The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

•m s s t h e n E n a i t D R—f ——up—cm—fx»|ii<»n«.i<nKli.,.u,('v.-. % AN INMilMiNPrNT AVJ5HIU.Y NKNVHl'AJMJK. SATURDAY, JAN. :J1, 181)i IF. II. JBLA /7i‘, I'ditor and Prop'r PRICK • 1.25 PKR ANNUM. . Crouse A Bull invoiced this week. Charley Marshall was in Xcma Tuesday. * Will Mitchell went to Chicago this week on business. W. R. Torrence attended Court at Xenia, Thursday. Geo. Winter went to South Charles- ton this week on business. The boys had a great time Tuesday evening at a dance here in town. There will be no preaching in the United Presbyterian church to-morrow night. Ed Smith wus in Columbus a part ofthjg week looking after the South­ ern Building and Loan Association’s • interests. Mrs. Florence Keys and Mrs. Rich­ ard Scanlan, of Selma, were tluxguests of Mrs. Milton Keys, of this place, Wednesday. W. H. Leland, of Colorado Springs, who has been spending a few weeks in Cedarville the guest of friends, re­ turned homeMonday. MissesMamie Chandler an d -------- Hadden, two of Wayncsvillc’B hand­ some young ladies, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tomlinson this week. ■<i : ............... -... . ...iii' Miss Mary Boyle, who has been vis­ iting her cousins the Misses Sweeney, has returned to her home a t Ciucin- nati, Misses Maggie, and Nonie accom­ panying her, Dr. Oglesbee bos purchased Miss Jennie Ervin's property on Xenia av­ enue for $1,800, and will;move there in a short time. With the Dr.'s large­ ly'growing practice it was necessary that for the accommodation of his patrons he should •reside nearer his office. _____ Mr. John G. Willinmson, of near A\;WJasper, son, of J . D. Williamson, of this place, and Miss Lida McClel­ lan, of Xenia, were married a t the home of the bride's parents Thursday afternoon. A reception will be ten­ dered Mr. and Mrs. Williamson at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. Rob’t Bryson, next Tuesday. The revival services at the Metho­ dist church wilTcontiuue each night during the coming week, also the 2 o'clock services, commencing with Tuesday aftornootf. The interest and power are constantly growing. Ser­ vices to-morrow both morning and evening. Dr. Morton is expested to preach in the evening at 7 o'clock. All will receive a hearty welcome a t all of these services. Come and bring your friends with you# Hon, William Windom, Secretary of tiic Treasury of the United States, died Thursday night at 10:05 o'clock in the benquet ltfdl a t DelmonWs, , where he was a gnptt of the New York , Board of Trade' and Transportation. His had bees the- first toast of the evening. He had finished his response and seated himself, swooned at once and died almost immediately. Every effort to restore him was made, hut in vain. He died of heart disease, Conductor Jerry Sweeney, of Love­ land, and Frank Daughters, of ltich* mond, lod., beth of the Little Miami R. It*,, and popular railroaders, are in this city to-day attending a trial at the count house as witnesses, the suit be­ ing brought to get damages from the railroad on account of killing* colored , lady'in « Wreck that took place a t Cedarville some years ago, Frank i fid jerry Hie taking advantage of tl e occasion to ball on their numerous friends in Hits city.-Xeni* Oasette. There will boa meeting ofthc“Y's” nt tlieir parlors over Bird’s store next Monday evening, Messrs. Andrew Gregg and Albert Wead and Misses Alary Donavan uud Maud IlaVbisoii, of Yellow Springe, were the guests of Alisa . Eva Wade !net Friday evening. Some of our young bloods had a chicken roast and oyster supper out Xortli of town Tuesday night. 'I t was a rollicking crowd and a rollick­ ing time they had. The Sabina Record comes to us this week chock full of interesting readiug Jas. F. Gaskins the energetic pencil shover who presides over the editorial columns of the Record is the personi­ fication of energy, and the success of a paper is assured when he assumes con­ trol. ___ ' ___ Amos Ferguson, who isat the Gooi Samaritan hospital, Cinciilcinnati, receiving treatment, writes after the second application of the Koch treat meat hud been given him that he was feeling better and that his tempera­ ture was at that time 102L Up to the time of going to press there hat been no report received of the effect o: the third application, which the phys­ icians claim will be the turning, point. Henry Barber went to Cincinnati yesterday on a visit. I t is slyly ru­ mored that ere his return he will in­ vade the quiet precincts of Warren county’s capital for the purpose of re­ newing an acquaintance with one of Lebanon’s fair damsels. We can 'not say that this is true, but Henry lis tened very attentively to Belva Lock­ wood’s lecture Monday evening and it may be that he has a severe attack 'of the epidemic that has proven so disas­ trous to so many of Cedarville’* old bachelors within the post few weeks, and is seriously contemplating matri­ mony. The Gallion Sun-Review, in its re­ port of the State Alliance convention held at that place last week, speaks in the following terms of one of our Cc- darvillle citizens: “Dr, J . J . Snyder/ of Greene coun­ ty, distinguished himself in a favora­ ble manner on Thursday afternoon on more than one occasion by making forcible and logical speeches on subjects with which the delegates were not con- versaut, so far as the facts were con­ cerned; He is a bright young man, possessed of a frnuk, honest chnraoter, and is just such a man as the people want to see advanced to a position where his honesty and energy will be of service to his State.” There was quite an interesting Jaw suit held before ’Squire Hudson last lYiednesday, J . H. Wolford, of Cedn * ville, O., being the plaintiff and the firm of Lott A Wolford, of Selma, this township, being the defendants in the case, the amount sued for being $29,70. Attorney Shoup, one of Xenix’s rising young lawyers, act*-! in behalf of the plaintiff, and ’Sq.uire Bradford, Solith Charleston’s noted attorney, handled- the defendants’ side of the case. Both attorneys afforded tile crowd of spectators, which, by the way, wag a large one, considerable amusement during the progress of the trial by calling each othersuch endear­ ing names-as “ Young America,” “Old Rusty,” “Little Puppy,” “ Old Fogy,” etc. Some of the spectators claim they have not had so much fun since the depatture of the Indian Medicine Co., last winter. After Clearing the evidence and arguments in the case ’Squire Hudson rendered judgement in favor of plaintiff lor full amount claimed and costs. I t is thought de­ fendants will appeal the ease. The decision of the court was.favorably re­ ceived by all who heard the case. At­ torneys Slump and Bradford Imth did themselves great credit by the master­ ly way in Which they handled the c*«ot the latter especially, coming out on top’without * scratch and ready for another round, as Charleston always doe#.—[Charleston Cor, Springfield Democrat. , W A T C H E S , C LO C K S * — — A N D — — — ,T T ^ w i ? . t REPAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDER BY C. A. HARRIS, FIELD S’ HOTEL, - - CEDARVILLE. OHIO'. O N E W E E K ! * We are go ing to pu t in new sh e lve s and to save t ioub le hand ling gojds, w ill se ll a ll goods a t such a price tha t w ill pay you to buy for tutu re u se” N o m a tter w ha t you w an t in our line you can have i t for le s s than wholesale price for one week only. Keupunber th is is no catch. Come in and see for yourself. J , S . L O W R Y . The wedding of Samuel Tomlinson and Miss Carrie Alexander occurred at the home of the bride’s pareuts in North Cedarville, Tuesday evening and was the social event of the week. Over fifty guests were present. The bride was. beautiful, dressed, in creme Henrietta, No ornaments. The groom was nrrayed in the convention, al black. The wedding ceremony, was conducted by Rev. Tufts, of the Al. E. church,_and was simple and im­ pressive. Immediately after the cer­ emony and congratulations au elegant supper was served, Au interesting time was liadbv the unmarried friends of the bride hud groom present, just before arising from the table, when u take containing a plain gold ring was given them, each'one having the .priv­ ilege of cutting a slice from the cake and trying to secure the ring. As there is a superstition prevalent ■ that he or she who secures the ring will lie the first of those present to be married, the young Jadies'all scoured generous slices, but fate was not to be defraud­ ed in that manner and the ring fell into the hands of a young Air: Alex­ ander, cousin of the bride. After supper the bride and groom’ went to the home of the groom’s parents, South of town. There was quite a numlierof elegant presents, among them being the foiljwing: Airs. Paul Tomlinson, towels; doe Tomlinson, (Kansas,) $10; Curtis Tomlinson, toilet set; Al, H. Tomlinson, lamp; Air.' aud Mrs, H. A. Alexander, par­ lor lamp; Mrs. M. A. Barr, bowl and pitcher; Misses Nannie and Ella AIc- Clel'an, lied spread; Air. and Airs. B, \ f . Anderson, one dozen China pie plates; Albs Clara Dinwiddle, pin cushion; Air. and Mrs. John Mitchell, bed spread; It E Alexander, $25;> Martha Andcrpon, wreath for bridal cake; Olga Otten, (Cincinnati,) hand painted placque; L E Darnels, (Dallas, 0 .,) fruit dish; Misses Rose and Lillie Stewart, towels; MrsBailie Dinwiddle, butler knife, Mrs Sarah House, fable cloth; Air ami AirsLin Wilson, towels; Alisa Lucy Alexander, napkins; Aliases Maggie and Aliunie Alexander, salt and dessert dishes; Della and Florence Alexander, towels; Air and Airs Jacob Johnson, jelly dish; J Y Alexander, butter knife, Hugh Alexander, nap­ kins; Miss Ida Smith, gclery dish; Mis# YSdith Satterfield, $ handsome steel engraving; Air and*Mr# J Alex­ ander, the bride, Thursday evening a reception wa# given them by. thy groom’s parents, Air. and Airs. • Paul Tomluwoft. About fifty invited guests were present, including the prohibition glee club, o f which u&r. and Mrs. Tomlinton were tnemiers. Misses Grace and Jennie Jackson, o f Mercer,. Penn., attended the funer­ al of their aunt, <Mrs. McMillan, last Saturday. Airs. AL E. Dean, of Chi­ cago, sister of the deceased, was ulsc in attendance. . The hearing of the suit against the P. C. & St. L. railroad for $10,000 * - l . dumagOB by the estate of Sarah Jones, better known ns/Aunt Sullie” Jones, who was killed near the depot here about two years ago, was set for hear­ ing lost Thursday, but when oalled up for hearing the counsel- for the plaintiff asked for a continuance of the>case, to give him .an opportunity to chunge his bill of particulars. This, we understand, was done on account of the rulings of the court in regard to certain testimony which would not be allowed. The joint meeting that had been ar­ ranged between Old Town Run and Clark’s Run Alliances, was held at East Point school house lost Tuesday evening. About one hundred and fifty persons were present, a ’ number attending from this pluce and Xenia. An elegant program had been ar­ ranged aud all who were to participate were present, and did full justice to the subject selected for his especial consideration. William Bryson was first called. Subject, “ Why are the farmers of the United States organiz­ ing, and wJmt do they- expect to ac­ complish!” J , B. Cummings, subject: Taxation. Geo. Harper, of Cedar­ ville, subject: Alonopolics and Com­ bines. Russel Brewer, subject: The independent movement in Greene county, Oscar Bmdfute, subject: Relation of the tariff to the farmer. Walksr Williamson, subject: Salaries ot county officers. After the regular program a number were called upon for remarks, several responding, but were not allowed much time as. the regular speakers had occupied the time until about 10 o’clock. We un­ derstood there is talk of another meet­ ing of the same kind at Old Town in the near future. parties going West will do well by seeing O. L. Crain for Trunks, Valises and Shawl Straps, Harness O ila t C. L> G rain ' s . Buggy Harness and Whips, a omn* plete stock at roek-bottoin prices at 0 , L. C hain ' s , Fur and Plush Robes and Hor*.-? blankets at reduced prices to close out stock a t 0. 1 m C hain ’*- n o t ic e . Aliss Jennie Ervin will sell $cr 5ouscbold good# a t private tele. Any one wishing anything *ra that line v.ill please call a t her m i deuce. out?NEWSERinn AWORLD-WIDECHASE. A Sto v y of Retribution. The story is one that will hold the interest of the reader from the very beginning. The plot is well sustained throughout, there are many dramatic incidents, and the story is, in all respects, up to a very high standard of excellence. TOOT DEATH OF MS. WILCOX. It is original, is copy­ righted, not published in book form, and hence if you want to read it, and of course you do, you will not look for it elsewhere. If not already a regular subscriber Send in Your Order a t Once, and secure #• this charming and entertain- ' ing serial for.perusal during the long fall and winter evenings. It will appear in our col­ umns in regular installments until finished, Don't fail to read it. *