The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

t h k i f E ^ a i x D i OKJltDKiOCNDliATWHKKI.YNEW8PAPKH, SATURDAY, JAN. 31* 1891 it.r.r...v,1.■e1*"'.'" ■■w.'rv.. i. ■■!% W. H , B L A IR , Editor and Proper PRICE * 1 ,25 PER ANNUM. ... Of every million of u* diphtheria lulls 168, and scarlet fever 222; yet whooping cough which noone ieafraid of kills 428.., There can be no doubt in regard to tlie popularity of Gen. Miles, if it be true, as the New York World says', ihathis soldiers hurrah for him in their prayers. , Mamie Miller, a New York girl, has made a “ new departure” in the field of elopement. , She has . flown with her step-father, and her mother is disconsolate. I f all the statements about the re­ cent King Ivalakaua can lie relied ; upon, there is but little doubt that the world will get along as well as it did during his life. One of the most difficult things to do is to give an accurate definition. Congress is Called upon to give the definition of a cigar. Everybody knows what a cigar is, but who, otl- hand; can tell what it is in words which exactly cover the ground. The Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph says: “When printers dine in honor o f Benjaruil Franklin's birthday pi should form the dessert.” But for the main part of the meal “ fat” would not only be appropriate, but would set well on the typographical stomach. The Detroit Free Press calls the cn -emies of capital punishment “ foolish sentimentalists.” ' Whatever name * • may be applied to them, their numbers •re rapidly:increasing.' I t is atrocious enough fo*. individuals to shed blood without states becoming premeditated •murderers,. The Boston Herald says: “The on,’y thing that seems to stand in the way of David Bcunett Hill's progress is the fact that he is a bachelor:” As far os the' presidency is concerned bachelorhood is in his favor if there bs anything in the instances of Buch­ anan and Cleveland. Fortune sometimes gets ironical. Mrs. Rosa Woods, ofBelmont county, O., used up her considerable property in fighting the demon drink. Having spent everything except her last days, and being unable to spend them with­ out help, she has accepted a home in a Wheeling'institution which is sup­ ported by a brewer. —--------- » "•»«■....<■------- Superstitious people will doubtless be interested in the case of the man, as told by tlie Washington Post, who, walking sidewise so as to be sure pud .see the moon over bis right shoulder, stumbled against a fruit stand, ruined his best clothes, got arrested and was fined in police court for malicious de­ struction of property. . An insurance company is going to ; Wforraed a t Hartford, Conn., for the toinrance of “ impaired lives;” that |s, o f people who are not very strong or well. I t is strange thattuch a com­ pany as this has not been organized before, when it is takeu ifato consider­ ation tliat insuraneemen are profound students of longevity. I t is a fact that a certain low conditiono f vitality is far morb favorable to hag life than robust health. A s a rule it is the man with capacious lungs and strong imw- clcs, the man of superabundant life, who dies first. There are various rea­ sons for this, but pariuqfe the most im­ portant is tlmtthc Vigorous mah for­ g e ts his mortality ami draws too heav* j iiy ojdrtu kismourcco, while the feeble: ifctfe kl« thirfi a painful fw*wi*#«nws \ I'tHe frajlty of his tenure dittf he* iv<s U the bast ofeare. I Oliver Wendell Holmes tells of the terrible fate of a man who once read something funny. Pr. P ix, a New York Dentist, was reading » oomio paper the other evening, While laughingat one of the humorous il­ lustrations, his head fell back and he gasped once or twice and died. * Everybody has a weak spot, and of course it is no more than natural that Gen. Booth, commander of the Salva­ tion Army, should have his. He is said to have social ambitions. The boom bis name lias recently, taken ib said to have kindled in his soul an ar­ dent desire to identify, himself, with the “ upper crust.” This is not an unholy desire, but it is far from ,being in good taste with a man who starts out sa such a gigantic project ns lift­ ing the fallen and bringing about the immediate universal brotherhood of the race. The reformers of the world have never been enamored of station. The proletariat lias been their “Four Hundred.” Look out for your doubles. A Ver­ monter was hurled into jail the other day so suddenly that it fairly made liis head swim. His surprise was due to the fact that he had always .behaved himself and knew that he was a model man in the usual acceptation of the term. The charge against him was horse/stealing. I t might have gone hard with him but for tiic fact that the right man was found after he had spent, the night in ja il.. It seems ' that the right man was his exact . counterpart in personal appearance. Only a few- weeks ago a young adventurer, whom nature had accidentally made to look like a certain rich man’s son; made a young lady in New York State think that he was said son, won her hand and married her. What greater quality can there be than self-possession. I f there be any­ thing worthy of admiration, it is the unrattled mind. Genius, learning, beauty, all pale in the presence of it. A school containing. 250 children had been on fire some little time, in St. Louis, when Mrs. Mary Muurie, the principal, found it out. She neither fainted nor yelled fire, She quietly went to all the rooms, ordered recess, and in three minutes the school was emptied and uota child was hurt. Two minutes afterward the flames had pos­ session of the first floor. The other morning Mrs. Davis, of Covington, Ga,, rushed into the blinding smoke of a burning building, and catching ner infirm husband in her arms, threw him out of the window, saving his life,and barely eserping with her own. ANDREW JACKSON, THENEW.DISCOVERT. Yon have heard your friends and neighbor* talk about it. You may yourself be one of the mauy who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. I f y<oo have ever, you are one of (ts staunch tricud*, because the wonderful tiling about it is. that when once given a trial, P r .‘King's New Discovery ever after holds a place In the house. If you hava *evar need It and should lie afflicted wHh a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle and give it a fair trial, It is guaranteed every time, or money re- funded. Trial Bottles IYec, at Ilhlg- way'e Drug Bior*. A> ON SURp W y SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. . * •DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- ■ > + PineLiier, PieceStuf,RofLath,Sheafing, Doors, Sash \ Blinds, J J C Z l i S LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING. SIDING, ETC, * % \ . * . ■ / Have just received a new sotek. Can offer you better Grades for less money than you have been paying for poorgrades, C A L L A N D S E E G R A D E S A N D P R I C E S . Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the Peace, at' Richland, Nebraska, was confined to his bed last winter with a severe attack of lumbago; but a thorough application of Chamber- lain'^ Pain Balm euabled him to get up nnd go to work. Mr. Price says: “The Remedy cannot lie recommend­ ed too highly.” Let any one troubled with' rheumatism, neuralgia or lame j bock give it a trial and they will *be I of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles] for sale by B. G. R idowav . . ( B G Bldgway has just secured the I sale of the most valuable consumption I remedy ever offered to the people of; Cedarville Ohio and take* great plea­ sure recommending., it. There are a great many so-called consumption cures, but Jackson's Wild Cherry and Tar Syrup is conceded by physicians to possess the most healing' and strengthening properties iotlie lungs of any simitar preparation before tlie American public. Thousand pf peo­ ple have used it and testify to its merits, and while B. G. Ilidgway has been handling these goods no one that has ever bought it has been dis­ appointed in finding a positive re­ lief ill one dose and a cure for a cough f in one bottle. Price 25 aml 50 cents,' For sale by B. G. Bidgtvry. * Perfect FiiM J E E S E T S . L U S H E S Largest Assortm ent ever Re­ ceived . & k X E N I A , O H IO . M ileage T ic k e t* on t h e P en n - . ay Ivon in Linen. fffMkA.AO0v**rret*?nirtrr *>fr?jAtiftlfc. bor.rfnfa/liyy,, ***«,K**d«r« y«tt jiM» uni tMtke *« mtiib, !ii;l «( ran lAih y.iqfj .Uiy D m ? in r»;u lik a da* mikeMart*Afidn.rae a *yen go an, !*><tb*»»»•*.All ajrr*, lit ab * j«rf r.f \h*ar<,«.yimtci> fRDimrnrrkt g*e- >mrAD $*mr tfa.*,**Apar a moment*#nJf t* IMA m L All l« etwy wwkrl, Vis ititi ym, firntMiHiif m-frylMagr KANll>r,nl'KKrir,T}f*mwC _ )iK n ilrUiifl HlIRi AdrimJAtenek, i MIIWX A WL, IttVIUkU, jUlkk, 'na*IUt!« fiTtm»Mk«v*KeeinT** 4 eit, .worn for n*, byt,Ann* |Vn,AM ltq Ainf J ho , Bonn, ToT*a*Lf)fcfa« ■do* cut. OfberiArtdrdng*iwell.Why |» "t yon? fioM ram overfM L W s |w n ih . Yon t*n 4» ilm wm * nni Mr* p t hnni, nrhmvrr Jim *r*.tEtta W-* V (mnara ar* oaHly ramfar flaw Hft• IIV l hiy,All Hin< ymJbaw •«4 Mart ytm. Can n t % In m H ihn* •cnHthetlnML M* nun*#y fcr wet** •r* Fritttn«nkno<vnamongihea« m M fiRVimiffnNtnfiiLrifHtilMft** 0,Mi.ll«rtAC«4a n Sw rM llu 4 ,M M t« N O W J E R S E Y oAivANizce i r m Farm ^ La w FENCING 3 . On and after January 20th, 1891, i ndividual and noil-transferable One Thousand Mile Tickets, good over all Divisions of the Pciinsyhniiin System West of Pittsburgh, will be sold at rate of two cents drr mile, or $20.00 each, by Line Agents at priiici]>al points. All forms of milcHge tickets heretofore issued for tin* Pennsylvania Lines—still unused and unexpired as to time limit--will I k *honored on ami after above date, < hi all roads operated by cither the PcnuLylvauia Company or the Pittsburgh, (. iccinnati, Ghicago Arit. X j O uls Ilaihvay Company, and only One Tiiousnm! Mile Tickets will be thereafter sold. K. A. Foal), Gen, Agent. $30001 .AtfeARS f imdertakr IlmeBatiy fa.ny lii«eMg( ntt>*i*tAi0T*ithcr rr*<t Atid nka, |■filvrllt•fmrtkm•wrMI#eH(lnd**trt*nAlrr mrn 11 *rN f fcwm i M m n TAArlnfhrlfetmlorniMeA.Ailit^vrrlltfwri^j «!*•AHttAfl«m«rAiiijj. ymentjtl nHLfcr«ti * ah e*$wfhatafrtewrf. 7 ,a tvinwf forntatmlett«nevmi»UlAluire, nulrkl* klfHAJi I de*.r* Imt tm* worker fromemit rtiatrltioreatiarr. * bAvt *inady htttgbl «r *4 iMratlded WHh ♦fti|»:f:twr'n 1 * tart* nnd IfOliIjluVnilMfdetttAfAFHfe 15 . Jkt link Angi +^rrjill), tf * . 5 m* AiMfr*«ni(Nte*« wa t*4*i MftlNtN Is your time. We will close out our H E A T I N G A ' X 1 C O S T Alb- •P I . m \ 1 1Aimeiljrth«MMMilMOnrMa, If. Crouse Ss BulL ^J|W mmstifsT* in JuftT T he Tiima w h en a flV R O X O , I.A B Y IK O , • * > e i > R I O n fe n c e 1 » O ttim A . X* OR ItAM E S tA L , n o t i wiM it |* t p r a tN to c n « liiin n « lilu itti4 )M f to n M « ' beat!. Fhrflo*Triad, w h t. A i i I n t c r t d l n s r r w d u M e n *hoald f»t oav inoA roteA prl<iOn»t,Ao»rl»« the •wporter twist a n * w aw i , a n * o th« r iralnt* o f m e rit. A pply t o p o o r 4«oter, o r l,f 3: t* r i . ids, :TC, >u better \rgrades. E S . •b 0- t I I 1 1 7 t J t I f i . \ i i 1 i *r E Y rrcKL L / i w n ENCING .ft'XXKO, ««?- nJ*rr*#*Mi*A*«* i t t v i f O f i IMtiLiianeia^iS i€Jwuni*wnnw^p nm>wp immi nrww* jum. u e n r