The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

3V m Y f l T T H • wmm mmm J L m 0 9tmm*-., i-.-.y DRY 600 . . . \ To save money. Having. Jietertwined to Glose out our entiie s to c l^K , eLyt:':- 16 ,. SHOES,. CU WALL p<2» , f3*y?nrm m p*- ■ rrj ' & ' i: VA PSj y; \ >4 *$ v• , B tc.> •., rf ✓ ■...' 1 „. : '*. - - - ■„ *■ . . ■. *■ *■ : ■' We will sell them for what they will bring. No difference about the cost. Any price to sell is the word. Everything will be-A;. BATJGAkV as WHOLE STOCK must go, if price will make it go, in sixty days. ' STEWART Ss McCOEKM « r . t fE n . E ^ a i i D . ! Contest Monday night. J h s , Janies Townsley is very sick (•barley Nesbithas returned home, ‘this week. Lee Stewart was in Cincinnati this wefek on business. . .I! R. Ort and family spenjt Thurs­ day. in Springfield. ’ ■ Mr. John Barber is quite sick at his home north of town. Miss Mabel Iveys, of Springfield, is Visiting in Cedarville this week, Lee Stewart will join the1 crowd 1wfote watch word will be “On to .Boston.7’ Ed' Smith was in Cincinnati Tues­ day evening and witnessed "Moses in Egypt.” I The infant child of Mr. and Mi$c George Baker died last . Saturday night and was buried Sunday after­ noon. • Dr. Lowry was in Xenia this week, and was busy making himself agree­ able to the young ladies of that city during his stay. , • Miss Maggie rfarper, of Jamestown, is enjoying a visit with Miss Elbe Stormont, in this vicinity, .and the young gentlemen are correspondingly happy: ' We understand there is a number of good croquet Would it Mrs. Geo. Daffield is the guo.-t of not be well to p]uy „ wrirt, '0f ^ with players in neighboring towns? Jamestown boasts of some experts, oils lire - vis- and so'docs Xenia, Yellow Springs her son Will and this week, . wife, of Dayton, iDeinorest Medial Contest Monday (rlit at the opera house. -Miss Bessie Millmfn visiting friends in Xenia, Cliis week. >■< Born to Mr. and Mrs! Amos Toinp- kinson, on last Tuesday, a gil l. ' I--"-" > — b Misses Barber and McMillan have returned home from their vacation "at Lakeside. . BSOLUTELY -W a t F\? F"9 Vr^« .. a w u P . O O f r ? ' : i / V < \ ’ TM kk /-*r • ' f> D. M. Shrack, one o f tli£ most pop­ ular drygoods salejfeioii in-Jamestown, was buried by the Masonic order at that place, yesterday. Mrs. W..K. Collett and ,children started"Monday afternoon for a drive to Greene eopnty to attend a picnic and visit-relative^.—Wan "Wert Daily Bulletin Mrs. .Win. Collett and iting the family of James Satterfield, and (•‘tiiion. this week. ' . ■ Miss Kate Xe-biti wlio. has (piite sick with tyi>hoid fever, is slowly improving.,' Misses Ella Johnson and Lola a week at Townsley are spending -.Furmersville. > ' . Dr, J. M. Stewart and wife visited their daughter, Mrs., Eustick, pi Springfield, this week. |. A mmrber-fromJiere will go to llos- been ton this week, among them being James- Andrew and wife; Chits. Crouse and wife; Ed. Smith, wife and chil­ dren; Will Barber and wife; John Tarbox and (laughter; Mrs. Will Walker; Jos. Murray; ,S. N. Tarbox; Will Hid’and Cal Barber; A num­ ber of these have friemls ii; different parts of the east whom they will visit before returning. ' Mr. Z. T. Phillips was recently called to his old home hear Coshocton, Ohio, on account of the serious illness of his lather. Miss Dora! Seigler, who has lwon spending a two weeks vacation with her gmnd-parents in Xenia, returned -home yesterday." ■ A ham on the farm of Mm Collins, just this side of Cliiton, was burned Thursday morning. We did not learn the extent o f the lose. Messrs James McMillan and Henry Barber accompanied the friends of Mrs. Ridgway to Cincinnati and wit* nessed the interment. The Baptist Babbath School tendered their superintendent Mr. Moses Gaines a very pleasant surprise lust Wednesday evening. They came with well tilled baskets, and spread a line repast which was enjoyed by all. Mr. Gaines was away and upon his re­ turn waB greatly but . argceably sur* prised," and1enjoyed the occasion as much as ike invaders. The evening was spout in games and social chat. A curious accident occurred ut Jesse Stewart’s Wednesday afternoon. Alex Wade was tEcrc with his separa­ tor threshing Mr. Stewart’s wheat, when all at once there was a terriffic explosion." The top o f the separator j was blown off, and the straw eom- . Charley*Weimer while cutting off a <mericc(1 running out o f the machine piece meat hanging on a hook let the ablazej petting fire to machine, straw rick and sacks o f wheat near the ma- kuife slip, cutting his left wrist very badly, severing several leaders. Miss Eva Harper and brother, who have been visiting their grand-parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Townsley, returned- to their home in Dayton, Thursday. Wm. Means, o f Yellow Springs, who was appointed executor o f the estate of his father, Thos. W. Means, o f Ashland, Ky*, could not qualify on iiccoont o f not being’ a resident of Kentucky. t The picnic at the Cliffs promises to lie a huge affair. Together with the tightrope performance and balloon ascension the attractions will lie im­ mense. The countv generally will be well represented. William F. Fortierdied at his home on south Main street, Thursday morn­ ing at 4 o’clock, after a lingering ill­ ness. The body wail 'chipped to Sa­ bina, bis former home, on the 10 oVlock train, and will be interred in the cemetery at that place this after­ noon, Nothing was saved save the Mr. Wade was badly burned. chine, engine. ■■Sirs. R i d e w a v la D e a d , In the full vigor of womanhood only a few short days since, the- news falls like a pall upon , her friends. The accident o f two weeks ago, con­ trary to the expectations of all, ter­ minated-fatally last Monday morning, and we are again forcibly reminded of the uncertainty of life. Mrs. Itidgwny was born in Philadel­ phia, Pa., Bept. 23, 1800, and was, therefore at the time o f her death'' 20 years, 11 months and 11 day ’ old. She was united in marriage to B, G. Ridgway in St. Paul’s church, Cincin­ nati, Sept. 27, 1881, by Rev, Joyce, One child, a son, was Iwru to them, The funeral was preached at the house Tuesday morning by Rev. Morton, after which the body accompanied by the bereaved husband and son apd sympathising friends was taken to Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, for interment. FOR SHEATHING' ft 'j.*** » iv** »■{ »>«,<** *'i*. W e call intention to th e novelty o f Ita- :: b t u w ^ n r of paper w ith an interpobed layer o f w a tw -p to tf l or under pressure, m akine a sanitary. m ild c \v » p :c s .. houses, th at w ill last a* long as the building tp'On < • Experience has r ho,wn th a t the cheap-pap r*- < - */ % • . •*. n o t protect a building for an y length of ttrfta, but » , »• v. / ; •.« V tite houseidrahy and dum p; th ese -defects can o u . y *,«, ; . - • ’ i A Good S heathing like the O. K. Building- lJapc,r* cun be. w*•. \ it, is. a w aste of money to use an inferior artiiile* - l*ut up in rolls 30 In d ie s -vrldts squi. <*.^2,d tU cf two v'Loie . IV, »• * * *»' wiser 4 •I i S AM *»Lr, ClRCULAft AJHP-. CL^I6CS FU R N ISH CP ON APPLICATION 8 M IC A R o o f i n g Said Mr. llobt. (ialbrcat h to a Hnu- ai . i ) man in iui'-wcr to the query of how long lie had been a resident of Ce- darviHe., "f lmve been here 70 years, and can rcmoniber further back than Mr.- Crain,- Why” said lie with u twinkle in his eye "I was one of Ilia first customers and bought beefot’him at tliroe cents a pound.” ^Ir. Gal- breath was born in Clermont county in 1K0~ and.emigrated-to this vicinity iu company with his half brother, Mr. Ewing, now of Xenia, in .1820, and has lived in this vicinity ever since. -They •made the trip hem from Batavia on loot stayjng__all night in Xfnia with a Mrs Collier who kept a lud^l where Corey’s drugstore now .stands, on the north-west corner of Main and Detroit streets, and the next morning coming to Cedarville which at that time was no town.- There was only three cab­ ins, one where Mr. Gray’s grocery now stands, and one being tlie bouse where Robt. Pigg now(Hives. There was a grist mill where Mr. Mart Bar­ ber’s saw mill now stauds which was used to crack corn and grind rye. The country was a veritable forest with tiie exception of a field here and there that the early settlers had suc­ ceeded in^learing, and the neighbors would be called seven or eight miles to help raise a cabin. There was quite a number of Indians here at that time, their camping grounds lieing near the spring on Mrs. McMillan's farm just north of town. "This place” continued Mr. Gal- breath, “was at tlia^ time known as Milford, but about this time the pike was built from Xenia, here A post- office waf secured anil was c«He<i Cedarville, it, taking its name from the dense growth o f cedars growing along Massie's:creek. . The first post­ master was John Parris and he had his office in a building just back of the IT, ,P. church, presumably the same where Lew Hen»el now has a shoe shop.” About the same time the post-office was secutfcd they also had this made a voting precinct, the voters having before been obliged to go to Xenia.” Mr. Galbreath says there is only one man living here who was- here when he came—Capt, Small. Mr. Galbreath enjoys recall­ ing reminiscences ofhis boyhood days, and as what he has to say is interest­ ing the H erald will try in the near future to have him give a description o f his school days which we know will interest the children, ALL S IZES , STYLES 0 PR ICE S , | -------FOR -------- , PEOPLE OF ANY ,AGE! OR SEX . 'SENDFORCATALOGUE! LARGEST BICYCLEHOUSEINAMERICA. A G E N T S W A N T E D , CMS. F . 5 TOKE 5 MFQ. CO., 293 and295 Wabash Annua, C H fC A G O , j LL. Gelcrv nt Bird’s.' Washington C. JL. has again cap­ tured tlu* Republican’ convention fori the tenth congressional district: W ill' meet there Bepteraber 13th. L is t of l,etterii Remaining uncalled for in the Gedar- ville Ohio post office for the mouth ending July 31 1800, List number 7. Barre Miss Amy Parr Bertha White Mrs. W. W. Persons calling for the above will please sav advertised. ' J no . W. M c L eax P. M 14A pounds granulated sugar for 81.00. Arbuddee, Jersey and Lion G’ofl'ee only 25 cents per pound, at * B ird ' s . House of six rooms for rent. All Latest improvements, $7 per month. Cal! at H erald office. f f n w a r e . We have a full line of the best tin­ ware, and you will save 33J per cent in buying at B ird ' s . t ■ m The third DeinorestContest Will he held in the opera house, Monday Aug. 11th at 8 .o’clock p, m. Admission 10 cents. WANTED.—Young man to solicit orders for Picture •Framing. Good commission paid. Call on or address J ohnson & Co„ 13 Main Street, Xenia O. Gasoline, 0 gallons ior 55 cents at B ird ’ s . "• « T in O u t* , livery can guaranteed, and 25 per cent saved by purchasing them at * ' B ird ’ s . Ladies, our light colored dress ging­ hams, batiste and ehallies, we are clos­ ing out at cost at . B ird ’ s . r _______ ■ There has been no pains spared by the Jamestown fair board to get their track in-good order, and there will undoubtedfy he good racing ouch day. Besides this they have secured other good attractions. Don't fail to go. There will be an entertainment anil festival given by the A, M. E. B, B. for the benefit of the pastor, on Satur­ day evening, August 16, at Ervin & Mitchell’s Hall. Music furnished by the Misses Talbot’s, of Yellow Springs. * Admission 10 cents. J . W. B anks , B ertha F isher , Ass’t Bupt, Bec'y. AMARVELPUSSUCCESS. E mmoo I e s every de sirable im ­ prov em en t , MANY OF WHICH ARE EXCLUSIVELY ITS OWN. LIGHTEST, , FASTEST, AND BEST. | HANDSOMESTWOODWORKMADE, see our AGENT OR address WILLIAMS MF6. COMPANY, a-rc,, flATTSBURSH, N. Y. AND MONTREAL-, CANADA* 1 A tAve > rfcnt wnnled In tiyn tf lon n where w e are hot represented. js A t , fff.-rApr icr ’ l- \ / t 1 1 '('a