The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
T U B AMINPIFSNPKMT WMKtY NNWifAMUI. s s s a s n s e t f s s B s a s x s s n ^ SATURDAY, JUNE, 6 1891, / m ' m 1".,."*,1rniViA.tTSSSSSSSS>-",ii 1 -.i-. 11 W. 1ST, BLAIR , Editor and Prop'r . RRICI ■ l.«B RIR ANNUM, £SSTSMTBBf9fBSF!rTg&K&T!Q3&GSSrm^!!T3X Taawtt ia raid to be ia AI m I c * but wlierei* thelteta? A gubernatorial muddle anda plague ofcaterpillan ire making thingalively in the bind o f wooden nutmegs. It has been decided by a jurist of etiquette that atrawberrie* should un der no condition be eatenwithaapoon. A grip bactlluabaa been caught and its picture taken. By all means the photograph should be put in the rogue’s gallery. The RepublicofSwitzerland is little but it has lots o f staying power. It wiU celebrate its sin hundreth enni- •Tertsaiy in August. A Pennsylvania man was a penta- gamist, and he wasjust ou the point ■ofbecoming a henagamist when wife No. 4had him locked up. A physician has been enatnining hie qulse every day for five years, and from a mass of statistics has educ ed some valuable physiological infor mation. * *• Monday, Lieut. Peary started for theNorth. His object w to find the northern end of Greenland. He will bunt for that country’s missing side oiTjfeoL Manuel Garcia, who heads the Cu ban insurgents, has declared Cuba annexed to the United States. But until the United States agrees with him Manuel’s declaration will ,non he final. Jim Corbett, the eminent pugilist, with whose praisesa continent is ring ing, was once a humble blink clerk. Considerable wrong-doing proceeds from A t kitchen. An eminent au thority says that food poorly cooked creates a craving for strong drink. Among the interesting firings to be seen nt the World’s fair will be an ex act reproduction of the shipColumbus added in when he discoveredAmerica. Servia is a very goodoountryin one respect, Every citizen has some sort of freeholdproperty. In a population of morethan 2,000,000 there is not a single pauper. Philadelphia has a boy who does not permit sentiment to interfere with development^* a criminal. Hie stole his sisters wedding ring theday before the ceremony. Greene county has a teacher by the name of Pancake. A recent Philadel phia society debutante bears the name of Pinecoffln. New Mexioo has preacher named Innocent Wolf. A very rare casualty is a collision between a ship mid an ommbuJV but one isjust reported from Hamburg, The bus was crossing a bridge; and the vessel poked her jib boom into it, but nobody was hurt. A man was recently sued for libit in Canada. The defense was made that the plaintiff’s character was so high that it could not be libeled, as no one would believe any statementdetri mental to it. The defense won, but at what a price! The Chinese goverment takes a vig orous stand against impure literature. Both the author and publisher whipped, and. the author bss banish ment added to his whipping. The lash might be a good purifier o f some current American literature. ANDREW JACKSON, I SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO, ■ D E A L E R I X - A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING,FLOORING. SASH,DOORSBLINDS. A large stock, All sizes, Readyfbrhangiag, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. A Maine deer recently jumped measured distance o f 26} feet. But Capt SamuelBrady, down'nearCuya< hoga Falls, leaped some 27 feet when the Indians had driven him to the brink ofthe river. ■- .—..«*»■■'. m —■ • .- The Presbyterians at Detroitadopt cd as their seal the combination of h cross and a serpent. It would seem'from the standpoint of taste that a spake iaabout the last thing in the .world which should be used for the seal o f a religious organisation, bu , probably those who adopted it had satisfying reason. William Holmes went into a New York church Tuesday night with his clothes all covered with whitewash. A policeman was colled in and he was removed. I f his character hod been whitewashed instead of his clothes there is a possibility that he might have been permitted to remain. Nature sometimes varies the monot ony of creation: A horse in San Fran cisco has a large and well-shaped mus tache. A citizen of Gaston county, N.C., killed a snake with four heads lost week. Two calves have been born In Delaware, one with three legs «nd theother with five. A half-breed Shoshone Indian hasa face like a bear, A woman tried to jump Into the river at Chicago but it was not her turn to die. A ruffle on the skirt of her dress caught on the railing and hung on tenaciously. A New York baby tumbled out of a fourth story window but it so happened that a man stood under the window looking up toward it, aad whea be saw the baby drop be caught it. . »—■■•■■.»»» rrT '1. TM» k ft&M mhm * fr*at touty medfaud tarns find their wayinto pub lic print. Many o f them are not so iaaorutabla as they seem. If ohe will compare hud oboarvawherein there ia a ataK&rity b it* * * them. For lu- stance, “HU* tacked oat the end o f a word always means “inflammation of,” “haem* always means blood; “gastr,* stomneh; “algi*,* pain; “ tomy,” a cutting, and toon. In a number of towns in Mexico soap is used for money. The cakes are stamped with the nameofthe town where they are current, and they never lose their value while the stamp, lists. A man guilty o f financia crookedness with that sorjt o f money can easily “wash his hands’’ of the offense. - A poor immigrant girl arrived in New York the other day. She is a victim of elephantiasis and the disease bos settled in her nose, which isseveral times longer than the name of the disease, measuring five and seven eighths inches. But there is many a person with just an ordinary sized proboscis who is less able to keepit out of other people’s business.' • The prosaic cow is occasionally the victim of unusual circumstances: One at Cedar Rapids, Ia., was accidentally shut up in a barn and stayed there four weeks without food or water. It was not particularly injured by the extended fast. A Texas calf was car ried into the Clouds by a Storm and no trace of it has been found. The airship basnot os yet material ized. It remains to be seen whether the landship, which a California ma chinist concaved, will materalize. It is to be built of aluminum, and is to be a combination ofa boat and asteam road wagon. With this strange con veyance, which will climb mountains and swim rivers, and go anywhere except through forests, the inventor proposes to organize a party and ex plore Africa thoroughly, amiT,ri,"Ml"... «»enmiM „* * There seem* to be a growing dispo sition oflate to interfere with4‘inalien able rights,” ‘Lari wintera. Philadel phia School teacher forbade her girl pupils wearing bracelets. A week ago a New Jersey youth was arrested for Wearingrubberbootson thestreets. A man ia Boston has been arrested for killing his wife In public. But to cap theclimax amen is serving out a year’s sentence In Pennsylvania for taking an umbrella whioh did not be long toMm. Areweaea peopteslow- ly but surely toeing our liberties? CALL AND ZEE FOR YOVBSELVE8 . a u n nmMMiHV. Is oae which Is gaeraateed to bring yoaaetiefoetory remits, or in case of isllare a returno( purchase price. On tbie sale plea yoo can bay from oarad- vsrtleed Draggiataboltfeof Dr. King’* New Discovery lor Oomamptioa. It is gaerenteed touring reliefia every ease, whenused foranyaffection of. Throat, LaegiorObset,meh as Oonaamption, Inflammation, ato.‘ It is .pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly eafe, end can always bo depsnded upon. Trial hottia freeat Bldgeway’s Drugstore. (1) M e r it W lna. Ws desire to esy to oar eltli arewe haw ‘ KiDg’aN ew lIienils, Backtm’s Anti IMMLUlftt for ymrewe havebeenosJlingDr. K im ’ s ” ■ ---------- for Ooammptlon, Dr. New HalveandElectricBitters,andhavenever handled remedleethatMil m well,or that have given rach universal eatiefaction. Wo donotbesitat* to gaarentia them every time, and we stand reedytorefund thepnrchoMprice, If eatlslactory remits do not followtheir not. Tlieee remedies havewootheirgreatpopularity pnrelyoa theirmerits. BMgtway’s,druggist. (1) Proposed Amendment to the Constita1 tioBofOhio. T A X A T I O N . B kctiojc 1. Be it ffw)lred by the General Audibly uf the State of Ohio, That a propori- tlon •hell be labmltted to the elector* of tble State on the tret Tuwday Bfter the Bret M ob - day 1 b Norembcr, 1891,to amend Section % of Article X II, of the (.oaitltatiim of the State ef Ohio, 10 that it (hall read M follow*: ARTICLE X II. S kctox 2. Law* stay be peered which shall tax by a aniTuna rule all money*, credit*, In. veetmenta In bonds. *tock«, Joint-itock compa- nlce, crotberwiee; and all real and perronal property according to tb* trne valae thereof in money. In addition thereto, laws may be pair ed taxing right*, privilege*, franchise*, and inch other subject matter* a* the legislature may direct: but burying-go*nd«, public echool- houter, hoars* ated cxelnrirety for pnblic wor ship, inrUtation* of purely paMlc charity, pub lic preperty used exclarlrely for any public purpose, a id other property may by gtneral law*, be exempted front taxation;,and the val ue of all property so exemptedahall, from time to time, be ascertained and publlahed u* may be directed by law. Sucriox 2. At such election, those elector* deilriag to Vote for tack amendment tuny have placed upon their he)let* the word* “ Taxation Amendment—Ter," and those opposed te inch amendment owy have pleeed upon their ballots the word* “ Taxatle* Amendment—No.” S xctio X ft. This afe»endja*at ahall taka ef fect oa the flrti day ef January, 1892, NiAL R , BVSKLL, Speakerof th* H h w ef RepretenUtlve*. wm V an ce m a r q u is , President of the Senate. Adopted April 24,1M . Uanaa S tatm ev Aa nates. Oaio. 1 Orricx or Taa fO a itM T or S tatk . f : I . Daniel J . RyM,Beeratary ef State of the State ef Okie, do hereby certify that the ‘ ‘ ' reaolatiea tiw State ie»i, theeririaal voltemed ia thb eMet. la twrthaedy Whereof, 2 have herhuat* h W aerihtdmynameand aSx*dmy oR- [ sbal .] elat eeel. *tOetamha* be 3 tth day of April, A.D, lfttl. DANIEL J . RYAN, Biireiary ef Slate. J E R S E Y S . P L U S H E S ; Largest Assortment ever Re ceived. ■ & XENIA, OHIO. A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SCOGK being received now* A complete line of fine P r e s s S u i t i n g s , all the latest styles together with evferygrade of fine Busiiiess Suits, Overcoats, Pant ings, Goats Famishing Goods. Onr prices, like quality in finegoods e tii notbe excelled.; D, M, STEWART Sfc CO 'x qm iv x A ., - FAWCETT. *a T m ^ m Hs« in Stock R fine line of WATCHED, CLOOKat JEWELSBY anJ DIAMONDS 1 t Ogijkwt GttoriSIntirmw < Ckfid,.Diver ...... ........ ......... ..Ad dfefliwtiteun of vlalttn, W toinlurt, ooldoni enjoyed by sgedoele western. *SVK0*r«K»B5r'f b a t u r d a y , W . J I- B L A I R , PRICE 1 1 .2 CIKUHUN ,/? % VJ. * *pr<>ul,Taatoaf J B,P. Chitrcb.—1 pastpr.; ■SerrtoeHu fciuiol a t 10:00 a iiJ >1. IS. Cburcli.- tor. PreachluKat ofliool, a* a. il Yoims l G0P'e a , urnyur ineetiiig 7:00 U.P. Olinrcli. . wastor. Service*] Mi-jiaiibatli acliol A V . i I- fllmrcl •gator. ServW-erf •ijX K)p »uoacb Baft S:00* in. j ' ltaptiat Clmreli lmutor. l'reACliid 1lain, M>ui 7:00 p,l a:O0o’cloelr pm; I noaday iiiglit; 1 A DOOME! A t . gtsxtumri g u rirlc a t®,Bccol • » a d UnBt for " -- ----—eaalami I t is not * Hfect upon that I innion will decat Whole oontimsnl ■wilderness inluj Yet th is is the - <by -Prof. Otis ' ethnology of t3 jprofesaor said: “ In order tl jetood. it. is fir Hhat this west llmown i- ifrom the scienfl jferior continenj land .masses o jlty th a t is n»ea 'Europe, Asia < jetable product tfor the snpporl (that th is is so | ‘or yourself: -miephore r .ephant of • ,_ere by the i tmbstitnte t -which ia jii .enough to e* jfe ram an : ,T land Africa at , lof the. earth] icato. • “But to .exhibition < ido better 'which are 'beasts, app* Iman. What | .Americas wathropoidi Igorilla, wl 'panzee. whb 'upon the meetic •preaenta aol ihuman beinf aide of tbej •monkeys ’ «*Thaa it I fiatennedi !B is not at 'high develc •iMXO found i* . 'pauan exists I ;p roduct,r ••Topntl dean \_ [tinenti .bovedel . ithei 'til there •a lm ost_ ‘tkm. A# •have n o t 1 .end liei 'In o ther' .etalybei The;, ftogo Itheir .. _ iAWWbAhretitAaPiA Jejg®P^gM»ev«a - ’b e eo ae a lla tertei •talk to Ivenlife. riheyarej 1
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