tins place, and his sister, Airs. AIcGarey, o f Xenia. W ill Zeiner, o f Jamestown, spent a o u p le o f days in Cedarville this week, assisting his brother-in-law, O. I * Crain, in remodeling his store room. I t seemB that hydrophobia is not the only danger for which dogs may Jbe feared. A Viennese physician says that a deadly liver disease may be contract ed by being kissed by lap dogs and that numerous deaths have occurred from this cause. I t ie bacillus called tbe cys* tercercus which does the fatal work. Certainly the taking o f a circus o f any kind in one’s system would not be a sanitary reform. W o find the subscription hooks o f the H h u m > in bod condition and to ' straighten them out Oscar Satterfield w ill call on all who appear to be in arrears. I f there be any mistake ex plain it to him and show your receipt and he will see that the mistake is rectified on our books. In the mean time i f you wish to pay a year in ad vance in >addition do not Hesitate' as Mr. Satterfield writes a neat hand and will produce you a receipt that will bo a thiug o f beauty. The ladies and gentlemen who are taking part in the military drama, Altoona, are working hard • very night to perfect themselves in their parts and the jplay bids fair to excel all others the G. A . It. have heretofore produced here. They should meet with encouragement on every hand as they are working fo r neither glory nor financial remuneration, hut are gra tuitously giving their time that the proceeds o f the entertainment may go towards assisting tiie disabled soldier. Ellsworth Lowry, who last spring went to Virginia, his former home, has again returned to -this vicinity with the avowed intention o f making this his future home, 1 , • . * ■ The eight-vear-old child o f W ill Jones died at the home o f its father in North Cedarville, Thursday •morn ing, and was buried in the Baptist cemetery yesterday morning. Ed Smith and Mr. Sclilessinger who are working for the Southern Building aud-Loan Association organized a local board at Waynesville Thursday, con sisting.of ten o f the leading buisuess men o f that place and sold one hnndred and'sixty-two shares of* stock. Airs. C. M. ( ’rouse entertained friends Monday evening with a C o’clock dinner, iu honor o f Airs. Lloyd .who is visiting here. Airs. James A n drew nlso gave a reception to the friends o f Mrs, Lloyd Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Florence Keys, o f Red Bank, was taken to her home at Cedarville last week, where she is slowlv but steadily improving. Her husband, E. S. Keys, who is telegraph operator and R . II. agent at Red Bank will be removed to the Selma office in the near future, where they will make their home.— Xenia Gazette. * Airs. Robt. Bird had a scare yester day morning. She attempted to take some coals from the grate in the sitting room to kindle another fire, when she dropped them onto the cafj>et setting it ou f i r e . ’ In her hurry to remove the coals from oil' the iloor she raiser them too high * and the lambrequin took fire and for a short time things looked serious. The W s was small. Some weeks since ttie local hoard the Southern building and loan asso ciation at this plait' appointed Messrs. G, W . Harper and L . G. Bull to go to Cincinnati and examine the books and securities o f the association, and yes terday, accompanied by John AicEl- roy, they wcut down for that purpose. A number o f local boards in the neigh boring towns arc uwaiting their report. Cedarville has been talking about a lecture course all fall, and m far all that it has amounted to is talk. Iu the meantime all the neighlwring v il lages have been enterprising enough to secure such,a course, Jnmcstmvn going one better and organizing two. Even Selma is to have a course and talent is employed that would be a source o f gratification to larger towns than this. I t is not too late yet to organize a course here. W hy can not some church or churches take the matter in hand? A Christmas circular has been pre pared by 8, o f V . committee In regard to Ohio Sons o f Veterans Christinas offerings to O. 8. and 8. O. Home at Xenia. A fte r consultation with Gen. Young the committee consisting o f Oapt. Chandler Xenia, G ilkey o f Co lumbus and Clarkson o f Dayton have decided to replace the brass instrument for Home band and request each camp in Ohio Division to send two dollars to Christmas fund. To each Camp or individual member sending this amount a souvenir picture, o f the band and a more or lees view o f the .Home will be sent the donor,. Tills picture will be an ornament to camp rooms and homes, These 900 children are very near the hearts o f this brother hood. and we hope the response may be generous and prompt. * Bend to Capt. G, I*. Chandler, Xenia, Ohio, —R e lie f Corps Record. Zanie, an operetta, w ill be given at the opera house during the holidays. A ll lovers o f music-will have a treat' by attending. , ■ “ ■ ’ . ■■ < >"■ r Aliss Jessica Morgan, state superin tendent o f “ Y ” wont, will hold meet ings iu the “ Y ” rooms next Wednes day afternoon and evening. H er subject iu the afternoon will be ‘ ‘ Phys ical Culture.” Ladies other than ‘ *W ’s” and “ Y ’s” will be interested in this. Those who have have heard Aliss Mor gan will surely take advantage o f this opportunity to hear her again. A ll will he cordially welcome. ’Senator Quay Thursday introduced a bill granting to all persons whose names are now on the list, o f may be hereafter placed ou it, who have lost both eyes or both feet, or who are otherwise totally disabled a pension o f $100 a month. Also, to all persons who have lost an arliTHt the shoulder- joint or a leg at the hip-joiut a pension o f $00 a month, and to those who have> lost an arm below the clbow or a leg below the knee 855 a month. Those who have lost a hand or a foot or have been totally disabled in the same, are to be entitled to $50. a month. The bill ^provides further that persons who have contracted two. or more disabilities shall receive a sum per month equal to the total o f the rates for ull o f the disabilities men tioned. In noticing the tragic death o f lion . Isaac M. Jordan, o f Cincinnati, on Wednesduv, the Enquirer says: “ On the Fourth o f July lust. Air.' Jordan entertained a number oi old friends at dinner. A s they sat around the soread somebody discovered*that there were thirteen around the table. Laughingly they spoke o f the super stition surrounding; that unlucky number uuder such circumstances, nnd even seriously discussed reminis cences connected therewith. Among the thirteen were Judge Jackson Jor dan, Judge Edward F . Noves, Colonel A . D. Bullock and Air* Isaac Al. Jor dan. A ll four have died in the past two months— Judge Jordan after a brief illness; Judge Noyes and Colonel Bullock from a sudden-strokenf heart- disease, and now Air. Jordan through a most sudden and tragic accident.” A very neat robbery occurred in Zanesville, Wednesday evening, but did not leak out until yesterday morn ing, and even* then the officials refused to give up any information concern ing the affair. Robt. Gregg, night agent o f the United States Express Company, left the uptown office at 6 p. n». yesterday for the B . and O. De pot, carrying a large valise containing the money to be scut out on the night trains. A t the depot he hung the Va lise up ou a nail in the express office and went out to a train that had just pulled in, locking the door o f the of fice behind him. H e returned in a few minutes later and found the door o f the office open, the valise on the floor unlocked and its contents gone* N o trace o f the robber has been dis covered, although Route Agent Hoag- l rad and Superintendent Snyder, with detectives, have been working on the case all day. I t is known that one of the missing packages contained $870, and it is the general opinion that the loss amounts in the neighborhood o f $1,000. The express Official# this morning denied the robbery, but to night they acknowledge the fact, but say that only one package was taken, containing $201 and a money order for $16. - ------ ^----- F A W C E T T --------- S K e z i la J T e w e l ^ r Has In stock a fine line o f W A TC H E S , CLOCKS , J E W E L R Y and DIAMONDS! Th e finest line o f Optical Goods in Greene County, a S|iecfalty. mads o f BraeiliHii Pebble Spectacles-in Gold, S ilver and Steel frames. Th ey confer a brilliancy and distinctness o f vision, w ith an amount o f ease and comfort, seldom' enjoyed by spectacle wearers. The friends o f Mr. James Jamison | gave him a surprise at his home north east o f Cedarville, Friday. A woman in;Clay county, Indiana, laughed so heartily the other day that, she ruptured her optic nerve. But she will he able to see a joke just as well. A number o f Odd Fellows called on Uncle John Crain after lodge had closed on last Tuesday. Uncle John nie bad been induced to spend .the evening with Air. C. L . Crain, find on returning found the boys in poss session, W ith a few fitting” remark- Mr. II. Al. Stormont presented Mr. Crain with a purse o f silver as a token o f esteem from the lodge, after which the company were invited to the din ing room, where an elegant oyster supper was in waiting. A fte r a social time the company adjourned feeling that life is not at all times a failure. A big corn husking match took place near Avoca, Iowa, in which all Western Iowa was interested. A l Johnson and W ill McConnell, who for two years have claimed the cham pionship o f Iowa, were the contestants. A field o f corn averaging forty bush- Dan Haley is at home but, does not contemplate remaining long. J. C. McMillan, South Charleston’s popular furniture dealer visited friends here this week. . A Connecticut clergyman engaged to marry a couple, caught so violent a cold' as to be unable to speak a word, but he did not propose to lose his fee. He pro posed that his silence should be golden as far as the wedding was concerned. H enm dethe couple one by.'gestures. The nuptial pantomime satisfied the law and consequen tly satisfied the bride and groom. , , 1.1st of Le tte rs Remaining uncalled for in the Cedar ville Ohio post office for the mouth ending Nov. 29, 1890. List No. 11. Miss Mary Carey, Air. Samuel Gowdry, Aliss Jose Kirnber, W . B. Alyers, W m. Nevergall, George Strein, Airs. Fannie Wickliff. Persons calling for the above will please say advertised. ,. J ko . W . AI c L ean P M • .■$ \m ,n—..... GOOD AT, FIGURES. _;__ / H it SIuthrmftMcal Eland Spoil* tb* Colonel*., Roulette Story. - /els to the acre was chosen, and each efiampion worked ten hours. A big crowd o f friends watched the race and cheered their respective favorites on. The result was that each contestant husked nnd cribbed 140 bushels o f corn almost to the even pound; The contest was lor $100 a side, and. was awarded to Johnson, his corn being cleaner o f husks. A special from Columbus, Decem ber 1st, says: John K.- Hutchison was received at the Penitentiary to-day from Greene counU on . a two--ear sentence, for embezzlement. Hutch ison was teller o f the First National Bank o f Xenia nndTrcaHurerofXenia Township. In 1885 lie gambled and lost $4,000 o f the township funds, which his bondsmen made good and no prosecution followed. Hutchison’s father mortgaged his property to se cure to one o f the bondsmen half the amount he was obliged to pay, and it was accepted as canceling the entire debt. About a year ago, however, this bondsman secured an indictment against the Ex-Tcpasurer, and threat ened, unless the balance was paid, to prosecute him. To force payment he last week seeure'd a requisition for Hutchison, who has beeu living in Indianapolis, and the latter, learning o f it, came to Ohio, walked into the office o f the Sheriff a t Xenia this morning nnd gave himself up, was taken into Court, where he pleaded guilty, received his sentence, and within thirty minutes was on bis way to the Pen. H e arrived here at noon, and was permitted by Bherift LinUuut to call on a number o f friends be* i being taken to the prison. H e k-f! thfe Sheriff a t the depot, promising to meet him at the Neil House at 4 o’clock. Hutchison', unattended, called on a number o f friends in the city ami promptly at the hour ap pointed was at the N eil House, where the Sheriff was waiting for his prisoner and entering a carriage, the two drove to the Penitentiary, where Hutchison One ofrthe guests at an up-town stag dinner tho other night, says the New York Times, related an experience at roulette which ■he claimed to have had ‘ *soino years ago.” Be is well known in the city as an entertaining story teller, Ilois sometimesinaccurate, but invaria bly entertaining. After modestlystating that he rarely gambled, he said on one occasion he had carelessly placed a dol lar on tho number 111 on p roulette table, and that IS won five times in suc cession, his original wager being al lowed* to accumulate. All but ono of the diners aocopted the tale and ex pressed their astonishment at the ex traordinary occurrence. Tho oxcoptida made soma rapid calculations on the back of tho menu. "Colonel,” asked tho Exception pres ently, "howmuchdid you say you won?** "1 didn’t say," replied tho Colonel, “ but It was several thousand‘dollars." " I t must have been several thousand, at least,” said the. Exception, pleasant ly, “ I think It must have boon even moro. Yob said nothing about the limit, so I assumo that you were allowed tho unusual privilege of playing without a limit," "Certainly, air; certainly," answered tho Colonel, stoutly, but noticing tho Exception’s figures with some nervous ness; “ 1 requested jocularly that the limit bo removed, and tho request wm granted." . "Very well," went on his tormentor, “ then you probably bankrupted tbo gambling house. If, as you say, you did not take downany of your winnings, you must have won a mighty fortune. Oh tho GratroTI of tho wheel" you won $35, on tbe second $1,289, on the third $44,100, on tho fourth $1,543,500, and on the fifth $54,022,500; quite a satisfactory evening’s work. What did you buy with it?" The diners laughed loud and long. The Colonel’s faco was very red, "Ob,’* said ho finally, "that was only a little pleasantry."_________ .. A t n t w a l.lno*la'« t*tfa*r. Within seven miles of Mattoon, I1L, is tbe farm which Abraham Lincoln's fathor used to own, and where he lived. Abe was of ago then and he didn’t live on tbo farm, but bo visited his father once a year, and always brought him presents. Thomas Lincoln died on bis farm and is buried in Gordon’s grave yard hear by. Beside bis grave is°tbat of his second wife. For many years the graves were unmarked Later on, Mr Dunlap of that city brought the matter to tbo attention of several leading cite sens of Mattoon and Coles County The result was that a plain monument marks the place. Robert Lincoln hearing of the subscription sent Mr. Dunlap a check for $ 100 . w ill do penance for his shortcoming for two years. “ Jack” Hutchison, as he is familiarly called, is Well known in sporting and race-horse circles through out Ohio and Indiana, having W u the owner in his fiusli days o f some fast, trotters. H e bore up remarkably well when placed behind the bars, but Sheriff Linkhart, who was his fraud and served as Township Clerk while his prisoner was Treasurer, was nearly overcome and could not trust his feel ings to say good-‘iy to his former dis sociate. A titarjr with ft Moral* A Bath (Mo.) butcher ha* fallen a victim to himself. Us noticed a neat harness in a friend's poMeaslon—that looked better than his own, which be had not cleaned since he bought It and offered to swap and pny $5 boot The friend aocopted tho offer Tbs butshee took no better care of this harness than of tho other, and it soon showed itself a rather poor article* Homo Mato after ho met hit friend with a very handsome new harness on hie horse and again of fered to trade After handing over the •id haraota and more ho weal homo satisfied with tho bargain and ait «*• conscious that he had paid jsst ilS to havs hi* original fcantes#otsaaed.
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