The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

aa&Mzsm •rilli llF x l^ fU i D AS INX>UI’KXI>KXTWKI2KLY, NnWBPAl’BB. SATURDAY, DEG. 13, 1890 W. II..ELAIB, Editor and Prop’r PRICE S 1.25 PER ANNUM. ..... ............^ '" i r A baby has been born near Helena, Ky., with a, full get of teeth. Richard III panic into, the world equipped in ■ that same manner, That baby will need watching. .'Cleveland hates Ingnlls.-There may be physical explanation for this ani­ mosity. One is about as thick as man can be, and the other about as thin as -man can be. Henry George wants to write some] more books, and so he resigns the ed-1 itornliip of the New York 'Standard. Being a single-tax man he cannot con­ sistently stand'the double tax of jour­ nalism and authorship. If the government would give the Indians more lood and less firearms jthere would be less trouble with them. 1Gen. Miles says that the Sioux and Cheyennes in their wretched condition prefer1 fighting to starving to death. The NewYork Herald's correspond* eut, commenting upon Lincoln being succeeded by W. W. Astor at the court of Ht James, thinks that foreign mis­ sions should be given exclusively to those who can afford them. When, any governmental office becomes a luxury which only well-to-do can enjoy, it is the beginning of the end so far as repub liean institutions are concerned. The heavier the tax upon art the better if it will prevent Americans from spending for foreign pictures the money which should go to encourage our own struggling artists. An Ohio man wants a divorce from his wife because she is* insane. A man who would discard his better* half in the hour of any, misfortune is unworthy of even a crazy wife. The farmers propose that the cab loused hand of toil shall guide the ship o f state henceforth. Meanwhile they are talking about nominating million­ aire Stanford for presidency, teucy, thou art,” etc. There is one subject upon every man is posted and upon AND R EW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. ■DEALER iff ALL KINDS OF- PineLumber, PieceStuf, Rof Lath,Stating, Penck A N ))- which which he, likes to talk—himself. That per­ son is shrewd who is willing to keep his own affairs to himself so that his friend may have full opportunity to unfold his; for lie not only pleases his friend but he adds to his own store of knowledge while all that the friend reaps from the transaction is a grati­ fied, vanity. The Old Homestead, published, hv Davis Bros., Savannah, Ga.. the most successful literary venture of thesouth, is readv with its December number, Doors I Blinds, LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new sotek. Can offer you better Gonsie- It R an illustrated magazine of forty Grades for less money than you have been paying for poorgrades. pages Ilk 15 inches, ami is filled —■:‘ l- - It is said of the sea asters that they steal their rides, one recently having been found firmly located on.the buck of a crab. It isa peculiarity of the land Astora that they do not need to sponge, their way. , . ' It has been discovered that glass is capable of being turned into fine doth .which' can be worn without the slight­ est discomfort next the skin. Clothes made of that kind of cloth would be easy to break in. That was a wise law of the Greeks which provided that “ he who commits a chime when drunk shut! receive a double punishment, one for the crime itself and the other for inebriety.” Gan’t it be re-enneted? There never was a better illustration of the ‘“ survival of the fittest" than the case of the poor Indians. Shorn of their jki - mmod l»y the outrage of every 'sentimentof hlimanjusticc, they never­ theless have had to go, through ■the operation o f that righteous law of na­ ture that the lower and simpler forms o f life must give way to the higher and more complex. „ with original stories, poems, sketches, cs. says, etc. Its illu-trated fu-hiun di-J partment, children's page, and gener­ al hints to housekeepers and fUi'm’eis, are among the best published in the try. This magazine is the only one of its character in the south, and is noted fiir the superiority of its reading matter, which is studiously and con­ scientiously kept from the pernicious literature introduced into refined homes. Despite the other uucquutcd attractions the proprietors give elegant engravings and handsome premiums ami fix the subscription price at only 8 l a year. Sample copies free. Davis Bros., pnWishers mid proprietors, Ha* yauuuh Ga. CALL AND SEE GRADES AND PRICES. erkn ad the i,unites m-Vliiig which wer Father Bourion, pastor of St. Charles Catholic Church at South Charleston(.accidentally fell . from a bench Sunday nightwhile etideavornig to turn out a .light in the church, breaking one of his ribs. > Factories in Springfield, Dayton, Troy, Sidney and l ’iqna, Ohio, have j been notified that they can no longer j be supplied with natural gas. Private j consumers will still be supplied. Man-} uiaeturers at .Columbus have also* been notified. There is . some alarm j that the natural gas wells will give j out. ■ . I TH E F A I R / 13 EAST MAIN STREET, B u c k lc t i’ s A r n ica Sa lve. The best salvo in tho world for eutA it ‘ bruises, wires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever1 sores, tetter, chapped lunula, chiMilains, ,u 1corns and all skin eruptions, and positive- : ly cures piles* or no pay required. It in ’ Marriage inalways a joint affair,but it was doubly so with Sallie Ross of Baltimore. Twenty-four hours before the time set for her nuptials she was seized with a violent attack of intlain- matory rheumatism. The doctor told her shemust not think of going out of; doors, hut her wedding had been np-,,anl 1 pointed for the church and guests had been invited and go she would. She was suffering intensely and could hard­ ly stand, but was promptly on band and performed her part on the pro- Om incii l»r«Kfe<»tlu«£*. Council met Monday evening, May­ or Townsloy presiding. Comieilmnn Gray, Orr, McFarland and Shull were present. The < of th" previous approved. . . . , . w . 1 , Iguaranteed to give perfect eniisfaclimi,» Light committee reported one lamp ni3nQy refunded. Price 23 'cents u knocked dowii by loud of lmy, at, box, For naio by B. G. Itidgeway’a Riffs lime quarry. The chief engineer reported pump and apparatus in good order and plen­ ty of water in cisterns. Mayor’s report. Fines assessed, none. Licenses is-ued 85.59. Col­ lected $in.r>0. The following bills and ordered paid: , HEADQUARTERS IFOR A F a v o r a b l e liu p r cN n ion . A favorable impression is invar- were IlifT, Kildow, J. II. Wolford, B. G, Ridgway, Jos. Caldwell, I). H. Ervin, J. G. Grindle, J. G. Grindle, fably created by the dse o f Jackson’s Wild Cherry slid Tar Syrup. Ifs j great medicinal paoperties lie in its |healing virtues. When the lungs 1become irritated and inflamed by a allowed j ftev,,rp fold, ortho nasal passages se- ! Crete a thin, watery fluid, and a heavy $ 1.50 Jdull feeling is present in the forenead ' 0.35 j tlien the nuieous membrane ts irri* / ^ M^ . .. . . 2.95»tap'd, and it become amatter o f great i f l H A S tw. S J t t l T H ' S 1.351uiomcnt ai to the itemdies we seek! * 35.00 <aml employ, that may be at least 0.751powerless to impair that which they 50.H3 j aiv inadequate to remedy. Jackson’s BUGGIES, ' GLASSWARE^ DOLLS, TOYS, CHINA-WARE, WAGONS , NOTIONS, &C. Gome to see up . It will pay you to go to T B I B P A i n . Open daily until 9 o’clock. Saturdays 10:30. 3.50 Wild Cherry and Tar Syrup is Is th#place for you to got a smooth shave or a stylish hair cut, ORR BUILDING, * a ,• . ,, . , . . . . i • .cheap pi-f parafion. but is made A motion that the treasurer I k ; m-t 1 1 1 Many years ago wealthy William Bachelor of Coshocton was visiting his bis nephew, Nathaniel Braducr. of New York. Bachelor was very fond { of the weed and always had a cigar in ■ . . . . ~ . . , „ r . a bill be presented to V\ill Smith for 1„? Mrs. Bratocr dxl mt *i-| ^ , b,,,,.el,. tlmi ,, „ lc ; t o t e ™ , ao.1 t e n g m. „ ..t, o f , * u.allls|(.r. WT'iimt, when her dear uncle filleiKhc . C . „ J parlor with a narcotic cloud *«»*■ A.» invitation from the comic! off threatened her with asj nukctl him to desist. He desisted b# if inembcred. He died dflv, and his will has been admitted to! . , pralKite. IBs vast estate is divided j tl0n o ft,,«nks Among all his relativeswith the exeep* Caleb Nooks was present and re­ turn of the Bradiiers. Not ono c e n tU ^ M council to remit tho fine in- do thov get. Thus did tho dip of a «P<»n his foti for getting drunk, woman’s tongue coat 820,009. This which, on account o f Mr. Nooks’ re- U-Aclif<i the felly of hurting the fed- <*nt misfortune was done, ings of one’s relatives nun rs they sue There being no further business no BA8FMENT with1 COOKS . A . N T 3 D ■ ■. , , , , nt a view of doing what ive sav it will, strueted to make an advance draw o f ‘ , , . ,, , * i frue dose will relieve, the cold and 8GO0 prevailed. A motion wasmade snd carried that irritation of flic Inmrs or nasal pas«j sages and one b.iffle will euro tlic j JW . _____ Tciirlnlkr-tfovrnl.'v skf; worst eoM, Price 23 and 50 For sale bv 1J. (». Ridgway, , , , . . . ..... ..1 . thetrt-jasur.K.rfn-.j.:.yn- P sin ltf * !k)ti aj-’Vf flu.’T ,-U « n .rwrjfona'.. >. I »*IH nr;i 1 3 r bl m | S J it.tlj rtuj;.^i,urut n Iinw j Rtm.tir,vlnfif*«>.ohinr r.vefMf (>\ ft mu.D»N]>IV HEATERS THE HEWDi8COVKRY. jmpmmiouy. council adjourned. frieu h, Iiecaiisp the wonderful thing about it is. that when once given a trial, I)r. King’s New Discovery ever after bolds a place in flm house, if you have never used It and should i»„ aflliefe t with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, seeisto a bottle and give it a fair trial, It is ’ Ifuuriimiicd every time, or money re* funded. Trial Buttles Free, at itidg- ) way’s Drug Hloro. (gy i ■ Wc Lave a complete line of STOVES of all Muds at IRock Bottom Prices, * f . V,t!cf frlonra!mv,J'ber'htT'i‘<f'*At * f ft - # m « If *Stf»iRI»BS8Sft i » o think wo can pleaseyou t e S 3 £ S * 3 i itwth it> quality. and price. 1timnr*km fnmlv fVTiV UO «V ClilL* vofeke# |* • ' j ' CrOUSS & B ttlL Ai.tfUui.tafT <4 \ ploytn'■tan **» j »ti ’j*»n V. Jt.»jrj..« hi wur ?Aft 1*01 | IrfvntraL.jj AIL a LTA, 21AIMK* nds Afc ij , ETC, Fall OvL from 88|r y.0 -U b © Childre and Bia| prices S Undeni ever sh Conde, etc., prl pborgrai ICES. stop I 4 3 f e e t . T : ANINDl SATI Ur. I\ od CovJ Sproul 11:00 R. II A pastof Scllooj M. tor, Whon Youd flrity{ <:30 I UJ pastel mj H| A »on,l 7:001 . 1:001 Us Pant l la i 2:001 nead IR A R E , NOTION ] I* to go to" ! I I E Itdayg 10:30. ! n l I ' w ’0 a cotnx>lei ■ TOVI c “ o f a l l l a n d s i Bottom ; wink wccanp q u a l i t y Ai u.Ha <*all. 1 •• i ?ousa Ss