The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

k. I r« b ~'*0 - ■-,"V-.'.tfSa*;, ■-t- * ,. 4 -t **»« .'*:•» ***.•*■<■• •#%•■-%*v# jFw'yy.'f ;||*|w#"'|»ti,'i"'e"■ •<> irr *■' • ' ' * * 1 ± * l *•" H/ ‘J.u,c. / % v o i i . 1 2 c b o a k t i l l e , ■ o h i o M e m o i r , F i t o m s f ; ? , l a w NO . J - -* -... - » * * ~ ’ »< - ......*.... ; > ; * , > • - ** > . i \ *. , t ! * „ , ' * * , * - *1 •* ' ' V " * * , ' v- ^ , * ' i*' ■*• "* ** * P . * ' 1 * jjgMfct -l dft< jMMift ftMMft'ftftftftt ,Jftftftu, 4, jdMftki Mtaft flftftAA,'.iftHn/ ■) ;•> * 1 * 1 - ... .„. . -&-i.. .4l'f r , ” ? ~ "F' ~M? i*** 9 *; ® , :#f* *, •- »*- r j. &/, '■' f? f ' , ' ' ' * , , . * ‘ . ’ / * . ‘v ^ r •* . f 2 _ L ’ ' V * * ' ", - - jM * a « , V* wk . - * 1 *..£• . ; L4 i lj * M,, mmm .. l *. • . H f - h . / ^ in n a a i i i ^ t ^ j * iMk a U k * ■. m m m m r n m m M r **> ' ' e * -V-; j . *<* „-V» ^ 41j . / l ' ’ * f ifr -u 4VMJTj* ' 4 ^ *^ 1 * ' J;>• r*r', ’*■ v • , < *71: >: ^ ^ r ’ f ‘ f | f 'J J n * • * /r . , ' - ‘t * v ? a -* r . 4 ? : ;• i f t * t f s r 4 " ' 4 . y / ' , , . ; ■ ! l . ** f fc. . The glbund tog «rtr h«yBhpdoir. ; ^ - TheW. Of Ti l l , Thut* P day the 13that '%, p. m.* at their hewhjutettae.’ •t; ‘y ,«;;,vj,«‘>"'*'",fl"r,> <• '\ , si i^everal <|foar citiiens intend at* ' Ending the tkmer»*b8tituteatJanj«!- Wm. Fergtuoo ud wife, ofjffliaob, i ^ t aewiple hrda^i it f OiP$anrliiei 0 h 3E^' Mr* M&«Llatb Murdock, who h « b ^ ^ h h ig iii ***■'%$* ;T ) r o t t i i s d i e ^ u i I t w o a M M e n ' t h a t ear|«w«*»t :Jifih^tyr^®ctet»t^» Iowa Wedflesday. called home tbie «^k < m aeaoil&i of tib» mdchem »f hit- brotibar.,Mka There is a manifeetpurpose on- the FannieMcMUlan h tteddng: ddring herataMooe. 'tri! >*'•••;?; 1 -.••'•••..,...-i -•■ ' -'. \i >• t I n c t f t 18 ^ IQ W lH f iW r p o s fc H w \L I f part of*many American paper* to spell **Behriog,tt “ Bering.w la th iean ff - 'A>rt Wconciliate the English by imi* jjfcgthKpi^- They drop their *‘h V Dr, reemtariee, and If apeadinf A rv”™** JzS f^^uu iu^ ’- ‘Ftritet-*price fbr- ^r ^ecmu^hae^be^ unabk to fcV anmhMpxefthedirecton.andf ^ ^ mj^ata-ito c ie fw lh (^ '-’f|a«* >„Iir atKiwr*i a A-,—— jriL ."■ rA ml -.- v r i d e d t o : » t o e : f p ^ p # j i t m i d « n ^ p p e r fjtUa to the'dmCk'tvhtr wotild'- do^the worktor the’tomt ippa^. altotrinf iiriry'riWeW^ # * eotro^whd;«mrid Do to S>ami'4; Bari>w!>«», tor ftw h l?.B r | * | Ehimjnp)eliitr.: G p ltk ^ ’-*- '' : ■.■:■ , ' ■•■. . . . , Bmirt l % R .I tfr« jiw > , '■^(^ottr'uew'tmt^rto:lri'"S5'Ce»tk' - r ,' t«1:, r,i IbDtqrM* airatn nfell M«A l • - “- ** '» 1 /,.y rimtofhWrifmawayltoF •■ jtoeto»; 'F BcipCei;, !i Thoe.; Oanw^ miijkmjjmt hiaatoch haa "pjiitf TSriFlWitol totodl recoguto hjapItB;^whin hi mahi a JWkJCr^Heory BledmwimdMan- n(aJiil% John C WilUamaon and LidaMcClellao MimXiKtoi^Utrie will appeaa »t ^«mer»henae to Xenia, (cat*, eight. 2 g ) Monday, Fahenaty ft, lW l, to I t o u a t o a ’i g r e a t d t a m a ^ C r e d i t t o totoeau* TMairittto the lamt to* tnettoa of the acaaoe m X p e to ^ theatreparty trill «ttoa# fto* hif^ PwtieadoriwmofatU^tog can ii> «*«»ticket*.i*d orimr fah h e t to ftani^eha B. H*&**!* * * * * * Mata75o«ma. r r The JUdcno*,lad„ Herald «k|K Among thorn whowill pwbatty tiga withthe Aedwrica toaai ihl* year 1c ’CMeeXeae^ eTOedanriHe,O. deatt g^,' tit mNNw »PHWPw wBPw geB^W^WFtiF^F , 1 m 1 mm & mmmm NI' tiriktog. twearty-mrenmee to- one gam»* madtoheeareaeilii >fOhio Cytieec,” f ^ 1amIfMlltfhUlilliMiiOlA ^s^ggpgi t^apama^^em ^a m l Qaleeherg, HL, tom , and tme ooeeWired the to* pitetor to that leagae, . _ t y 4‘TJori» B«y- Xoere, mail. haotm to thk TidnUy« diedmt hh Imam <m elm jfammintraend Xeaht ptoe, lati Monday morotog, efatottaeh KroeWf. yfr. ICeore ha* toe* arawdeate f title •ometyltoe member -of ,yearn mtd highly ea«P«*eti by &m who heawhtoi, T m fim n tm m hit lata i id i iaei Wadaeeday, Fteaid- «U y a torga emator ef M tah aftoi whieh the bedy f t i buried to ft* Xenia lewiftiry. thtftMtiMi.11, t* ohFft, Waft* !A«MI, town. Bet*Xtit BJUgnepae. ter* wee Ibrmelty dedteatedjha. g ift. The elliee le #f aeweat deriga, toiia-. ' tiL^^^ykJK. ')^Jgdyfu| tierftWmWwmHi]y # hm*rnmm**$ * * * * * wm*m .. WeptimXaaithediiil glam, wfft a wmliagOnperity #f «dl* andeenmt of| *g, he thebmmaeat* a kitchen* tert: inggeeHyeefftiWy dlaaem to be. 4Vtift«>wt«lh,Stft with n.rf « frfcg- mft|lofdito. Thh ebnrrii mm or- ^‘Slmdto i*W w4ft a dema mem* B T / . v 1 f t * hiicppeatono*'," them* How IWeoowaareftlftfblto f t l ftiwh toaeof the d iU n f *fy| dH have no rititititiftMt thlrtgi ftWt U i u f t A m iiw neerinra nfe titierofthe niL and7he w*lW*-Wr^epflie- “ W *!W*wi*ep^| AamMidnni^ti' nawn m^wve f efttfad tootteeidtethehrwanteairayed toilab«et ftmdayaift^vftmi , ony *t ,mea^MLi^^wwi■ -F*-**- ^'mew '’^mntiiik' ,iftyPJpwMi|' MeFeti|pPl|. /JUtKI 't|X fftjy ' WfWP. h-'——• --wah ,1 -h.^ F ~Jt ii^m 1 ^JL^hjbiL/'<£timeto7- A ftlJVQ kiOw laii w l m _wnfm -fmm *^pmpewfne t^faiirl' fm£- weensmn^^wnan^e e^^ee^ni^e^n^^e^e *n mumiH^r 'g^gem mw namunelim^b ^^FNmFBw 'e^BFFFngBtlFPj*ti ■•*m*f*•^**w‘ tiOF wnvwhnt he tepraeiMedhliiitlftebe^ m J d m io v n e m ^ t t o i in a in r nememawnpa®' mniempmewe^a-wmw ^mwen edftetiewmien. 1 TtiAetsPialti tin nmi ir g t u t i . <■WmSr^TWTp, W WPPOSPpr .*^W • »-^WiPWTI^W -W^W»W ■■wW*. 'dmW XnHen to XmmhGWrilmr, 9.11a wedpartlet 18, Bonwwvfile, #419, MaryJ Berryto WHHame, ion i l l , 111. YettowSpring*, 9M9. 1 H KeeWt to H H MeMillae, | a, CedarriU*, #180, d L Dlehey, admrefCM Dfchey, to*KMShmetal, hmd north rid* of Charehetreet* midland w**t | t MM etoeet* Jtonla, (pork pacjftag ptopm* ty) 81,549. Meeee TDtekey et J , ^ekririm to tihftfhrtfi CaftnriMand Wnt tfmbee toWK Smith* 11.1* a, Bearrioreeit, H *000. im|e^*wnw ^9 ee. ^w|p MjffU ' dftMa^^niBWM' g^n^g^w Meed*, I lf s . Iwwh ndd * Xenntolftfto ##.!»«► mtiiMthnlt v ■bhan^AliCmee*«Si'wnM,1 Tto'IAM-'tWlB^)Op(liiyntlifaj ^jj- Mr. Shepheni wwmade Mperintwd* ewt and t*«wjjfametroo at* *n*4!n«^ ai% tf#460njnar* Mr. Wpltonb bidWas#®01ow«^ bnilm of-, efimre* OCriMnot hate it'at'nny '•‘price. "'Mr*! 1m^^airino:do«kb*bi,>ntit aoeuroriy totit lift ftXDttitdl tliMilMt ill do ikft ^VV ** *'■^mee- ttorictit i*mdriMtiMelya*if Im. wm*i 4or bo tjjtt- ■ M f K ifiir SKA mi . ~ 9 ■ * n^F7 '■ a 'e A n U 'e a M ant A w e ^ w • mm ftwm.fpho mKcw&mBmmif* B--*A a I iaa ^ atiA' ^mna*aaa«B^tiiB''': j 'Tft ———-^■ Am£ MMfggfiHaf A* Mik* teemae*of onrpoor to theleweet*bid’ ti^ja dftCTn. Xiiwf .1Oft- WmWmWJ JftWmmMft ft* nrfririnat'eiiilrietiftm. bnt wfttoeftleeNpmMtowar and the * * j / U k t i p t r i g tifti* * e * e itjy n r y t i l a r g e r myhri Anoriun* ivfllkiit ^r wsMea* tire ability oa the peit of the bwtrd wai the Wringofan lammce, Ml oldfj weakanddeafmen nnneed ‘Futnem ,^A jumirwf'jftgMF^ imm *wOAftpft^^f OJ >0X0OMBftOlHti.Oft JKftftJpftti gtriT dhtii' {fu w djiA . iltftrtiirftfftM r ft tirirrmitt wA^L| ' gf t f t f t kft' Aif me fte*l^ftittalUhft9w^M’' ^w n^n^w wrnn^^amwn^mvimnn' i|tot 'tonm -A^mranintiM ftft* nft»» wghMBIe' .Jnftft ft^M neft^y ■uLmg^i. muM Mjaitik^ftk ' ftft' 'mnnnu^Un ^^FamtiWiw n^^^MPIIF^P Mtilt wtiNMftMII* inwa riere toft«H<i»erb*Ut* allow* nni; nm^ljf Um^ t^ l i l l iO .f tw l I t lMiMI a I m *! A i fin %***«[ Dried Apptoi- F**chf* Aprieot*' ^ frn im e a ^ . y .^* ’ ‘ ;. DtiaV*,- * A : . n o « r H i m . o f % r i c . B r n r i F b ^ ' < r i - . ,» * JftiHtjify Hi % »«*‘' ■Did;'M ti^V',fbf/\mit: tobacco ,n»imw7Stooa. * , ~ ft** 4 # r ■• » ' Xng|^Xfatti*MntidWhip*, aeom- pfote stockat rookbottom prioee at >’ 0.1^0taw**i. Itthat ' ^ J Dnartr Wood andWillow, waretat; .' dm i'i ,Adnelinaiio* of PaientMcdkitoei *,-, at . tj .B iooway ’* ^ Pbrtiaegoing Weat wlir dd well by eeeiag 0 . to -Oral* for Tranks, VaUsee and SJtomi Str*F‘ T tt» rid Dateh Java CoAwat ; at . * - . ‘ AtinaunrftBita. 'nuaawft^tLHk'mjati titmmaie iatoiJ# w m nn - iimwoCft ftovrNN& pm *ttftpfet IMtilPliAt v’ 0A^i^j|a Sorghtim* Synp aadHew Orieaas Mohwemat Giuih. Some veryniae aeweemhe at — ' . ftnetr*'***. Cnatmri piennmpkin, mhma aflat pie*at 6 O V ft. IriabandJeney Sweete Botatnee, at * Cbiifli, Cern, Tomaioee,Beane, Ac.* at r J Ctoa«h. flm a**' 'eiwLel ^ a . f t W i d f ^IV O ftft ftQ Q V#w * p V K P l i f t Synip andMotaeeee at Gtux% OlovF and Timothy 0»ed at at AwmmrftBnn, Oheeee,Crtrien andGingerenape at t o i f a Hard andSoft refiaed Sngarsat * ^ v B*uwrtfc 0*11melee# onr new line *f tamp* ftoowatv Sngar,See*Celhe, too.* at GmyV -’f t tM t i h i t i mid eeit' meats-s i m r n m M tm m * m « i i 3 s W. Dhrirne, goodftofti low price*. 7 *■'v v . f* x ',-JktommrmJB*&- ’' >Forw*drtolh^BMMe; jutd Home .fta»to^Hr*dFiri;.^l(MMi to rieen entatookat''-" > ' portetie knovring tbeinielvei to*/ dabtod tothe nndorelgnedwiUptoMe atottmWt jfiflln Uftlr iSAMliti (nifttiei Wv^pwe,,Fwnem'Vrvn^mwmr/mwjiritw•’^^Frr^Fwawiw.•■.mnneimMFf 7 ~* dM*yy«(iri titoig** •‘v ’*.*■ Deribn* vririitog eteek to ftn. tomjbmwDnildfngand 'tontn riatton^ofHtutievtoe,' Clneinnati, Ohhv * any coMcerflng life call.<toXtoSmlft^ec«tir , X M*Stormont^tr*a«ftir,*r HcXlMy,ftM*y. ■ jv v Jto9ftria: Tile fectory to good also hone*and lot, roome, cellar aad •bring konM, ati .juMm^.0^. OPTftCf*^l#g^ 1I9Q gionnd entofttoftr Up MftftWPI. IftTftlme CMftpi IW flVIftig anlrtofE w, - I h f i n n j n h H ’ |ft ftftpi VI' f t ftftftedftim wftINPPfty# - g^ft O a i a s d A m 4 I l .WwWwiwV MgWC> m g a g m p g m m i m U M r M t i v w e *•< ft titoaeam M^^AftftTft w*"*nnw| n^^^^new^^n ^^^^a ^ fmfhpm tip .tiSgSSP r » * * a * '" I r ifc t0MOMF ’lift *£ F ' ' . ! . > 1,5**.