The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
• I * H K H E R A L D ANVISlMJrJBWUKXt WBlJKI.VNKW&t'AIUUt. SATURDAY, JAN . 3, 1891 IF, IF. B h A l l i , J ty ito r a n tlP ro p 'r PRICE S I.2S PeR ANNUM. Emin Pasha has ■won two battles fought in Central. Africa with the ua- tgve.-.- Tiie President o f Mexico has signed the biU for the admission of corn from the United States free of duty. President Harrison and Postmaster . General Waimmaker are investigating . the drilling of Postmaster Matthews at Carrolltou, 'Miss. * Parnell proposes to retire to his coun try home for much needed rest. The outlook is that he will have abundance of time to recuperate. Richard K. Fox wants to match MeAuliffe against any man except Sullivan or Slavin. The Floyd Gonnty (Ind.) defalca-. lion has been settled so tha t the State gets $6,000. The State’s claim was $32,000, of which it wasjuBtly entitled to $20,000. ■■ A Michigan Mormon has established a paper in. which he asserts that it is wrong to wear a dean shirt, Cue may. be quite certain th a t thisisamun who practices what he preaches. The arrest has been made of the leader of a gang of thieves operating iii the large •cities of Europe.^ His name is Simon, and helm'd been living in great* style in a villa in Silesia. Travellers may learn a- lesson from Mr. C. I). Cone, a prominent attor ney of Parker, Dakota, who says: “ I never leave home, without hiking a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Kortiedy with me, and on mauy occasions have ran with it Henry Lutz, aged eighty-two, was arrested near Bethlehem, pn,t on the charge of murdering a whole family, in Germany thirty years ago. Burglars blew open the safe Of the church of the Immaculate, Cincinnati, early Wednesday morning, but fled, leaving its contents, $400, behind. Robt. Williams was arrested in (Jin cinnati for a ‘ forgery committed in Milwaukee, his victim tin-re being the Superintendent of the Y. M. G- A. Two. inert wore killetf, one*- fatally woundeil «iid dine others; badly hu rt by, the falling of the roof of a building in prqcsss ofmnodcling at. Cincinnati. There used tq be some bad men m oldou times, but there wore uo train wreckers then, • This genus of fiend* is a product of a. high state of eiviliza ■tiou. . ■ The Te^as man who built a. nice warm fire and. pu t on bis kid gloves, after taking:*fatal drug, proposed to show the world that even suieido:has its little amenities, Goto B. F . Butler argued, U isjaa t case in-courtjast week. His retire ment from the bar means that the time i$ lime approaching when he will be the defendant iii a very importan. ease. •—----- ' to-the relief-of some sufferer and have The trial of Rev. Dr. Mankcr, Pre siding Elder o f t he Chattanooga Dis trict of the M. E . Church, has begun •at Chattanooga. The charge is slan der,'preferred by Rev. T, C. Carter, editor of the Methodist Advocate, tha t city. ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. never known it to fail. B. G. lima way . For sale by of On Friday of last week a numberof young then o f Clarks Rnn and vicin ity annual clay pigeon shoot near the residence of Gapt. John Stev enson, three miles northwest of Cedar- one that can always be depended up- The two men' who drank themselves to death in a tournament of drunken ness down south the other day, will doubtless be of as lianch real value to the world in some quiet' churchyard nook as iii its more bustling haunts. Mr. William IV Price, a Justice of the Peace, at Richland, Nebraska, whs confined to his bed last winter with a severe attack of lumbago; but A toorou^tf application of Changer- Jain^H Pain Balm ’enabled him *to get up and go to work. Mr. Price says: •‘"The Remedy cannot be recommend ed too highly,” Let any one troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia or lame back giVc it a trial and , they will be of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles tor sale by B. G. RroowAYi Many years ago a man was lynched in Alexandria, Mo. Ju st previous to his demise bo cursed The town. -If seems th a t the doomed toan stpod in with fatoi Tor that' very year fire swept' away tlm gi eater.-port of the tow n ...Rebuilding had ipjififcly begun when the river rose and: submerged it. Since then it'has.beeuAutited'by flood and fire, Until what wot! once a tliriv- ing place was reduced ty a rude settle ment* . Monday night last what was left was swept Away by fire. B. G. Ridgway, the druggist desires to inform the public, that .lie is* agent for the most successful preparation tha t has yet been produced for coughs, colds and croup, I t will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time than any other treatment H ie article re ferred to is Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy, I t is a medicine that has won famd and popularity on itfs 'merits and DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- -AND- Doors, Sash % Blinds, LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new sotek. Gan offer you better Grades for less money than you have been paying for poorgrades, . CALL AND SEE GRADES AND PRICES. ville. Twenty-two were present and Earl Stewart and Harry Wilson were selected captains. They each chose ten men who shot 21 rounds with' the following score: Earl Stewart (capt.) 9 Ed. Collins 12 M. W . Collins 3 Rob, Anderson 12 Rob, Bryson 12 John Ilarbieon 8 John Cooper 9 Al. Wead 4 Mack Stewart T A. Bryson Gordon Collins Total Average 7 4 11. Harry Wilson (capt.) WiU Stevenson Will Forbes R E . Curry F . M. Cofry Al, Barber C, T . Stevenson Frank Turnbull Rob. Wilson A , Ferae Will Hyslop Total Average 6 on. I t is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. I t must be tried -to lie appreciated. I t is pu t up In fiOcents and I I bottles. F o r sale by B. G , R idoway , B G Ridgway taUjust secured the sale of the niosttaluabJe consumption remedy ever offered to the people of Codarville Ohio and takes great plea sure recommending it. There are % great many so-called consumption cures, but Jackson's Wild Cherry iu fi Tar Syrup is conceded by physicians to possess the most healing and strengthening properties to the lungs o f any similar preparation before the American public, TltoUsaml of peo ple have used i t and testify to its merits, and while,ll. G. Ridgway lias been handling these goods no one that has ever bought it has been dis appointed in finding a positive re lief id one dose and a to re for a cough in one bottle. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by B. G. Ridgwry. The Pu lp it a n d th o S tage . Rev. F. M. Sln-out, Pastor United Brethren Church, Bine.Mound, Kan., says: “I feel it my .duty to tell wliat ivomlera Dr. King’s New Discovery las done for me. Mv luiigs were .unity diseased, and my parishioners thought that I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles o f Dr. King’s New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 lbs.’ in weight. A rthu r Love, Manager Loves Fun ny Folks Combination, writes : “A t- j ter a thorough trial and convincing | evidence, I am confident Dr. K ing’s I New Discovery tor Consumption, oeats 'cm all, and cures when every- • tiling fails. The greatest kindness 11 can ao my many thousand friends is I to urge them to try it.’ Free trial * bottles a t R idoway ’ s Drug Store, I Regular sizes 50c. and $1.00. J E S S E T S . P L U S H E S Muckl«n*« A rn ica so lv e . The best aaiva in the world lor e n ti j bruises, sores, nlcrn«, iwlt rlieum, fere# « sores, l et t er, chapped binds, chi'bluSn*, Capl* Wyson and his men tendered. „„ Bjtm eruptions,and positive- Ibe victors att ovstor supper at the ra«- '* curm piles, or no par requlr*!. h {« tnursu’csA to give perfect »n infection, wlenca o f Rob. Lorry e »Vedueedfly mmey ridu tiled, Piles 25 twite a night, Wn. Conley acted as referee, box, Furs*to by B. O. Rid|flway’s T h e Q uecn ’w L a te s t O ffer. A F r e e K f ia r s tis a o r O ne IV a r ’a T ra v e l in K u rspe . In the Queen’s **Wonl Contest,” which the publishers o f that magazine aonouuce as thd last ono they will ever oiler, A free education consisting of a three years' course in any Cana dian nr American Seminary or College, including all expenses, tuition and hoard, to be paid by the publishers of The Queen, or one year abroad, con sisting of one entire year’s travel in Europe, all expenses to be paid, will be given to the person sending them the largest list of words made from the text which is annoanced in the last issue of TheQueen. A special deposit 1 of $750, has been made m The Do- ’ minion Bank of Canada, to carry out this offer. Many, other useful and valuable prizes wnl be awarded in or der ot merit. The publishers o f The Queen have made their popular faroi-. ly magazine famous throughout both j Canada and the United States by the i liberal prizes given in their previous competitions, and as this will positive ly be the last one offered, they intend to make i t excel all others as regards the value o f the Sprizes. end mx two cent U« S. stamps for copy o f’ The Queen containing the text, complete rules and list of prizes. Address The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Canada. iLargest Assortment ever Re- ^ served. XEN IA , OHIO. A THAWI InMAOihM, twch»»yS i W j MfHIfrtii|Ww> , wlw h * ml iMl wli«.«il mrk*. .W 11,1 ^in rrn..mi vnwaiKw.., VW « llW lw * i, m i nm ltaM M M i f*M-ta ln.lMitliMIimWi nmMnIW imm . X- m A m , Hlaw MtrftH.IMn I mim * MMnthMMtfeiMfwM*.1 COOKS - A . N 3 3 minus We have a complete line of S TSV E S of all kinds at Rock Bottom Prices. We tliink we ean please you both in quality and price. Give us a call. Grouse ft Bull. lesooasoooeccaeooK G m ^ J E R S E Y s M U M I t l S S t i t t f A m s s i l jm FENCING (♦.intint*JgfiHimK.nt.MflnMHi.M WMkform(k, AttMIMi-, A m M k . . iT«***rH4 V.IWAIIM#. I ««*i ( » min, t*Mj '•«».«» Hint. «IM.M• ! h*tmnynt-tir)iitl»t*, «n m MI,n.irtMr frM.itM< j-nH. i*h Kiytk lit mitt tMt» M XfrrHKt.,' w -Mfr- ***•*-.**«rxg*? *«t-yJotnK. j 0»ntt\ht,-|riJt.N.J hrk *r<«,XwtM. I Mhhyimf^t,)kl, fifty H.mtnu fl* ,!l' “"'ft*l>d! ..:r (tt ft* t» nfr. XiitH all It >.r fanif ant*. IS JUST * ^ T he T nhm *) mm * rn tm & H o , ttoUMMNto M i AM XaaliiMdUbQr TnrtO uuH stm tsw atejn mas to# #o#toi«r twist *»« nmm, aa i '#to««* l isiatt efiatiit. A#f*jr t# ftoWjl*atof , m m i n t a M i S & i c m c c ^ r ’
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