The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

Sf! ’/ i ' n s ^*Wswnff v '•■•‘Vt ■ - '■»■,*“'i-'*.'-1 '»l,w ' It Was a g+orious Fourth. James linker (colored) has ftibved ' ^rpHtsburg. Tho small boy unit the iiro cracker rttfi'iedttiui day yesterday, Mrs. fy II; Wolfont is visiting friends in’Sprijtgitciil this week", Tlios, Gipson ainl faintly, of Ma­ rysville, are the guests of friends in OflqrvUle this week.’ Dif Baldridge spent the. Fourth ;at fliicl-ry Fork, Adams county, lji« for­ mer home. ‘ ilr$ wife is Spendiug tito iieatetl term at-her former home, Sey­ mour, Indiana. ' ' Otway Randall, a former •Cedar.’ villiun, who -left' here to. make his' .bomb-in Anderson, Indiana,'lias keen appointed .delivery clerk in the post- office at tjiat place. '• 1 ” Miss Irma--'. Williamson was the fullest.of her brother near <Stringtown this lytsok,' ’ . ‘ ■ , j . ” Dr; JLYmairriias-; keen granted a pension ot\,$l7 a mouth-and $127 back' pay. • ' =■ >. ■John Atwell lost a. linger while op- ■i)rating a binder at his home on the farm o f J.,D. Williamson, last-Wed­ nesday morning. ’• ■Jdi’s. J.;P. Williamson' is tlie guest o f her daughter,' iars. Robert Beysoi^ near Xenia, this wJeic. . Mr. and Mrs. w\-J-_Rodgers, of - Beloit Kansu*, aro tlie guests o f J-X. and J.'E. Townsley, Mrs. Rodgers’ pn- ■irentsr— ...— -....... THE (SLORIOUS FOURTH. Howit Was Otevcd In.Cedar- Not So Glorious as One,, Year Ago, tout Very Pleasant. Everybody Happy—Picnics, Decora­ tions, Fireworks, Etc. “ Yes,’’.said one uisyfcif' prominent business men, “ tlie Fourth at Cedar- vilie is somewhat drtlfcoinpared with last year, but you will see- .'it'- lively cuouglubefore the day is pust.’y And we did, 1 ' • ’ ‘ During tlie day the (own appeared ail but deserted* and only'; the. mag­ nificent decorations ■of ',,some- of our patriotic citizens, which gavo tile town a holiday appearance, relieved the'.monotony; ' ' The JSpwoith League picnic at'tlie cliffs justwest of town was a decid­ ed success. It is said there was a larger'crowil ou the grounds yester­ day than at any forinor'tinie in years. Several Sabbath'schools'from- a tlis- taTicirWhrrepyesrmted, inifrial1 seem­ ed to enjoy themselves. Ono'pienic composed for most part of our business-men, their wives and children, visited the, Ollftou picnic grounds, and the .hilarity of those present was only hropght. into sub­ jection when’they had returned to flie'rrlmiiies.and_every.da.yilifoaga'ui. Ami then there was Hie -Brewers’ picnic, just below, Clifton, which .was attended by some \ from here. Brewers,.when they go out into the country to have* a good. time,, never fail to have it, and i f those who at­ tended fr on here were (Il-o-aiisfied t their own fault, for the tun was-them for them. “ ■ . „ * But when . everybody ‘ returned home in thtrevening tlie tun com­ menced. ,lt was’ut only tW small boy,with the “ tire’ cracker,’-’ ‘ but it was alt-kinds of llrowbrfcs, and every Don’t forget the Gypsy encamp­ ment at Gray’s lawn Thursday even­ ing. • . The people,o f the villago of Bowers- ville. when) local option was curried a year or so ago, are all torn, up over the'opening o f it -saloon in that v il­ lage. G* If.. Dean applied to Audit­ or Baker for a license to\ start a sa­ loon out there, but was refuse^ on ae- cqunj o f the local option having been voted on and- prohibition carried. The citizens out there alleue that Dean has opened' a place notwith­ standing this, and they last -night; procured, ids arrest in this city. He was taken before the Probate -Court0 and gavo bond until next Thursday when lie will, plead. The officers are now on- the lookout- for some 'nl* leged lifo.Ks ;t|igt_tiie . people.’ claim Doan had doing hie’ work out there,’ The penalty of such violation of law! is $500 line and imprisonment in jail* —Xenia Gazette. . T h e CommWcial hotel, Xenia, lias changed, Lon Dingier purchasing Messrs. Snodgrass and Llijkhurt’s in­ terests.'- i . ■ ' W. Ill Blair purchased the CCdarvilm Herald. Mr. Blair will tiiid his lols^ast in a pleasant place. He will find also that' tlie people o f "Cedarvil.b/nnd fffirimtnduigyniouTnTr- ity.takc a personal interest in their home paper and (hat they are good payers. Very rarely will it be asked him, “ liovv much is there in it for you ?”.aud uevorwill h.e iliul a sub­ scriber stopping the paper because lie suspects the editor is making too niucli. lie-will also discover tlmt in dealing with Cedarvllle business'men there is nothing ■•ssii'all” about them. They advertise eight along, andfwhon the bill is presented, pay it, with a smile aud toll \*ou to. come around’ next, week ami get a new ad.’ This 'is tlie way they used to do,-and in glahcing over tiio Herald avi * ’see no- .thing to indicate .a .diauge in tluyr litcl ho(W The Cedarville peoplewill tind that Mr. Blair will do his part.— Jamestown (Viuibt, ; .. Cua«. Xeshii, of Lima', s]ieiit Fourth iii Cedarvifle. e c o n o m y . iJtiv a/iinurt i v- •••> v * in W lit r e y o u c a n h a v e m o n e y . 1 v i l J ^ t d . d yi B i n d e r T W i n e f o - r 'l3 c p e r 1 ^ B\ ib^ i«a t l H ‘ r a t 13.e p e r lb- E x t r a E a i’d M a c h in e o i l l o r Bii your- Binder Twii;e ai-d Entdue Oils at the place Mill eei ou iStandanl !enV)>fEirti«hed Jt). ii/xtr is r'i Ai nm *»u i Bintierh ar d Ileapens, at 40 e per gal. Extra'CtHsfud' maeiiine oil li.r mowers, etc,, for 35 c per gal. TheylVine aid Oil I guarantee the hest 'of satisfaction. . it liberal "dis-count will be given te large caslr buyeis. > 4 >e F,ure to iijvebti-’ gate before buying elt^ewhere, i\Ksp I will save you from 1 () fo 20 jier cent on General gibcerieh. All goods that I hell, I guarantee to be as represented, or tliey are returnable. Competition defied. ’ , ■' J O l - I X F . Y O r p > n A F E l i . , .THE LjEADINC CHEAP CHOCER, 34 W. MAIN ST., XENIA, OHIO.. - W H I T E H O U SE C H E R U B S . liitsfnirgli, Cin’fi &Si. LotusHy T ’ AN-U A.MIH.K llOtiTK. A _ .. , . „ Wnl f Sdiediilc in .oiled June. 1.1800 Fow Amusing. Stones of the ( P resid en t's Grandchildren. Ilnbj- RIcKiit* ll'is Hit) Own imd ■■■In k'ton.t at Huuntiii; Tilings to -Suit | H lnu olf-U ttle M#ry'n Sivoot Teiii- f pDr-Caiuln Martlidaii.. | The domestlo tife at the White flouse -grows ’iTior.e-ftnJ-inore-interesttflfj-as-tiie aged- boy and tvai a sort o f an girl. True impromptu atliiir. hut that made it none the less eh)-, guilt, ami nothing marred the grand- ure bf the occasion.. Yes, the Foirrtli at (knlavville luvd'ut least, a ending. , ^ Bov Andrew’ ,}* a valuable c killed by lightening,Monday night. Miss Miim|p Frame, of Kansas, is the guest of Mr. aiid Mrs. John Mc- Ktroy. Miss Frame came to Ohio to ■witness the marriage of hoi; friend Miss Minnie Cline, uee McElroy, but arrived just a day'too late, and so stopped in ^tay a visit to friends fiefore coining bore. A bevy of JanjestowVs fair dani­ seis and their g. llantTescorts passed through Cedarvillo "Wednesday on ronttj to-Clifton where they spent the day. ' , • Al. Ze’iueiv'of Jamestown, was f» ,Cedarvilb>,Tu(“sday and gave the liovs .sonic “ pointers” oil tbe Xational jttime—baseball. ■, - Barrett’s picnic jvagoit brought a . party of colored picnickers from Xe­ nia to the Cedarville cliffs last Tues­ day. They relumed home via CHr- ton. , . ' O ’ ’ ’ - . ■ .. Mr, J. IL.Gowdy furnished several gallons o f Ice-cream to. Clifton par­ ties Thursday, and while making it remembered this office.’ My. GowJy makes ns good cream as is made’ in the comtty .if wo arc to judge by thnt- ,Which lie sent us on that day.- We Avere surprised to’ learn Hint thfiparj ' ties having charge o f a picnic here’-Catholic eliureh a( -South 'filiiirleston j Which oc<M,rrcd In aiarlestorti S C., glorous Miss Alcie Ktonnout'gave if Fourth o f July party* ta/a number of her young friends last nfght. 0. F. Fierce, of Winebesier, Jnd;. Avas in town yesterday. , .• - ■ * j -Mike Rvan, an old and respected citizen died at his lioiue in Scltpn last. Saturday, of heart trouble. A t the’ time of Ids death lid was sitting in a rlmir and no,person was near him. The funeral services wore held in.tin; fraiii's depart from (.'p'lHrv-rHe ns follow (AHXG WEST. / . | f 4,2<> a. in. , ilag stop. * . 10.M a. in. ' ^ ■ | *.5.29 p. in. : flag stop. [ - 7~(;()iX(i EAST.’ ’ * S a, in. ' ■ *>J/.r>7-p.-nb----- :-------- —---- -------- little people ni'Ofrom day to day dovel oping, says the Washington Herald Little Benjamin begins already to show a masculine ,Individuality A year ago bo dlij afi no was told; but original will, if* not original sin., was strikingly ex­ hibited-tho oilier day by. him.- Benja­ min got upall right, and was as nat.tired as can bo flaring the momitig a’.delegation appeared and' llonjamin was taken down to help receive themv Lie passed arotlnd tho rooni voltintarily and shook hands With every one, and was pimply delightfully -cordial and childishly : charming; But it. fatigued the little man, no-doubt, for ho. after- ward was Irritable.-with those be loved | host.,just as older and wiser .pOopTo are. , By evening. howevoA. he brightened up, and In the cool of th'o day, while the President and all the household were sitting on the front plaaza enjoying the e.v,oning- breezes, tluhv. Benjamin with tho rest, the j\ttornoy-Gen|>ral joined |thd’ group. .After greeting^ from*’ the ] older ones tile f.’residoiu bade his name-: " IB sake shako lia’nda with .Nlr.-Millor. Then i little IJenj.innn put bis hands behind SUXDAY.. _1 ,■ \ ’ The following frains Mop. on Sun­ day only.-; ” • KAST. WKST. • ■|■10:514a. m. |4.17 p. m.- . ^JkO.52 j). m. ■ ... "^Timegiven above is Central Time. JfFlair-'-t’t>aHy... *l*n.lly qxVsupt Bunday. BANK OF CEDARVILLE .* . % , t Ct i (l eucral Banking ‘ . -- • • Busincs I i imsacietT. (A ’Oi W , lia r p c r , I ’ reii. W . .1/* CU iti a ns, Cnsj: ier, ()jt j him and looked from his head to h-is feet the porsonillcatlon of rebellion- “ .Will you.sliako bands with Mr.^Mill- er?" said the President, coaxlngly- 1 “ No; I .won’t," said Baby .dclvea.. “ Then .you must go into tho flense. I which fs so- becoming, and which sho likes so woll that ivhen it Is once on shi nf-yeg wants to taica it off Sho would'fikd ro wnar it to .rfjlo, to walk. ' to Her mi-ids, and to her bed If mamma tan.d- nurse would let her! She bad a' littld rivalry' with Cousin hfarthoria'?\t ; Ilarrifion when she was visiting at tho White House. One day.nurse took tho little maids with her to a store. ,To got what she wanted she had to ascend to the second floor with the babies on tho elevator They caught eight of tbora- CIIEAP MILLINERY. 'U t i l s F l0 W “ l'« "HHl- i CiUJaot-liavo a llwlo boy but boro who Is i !, |. v .*« .■ i ncupolite." I .99118 •*D O 'O W * P O > t A ISO , Beniamin went into the parfor, .fol -1 '*1: V**’WJ < u.txru < tl’iim n i'd IT a t *4 nnd B o n n o t s ‘ ■loivedViyhismortiae.l manima. and there! “f 1" 9, ln,.th0 Bidomirrors. . “ Who is . v W J )i)n ilU 8 ,,| i(4 „ t 4 a h0_,vl t„at. like Tennyson’’s i , [ ! ! ! l ' , f:a.id1^ 8„0 t it lUt It ‘ j'll.lOO,’ > ’ |lmgio, “net the. wild echoes Hying." R A l? «T ?D Xr \rp\IT I.T j < N ’ S 1Mainnia eoa.\-<*d. nurse coaxed, a'nd still 1>A lt ni^lV w M L .W lD IjA iV lhiHliHlQ m.ln |;iek(..,l-ami screened. until ho had vented his anger and in- A CONVtbT’S •REFORM. , dignation.-, Finally-^-foV ho jtept peep­ ing out and it looked s>. vory nice unt­ il Is KiTcctoO by tbfo lircoltcct.on of tils ’ ,sldc‘. and fiis grandpa never relentfid an luotlior" ^ ^ji r ’.e hi 1Hi e, b e tli i-V Words. ■ j inch norgavo him a look—ho could not Aprop'os of the movement to furnish j bold out any longiw, and suddenly be* hooks to tho prisoners in Auburn jail a t eamorjumt, wallcVji. out, andsliodk iinnds Norwegian lady, resident -in Auburn, j. wUi, Miller, and then walked off to itjg to hey Imago in- tho glass. Ignor­ ing herself, sho said. "Oh, thut-VBaby McKeeA lmost - every fino ^ffCrnooii tho nurse and children can bo seen rid- j ingout to tho Soldiers’ Homo or tho * shaded suburbs of tho city, • „. * >*. A I'ot Uoosa’s Utoenlait. . * • A family in Dover, N. .1,. who had longi been; missing valuables was « nmasod a day,or two ago to find them in.: yesterday sent to Xenia For their ercam when they* could have got ni ’ “ *id an nvHol'e fdr feis money at liome. a bad policy*. w . C . T - U. Tuesday, mori hddy tvas inten eerneterv. - ; ........ • - * - - * " *-» , W l l i l t U l. i U U l t 'l f U ilU LI1DU V V U lu V U U U I/O , t * . ’ ' * t^Ilsin her picturesque way an eplsodo j play v,itli little Mary. ,as calm and 1 a, pPlt'! A,non" ’ ’ • *•* ......... *’ - 1* •' . j ■ tfrcbirneles which the fjird hadappropri­ ated were.twogftfi thimbles, a tortoise­ shell comb, scarf-pins, spools of sowing r/>' , . . . ■ ; siU;..Kilver 1;'>0 and a Wnterburv v.atch Not long since, onefine mornvng. Mrs. I hml ti trtnh •tiititr after •which flu-1 tho” Lewiston (Me.iMmirtal. Yea?s ; ingh .“aceno’ , / af,ro a mother' toolt her flv<*.-yoar-old boy j i>(Kiv,' ?irou in tho SlH’ingficlu j tflto rribofi whta otio \vont 10 soo tils ! v !. r*n l fitrn’il, oorviMirt/id"vnw (binio tnHitn/f iff. *__ sereiie as though ho had not boon male and mortifying every 'TRANSFERS OF REALEST a TE. jT. F, Johnson to Will W. Johnson .Creeno County Annual -Meoting:*! ^ Th(‘ annual inectjng o f tlie Greene ‘ ’ county Women’s Christian Tcmper- *sm:o union w illbe’hcld in tbo First M. II, elutrch, Xenia, Thursday*, July *10, when the* following program will bo rendered: „ ’ * 0:39 A. M.—Consecration services, led by Mis, A. B. Shannon. * 1(1A. M.—-Openitig o f eonveil IIon.: Roll /nil 'o f officers, Reading .of miii.ites, appointment iff committees on credential^, courtesies aud'pldii of work/reiKU'ts o f local Cnioiis -aud county , supei’iiitendauts, report of e.omutitteo on credentials. - • 11:39 Election ofofflccl’s, noon-tide hour o f prayer led by Mrs. J. F, Cur­ ry, of Cedarville, Adjournment: • AffBBN'OON SESSION' 1:39 f>. in. Devotional exercise^ led by Dr. C’. D. Kijis, of Yellow Bprin'gs r eading o f minutes, presidents ad dress, corresponding secretary’s re- ' port, treasurer’s rei»»r(,C!)11eef»ou, re­ port ofeauimUtee on plan o f . w<r <, ■paper on sabbath olweryatiec by Mrs. K» E. f hioley, report o f dnance cotn- mittee; miseellaiuhms business j Ad- jowr:>!jfeut: Benediction. lot 1, Boop & Co’s add to Jamestown f i tho |iUj0‘fellow’s wreagis father, committed for s»omo trifling of- . McKee bade the nurae take thechfldren J fenso- e njh.w -stepped Into ! <)!(lon tbo{;rounda and ]ot them ’ run j tbo adjacent cell, .having ou r it the - aiXra!r.,nil pi.n- ln the grass All wein number W. To lease him tho warden | ,vf,u fl)r BWuila Benjamin aptf bta shut the door.-but OMCkly opc-mnl Hat, flUt0I. c ^ jj not ,aako mud-phpi. but soothed him, sayit;;!| Iv • mother j piey did heap up littlo piles of leaves •Noviiuy naan t , an,j ,.nj0¥. rolling about. Of courul* their -The goose had a trick of knocking at the door in quest of cdihlo dainties, and on being,admitted and petted would kocij ’ a sunny corper of the room and u«v.e. When left it began )ta pur­ loining operations lt'»va3 huling.tho si'jicn tune-piece with its other treus- ■ urea when discovered. lot 20, Monroe’s add to Xenia, $807. j authorities Auditor to 'H, F. Evans, lot Boop's add to Jauiestowji, $7.27. j had inspired ips bayisli terror Same to same, 1Aacres Silvercree k $1.94' { ’• " ' ' «* . '■ * S. F. Evans to Jerry ToTaiul, (pii^ claim to l| acres, Silvercreek, $8.20, ■ Same to same, rpiit elaifn to lot 40 Hoop’s addition to Jamestown, $18.08 Wood and Willow ware at “ G uav ’ s NOTICE* / * All persons knowing themselves to be indebted ’ to me will confer a great favor by calling and setting at once, cither by cash or note, J. 1*. lUnh. Powder and shot at W, It. McMillan. Looking at the’ putnberof ... his cell, to his horror he caw “ j5." and" *'*! knew tliat It was tho self-same cell that , „ When hia mother^ words came back “ No­ body s.l;in't"over shut my-little hoy in S dark cell,” sad bo wppt as bo, bad not since heir death, for ho bad loved tbat mother The warden’s wife had found him in a moko^condition. Be told her bis story and she gave him the utmost sympathy and kindness during his long term, shortened by hia good: behavior. As ho left biscell and took a last’ look at those terrible numbers “$S,* ho de­ termined he would fti*ko a man of whom tilsmothershould be proud By his trade, learned In prison, ho pursued an honest and lucrative trade, and bis taste tor literature, also formed by the warden.' provided for leisure hours, Teh years afterward he warden’s wife, and she couli lievo that It was ne who baa. oocupj cpildrei “ Mri McKee’s, madam." * . ■» * . “ Humph! youdon't tell me! Well, f don’t see that they look any better than other folks’ children! Meems to me if 1 lived hero f’-UIiecp 'toy diilldrcn dressed Piiy." Tii!> , a i-.*ot,., stoimry is i,.»tgivers, t.ntprob.’Jdv t: in the l:ae. t.r a v.jv e.ucjc'oi..:.' oompruf.iv vs ate e.T f iv;.-e Up." Tho purse monpiace up the babies indignation, shouts of lai and Mr3. * apolo,^ appear but ■litei ont in sho Fish at ’ ’ ,* • (iiwyV. loir coin- i . ' ' . * and. gatlieriiiR, Oil, n>eoiiinieniletl *“ ell to pour, out her well drillers nml peijui"*! n-;iiig la l- ;u!loii :it • K k I!I:’' was met with rv, 2-i cents pe­ er from Mra. Harmon * •* ‘ 1 ^ clvec, who seo tbo funiiy j ■ ’•' side of a situation as quickly *aa any i J. K Nagiev, is now prepared m<!■> i . . . . i all kinds o f Caliinet work, also } ie- Llttlo Mary MeKeo Is-beginning to l ^ ,. ■ rival Itenjimin tn tho family^ affection.! *«•:« ‘ «-aiitiiig*at very reasonable tor nho Is fast learning’ from her brother! Give Ittin s call. > all he knows, and developing on tierj . ' PHCAP AS OlflT. own account besides She is very &AV), luivc a „ iw li„e o f Factory tin 01 prf i ty ,or wore that. wc‘ are almoKi giving an ay cute things to please her friends. *r, i«,-, = Ibit hor originality Is so feminine It Is worth mentioning. She likes to see herself arrayed’ In hot- pretty clothes, and sho has a favorite hat (or bonnet) Try Basket Fired Japan teaat W. R. M c M illan ’*