The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52
•rifE M E f l & i r f ) . 4D IXDJirKNdllNT WRKXLY NKWnrAFKK, SATURDAY , JU LY 5. 1830. if IP. l i t J3LAJK, Editor and Prop'r. It is with feeling* oC both pleasure and satlfiees tliut 1 again return to Greene ^county to assume the edi torial management o f oito o f its news papers, Pleasant it is to receive the hearty greetings o f former fridtids aud the kindly welcome o f neighbor- .iug contempovaries, hut there is only, ^adriess;ip the Knowledge that-1* re turn fo occupy. a chair lately made vacant by theoBterii hand o f destiny. Zealous in his labors, vigorous in his denunciation o f what he believed was not^for tho best interests o f the community lie represented, outspok' on in hi§-convictions,* none will be tqare. missed than Mr. Wirans among /the newspaper fraternity o f Greene (county. In assuming the work he was so suddenly* calledto abandon, 1 trust the' patrons o f the H erald I t is reported from Pittsburg, that during his stay in Europe Mr, Car negie will call upon Mrs. Mary Schen- Joy to induce her to given thirty-acre site (near the thrcc-limuircd-ac.rc paVk which she.gave to the city lasit fa(|) upen which to erred the mil, lion-dollar Jibary bo proposes to build for Pittsburg. ' Mrs, Schenloy was a Pittsburg girl, but now lives iu Loti-, don. .With the library Mr. Cariiogio will build^au art gallery, for which. it is said, he recently provided in his will that the liiterest'ou $1,000,000be set aside, . ■will.not judge too-harshly i f 'f o r a time ! may not handle the pen as euc- nessfolly as was dope under the for- Meri.miuingeinoii t, but rather wait U nder the caption of .“ Let us Have a Primary Election,'” the Xenia Re publican' publishes an able editorial setting forth, the reasons why Green© county1republicans should •.thus se lect their candidate to be present to the congressional convention at Wusingtion C. II. on the 20th. That ie wrong. They should insist stren. ously upon holding a mass conven tion in Xenia. Hon. Jiio. Little ^nows.just how to manipulate such assoinblages as the republicans of Greene county who; attended a simi lar gathering about four years ago can attest;—True Ids victory.’ at that time cost him dear iu thojeiid but his friends should not let that deter them now. it a better acquaintance '$&fr$tie wishes o f the community may not' increase my usefulness iu thcTc*p^citjr o f editor. •ffhy experience the H er * coiitinue an independent *ytho organ o f no clique or pdltt jcal party, but devoted .to the inter ests p f Ccdarville ami Greene county gjnci'ally. I believe its readers wilt concur, with me iu this, bolfovihg as .1,do that in nootlicr way can ii local paper prove a success or render itself useful to a community. ,1 trust that not only tins patronage o f former years may continue but increase ifohe citizens to be merited.. W. Ii.,lii.Ain. * T he probability now is that there w ill be two.candidates from Greene county before the republican conaros- ional conventiouviz. Hon. Jno. Lit, tie, o f Xenia, and Hon. Andrew Jackson, o f Ccdarville. ‘Wh ile there iu politics -certain it'vis is nothing T he unveiling of. a monnmeiit'Sii Indianapolis last~ Tuesday to the " memory o f thci-late Thomas’ A. Hen dricks was witnessed. by crow.ds o f people froiii;every part o f tlie Union. - Tab Republican congressional con vention, forihe Tchtb district will lie held at Washington, G, J!.. on the 2i). ‘ That city is centrally *located, and its1 selection shows the goodJudg ment o f the committee appointed for 'that purpose. • ’ . T he board o f Public Improvement o f Cincinnati is having an luvcstign- tfoulhls week WldchUhc Cpuiniei'ciai Gazette claims to have Drought about. Whan the time is ripe for libel suits the C. G- will not know so nvuch about the irregularities o f the jntcin- Iter* of.that board. * ' : . sewed in the same capacity during A. A, GAHStDK,'of,Leeds, England believes he has invented a successful continuous Udary.mpt.foiAJa.tahd the place of. the present backward and forward movement o f the piston iu the-AUftm engine, lie uses a tube coiled in wspirit around a shaft, Hie steam being introduced into the coil through the shaft, the stcain being hilreduccd Into tho coil through the tube is widened toward j Ho., Meteor, went to a drug store at 110 KWay-frotn the shaft. * Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the pbysi- „ - J clan in attendance to give litqi a dose . . ;i cpins i , o Chicago, jtop- |0f something for cholera morbus and lartv known as “Old Ilmrli.*' rt.nuL „ ' /*,. . *, . looseness o f the bowels. «JIc til ly lin id ,” duds time iu. the midst o f his enormous business to devote considerable atten- tiou to literature. He is an admirer o f Air. LstliropYlntestnovel,“ Would You Hill IIfm ?” and recently ex- pressedgreat surprise at the truthful representation iu that volume o f the methods pursued in the S|>ecfdalive wheat business. “ You got it almost exactly right,” said he to Mr. Lath* rop, “ and while I was reading that fmrt, I wonderedW ? Iu the world you had learned :*o much about it. IJut when I came to tire plaoa where you describe Michigan avenue and the old fleet o f grate ships, I said to myseif; Why heV« been there t” Cnrimi-Jy etmogli, bowater, Mr;. Latbrop li»d never been iu Chicago whan h« "re t* Urn book, Soe k lea ’s A r n lc »H » iv e . The bestaaiveia tbe world for cats, brai««i, aorsa, nh**ra, *»H rbemn, (ever sores, tetter,cbajqM^l lutiida, chlbltriiw ■oriwaodallckfonapftoiw.andpo*itlrv vwitne pika, or no fwy required. ■It la mhnmterd togive perfeet anlsfjitfioii, t aptmeg m l riM, Price fg ecate a ’-mg, IW ftk t b y 9- G» BtdpwiqrV ' Covenant* Sforoql,. twfc j.t :00 a ms ■% R; P« Ohi* pa-stor. Sci , school at iu Mi B-OI«| tor. Preacl jm hool Atyt Young Pcoi) oning servi . iugoo Vvm ' U. R, Ch> nastor- In; .SAbbnfli. ‘‘ A M<v 15. soii.i pastor 7-00 pm ea 3:00 p ins ;- Uiiptist ( '•pastor.'" Ri-" ■ l U ' o . ^ n o ,*2:00o^CtocU • jiosilay.oi LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIOINGfETC. - ri' The fo l for Mrs. * iicf by tin Have; just received & new stock. Can offer you better Grades for less money than you have deen for poor grades. ,, They ha' ^ band generally tonceded thut tlie iiomina- jipn Will not be given tills' county. The .coinplimentury vote, however, is a. matter o f some consequence, and should go lb the geiiticmau justly un titled to it. Greene cttpnty can mot honor Mr. Little more than she al ready lius done. Mr. Jackson, to.o, has no .cause for. complaint. Twice he. lias.been sent to the legislature, .but during flmt time »io mini who lias GALL AND SEE SHADES AND DEICES. the the l>:ist decade looked after tlie wel fare o f his constituents more assid uously than, lie, I f at any •time the. republican party was’ in need Air. Jacksoithad he advised o f tlie fact apd his services weie aj oyee tendered even, to tlie detnment bt business. Sucli services should have its reward; and iliofe is no time like the present to pay the debt. Air. .Jackson reticent on tlie subject ol Ids candidacy but, ids frieuijis. insist tliat Gieenc county.cannot honorably do otherwise'than' thus compliment him. VIBRATOR T H IA .M A H UNACQUA NTED WITS THE GEOGRAPHYOFTHE COUNTRY, WILD OBTAST MUOH VALUABLE INFORMATICS-THOM’A 8TUOT OP THIS MAP OF HR Grain-Saving, Time-Sav ing, Money-Saving Thresher' of thia day and age. AS More Points of Exclusive Superiority than all others combined;! - '" J. V ERY Thresberman , and Fanner ts delighted with its marvelouswork. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. -Alichnei Curtain, I'liiiiifleld, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on hci luiigs: slie was treiifed for a mouth by her family physician, hut grow worse. He told Iter she was a hope- lees victim of consumption and that no inpilidnc could cure her,* Her druggist suggested I)r. King's New DlScove.iv for- Constiiiipffon; she bought a bottle and j o her dnligiit found herself benetltled from firs: dose. She continued its use and af ter faking ten bottles, found jie-rseli sonml And well, now does tier own housework and Is as well as-ghe ever was.—Free trial imlttes of this Great ■Discovery at R idowav ' s llrug Store, large bottles f>0c. niid $1.00. (2) H E W V OT only 8up«rior for all kinds |of Grain, bat tha only auc- |ccisful handler of all Seeda. NTIRB Threshing Expenses (oftensto j times that amount) |made by extra Grain 8aved. [ORiCMANSHIP, M at tr ia l, and Finish beyond, all com parison, IB R A T O R owners get tbe best jobs- and maka the moat Money. NCOMPARABLE for Slim piklty, Efficiency, and Dura bility. ■ RYOKB sS rlvi!ry fo? Itaplu Work, Paifact Cleaning, sad, lor Saving Grain. SQUIRES no attachments or rebuilding *to change from Grain toSecds. BROAD andamplfe Warranty given on all’our machinery. THE GHICMO, BOCK ISLAND&PICIFIC RKILWKY, tnchidinjg mtiln lines, branchea^dhtl oxfenslona SAafc and West of th» MissojurTBiver. The DJroot.Rout# to and* from Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, .Peoria, La BaUeiMoline, Bock Island. in II,LlN018—Davenport, Muscatine, >■ vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording thebeat facilities of lnteroommunlcatlon to all.towns ana cltios oast And west, northwestand southwest or Cnicago, and Pacific M d trana-oceanic Seaports, MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRE88 TRAINS, Mag all competitors In splendoro f eaulpment, warmed by steam from _ .loooifiottve, wall ventilated, and free from auat. Through coaches, PullmanJSlespera. and pining‘Cans dally between ChicagoTDes Moines, Council Bluffs ana Omaha, with Pree Beclinlng Chair Oars between Chi- Mr. Van Pelt, Editor o f the Craig, says: I felt so.Hindi better the next u orn* lug that I conjcliidwl lo call on the physician and*xct him fo fix me up a supply o f tlie iiiedlcine, I was sur prised, tjvhenjtc .handed Die, a bottle o f Chamberlain,s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, lie said lie pre. scribed it regularly in ids practice and found it tlie best he could find oy prepare. I can testify to its efficien cy in tny case at all events. For sate by Itidgwiiy. . jRACTIQM Eaginas Unrivaled ia Material, 8 klaty,Fowat and |,X)mabUity. |UR Pataphkt gij^jLfaU in formation, east FrMwlt tails aboutthiagnat / ^ , cago and Dvnvar, City and Tpp« of Miiisourl ’ ... ‘ to Mid from Salt: DIRECT " a. Tha LINE to and from pika's pa* dk^tba Mountain Cltlas, Mining camp*, 8*ali of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, tgslaaandSan •• • — dan anlo ton,Gar e ;urns, and Sco I |EVOLUTIQN ht Thrashing Machinery. Band for past- phlst. Addraa* H 0 P 0 BTED OLYDB^DALE BT 1 LLI 0 I . A Vwy flea Thraa Ynar Old. Took 2nd premium at the Illinois State Fair last year. - Is a finely bred young fellow o f tlie best stuck to be found in Scotland. Owned by Tomlinson k Co. mav he found during tlie season o f 1800at Panl Tomlinson’** 3 mile South o f Ceilarviilo, 0 . Come and see. tf TOMLINSON k Co.. and MinnaapqUa andSL Paulj tto and Crbmtbosapointaana . batwaan Paorta, Smrjt Laka favorite Llnv to Kpaatony,Watar- orta and Bunting and Fishing ______________ ?fiera faculties to matt, Indl >wwu. jwvanworth , a. JOHN, JOHN SEiBASTiAN, OHIOAOO, IL L . CtaiTTlakatAFttW.Agsat SENECA AM; lu MapoUa, avanwor b Kansas’ ,or Canada, WORK OFFERED! We want a few energetic, reliable men, to solicit orders for Nursery stock. Satisfaction to costomcrs guaranteed. Successful salesmen are Making good wagcR. No experience necessary. We hire on salary and offer, special inducements to begin ners for next 60 days; Address (stating age.) W. 1). Chase k Co., Lock Box. 84. ’ Geneva, N. Y- DIXOirS'S’K ? STOVE POUSH I t T H K H I T . Subscribe for the Herald. Only f !;25 per Year. THE Threaten I Trees J 3 f t /I i They li Andyeti Ypu w joeath litr • From j ile ibo o ■Never Yes, den IMee -imtwoii WSto !l Though Yet vt -Lay yoi H b wi Jcauvni'- 'Form"’ ' IJUMny •' ■ Ever pi; 7 £ LC PI Accorc just, isstn romoiogi': ation,!*’ come de£ largepoi niucii al, especial 1 trees o f i checked that the * ed. Tin very alii ton, and ' . CoHuuhi in a larg towns o- The \i by the K/ maple t side of Scale ab winincU: cottony- alive w*. appeari minute, - Aboii similar Illiuois. slates, i . ed Utisi dice of * ed by t This * belong! habits the Sen u from 7( These»• young over tl> selves ’ 'will re. They i and su* the lb. fogves . twigs, edtroi the h(x\ This it •'Som sens o , the oi ■the ir« young Nk)|!i i irJ m \ a
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