The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
* 'M t E L t h e n E n a i f ' B . « I INUHFKNDISNT WKKKt.V NKMOiFACKii SATURDAY. J FLY 19, 1890. IF. H. BLA IR , Editor and Prop'r. P R IC E S I . 2 S PER AftiNUM, The report that Mis. Frank Leslie is to marry Marquis <leLeuville is canard. ® General John tV Fremont, “ The 'Pathfinder," died at his home in New York City last feuriday* at the age pi ■77years. • •. i „ ; » •The.maimer of steljccting delegates to attend the Washington.C. H. con^ vention did not give the .satisfaction ., throughout the county the Xenia politicians assured certain inembers 6J -the central committee it woitId. .In < fact it was only li scheme, of M"r. Lit- . tie’s friends to insure him a solid dele- gation in the county. ° ‘Had each , township been alowed to select tlieii \own delegates Mr. Little would" nor townships hut with a county primacy ’ ~~'thpe was yo use of any other caruli- , date announcing himself as tw ~~' thirds of the votes, east. during this ! busy season of the farmers,' would.' rhive been east in-'Xenja and , Xeu.ii.. politicians would mme' .g^j^etoriou^ in the end. They now TaS^Eo think howeasily their scheme worked. Coun c il Procod lng* . Thg city “ dads” held -a meeting in the council chamber last Monday ev ening. The members present were Gray, Sweeney, Orr, and MdFarland. Mayor Townsley manipulated the gaVel. After, roll call and" the read' ing of the minutes of .the previoiis meeting, the Mayor called ^for r"- ports of standing •committees. II conulvittee imported work done repairing streets at different places and recommended the cleaning o f the alley in the rear of t,he Cliff Hotel. They also recommended that a culvert be built near Frvin’s lime kiln on Xenia avenue. 1The fire Committee reported engine and apparatus ingood order, after which the . Mayor’s'■report was read, he reporting fines, collected to the amount of $0.00 and licenses to the amount of 8-4.00,.. making 87.(X^ he had paid to the corporation treas urer for which he held his receipts. The following, bills.\were allowed and ordered paid: J. E. Grindle',.services as “marshal, and fire warden, 838. $5^., , Jus. Caldwell lighting lamps $10.00. C, W* Mensur, book case, $1(5.50. ' W. It. Torrence, clerk $25-.00. John McGary, stove for cell $8.60. . A. 0 . Cline,-, putting stone over well and-laving brick $4.50., .Luther Towueley salary as mayor, fines not paid etp. 830.00, ,J„ D. Silvoy, health officer . $12.50. W. M. Mitchell, same, $12.50.- ■ ANDREW JACKSON, ‘ . . . . ■ . • S U C C E S S O R T O DUNLAP & C O . -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- A X I ) Passenger, train Xo 1 from Colum bus and ii work, train on the Midland rrfilroad colHded ' about three , miles beyond Madisonville at 7 o’clock "Sun- •da, morning. Both engines were de- moiidled and the mail ear of the' pas senger- engine was completely tele- -■•nped . Tim passenger engine, when ihe collision fceurrul, was reared into .the air and ('•;■mo <1<an standing in a:.* almost upright no-itiun, facing tne . ther. The tender of both engines •ie:e smashed all to piece? nnd thrown ' from the track but ill,1 (lie remainder ’.f the trains .stuck to the rails in spiti •ot'the ibarful shuck of the collision. When it became apparent that t(ie train- were fated tit come together laigij. :er Thomas.Michaels ' and the fireman of train No. 1 jumped, but ltnginccr Cook o f the work train .-fayed with his engine an 1wascaught ■between the boiler anil water-tank? Engineer Michael- states that hi:- train ’ ru i over and killed a boy on Clark’s Tre-tie, just west of New Vienna, and later at .Martinsville killed a cow. We are more than pleased to know that a movement is 'on foot 4o once more try for natural gas in this local ity. -It is true That several holes were, drilled in this city a year or two ago without the desired, result, nnd we have been assured that therewas proh L O C A L S . „ James Eri/in visited Xenia last -Monday. Harvest will be over before another week lias passed. Dr. I>ent, of Pelma, was the. guest UvBaldridge last Monday. Belle Milroy', ofNorthwood, is risiting Miss JpnfiieErvin-this week. idle..A, Ml,.E. church is trying to rai?eVnpnejJto rel)iii(d their cliurch Buyers snv wheat that is being mar keted now is better than at' the same time in rears. Will Tarbox’s yoimpot, child was very Midi the -first of the week.' Chol era infinitum, “ •> Doors, Sash. \ LATH, MOULDINGS, FL00R1RG, SIDING, ETC, - - Have just received a-new stock.. Can offer' ydii better Grades for less money than you have deen paying for poor grades,. CALL AND SEE GRADES*' AND’ PRICES. of Florida, Wier vi.-it- Prof. J, P; Patterson who has been' visiting.Al. ed Cleveland this week. .*•;. The X-ittle Miaiiii railroad company pays .?!>,<)<10 into the treasury of ( ireeiio comity for taxes. Me.-dnmes- George Little and George Shrodcs vi-itid relatives in *tfouth Charkston this nopk. • Remember the Jamestown Fair, Aug. 12 13, 1-1. and 13. It will come jn all its former jjlorv. .. " There will lie no la'ek .of trotting, 1 lacing, and running at the Jamestown fair Aug. 12, 13, 1-1, find 15. A crowd of young folks from here ty u and Clifton will picnic at the Cedar- v.ille dills on next Thuinlav. but the fact remains that gas was The ease o f IV. IL Owens vs. Geo. Boyd occupied the-greater part of the .day in the/mayor,s court last Tuesday. It seems that Mri Bovd had ' purchased’ a wagon of ’Mr. j Owens hut upon arrival Boyd claims.* It did,not come tip to contract and re-! fused to accept—Gwens claimed it was! just as ordered and sued for the pur chase money. Hamilton Biuith o f this plnce represented the plaintiff,• and James Winruis, o f Xenia, the defend ant. The ease was war'nily contested and ended by the jury finding- 'a ver dict for the plaintiff for $75. Mr. Boyd, gave utitice of appeal. . Mr. Van Peft, Editor of the Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to h drug store at Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the. physi cian in altenilanee jl/o giVe liim a dose of something for cholera morbus and looseness* of the bowels. He says: I t'cit r<>much tuftter the next Horn ing that I concluded Id call on the physician and get liiir'tq liit mo up a su’nply of .the medicine. -I-was- sur-' prised, when he handed me “a bottle of Ohainberlaln,? Colie, Cholera and Diarrltoca Kemedv. lie said lie pre- TJNAaQnAWi-ED W ITH THE SEOGXSIAPHY OH T lfE '00traTR7 . W IL L OBT.AIir l/IUOH VALUABLE INFORMATION.FROW A STUDY OF. THIS MAP OF scribed It regularly, in Iris practice and found it tbe best ho could find, or ably no gas here .id paving (juatiities, Mr?. Dr. Baldridge returned home ‘ prepare. Iran testify to. its etficien- ’ ** ‘ ' ‘ Ilast Tuesday evening after a. three! ‘’y in my rase y,t all evp •truck at the paper mill, at the well |weeks visit with liiemls in Indiana. ! by Illdgway. y i the ('olunibu? pike, at Osborn, .’ uts. For sale ,, . . . - , t .T IL Atltlnn eriiviiled* himself i Bu ck len ’a Arnica Salve. at Goes Mutton and Jamestown, justs: !,* /,.* ni’l'ua * , , ■ , • , sPW ■u'h pocket.- as are found liefore the* ,adl>' th,ii w ,'k . v' hi:sl‘ nu,1i. The best aalve in the world for cut*, reurv.cM «»re ; ha-been coim ckd to mV itratic ever; bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever p<rn> _n i-rvi irs an s.nuk a tj4. • i sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, , Fii’iilay and all other, gas conntries, j *■ . _ . ' • ; cornsand all akincrupUona,andpo*itive-' Audit is by no means eertain that gas ^'Hie Y P M S‘ will have a buvn- ’ ^ curea piles, or no pay required. It is will ovm-whom * 1 . ^ jf rt. i„ lV]> riiroh •-i ^ imrkH, nbouu. 1 . It the r^h f.,,, tlle „f July 2 !l. Ev.-ry 1 ^ Foi^loK, JIG.^ e S . w .,“ d p*lt is g- ue at the right point. ho,B is cordially invited. : ■ , - - - - - - Tin sc packets as tliey are. Oailed.nre * — ^------- —- f ..... ; o m « * n not accidents. Tlirv are the . small The track and grounds at the h l f silUrjUl. bill ll & M. LOUIS I l f THE CHICAGO, RCOK ISLAND & PACIFIC HAILWAY, Including mMiL lines, branches and extensions East and West of the Missoun River. Tho Direct Route to and from Chicago, Joliot, Ottawa. Pooria, La Salle, Molinep Rock Island, in ILLINOIS—Davenport, Muscatine. g ttumwa, OskulooDa, DasMoines,Wintersot, Audubon, Harlan and Council luffs, In IOWA—Minneapolis and St. Paul, In MINNiESOTA—Watertown and Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA—Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansae City, in MISSO.UUI—Omaha, Fairbmv andNelson, In NEBRASKA—Horton, To_pdlca, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belloville, Ahllene, Caldwell, in Kansas—Pond Crook, Honnossey, Kingfisher; El Reno, in the INDIAN TERRITORY—and Donver, Colorado Springe, Pueblo, in COLORADQ. FREE Reclining Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson andDodge City, and Palace Sleep ing Cars between Chicago, Wichita and Hutchinson. Traverses new and vast areas of rich farminganti grazing lands, affording the host facilities of intercommunication to all towns and citiecreast and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and trans-oceanlc Seaports. * - MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, endor d, an Cara warmed by steam from ust. Through Coaches, Dei *' ' nt-ervoir? which have caught the Co.-, Jamestown Fair will 1 k >in prime cou- cape from the greater one?, where the comlitinn. Its >t:ills anil,-stables are | gas is generated. It will be seen by iamong the best onHlte circuit. this thought that we lwlieve in the ,T . 77 E . . . theofy that gas i>undergoing a cou-1 I ^ t Mnn.lav Mr,. Gains tmtortam- . , J ^ , *,| .. , Icl a number of guest? at herres dence •taut process o f generatiou and is notj un Houft Main sLr, , t ;n howr of. J)r. .simply the rf«nt(i product of a reimne-. u f ( , f x /,rth Lewishurg. age, although some of it may have.] , • ..... - — h bieii stored from that tine. Besides] Mef-r? Dave and Ed. *Aiken who reologist? are so often badly ofi’iiftheir Jhave lieen visiting Misses Maggie and inignoi-ticatioiis tint only experiment Hattie McMillan' for a few days, re-. Xenia Gazette. 10 their home at Northwood, O., g< pri liO: ‘ will do tp rely on. E. I). Hellriggle and Will Blaine, of Jamestown, weft* in attendance as witnesses on the case o f W. II. Owen? v?. Geo. Boyd liefore MayorTownslov last Tuesday'. Rev G. C. Kyle and his charming wife .called on Airs. Wilson o f cottage "20 on Tuesday. They algo made a pleasant visit to this office. We had not met our old friend Kyle since our college days, when we were fellow student?, and were delighted to find him incharge of n good rhtireh at Ma jors, Neb.,' and in poscssion of a .wife who will lie a true help meet in _ his good work.—0 . S. 8 , O. Home Weekly. to their h Tuesday, A. J. MeElroy was treated to a surprise last Monday by his children atm a few intimate friends, it being the seventy-first nrtiversary o f hi* birth. An elegant dinner was served. Charley Tnrnef1, a hriek' mason of Jamestown, who had the contract of building a business block for Mrs. Shuler, skipped out last Saturday night without jiayinghis hands. He had drawn considerably more money than was due him from Mrs. Shuler, liesides borrowing money of different individuals about the town. Turner was at one time a resident of Cedar-, ville. l‘ A5 -II.AN!»I,K, KOtlTE. Schedule in effort June. 1.1890. Prai 11 * ilopart fromCcdarville ns follow GOING WEST, c ■ ! f 1.26 a, in. ' flag stop. ’ * 10.Id a. in* , ■ , li * 5,20j-p. m, flag stop. GOING EAST. * 8 a. 111 / , * 3-57 p. m. .. . - . SUNDAY. The following trains stop on Sun day only, KAST. WEST. [! 10.11 a. in. 1} 4.17 p. in. j|6.52 p. in. Time given above is Central Time, HFlag t Daily, •1>ully except Sunday. BANKOFCEDARVILLE General Banking Busines 'iransacied^ Gee, W . harper, Proa. i W . I j . Clemans, faskier. Leading’ ail competitors In spl of ec the’locomotlve, well vontilatc d free Pullman Sleepers, and Dining Council Bluffs and Omaha, wl cago and Denver, Colorado Springs___________ ______________ __________ City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels (ftirhlsblngmeals at seasonable h^rs) west of Missouri River. California Excursions dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los Angeles and Ssn Francisco, The DIRECT LINE to and from Pike’s Peak* Manltou. Garden of the Gods, the Mountain Cities, Mining Camps, Sanitariums, and. Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. * Solid J* | VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE* ?d!i?.Tr2.ln8.f5®3y between Chicago and Mlnneapdlli », i - f c - v Jgh Cnair car and Sleeper between Peoria, Hph.v—— l S1 Palia.,via Rock Island, The Favorite Line to Pipestone, Water* town, Sioux Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Northwest. * 8HORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis,. Lafayette, and CotinoU Bluffh, St, JosephiAtchtson. Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis.and St. Paul. ForTickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, applyto any Coupon Ticket Office in the United slates or Canada, or address E. S T . JOHN , GeneralManager. JOHN SEBASTIAN, O H IO A Q O , I L L . Oen’l Ticket*PM«. AjenV WORK OFFERED! Wc want a few energetic, reliable men, to solicit orders for Nursery stock. Satisfaction to costorners guaranteed. Successful salesmen are making good wages. Ne experience necessary. We hire on salary and offer special inducements .to. begin ners for next 60 days. Address (stating age,) W. 1). Chase & Co., Lock Box, 84. ■ Geneva, N, Y. “ CARBURET OF IRON.” < DIXON’S SIfilEPU 18 THE BEST. Sujbgcribe .for the Herald. Only $1.25 per Year. t
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