The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

T l jE NER&Lf). ■ .. . w~MBggBggSBgggMSS A'X INDKPKNDKHT WKEICLY NKW«P4F*B. SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1891. W. H . B L A I S , E d ito r and F rop’r PRICK • 1 .20 P IR AKNUNI. . Among the growing industries of Prance is the re-greening of vegetables. With plenty of sulphate of copper there can be green, peas any time in the year. In Amsterdam it is the fashion to announce a broken engagement of marriages In America the news of one does not have to be artificially scattered. . There are four States in the Union .which have abolished capital punish­ ment—Maine, Rhode Island, Michi­ gan and Wisconsin. The other 40 are murderers. A Pennsylvania man is afraid to milk bis cow. His timidity is excus­ able. The cow is geutle, but she acci­ dentally swallowed a stick o f dynam­ ite the other day. The slang verb “ lire” is not slangy after nil. I t is at least 300 years old. •So good a writer ns Shakspearc says in Sonnet clxiv7 ‘‘-Till my bad ange fire my good one out.” The latest gossip about Blaine is that his mind is giving away. Why, half o f it could be given away* and then there would be enough to set severa Democratic statesmen up iu business Everybody has heard that there is tuicb-a thing as an “ imperium in impel rio,” but not until lately has anyone beard of an egg inside an egg. Such a curioneity has been laid in an Ohio town! “Antonius Stradivurius lived 15! I years ago,” says an exchange, Am the strangest thing about the old. fe' low is that, although dead several gen vrntionB, violins of his make are etil being manufactured “Big Jim ,” chief of the Pottawato mie tribe,located on a reservation near Holton, Has., being .asked recently what lie thought of Jerry Simpson, re plied; “ Ughl Heap d—d fool.” Sc dom is an accurate annalysis of char­ acter so compactly put. Emperor William has ordered that court sermons must not be more than 10 minutes long. This order will force the chaplains to cultivate the literary virtue of compression. A good deal of effective truth can be packed into 1 ) minutes with the power of words. • I t is said that “ those living in glass houses should not throw stones.” A ; jjw r ltind of glass is said to have been i^^AllRifNtod which is as hard and tough ' as cast-iron. When i t comes into gen­ eral use one can consistenly throw as many stones as he sees fit. Mississippi has a couple who, after being divorced for 38 years, have re­ married. New Jersey has a couple for whose marriage elaborate arrange* den ts have been made three times, and the bridegroom has failed to pu t in an appearance a t the critical mo­ ment. Rev. J . R. Porter, delegate from Japan to the Presbyterian Assembly in Detroit, made thfe following remark able assertions: “The contact o f the Christian nations with Japan has been a positive curse, I t ls generally con ceded that the morale o f J a ­ pan are much worse than 80 yean ego.” Von Moltke did not believe In ex tonporeaeoue ightbg* Hi* campaign against France wee planned years be­ fore the warwith that oountry. He IsavtabehindM m dine plane of cam * paigns-one agalnet France etogie handed, anotheragalnetHnarfa •fogk handed, end the third against France end Ronia combined. The Port Hurron Times has the f l ­ owing: “ A peculiar thing happened a t Deimis Jones’ residence Saturday evening- Mr. Jones left bis lawn sprinkler out all night. In she mom- ng he was surprised to find the spray :rozen solid.” Port Hurron must be the place where, as the story goes, it was once so cold that, when a lighted candle was accidentally overturned, the flame broke in pieces, having fro­ zen solid. _ ’ Macbeth, when he was contemplat­ ing the murder of Duncan, said that if the crime would be “ the be-all and the end all here,” he’d “jump the life to come.” A little Boston girl seems to ie like Macbeth in that she fears arthly punishment more than devine. 'he other day when her mother start­ ed to punish her for something she had done, she interposed as follows. “Ma­ ma, won’t you leave it to God to pun ish. ute? I ’d rather have him.”. Sometimes a slang word'is the truest timl of a word. When it is, it slow- y makes its way against the conserva­ tive tendencies of the world like other innovations. “ Pluck” and “plucky” were originally slang words. Now they are just ns good words as can be found. An entry - in Sir Walter Scott’s journal shows that os late os 1827 “ pluck” had not lost its low character. He says (vol. 2 , p, 30): “Want of that article bluckguardly called pluck.” “ Pluck” was original­ ly a term used by butchers for the heart and lungs of an animal. > — ---------;— - Lightning, in an apperently playful mood, entered a bedroom .in Ware, Moss, ran about the room two or three times, knocked the ieg c f a bed out, and departed as quickly as it, came. Lightning, up in Montana, in an evi- deutly-artistic mood, Btruck a family riding in a buggy and traced on a wo­ man's arm a perfect representatution of a tree branch. None of the family wore killed, but the horse bropped dead. ______ ■ ■ The unheallbiness of criticising the clergy has been demonstrated in Can ado. Some parishioners did not like the part their priest had taken in an election and Baid that he would have to leave the locality. Hearing of it t ie priest said: “Let those who would have to see me go away beware, for they may perhaps go first.” One of the parishioners who hud thus ciiticis ed the priest’s conduct took ill and died, and another, who also spoke against his Pastor, is now dangerously ill. A N D R EW JACK SON , SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. -DEALER IN- P i OF ILL A N E W S T O C K O B ' SIDING. FINISHING, FLOORING. SASH, OOORS BUNDS. SCREEN DOORS A large stock, All sizes, Ready for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. Strange are the things which some women do: The women of Blairstown N. Y., have formed an < “ Indignation Club.” to discourage gambling and un seasonable hours among their hus­ bands. A Chicago schoolma’am, about to wed, and beingshortof funds called on John Wanamaker for 8300. A New York woman entered a pat­ tern store and inquired if they kept shrouds for middle aged widows. She slid she had made herself a shrouc eight years before, but had not died and that in the interim her hair hac grown gray and her complexion bar so changed that the homemade shrouc -warno longer * tasty one. “ Do you not think that the lace on the neck should be a little narrower to suit me now?” said she. A Southern boy, now in Louisville for medical treatment, is so abnormally fond of water that for the past two months he has been sitting in a tub of it, and screams as if in the greatest agony when out of his tub. I t is claimed that the water of Sane SpringF, Kansas, possesses wonderfu fattening virtues and that in three years no grown person in town wil weigh less than 800 pounds. A man in British Columbia had bad so much trouble with his wife that he thought he would drown himself, So be went down to the river and waded in But he found the water cold, aud oonj eluded to go home, bear Ms domestic sorrows as best he could and die old age. A Haw Haven ata» 1m CALL AND NEE FOR YOURSELVES. The people of Nias, an island /near Sumatra, make collections of human leads. Only heads are wanted which lave been taken by the collector him­ self from a living person. So great is the desire to obtain fresh specimens that the natives of the island often go out head hunting. But the de­ sire to get ahead is found among all >eople. Ed.Spencer this week is showing the :inest line of fresh fish ever brought to Cedarville. He now ruus a „wagon and sells and delivers fish to any part of towta. Propel Amendment totheConstitu­ tionofOMo. T A a t A T I O N . S ection 1 . B elt resolved by the General Alterably of the Stale of Ohio, I hat a propor­ tion ihall be anbmtUeil to the elector* of this State on the Ant Tuesday after the Ant Mon­ day in November, 1891, to amend Section 2, of Article X II, of the Constitution of the State of Ohio, *o that it ihall read aa follow*: ARTICLE XU . SrcTox 2. Law* may be passed which ihall tax by a uniform rule all money*, credit*, in­ vestment* in bonds, stocks, joint-stock compa­ nies, orotherwiso,* and alt real and personal property according to the true value thereof in money. In addition thereto, laws may bopass­ ed taxing rights, privileges, franchises, and such ether subject milters as tka legislature may direct: but burying-gounds, public school- houses, bouses used exclusively for public wor­ ship, institution* of purely public charity, pub- lie property used exclusively for any public purpose, and other property may by general law*, b* exempted from taxation; and the val­ ue of all twoperty so exempted shall, from time W time, Le ascertained ana published as may be directed by law. 8 kctioh 2. At such eleetion, those electors desiring to vote for sack amendment may have placed upon their ballets the words "Taxation Amendment—Yes,” and those opposed to such amendment may have placed upon their ballot* the word* "Taxation Amendment—No." S uction A, This amendment shall take ef­ fect on the Arsfday of January, 1892. N IA LR . HYBELL, Speaker of the House of Representative*, WM VANCE MARQUIS, President of tha Senate. Adopted April 34,1891, Uarrxa S tatbb or A mmica . Onto. ) - owes or thk SacarMBT or Brats, f f t I, Daniel J . Ryan, Secretary of State of theState of Ohio, do hereby certify that the U a true copy e* a joint reseiation the Genet*) AseemMy of the State ile, < m the 34th day of April A. D. 1891, take* from the original roll*Meg la this cBee, In teetlmeay whcrsef. I hare Hereunto sub­ scribed my nameand alNxed my oS- [•UAL.) ei*l sea), at Coiawbe* the 2ttk day ef April, A. D. 1891. DANIEL 4 . RYAN. Secretary ofState. Ferlect Fitting tiarients J E R S E Y S . F L U S H E S , Assortment ever Re­ ceived. I XENIA, OHIO. A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SCOGK being received now. A. complete line of lino B ofOhio on f # m w i t a * H i I lif komMtoad Dear M. 15. church. Cadarvllk. For outiotikn sMutkdtlto WOMAN who Mtvtd M m I m H ou W m . lUfAdtniiMtmor o f M- flfonl drowntag. all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suite, Overcoats, Bant ings, Gents Burnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D . M . S T EW A R T It C O . O H I O . X E N I A , FAWCETT. S R U r a a d t a e ' tla« ill stock H flue lino o f WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWRLXRY and DIAMONDS! s e f i x s K B K s s i s a s s * * * M S