The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

I i I I -f—Wjlni *■» -• •*,. AN IKDEVHXPKNX WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. Ida Lewis, the Hie taver of theNew­ port light-house, has ibeeo offered a urge salary to go on the stage to play the heroine’s part in a life-saving SATURDAY, JAN. 24, -1891 scene, which she 1ms declined. She W* J5T, BLAIJi, Editor and Prop’r PRICE S 1,25 PER ANNUM. Miss Alcie Stormont is convalescing. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shrodes, a ten pound boy. 0 . M. Morton was in Xenia Wed' nesday on business. See notice of tile factory for sale by 'B. W, Northup, in another column. - E. G, McGregor, of New Cumber­ land, a moil, cleric, was tbie gueBt of Chas. Nisbet this week.' Mrs. A. E. Small, of Springfield, is in Cedarville, called by the sickness and death.of her mother, Mrs. McMil­ lan. Ed Smith, Harve Stormont and * ' \ Dan and.Jack McElroy were in Go' jg^v-Wmbus, Thursday evening to ..witness hX< / the ‘Pair of Jacks. ” Rev. J . H. Jackson, of Greenfield, stopped in Cedarville over Monday while en route for Xenia, to attend a session of presbytery. , Jauiw.Birr'ww Appointed council man to fill the . wuiey caused by the death of Qoft Sweeney, at the meet­ ing last Saturday evening. of Prof. series of The wife and children Clark, who h conducting a meetings at the (J. P. church, arc the guests of Mrs, Warnoek this week Young ladies if you are contem plating matrimony do not fail to lie! what Belviti Lockwood has to nay about marriage. At the opera house next Monday evening. :ails to have that keen sense of the marketable value of heroism which characterizes Stanley. Last Saturday Boyd Wiley. while skating on the creek just above the dam, broke throughAliejoe, and but for the timely assistance of Rob’t Gal- breath’would have drowned, as the water was a t leaBt fifteen feet deep and it would have been next to impossible for him to. have got out through his own exertions alone. Springs, W, L. Hazen, of Yellow died last Monday afternoon ut the age of sixty-six years. He was one of the oldest residents of that village and had held many positions of trust and re­ sponsibility, He was an old conduc­ tor on the Little Miami railroad, and ran the first train out of Cincinnati over that road. W A T C H E S , C L O C K S ! OURNEW SERIAL # ' .REPAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDER BY C. A. HARRIS, o u t, 4 -AT- E I ELDS’ HOTEL, EEDABY ILLE , OHIO . :- BEES IS YOUR CHANCE AWORLD-WIDECHASE, » J* Our en tire stock of w in ter Clothing, Boots and Shoes to ' be closed ou t in 30 days; We will pay no a t ­ ten tion to COSTS b u t will .sell every­ th in g a t abou t 1 the former price. Mens fine dress suits. Mens Business Suits - 89.00. - $5.00. Former price - Former price 815.00 89,00 Mens pants the largest assortment ever kept in town,and just one-half price.’ Mrs. Rose Winans was given a very pleasant surprise a t her home in the Gowdy building, by her friends Thurs­ day evening. Upon returning from her work that evening she found about twenty persons in her rooms, who had an elegant supper spread for the occa­ sion. The snrbrise was a complete one and Mrs. Wiaaus enjoyed it to the fullest extent.. The following invitations have been issued announcing the "marriage of another of t ’r-darville’s yoifhg ladies: Mr. and. M«. J". Alexander ■requnst ybtir pr^sonco at, the marriage of their daughter : C iuuii * ■ to StsKiuct Tomlinson, Taosday, Jimnary 27, 1S31 I ■' at 7 o'clock. 1 Dr’s. Baldridge and J. O. Stewart have been appointed members of the Board of Health in place ^of Will Mitchell and G, W, Harper, whose terms expired last weak, Thore has been thirty-two deaths'in Cedarville since July 27th last, the largest mortality, we believe of any locality the population of this where there has been no epidemic, for yearn. About forty young folks assembled, a t the residence ofAir, and Mrs. J. D. George last Tuesday evening and were highly entertained. Refresh­ ments were served, and entertaining games and delightful mono made the evening an enjoyable one. A number from Cedarville attended a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dean, at Jamestown, last Wednesday, Mr. and Mia. Bar­ ber, Mia. Dean’s parents intend to remove to Washington in a short time and a sines ofjparties have been given an their honor before their departure. The revival services at the Metho­ dist church were discontinued on Thursday and Friday nights, in order that the pastormight obtain a much needed rest. To-morrow morning “The relation of children to the ■church” will be disctimed. AU par­ ents are cordially invitedto he present. There will be revival service* next week each night commencing with Tuesday night, All wilt receive a hearty welcome. 4 Dr. Baldridge yesterday afternoon received a telegram from Dr. 8. P. Kramer, of the Good Samaritan hos­ pital, Gineinnati, Raying they could now administer the Koch treatment to a patient there if suitable, and this morning A.L.Fcrguson’sjfor these to take a course of the treatment.' We ore in hopes he will not only he bene­ fitted, but permanently cured, ns no young man 10 Cedarville'is more pop­ ular with his associates than Amos. One line Mens fine dress pants @ $1.75 Worth 83.50 Mens .fine calf dress shoes Mens Flexible sole calfshoes Mens fine Congress dress shoes $ 2 . 00 . $3.00. 81,25. Former price Former price Former price* $ 3.00 85.00 82.50 All the above giods are special bargains to dose out,, Call in, and if you don’t buy from us you will see how much cheaper we sell than other stores. Mrs Tonkinson has been quite sick j Mr. J. D. Williamson, for the past few days, but has recover-) ville, was in this city to-day of Cedar- after an ed sufficiently to go to Columbus, where she will remain for a few weeks with her sister for the purpose of rest. We regret very much that we not able this week to furnish readers’the first installment of are our our absence of thirteen weeks, on account of sickness, the first time he had not been to Xenia in that length of time in fifty years.—Xenia Gazette. Elmer Shrodes is again in .trouble. After turning state’s evidence in the promised serial story, hut it will be jdepot burglary here a few weeks ngo, found in the H erald next week with out fail. Do not fail to read it. The literary society met in district’ No. 2 last Monday night. Quite a George McClellan was the means of preventing the wreck of the nine o’clock express IfietThursday morning; While walking up the track coming to school he discovered a broken rail. Seeing a freight coming he ran back and flagged it, stopping it just after the engine had crossed the dangerous place. As the express was only a short distance behind the train he ran far­ ther back and signalled her, stopping her just in time. The freight got across all right, but the defective rail bent an inch and a qdarter ns the en­ gine of the express attempted tocross. Ge<xga is to be commended for his prsmpt action. and the company should recognize his services, especial­ ly as this is the seosad time he has dis­ covered and notified the authorities of broken rails within the past year. uumber were in attendance and listen­ ed to the regular program which was well rendered. After recess the question: “Resolve! that the dishragj.1 is more useful than the broom” discufse d at. the decision given negative.. was be; left, going tic person know where, but it now transpires that he fell in with a boy who gives his name as John, Riley and they broite into a car- at, .Morrow' and stole some cigars. They were arrested the next day while in company with a couple of tramps and taken to Lebanon where they wore jjailed, Shrodes giving his name as the A horsebokmgiagtoRichard Dar­ ling, hitchedjustNorthofCedarville, wasunhitchedbysomemiscreant, it h Supposed, Tuesdayevening, andran throughtownat a fearful rate, on throughJaaMstowntoBhuntown andtornthemthroughtorimWash­ ingtonandJamestownpikaand back taJamtotown, when it wan caught abouttwohour* after it left here, malting a distanceofabout seventeen milesinkmthantwohours. Several triedtostoprimhomebutwereunable todot* A strangething in wsjpwwl ffttlkft )• Ifcat Ms cart ts ih»fnm^il! a A** A ha to-tsivAnihfcIhtftfr. srw^stumpi wpw sgswmmKtofopVto' Oncemore theH suald wcompelled to chronicle the sad news of the death of anotherof Oedsrviile’amostrespect­ ed ladies, Mrs. Jane McMillan, wife ofD. J. McMillan, who died at her home Thursday afternoon of heart failure. She had been quite ill for a weekor two, hut her friends had hopes o f her recovery until this week. Rind and affectionate, she was beloved by thorn with whom she became intimate ly acquainted, and her death has east a gloom over the entire community. Mrs. McMillan was born in thi« coun­ ty in 1828, her parents, Archibald and AnU Jackscn, living at that time on what is now the McMillan form. In April 1848 she was united in mar­ riage to D. J . McMillan, and has lived in this county ever since. Bke leaves beside herhatband, two sons and four daughters. The fenend services will he preached In the I t P. dmrah tWe afternoon a t f o’etak by Rev. Mer­ ton* The griMatricAan fomily |s r « the ayasprihip$4 the enrirs eussaMt- s&y. , The marriage of Miss CoraMilburn, dnughter of Mr. an! Mrs. James Mil- burn, of this place, and Mr. Wm. Crawford was celebrated at the M. E. parsonage, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. G. L. Tufts officiating. The contractingparties arc well known here andnumerous are the congratu­ lations of the friends. Among those present to witness the ceremony,-were Harvey Crawford, James Milburn, fatherof the bride, agd Bessie, her sister, Hugh Stormont and wife, Mrs, Lillis Milburn and Miss Lola Town* sley. After the ceremony the happy oouple drove to Springfield where they will spend a few days the guests of friends. In towns of 1000 to 1500 inhabi­ tants it is impossible to secure a first ckas entertainment without a guaran­ tee from some of her ritiaens that the lecturer, concert company, or what­ ever entertainment that has been se­ cured wilt receive a stipulated sum no difference what the receipts may he, This season Cedarville, by this means has secured at least three good enter triamenta. Will they continue to te cars good ones, or ahull we again re­ turn to third or fourth Jrate affairs, and allow “bam etorAers” to take pos- ttcaston o f our opera h<,u*e? The only way to keep up the good work » to patronise such entertainments as Bel- va Lockwood’s lecture. It is not the object of thoes who have the matter in charge to make money off these en­ tertainments. As longas they lose no more than their time they will be sat­ isfied. Twenty-five touts spent at the ep«M house newt Mondayeveningwin heagoed investment, a*yon will not orif gtobortiJiaayoftriitoBeyeworto hufcttwlfl W tU msinwef w o tn n g i«g * * * * * * * * * * at Storasen t Jtr Ce.M dung*. Charley Young. On Tuesday they entered a plea of guilty and wore sen­ tenced to the penitentiary for one year each. Probate Judge Auditor Treasurer Clerk Sheriff Recorder Prosecuting Attorney Commissioners Total 13,860 2,845 3,211 3,872 8,025 1,697 1,173 2,997 s A S t o r y of R e tr ibu tion . “ I AM SEARCHING FOR MR. I 5 MEBICK.” The story is one that will hold the interest of the reader from the very beginning. The plot is well sustained ■throughout, there are many - dramatic incidents, and the story-is', in air respects, up to a very high standard of ' excellence. The Ohio Farmer, publishes thonet foes and salaries received by county officials in nine counties of the State, os follows; Guernsey, 814,388; Gal­ lia. 311,277; Athens, $12,757; Clei- mont, $16,360; Holmes, $11,710; San­ dusky, $16,155; Geauga, $8,403; Monroe, $11,164; Greene, $17,217, divided as follows: *V 40? * n O THE DEATH OF ttfU WILCOX. Net. $2,780 2,040 2,311 2.606 2,025 1,285 1,173 2,997 It is original, is copy­ righted, not published in book form, and hence if you want to read it, and of course you do, you will not look for it elsewhere. - If not already at regular subscriber Send iti Your Order at Orice, and secure Total $22,980 $17,217 From ft statistical report that gives the figures only by thousands we find that the population o f these counties is about as follows: Clermont, 40,000; Sandusky, 86,000; Greene. 34,000: Guernsey, 83,000; Athens, 31,000; Gallia, 30,000;Holmes. 24,000; Geau­ ga, 16,000. la only two of the eight other oouutiesdo the commissioners draw higher salary, or as much aa they do inGreene. Clemont>$3,546; Sandusky, $3,818. Parties wanting the finest peanut growncall at J . H. Milburn’*, aa he hasjust received a fresh consignment from the East. “ loon vALAftqoflftt mv ttnssANifa Mt«- UKKKIll*' ■ E *r Mmha. Til* factory In good running order also homw and krt, houaaorslx good moats, cellar and datum,.ipriug and pring fonts*, stable, baggy died, corn orifosts., abu four istos of good Efotifot stiUaWs for pastMrs, garden- fog or email fruit. Will soil very ftlttof. Ifor tWrilrav fourtfowlara ln« qnfraofB. W. MorUtafoCodarvlflo, 0 . this charming and entertain­ ing serial for perusal during the long fall and winter evenings. It will appear in our col­ umns in regular installments until finished. Don't fail to read i t f t Y f t U 11 Mr. Gi Babbeth wit MiasCor visiting in'! Rome. Wils. W* guest of G< last week. Mrs. Jakl confined to] are sorry 1 Marriage and Lucy son and Cal J. H. blaeksmithj place Geoij week. O randal great bnrgl u nd erw ear! heavy good Miss Lill spending the guest fl last idouda Allatooi town opt r | company <1 to a crowdI (..'ha". M to. work it Wio- ovid^ <.f our fair JohnZd town, ''pel Geclarviikl ter, Sirs. Dr. W.| the 10th <lowi) to hi occupy rol - Dan Mq this week stiind he’*1 in£liicngj company with the there pel both hustT the weak To the class etitd can pror weeks, sonductil IT. 1 \ cl| here up cm hot Prof. CAgO The i Prof. W1 Tnesda) the: - toflretii closed, the cttul thsic borif, t'on of 1 cveiiint **Vw 1 c verv uti rah' paek:> Wilt tl Delivif To fair Theda J(uife ’* 8Ite lit A sentD i ad.lres “Ely, To M* In \>1 ’ruKI i E R m IEGHASI ^• I fcPibtltiot Af ■ ■»»ll MR. RMERIO'i ie that wi tf the reads beginniiij |l sustaine are man Its, and tf fespects, u standard < Wii m wm WH, - ‘‘Ju 3 0 ■ x WILCOX. is copy- iblished ir mce if yoi 1of course not look 2 regiilaii in Youi md secure 1‘miSAKo’a Met entemin- during winter our col- ilhnento i t