The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

AN INDKrSMOWIf WXXgLY NXW 8 FAI-EB, SATURDAY, FEB. , 14 1891 W. IT. B L A IR , Editor and Prop'r PRICE f l . 3 5 PEflf ANNUJW. Some jpatiept person has counted the halm on a human head and found that there ie 120,000. To a community Jivhere many are starving and more are out ofwork there is nothing like the gift of a library. . i 1 •........« «■ m ...... There is a man in British Columbia who has three arms, the third one be* ing situated between’ his shoulders. He should have no trouble in striking a back-handed blow, * Margaret Glickert was married on Tuesday last, in South Colchester, Ontario. Her parents, while they did not sanction the marriage of their daughter, did.not object to it. r. Mar* garct is 97. The Norwalk Experiment-News is a student of human nature. Ifc says; ' ‘The man who will complain that a 2( l minute sermon is too long will sit ha] a day watching a couple of chete play ers making two moves." . --- -I. . , i I— ♦ pH. III- - - A foreign doctor lias rq*de the djus covery .that the spleen of the rat is good as a remedy for anthrax. What puzzles us is lion- the doctor ever came to be rumnging in such an out-of-the- way nook for a new medicine. Thc Lincolu banquet at Toledo spoken of ns a political event of sig- niiicance. The usefulness of gteflt men does not end with life. What would the spellbinder and the wire­ puller do without their memory? The medical colleges of this country alone turn out 5,000 young physicians every year. Those who tiguro that the earth will be over-peopledin a cen :tury or two evidently did not consider this fact in mnkiug their calculations. Should Congress pass a resolution imploring the Czar to leaven his treat­ ment of the Jews with a little more humanity,the arch-fiend of St. Peters­ burg, it at all cunning, will immedi ately pass a resolution imploring America to give the colored race the rights which legally belong to it and • to stop robbing and starving the In­ dians, who have been driven from their rightful inheritance. id The American psople .pay out •$01000* day for Congress, They have certainly Invested in enterprises more o facred it totheir.flnancial gea- p 4 * * I t is*question if tbem*n who sells himself does not make by the. trans­ action; for the fact that he is willing to hell himself is proof that he is worthless, . Queen Victoria, whendining alone, drinks whisky and water by order ot her physicians. There are quite number of Americans who drink whisky for *medicinal purposes, and they have so ifttie faith,in the curative quaUtiee pf water that they 4° n°t consider it. a necessary ingredient. • Vt.. i^i.M ' • •» - ..... p Will Mobar has hired out to a Chi­ cago contractor to shovel dirt on the lake front for $1.59 a day. In the meanwhile he is. paying 88 a day for his board at the Auditorium Hotel. Perhaps Will has Tolstoi's notion in his hcad t^at it is a.mau's duty to do mohuaf labor. One thing is quite certain;Just so far as m man does not give back to the world, by personal exertion of oue kind or another, as much value as het receives from it, just so fhr he is a pauper though he be a billionaire. The following shows the increase of pension* paid by our Government 1870:- Five years after the war ended, w£ paid (29,000,000 for pensions. This year we pay 1136,000,000, with a conceded probability of a deficit rang­ ing ftOmflO,000,000 to 125,000,000 more. In 1873, five years after the peace Was declared, we had 238,411 pensioners—now we have 1600,000, with 1,600,000 claims in the Pension Office yet unacted upon. VTa have paid for pensions, since the war closed, (1,500,000,000—as much, considering the change. ’in values, as the war actually cost the winning ride. e. S U C C E S S O R T O DUN LAP & C O . -DEALER IK ALL KINDS OF- The illiteracy of dames Carroll, a prominent West Virginia citizen,nmde AN ORD INANCE Mr. and Airs. John Stewart went to Elizabeth, N .J ., on a wedding trip, arriving in the city a few hours after the knot was tied. The excitement consequent upon the great step ho had taken dtewJolm’a attention from his wallet, feud ns the shades of night were falling he discovered that a pickpocket had removed it, and that lie. did not have a single copper. So there was nothing for the young groom and bride to do but to pass the night- in a police station. There is an old saying that "love laughs at locks,” but in this particular instance love hud good reason to cry at them. I t was plain to be seen that they were not impos tors, and a kind hearted man gave John enough money the next morning to get something to eat and to tele­ graph homo for needful funds to con- h im lm . 'r i c t ^ tinue the honeymoon, which had suf. joke tlm other day, Carroll was a fered so serious a relapse, road surveyor aud he desired toresign. He asked a friend to draw up a paper for him to’ that effect. The friend 1drew up a paper, hut It was a petition that Carroll be thguged. Gitroll gat 250 signers to this paper., and in due time it was presented to the County Court of Prtston GoUUty, which was c mriderably astonished. The peti­ tion was not granted aud it is to be hoped that Carroll will so far profit by the sport which he h * t given his friends a* to buy * primcr .aiid hum the midnight oil. - An (rid suit for damages | m « been entered in New Jersey. A ^drunken man lieeoming weary on huf Wiy-home one night 1Mined against a fence. A piUeemnn found him and lighted a mateif to assist identification., ’Un­ luckily he held the match too near the iu.'bri:if*',s whiskers. They took fire and tf'-re nearly nil burned off. The owner now sues for their value. ThAt idler odd actioh in Ireland, in whkdf mi infant brought suit against a rail-, rood for injuries received Indore it This ordinance shsti f«k* h->rf»„ hua been decided mfeinat fW-effect anrt ItS tu rorcs from nnd after the ■\ r r T ' V exiilr«'i'>ii of u>n (10)days after Its legal jituiohff. Thejudges held that the I|U»»Hi .mhiti. v -mtpuny bad entered into no contract* ****’* * to carry thcuulwrn they bad Ci‘ issued no ticket for it, and had no1: . ’ ai W vr. b .WttKKjf ce , oNl, M .« ... the train, i * ' I s N a i p r e s i B i l l i a r d a n d P o o l T a b le * a n 4 N i l e a n d T e n P t n A l I c j * . . . * Ftootlon f. Beit ontoiaed by the coun­ cil of tfeelruWrporatad village of Cedar. vtlle, Greeneeouiity, Ofclu, that it aball be unlawful ter any peraou «r persons by aftSRtaorotberwl«etok«ep,iHata(aitt or exhibit arty billiard or pool tables, nine or ton pin alley, in or about any grocery, eating house, bazaar, saloon, restaurant, or-other pfaee of public re­ sort, or to any room e r building adjoin- litgor enuttgaor.a thereto, withintheliin- itsofnakl incorporated village of Cedar* vllle in Sttld coanty ofGreene, end every person who -shall ae unlawfully keep, inaintain or exhibit any «uofc nilHard or pool table o r tablea,nluc pin or tori pin alloy, shall upon eosvk-tloa thereof be- fore the mayor, be Rued lit any aunt not exeoediiig iffy dollars or fee* than twou- ty-EVe dollar* and conto of prosecution, ami every day tlie same shall be so un­ lawfully Kent, maintained of exhibited aa aforesaid, ahallbc taken and held to bo n separate oftenae* Rcc'luii S. He It further ordained be said council that it shall »•* tlie dulv of the village mttrahal, upon vfuw a t ih'for- motion to orrest every (ici-son found \lo- latlng the first scctkm ofthis ordinance and take h im o rher before,the tnnvor who shall proceed tu the trial and deter­ mination oftliecnMe »a In other cases, aud all iwrsonacoiivleteil under,Ihla or.' rtlnsiii-c shall atand committed until the floe ou<1 costa adjudged rgatnatthem are ................. 1 . Doors, Sash % Blinds, LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a hew sotek. Can offer you better Grades for les$ money than you have been paying for poor grades. CALL AND BEE GRADES AJmPRICES. BANK OF CEDARVILLE General Banking Busilies Transacted. Geo.W.llarper, Pie* W . I ,- C lem onM . C a n h i e r . ( J E R S E Y S P L U S W . F , T R A D E R Attorney At Law. NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP-1J j & T f i j ' G S t Assortment ever Be- I'OSITE tOUKT HOUBIi. ■ , . . ' ceived. J. A. (btAivvoiUj, J . U. L ackkv ] —T T T Xenia, (>. .Taiucsiown, O, Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Polaiid-CliiDaHogs HUTCHISON k XENIA. We have tor thia season’s trade | some large growlliy pigs of both, sexes. Prices totsnit the times. Also 3 extra Hbort-Uorn bull calves. Call off, o" address as above. I b your lime. We will close out oilr HEATING A cordial invitation ib extended to you to examine the elegant N EW S T 0 GK being received now. A complete line of flno A - T c o S t . all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, ,Overcoats., Bant ings, dents Furnisliing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART * CO. X E i s r i A . , • o n r o . ifjiiMjTiJi.iiir 1 Pmm W ATCH ES , CLOCKS '■ --------AND - . wmmmi t J . ' «#• REPAIRED NEATLY AND * ) ORDER BY V . f <- a A. * HARRIS, W B u l L 't n s L D t t * t t G T I S i% - >' * - / V " C U S D A I t V l L t J A # M I O « -7