The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

IF. &. BLA IR , Editor and Prop'r M ICE ..V.n. —i... 9 1 4 0 H R ANNUM. Mr, and Mr, Thos. Jont^’ four months old child was buried Tuesday. Mieses Nora and Jca Barber were the guests of friends in Xenia this week. . Mrs. Rankin, of near Monmouth, 111., is visiting her sister Mrs. War- nock: Mrs. J . A. Monger and children, o f Chicago, are visiting Mrs. J . V. Ford sister of Mrs, Monger. Rev. and Mrs. Kilpatrick, ofPenn: sylvanin, are the guests of Mrs. K’e sister, Mrs. Cooper, this week. Mr.-and Mrs. James Townsley were in Dayton this. week visiting their daughter, Mrs. T. N. Harper. Alex. McDill met with a painful accident Tuesday, a heavy timber fall iug on his hand and mashing it. Free Concert at the- M. E. church oh Ttlehday evening May 12th with a v iew o f organising a.'musical conven* tion. ‘ '* ...... ..... . - Mrs, Ogleebee has so far recovered from her recent illiness as vto be able to n}6ke a short visit with friends Spring Valley yesterday. m .Cards are out announcing the wed ding of Miss Edith Collins, oi near Xenia, to Itev. Cleland, Thursday evening May 14th. , f Amnlal'mecting of the VL. C. T.U. Thursday, May 14tb, at 2 p. m„ at the new headquarters tn- Gowdy’s building next to the H erald office. Ail who are wishing to BCC bats or bonnets- styljsh, artistic and lovely altogether, ought to visit Mrs. Con­ don's establishment and look through hergoods. - The postal telegraph company has again put an office in Cedarville and will be under the care of Dr. Homan in whose -office the instruments* have been placed: *The subject for discusion at the M, E. Chprch tomorrow ijaornjng will te “The prosperity of wicked, and* the adversity o’f the richcous,”' as*’illustra­ ted iu. the life of Jobe, _ Mrs.,John Shope, a former resident; of this place, but lately of Clifton, died a t her home Wednesday morn­ ing pf lung trouble. The funeral took place yesterdaymorning at' 10 o’clock. : *• ** W..... 1■■'■■■■—I Isaac Smith is said to have dyspep­ sia., To he doomed, to death nine times ouf-ht to send come very unples- ant influences down thepneumogastric nerve, if one has a mtqd endowed with fiuman feeling. < *■' —z — - -- . (>imme» 9 ejDqat exercicM of the Cedarville high schdel wHl take place in the opera house on the ■ evening $ thc£2d lost. T$e. ctaas' consists of Mimes Bttrnkw Wolford, -Tw ee tis Winter and Mr. Curtis fttndall. v Mineer A McFarland have just, completed the raritkuo# e fMr. Albert Sellars, o fn o a r Skim a, this week. They ace now warkingAtMr. EkWs, who is puting- up a- in# residence. ftmy have the contract for five other bourns. Mrs. Wile Hopkins see KataPaw- •(on, fikkl at her home i n . Greenville lwt.Wednesday, t i n Araeral n m n raking plaeeat YellowBpriegejAitor- daynt-lQ y g tok a , ml Mra. B o p kies was * niece o fH o o . A a l n t Jackson, end waswsB kaowa'tare. StorrEate flb e sp la Wyk* fltomoiitfoQh The grand jury was only in session' one day, and found four indictiraents. Miss. Irma, Williamson is spending a few days , with her Sistera t Goe’ssta- '*• • . Mrs. Fred Smith?% Xenia, ir the guest of her mother on Limestone street, *' Baby carriages, some of the latest styles in the market atjBarr & Mor­ ton’s ; •& * •. The “Y’s” nowoccupy their elegant new parlors next the Herald office Their reading-room is a spacious one and their selection of books excellent. Thero is now no occasion for our cit­ izens to be*without reading matter ■of of any-kind to suit their fancy. The “ Y’s” issue a cordial invitation to all to visit them in tliep* hew quarters. The Australian ballot Bystem has be­ come a law in Ohio, and although it will prove an expensive luxury, there is a feeling that Jt should be tried and see if it will have a purifying effect upon our elections. All freely admit there should be a radical change over our former maimer of holding elec­ tions and if the new law will acconi plish what is expected of it all honor- ijile citizens will feel it to be cheap at any price. The national association of the Young People’s society of the U. P, church will meet in Xenia on the .19, 20 and 21st of this month, and a num her fVom here wish to attend. To cn able them to do so a movement is on foot, if sufficient names can be recur ed, id have both morning' andgveniuj; express trains stop here for *their ac­ commodation. All who will attem are requested to give their, names to Miss Lizzie Andrew before next Sat­ urday and she will furnish all infor­ mation. * . . i.l The following invitation hoe been received by a, number of the friends of Miss Fannie McMillen: < Mr. sod Mr*. Jut. McMillan request jronr-praMacn at tba Marring* of thdr’daugfctar' Fannin . to / T. II. MeKeniia Thursday, M i/ 14, at 8:30 a. m, Ccdrarrllln Ohio. 1691. , The school board Thursday eve hingwelected teachers for o u r, public schools for ttte ensuing year, . as -fol­ lows: p r . J.'W /Sayres, sujjcrintertd- ent; Miss Lena Gilbert,. Grammar room; Misses Emma Blair, Amelia Miller, Rosa Stormont and Minnie Owens were each selected but with out assignment. No colored tescher was selected as there was no applica­ tions. John Bow was appointed jan itor. Alex. Turnbull, and wife figured prominently in a “ smash up”*last Tuesday afternoon. They had -just gut into their buggy to start. home, and in turning short theMtfoht spindle .broke, allowing the wheel to.,fall to thejground, and throwing the buggy hetfon totby.^orae, who commenced kicking, and running ifrtumone side of the street-to foe other. Almost im- mediateljrtbe'biiggy was overturned p a lp ita ting bothMr. and Mn. Turn- bull into'Ufs direct while the bone, ,*tter demolWring the buggy ran- info foe alley near ’Boyd's restaurant and away. Upon investigation i t ' was found Mr. Turnbull bad a rib" frac­ tured while be was badly hurt about t ‘ie fooolder, -and hie wife bad a ftagikfi^wteted andA deep cat on bertB a i , 4h«y wtra.tefreB'to foe reddencs o fMr, % M. Barb* when their troupes wen dressed by, Dr. Bsidridge, find aftwrwardewan drive* bene. livfr O&TVitl A new caipet *this Spring ? It*you do, we can make you Borne money l»y teeing our carpets. In Brussels we are selling ari extiu good uat 49 cenp8. it is as heavy as we, ever sold lor 60 cents, and would tie cheap enough at that price now, and a full line of all t)ic better grades up to the very best made. We have some patterns of .tapestry hrusseJs, .enough for .about one*goodsized room that we sell at a great bargain and some patterns of good body bi usoels in whibli we have ho borders to matcli at 95 cents per yard that are out $1,1$ grade. We show the handsomest line of tine Inidy brus>els wehave ever shown jand the patternswere never prettier than this season One special bargain in the Ingrains is our 35 cent one you can match it* anyplace at 50 cents and you c&nuot do it any less. The pat terns are handsome ant look like a carpet at twice the price. Everything in the House furnishing line such as mattings, oil cloths, rugs, crumb cloths, shades and curtains. JOBE BEOS & Co, Xenia. 'Chas.MemmiHir is home' fromOxfprt eajoyiug a few days (recreation-. - A fishing party passed, through ^ere Tuesday from’JamdstoWn-for the res ervor whefe they expect-to remain for a week or leu gaya. -John L. Sullivan announeea that he will run for congress in Sixth Massachusetts district next ycar. He will make a “ hit” in the halls of legist lation his first term. T h e When • s * One of the largest and finest,. Stores in the state. You Will find the. most magnificent .stock V.- - - - O F - - - - - SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, HITS / ' - — J L j v r > --------- ■ GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING’S. » : \ ; .V. ■ ■-. *t _ . . All goods marked in plain figures, and prices guar­ anteed to bo below aUCompetitiori or money refunded without discussion. ' We are always ready and .anxious to make our guarantee good. We manufacture our own-goods and savayou one profit. Call and see our handsome store and our goods, whether you wish to purchase anything or not. THEWHEN. . and. fcinitf •Dealer in- CHINB, GLfiSS; QUEEUS%RE # ETC. 4 4 b . M a r k e t S t . S p r i n g f i e i d O , Jhttt opened last fall with an entire new stock. It pay you tu call and examine liis line of Dinner Ware, Chauiher set, Cut Class, Brie- a-brac, etc. at prices that cannot be beat anywhere else in the city aafe Jacob Seigler has opened his ice cream parion and will now fornish t ib AVanhiugton cream, the finest in the county. Young man, take your liest girl to “Jake’jf? parlor# and give her a large elegant d> i of cream. Last Monday. the ^ sixty ninth Ohio' legislature finished its labors and while its members still represent their constituents their work is pra<* tically completed, -. No county has been more ably represented than Greene. Mr. Jackson he# proven hjmaelf a staunch friend to his coun­ ty’* interests. To him is due the410.- 000 appropriation made to Wilber- force, and-but tor the misrepresenta­ tions of the enemies of that college he would hayo.secuFgd the halt of the permanent Appropriation, and in all other matters pertaining to the wel­ fare of hi# cpnstitvenfs he has labored diligently, in tboir behalf, -During the legitlatjve sesrions heVa* reco; - nixed as one of the leading spirit#, and ht recognition of his services^hk 'col­ leagues united in recommending his appofotmanf as « member of foe com- nrtewon-to locate aakPeraft on thtf hat-, tlh fiefe# of Clii<hcl|jn*Dg*.' memorial nfonubents iabonfoMtrionNfon of: the died# of Ohio soldier# Who *fougM there. The oommissioa k one o f great Importance aad comprisiMtone o fout moat prominent tritei o f the stats Idfo oosgratulate Mr. Jn6kso« on hk prafonuMfo ' t F . M. Galdwstt k vinting hk un­ cle, John Tarbox, foi# week. Pure Pine tar at Ridgway's. The daily papers throughout the state have all printed a sensational story regarding alleged indiscrete acts of J . J , .Osborne superintendent ofthe public schools at New Carlisle, which as far os we can learn has emulated largely from the fertile brain of a re­ porter of the Springfield Democrat but wiiic.i \ vm evi leutty suggested to him by certain citizens of that village,' siud to have been former teaciiem in the public schools there and who hold a grudge ngdiuBt Mr. Osborne for al­ leged wrongs. I t is true that rumors are afloat about the town timt Mr. Os­ borne lud kisted one of his pupils, but as to the truth of the report, it is yet to be proven. Monday evening the school board met in regular session and the matter was freely discussed, but no charges had been filed and no .action taken. The accused gentle­ man denied the accusation in iaiaiiu I cotur#© of tte tovoooa tha M # felt a ueuieu me acc sation in lotoauu {rQm ^ ^ n u demanded An investigation, which was bod/ omt M to Ue bom$j wktev bis wife w u iftog UA, bwt tw OMisoted induaa the dog to tewra hie pool he*Uk the coat enddiiinerpatL FortWedeya he ramateed end r#r>aa« >» aa* and "Cmehadhk teeth whewer er ea ateimpi Wia cuda to removethe thlsfleof vrhkk he bed b««n left in oherge. At the end of that tixnethe w tk at the dead mmmv A OOP’S WONDERFUL FIDELITY. Uli MasterWae Rtued Dal Ik* DtrStUI O auM n bO M tiM ir tlt ”A touahtog incident happened in my town the other day.” e&ida roeldentof Piqno, 0 ., to a reporter of tbe BL Lonla Btai^Sayinge, ’’and one whieh demoW* etrates the instinct end fidelityof a doff- “A neighborof mine was foe owner of a handsome Newfoundland, which ho hod reared from a puppy, and to which Le was much attached: The dog ro- * ♦urned hie owner’s eflfection, and wu' extremely fond of foliowing him to bis •day’s work. The muter did not en­ courage this, but sometimes tho Now. found!and would creep along ■teelthfijr in the rear until be woe too for front homo to bo sent back, and then would com©to the front wKhevery sign­ light In hie own cleverceee. One morn- ’Ing about,fores weakaaffo ba hAd fol­ lowed his way te • houea whet* Ida tweeter was at work upon tba roof. Ta keep the dog from itraying 1 away the men put downWecoat and ifruiii path and said: There, old feUBW, you fol­ lowed ms without leave and now you may stay’and watch my things.* The dog lay down aa he waa directed and the master went to hie work. In the ‘kw rlb te o f Oaipate before W t 'iiM A m p t t l a oil line# foan any k ^ ite la tew ii to have heetr cofameaced this week He also lies employed aa attorney to .commence eilit at once against the par. tie# vfoo started the report, ( AU this yrc have learned from a reliable source tud-epeak autboitivelt. The ecii^ • tionAlttet^nenU in the Springfield and Colurnbus papers went highly cob oredand should'be read with a great deal of allowance, or better still, Mr. Osbonte’a friend# here in Cedarville should not p»*i judgment upon bis ac­ tions until nftsr an investigation, such M 1#obliged to follow when a gentle* matt employed by the public k accused of action# unbecoming hi# position has been made. I f he be guilty ofan act of indkeretion he iritouhTbe censured hy all, but it should be rememWrcd there k Always two sides to *any question, and until both are heard judgment should be Suspended. too ill te leave her bed, imn;Mrt#l the# foe do*-wouldobrt her tSX s e * A h ? of two and cnef r l f yrers, tent old enoughtetaOt ptethty. The bey-wae.. te hM te fo e teo radhy th e foe mceeant, ran te the dem pel tea arms revand |l s foaosywhite «Mih*Mk lite'teWiar ■40.1 Miss U a Berber, of Xenia, was the guest Of friends in Cedarville fok t AQ q - ' StormontfoGo. Tk' 0Sk**° iw w Ww» ^wwmm wmmw wFWp where foe will spend the summer. ' ThsAvtesVtined foe fettentm tegte * WM teffo lo tM p len t AeMda*: ffo e hefosnd raetivs any h e i t^ f o p ste sh te li. jest Ikteeehewee foteg he get weeA gee^ tiete^w itea ^ r e e e e fW - >