The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
■ 1 , • r---- »JHlBUmH"WPWPIPWW I ij irjDEPKNDESTWBlilKJjTf NIJWnPAPUH. ds, . fC. ’ i • ■ ;.ou better )r grades, JES. , I . WILL OBTATtT ;is MAP OP RAILWAY, ul West of the i Joliet, Ottawa, port, Muscatine. .-Ianand Council TA—W atertoWn Kansas City, in Horton, Topeka, as— Pond Crook, IP—and Denver, ig Chair Cars to nd Palace Sleep* .verses new and best facilities of t, northwest and ports.. TRAINS, (1 by fltoam from trough Coaches, g o , D ob Moines, ra between Chi",. vSeph, or Kansas seasonable y, with CHOICE Angeles and San Manltou, Garden ums, and Soanlo E , oils and St. Paul, tbose pointsand foria, 0 plrit"iake Ipostone, Water ing and Pishing. ifffet* facilities to ouaoU BlufIS, St, and St. Paul' ly to any Coupon •BASTfAN, £ek*Ur«fcAf*»t “ C A R B U R E T o r IRON*” PfiUSH , BEST . the HeraW. er Year. SATURDAY, JULY. 1*2, 1890. ]V. II. BLA IR , Editor andJProp’r. PRICE S 1.2 5 PER ANNUM. CH UR CH 1>IR E C TO R Y . 'Covenantor Church.—Rev T . C. Sproul," Pastor.' Hnaular services at lliOO a mj'Sabbath school at 10:00 a m. B..P. Church. — 'Rev. .1. V. Morten, , piistor. . Services at 11:00 a fir; Sabbath school at 10:00 A in, M, B, Church.—Rev. Cl. I . Tufts, pas- .tor. Prflaehinjf-at 10:15 a in'; Sabbath school at "9‘30 a. m.; olnsf,- 2:30 p. in;; Young People’s, nieetin" at 1:00. p m ; ,ey». eni'ngService at 7:00 p ni; prayer ineet- ‘ ing.on Wednesday eveni'tg at 7:30 p in U.'P. Churoli. — Itov. i. C. Warnock, , i’toator. ' Services at.11:04,a in and 7 p m; Sabbath, sclioot at |J:00 a ju, A M. 13. Cliurch.— RfV. 3. D. Jack- eon,pastor. Serv.i'ces ?at 11:00.a'm and •7:00 p ni each; Sabbath school 3:00 p in; class, 7:Q0 p ‘n each Friday. , Baptist Church., r-itov . D. M Turner, pastor: Preaching *very Hahhath at il»in , aml7:00 p in;>Sabbath .School at 8:00 o’etbek pm ; l5r*yor meeting Wed nesday night; .. The Dying Sol<lfer - BY MNETTA. M. EOWATER.* organization dSVlriugjpart in_the" inter esting exercises. Prof. ~ In tbeliin.dof the/oath a young soldier lay dying, 1 Afar fromhis fronds andafar fromhis homo; Thecold dampof deathon his loghead was ■lying, . . But nomothejbont o’erhimwith tohr-liiden ' tone. 1 . ■,. ■ '‘This-strangeJmdis.fairin the bright summer season,”1 , He saidtoh!sfriend,whowasgentleandbrave brave; - . ’ “lhit,oh,tmrymenot wherothebanneroftreason Will float p fell triumphiibovemy lowgravel That wasalt—no lament forhis his younglife's r lost Irightnes?, ~, Whoso far.(lowersof promise lay.withered - andfead; ■. - i,The pale Kps grewfirm in thesir marble-like whjtoness, . . 1 'And tic soul that hadmovedmoved thorn •fo'orerwas fled. . ‘ 'Theymnlli himagrav.e in tho baight summon siason. .■. ' Afarfromtho land of tho tlrant and slave— Wborii the soil never echoed .thoftrotstops of treason, . • Andthobannerof stars floatedover his grav.) Hoot E lm W is . - : “Tbs poemwaswrit! M by .thodeath of John Cowan, ayoung in 1863,andwas sug gested' e i” sold'-, from Oshkosh, Wis. His dying ‘ words wow: "Don’t burymo whoro thorobel flagwill over float over mo.” In accordance with this wuhhewas hurried inthe' couiotoryhoar his heme.* ’ • N,M,b, E c h o e s F r o m O lilo lV . R . C , [From keliof Corps ReeorcL] Lou M. Ricker, Secretary No. 43, Portsmouthreports 'Memorial Day observance with increased interest. Rev. Tnppan delivered an excellent sermon Memorial Sabbath. Welle Corp3 N q . 66, Columbus, re membered the living as well ns tbe dead May 30tb, ana sent a box filed with useful Ireautiful articles to tbe Sandusky. Home. , * Cheerfor tho soldier living, Tearsfor tho soldier dead. The members o f I. B. Richardson Corps No. 245; -Lakeside, Ohib, have found the R ecord very helpful in their Corps work. Mary E. Smith writes afl encouraging letter with . cheeringwords. ] ■ Chief I/nnd'I. officer, Miss Lena Robb h,t8 prepared it letter to her as sistant*, very complete, and thorough «Jn detail, and also a “ convincing” let ter to Post commanders, upon the subject of organizing if Corps, if they havenone. We predict a year of growth to Ohio Department, tinder MissRobb’s fiiithful leadership. Anna Johnson, Mt. Sterling, in list of elected delegates to National con vention, .May; R ecord Should 'l>c Aiigusta Johnson, Gorps . No. 185, GoUipolis. Mrs, Ella Gilbert, Secretary Run- ysiii Corps, New London writes, Mrs; Honey Starbird will represent No. 31 in our columns, . - • Cora Day Young, Xenia, unveiled the beautiful memorial urn placed in Memorial Hall, Toledo, by the local organization o f the Army o f the Po- tomie, a At Berlin Heights, 0», Memorial observed with usual interest. AftRffjproper ceremonies at Berlin ■Villa Cemetery, dinner was prepared by ladies of No, 252 for Post and Camp 8.*o f V. In tho afternoon Rev. D, T, Call gave aninspiring talk, And then all marched to Berlin Heights and left there garlands of flowers. The children participated in this .*service, thus tenening loyalty to this genera* ation. A floral tributeto the unknown was erected,' The day was loVcl and will be long remembered by a who were present, n Trescptt Corps- No. 84, Salem,' served' dinner and supper Memorial Day very successfully, They were tho recipients of a large cake from a comrade, recently, and to prove their generosity surprised the Poet and shared the feast. This cprps has just celebrated its seventh birthday, and we hope may enjoy many more anni versaries. V ' Amy B, Laughead, Lewis Corps, Xenia sang “ Taps,” dedicated to Gen’l Sheridan at the close of the ex-pris oners othvar meeting recently held in Xenia, receiving a hearty encore after every verse. The boys ‘ name"of their gallant lender and M b noble black Winchester. Emma J.-Nelson, a member of Mulbaren O, Cain. C'oips, Eaton, re newed old acquaintances among the members of No. 29, Xenia, and was 'welcome. Mrs, Nelsdn and her loyal family always extend a hand that ’ is warm and true to a veteran or „W. R. C. sistpr, ' Memorial Day at Ada, Ohio w-ill be long reinembered. Eighty children dressed in National colors, with lical F. D. _ Fesa was orator o f ’the. day- An en tertainment by tho Daughters of Vet erans in the evening, added joyousness to the occasion. Our citizens appre ciated more, and more each yfear, lth$ sacredness of this day; so writes-Ellen Park, .This Corps and Post have -ije cently given the militarydrama;, “ The Fall o f Atlanta,” which was eujoved byaH. ' ' Alice M- Todd Corps correspondent No, 238, writesuf interest taken in memorial Day .by all citizen of Jefler- souville. Rev. J. M. Stewart dis coursed-Momorial Sabbath with good attendance and attention. Our heroes graves'-were duly remembered, and exercises at cemetery very impressive, From Laura Messick, President No 112, Ashville, we learn that harmony prevails in Morrison Corps. They are having an increase of membership And all did nobly MemorialDay. “ Only a little girl" but a little household fairy, tilling the, heart with delight came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. D. Irving, Toledo, Ohio, June 18th. .The R ecord extends congratulations, and may each year bring only happiness. Brand Corps No. 202 Urbnna,.Ad- die E. GallignerPresident has awork ing membership. always ready to re spond to every call of a veteran or his family. ' 1 — MaryOE.Jrhurston.r_JPast Depart ment. Inspector Ohio W. R. C*., at tended the ex-prisoners of war meet ing held in Xenia, and was tlm guest of Mrs. Magginis, a gallant Soldier's widow.. Cornelia Fowler, PastPresidentNo 246, Now Lexington” writes If every memlwr o f the W. R; (0, was a sub scribcr of the R ecord the order wouk be advanced. Lyon W. R. G. No. 52,. London, did a noble act when they, sent a rol ler1 chair to Sandusky Home, anc each day it .will prove a blessing in deed. Louise M. Roland, 150 Quincy street, Cleveland, Ccairman Depart ment Relief -committee will supply blanks upon application, for _Army Nurse’s roll of honor. It is import ant this should be done, not only in regard to legislation for these noble self-sacrificing womeu, but to also ar range for those whomay wisli to enter the National Home. Bo prompt in what vou do in sending for blanks, and also return them for filing. Came Meissce past President Ben Butterfield Corps, Lancaster, reports the outlook promising in their Corps. All are willing workers. From Green Springs, Potter Corps No; 50, Electa* Frey sends helpful wotals^nd Iiest wishes for our work, Roeer Corps No, 198, Arcanum, with Afanic S„ Mays as President, is pushing forward, rapidly. Ten new. members will l>e added nt next regu la r meeting and a general good j^ime enjoyed. The R ecord exponent acknow ledges an invitation to lie present at this feast. _ Mrs. Frances A. Tuttle, Past Pres ident, Clyde, Ohio, has just finished her duties as enumerator, and now will give attention to W. R. C, work# for which she is competent. Mrs. Tuttle is Corps correspondent and her articles are alwiyijweicome. 1 - W. II. Byrd, No. 43, Spring Vnl- ley, O,, ecleorated a “ Harvest Feast and the result in silver dollars will fur nish a Christmas feast to many needy families. ■U P tP tY . . This is what you ought to'have, in fact you must have it, to fully enjoy life. ' Thousands are searching for it daily, and mounting because they find it not. Thousauds upon thou-) sands of dollars arespentannually by7 our people In the hop* that they may attain this boon." And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Elec tric Bitters, if used according to. di rections and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the uetnajtaDyspepsla aud install lu- stead Eupepsy. We recommend EHctrlc Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Lire/-, Stomach and Kid-' neya. sSold at 50cts and $1.00 per bottle at Rldgway’s Drugstore. (4) __ . •____•____ « • . . ■« Cholera Inftuitutn,lias lost its ter rors since the introduction pf -Ciiani- borlaiiiVCholic, -Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. When that remedy is used ami the threntmeut as direct ed Willi oachAtottie is followed, a euro is certain. Mr.- A, W. Walter, a prominent merchant at Waitersburg, I'll., says: It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after several other, remedies had failed. Thcichild was ka low that he seemed almost beyond the.aid of humane bands or reach-;if any medicine.” 25 or 50 cent bottjes for sale, by Ridgwuy. ' ■ A Scrap of Paper saves he r U fa . It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the la6t stages of consump tion, toid~tnrphysiclaiiB that sho was incurable and could live only a;,slioi* time ; she weighed less than seventy pounds: On aTpiecc ' of “wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's Ne.w Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped hjir, she bought a large bot- tleMt helped Ifer more-, bought anoth er,'Wd”growbetter fast, continued its use-and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighjng 140 pounds. - For fuller particulars sond stamp to W. II. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free lit Ridgway’s Drugstore. (4) M ’CREIGHT , JAMESTOWN. 0 A Carpenter by the name of M. R. Rowers, fell from the rouf of a house in East Des Moines, Iowa, and sus tained a painful ainl serious spraiuof the wrist, which lie cured wiili one lioltle of Chamberlains I’ain Balm. He says worth $5 a bottle. It cost biin -50 cents. . For sale by ltidg- wav. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been re stored to health by simple means, af ter suffering/or several years with a severe lung nirecliou. ami .that dread disease, Consumption , is anxious to make known to his fellovv.suft’erors the means o f cure# To those who de sire if, he wjll cheerfully send (Tree of charge) a copy of the prescription us ed, which they will find it sure cure for (lonsnm p tion , AHtliHin, Ca tarrh , JtroEUiiitiK, and nil 'throat and lung Nlalndlesi. He- hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is itivaluable. Tliose, desiring the pro scription# wbieli wilt cost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing; will please address. Rev, E dward A- sox, Williamsburg, Kings Comity, Ncjv York. ’ lfiuovly* The Reason why- GoJden .Rule Flour Is the BEST Ff#Ot;it made 1st,—The most careful selection in buying none but itie best grades of sound Milting wheat obtainable. 2d,—Tho use o f the latest and most improved Machinery known, and the utmost care aud skill in tho process Df Manufacture. (aelden l^ule H eu r Stands squarely on its merits#and wc are content to abide by llio honest verdict of .the consumer. I f you want a sack of good Hour ask vour grocer for GOLDEN RULE and iake no other brand, as the best is the cheapest. Try tho best. ■A Respect fully, McDiiit & E rvin , Who Runs The CASHSTOKE The Headers o f the HERALD to know he is the Original Cutter in Prices o f Y GOODS ■*&%> BOOTS &SHBES ETC. /■. . sm -IiY-G-reezL-lOountg^nd notwith- standing so many sc-called cheap stores have start- . ' ' ed since he ccm^ .menced business: ■ in Jamestown^ he never' allows any of them to sell QUITE ,60 LOW AS HE DOES. Credit trade he does not want, tno matter how good it is. r Opens his heart and the custom ers sometimes carry off goods below cost, just because he comes from a '\neiglibor- ing town to spend his money. T i ' y l [ i i q o q c e . l ^ o m e i q b e i ' h c i s l o c q j e d q e x | d o o v (o P e o p l e s 13 qi(l'(, J q iq e s jo 'vV q . M . T . M ’CREIGHT , CHEAP CASH STORE. m V ■ r '. )• V •
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