The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

5SREH T l f E - . AX .IXDEI'KNUKNT WKEKLV NJ5WSPAe»R, SATURDAY, JUNE, 0 1891. IF, //■. J iL A lI i, Ed ito r and Prop'r PRICE S 1.28 PER ANNUM. DItOWXEI), Quigley, the nine year old..son of Mr, and M 1 *, David Bhrodes was drowned yesterday afternoon" while bathing in the creek near .the Covin* enter church. 'Little Dick Boyles and Aden Barlow were with him at the time and summoned help after he had gone to the bottom, Ed. Farris run ning at once and getting' him out ot the water before he had been in more than five minutes, .Mr. Herbert San­ ders, of Xenia, who was with Mr, Faris ran toDr. Oglesbee’s office and had that physician at work trying all means of resuscitation in an increda- bly short time,, hut without result al though the work was kept up for hours, Dr. Oglesbee having the as sistance of many willing hands. The parents, brothers, and sisters of the unfortunate boy are heartbroken oyer their loss. Fresh Baked Tile all sizes at B. W Northup. ■..“ ■ 5 ■ ” House to rent and in good.location by S'. K. Mitchell. tr John Harper, of Dayton, spent Sunday in Cedarville. Mrs. Bell, of Selma was the guest ofMrs. H. H. McMillan this week. Rev Patton of Columbus will assist Rev. Warnock at communiqn services tomorrow. ' Mrs. Anna Young attended the Me Kinney-Chapin wedding at Cincinna­ ti this week. Ralph Raney, who has been attend­ ing commercial school at Springfield, is now at home. v Mr. and Mrs. J . Strouse, of West Carrolton, O., visited B. W. Northup and family this week. Mias Cora Blair, of Spartr Illinois, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jaa. Cress- well, south of Cedarville, I f you have any news do not* ‘for­ get to make a note of it and put it in the item box at the post office. W. L. Clematis and;-,wife were the guests of Mr.C.’s father, Rev. Marion Clemons, at Franklin, Inst week. Bora to Mr. and Mrs, Will North- up, of Lima, O., formerly of this place, ou last Sabbath, a daughter. Breast pins, Necklaces, Rings, But­ ton hooks, Ac, dirt cheap for two weeks, The F u r 35 8. Limestone st. Harry and Walter Rifle have gone to Ft. Wayne, Ind* to "work in the hotel lately leased by WilL Leland, Mr* Kyler, one of the most highly respected citizens of Clifton, is quite sick. He is eighty-two years of age. A. number of the members of* the* W. ID. T. U. and Y’s of this placy attended the county convention held at Bowersville yesterday, John Weymouth who baa been working At Springfield .for the past ten months has returned-"hoe&b fbr a week’s visit: He has po»tion(in Belle- fimntain, Will Elrickmade another trip *to‘ Anderson, Ind,, this week to look after a contract for the building ^.of.a number o f houses. He will return* Tuoaday. A choral union has been organized here and Prof. Lon Spears, o f James­ town has been engaged to train them," He will be here next Thursday even­ ing to give tbi ffret lesson. For twoweeks wewill sell ohamber set*(warranted) At one half what other stores aakfAr them, in order to eloeethem out, Ike Fair 85 S. Uaaeetoneat, Byriagflald, O. Samuel Anderson and wife, of Springfield, were the guests of Mrs. A’s, parents, Mr. and Mrs, J . D. Wil- iatAeon, this week. * * •F,. -n--u,- Miss Julia Barr, of Philadelphia and Miss Echo Willamson. of Xenia, were the guests of. Miss Efron Wil- li&mson this week" Some miscreant broke a couple of lights out of the window at Hooker Riff’s barber shop last Wednesday night. I t is-aupposed ‘to have been dope through spite. - There is no saloon iu .the room next the Herald office. The “Y’s” still pc, cupy it nmd the curtains are simply to keep the inquisitive public from gapping at them when: they are- hold­ ing business' or social meetings. John A. Mitchell is now agent for the New Departure toungless corn cultivator, with either wood or steel beam, he also keeps repairs. This cul tivntor is wnrented to give-perfect sat* iefaction or money refunded. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. at joint meeting last night passed resolu tions thanking Rev. Dudley, of New Jasper, aiidDr. Pearn, of Xenia, for their valuable services on Memoria Sabbath and Decoration" Day. The Prohibitionists ofGreene coun ty held a massconvention in Ervin an( Williamson's hall, Monday, and norn ianted seven delegates to attend the State convention at ' Springfield next iveek. -, About fifty persons were present. Rev. E. H. Richards who spent ted years as a missionary in Africa, wil speak at the M. E. church tomorrow at 10:45 a, jht, upon the manners am customs of the Dark Continent. Her will display a number of African cur­ iosities at the Sabbath school. Rev. “Dr. Morton was called to Gin cinimti Wednesday to perform the marriage ceremony of Rev. Davit McKinney and Miss Carrie Haines Chapin, daughter of D. B. Chapin prominent merchant of that city. Mrs. Morton accompanied him. Every republican in Cedarville townsliip should be at the Mayor’s office this evening in response to the call from T. B. Andrew, central com miti.ieman. Seventeen delegates are to be selected to attend the convention at Xenia next Saturday. Mrs. Meade, mother of Mrs. Wm. Barber of this place, met with quite a serious accident this week at Granville where she is visiting her sister, falling and breaking her arm and being oth­ erwise injured. Mrs. Burlier left yes­ terday for Granville to render what assistance,passible. A special train of forty cars loaded with reapers and mowers, attracted a crowd to*the depot Thursday tporning. The train was loaded at Akron by J . F. Seiberling A Co. and is said to be the largest train ofharvesting machin­ ery ever-shipped from one factory in the world. A jury trial before Squire Osborne last Tuesday, before whom a young man named Tcehan sued Jno* Gancf for labor,attracted considerable attend .lion. The jury rendered a verdict for the young man* Hon.George' Raw­ lings of Springfield was his attorney, while Will Trader of Xenia represei. ted Mr. Qano. A very interesting event this week wae.thA marriage ofMiSS Mattie Cre^ well, datjghter-of Mr. and*Mrs Sam­ uel Creewell^to Mr. Joseph Turnbull, a t the residence of the bride’s parents Thursday evening a t 0:30. Only the intimate friends of the bride and groom were present to '"witness ’ tile ceremony. Rev. Morton officiated. It is rumored that Oscar Satterfield, apparently the most impenetrable of young man, who has heretofore never been known to speak to a lady with­ out blushing to the rootsof his hair,, has at bat become a victim to Cupid’s wiles* Mowor when it happened will awver be knowabut that suob is the fact is-attested by his visits north over the Little Summer Goods. Th e summ er dress goods for th is y e a r are la rge ly g ingh am s o f all grades and' kinds. The* fine * French g in gh am s are ve ry popular, the s ty le s and colors are ve ry p i e t y , Iu Am erican Z ep h y r s we have ; jnsfc_ re­ ceived a new line oi v e n handsome Myles a t To ets. a yard th ey were 2 0 cents earlier in thie season*. A n ­ other popu la r dress goods i s ChaU ies; our a ll wool fill in g cha llfes are <*splendid ya lu e sand the pa ttern s look almost equal to the F ren ch m ake th a t cost a lm ost tim es a s much, also a large line o f new . cotton eh allies ju s t received a t 5 c ts a yard* In w h ite goods we h ave closed a lot o f Embvioder^d Hem -stitched flouncings f a N ew Y o rk Im po rter and are se lling them a t ju s t about the price they cost to land in th is country, 35 cts, a ya rd for a full w id th etu broidered flouncing is cheap J O B E B E O S & Co, X e n ia Screen Doors a t A . Jackson’s. The suit of Thos. H. Spencer el a vsC .L . Crain occupied the attention of the Common Fleas court at Xenia this week. . The motion heart was to disolve the attachment ngainst the property of C. L. Crain his wife making the plea that the stock of goods was purchased with her money. The cose has not yet been decided. $ IT IS T H E H IM $ O F , To keep at all times the largest, best and most comprehensive and re'i- able stocks to be found in this market. To bring the producer anj)L ponsuraer in contact, thus sa\in^ the latter the retailer’s profit. * , To staijld bv every representation. To dWa business large enough to make the smallest profits fairly remu­ nerative. We are one of the largest manufactures, and distributers of cloth­ ing ip the country. . . . . . .... " , . . FaCtorr tfndef the supervision of the most experl'designers and ’cutters, (iunble us to offer the most durable, desirable, attractive, hobby and neat suits in the market, inndvnlways at one profit below competion. You always get.your money’s worth a t THE WHEN. u D E C O R A T IO N . I f N ow is you r chance Y o u r choice o f a l l our $ 6 ’ $ 8 and $ 10 S u its for $•>. We5now can sell a l lG . A . II. and S. of Y . su its Mrs. Condon has a nice lot o f trimmed hats, constantly on b in d s a t the lowest p rices. I t w ill p a y yofl to ca ll and see them i f you w a n t to purchase . ‘ Morg. Fudge of the Bellebrook Mpqn, advertises to sell out, giving ns his reason .that he wishes to study for the ministry. We have heard some of the boys who were m the same reg- nient.with Morg during the wiir tell of the elegant sermons he delivered during that time and supposed he had worked at the trade' long enough to continue without further apprentice­ ship. . ■ ' Friday night of lost week a wagon load of G. A. It. hoys attended the decoration exercises at New Jasper^ and report a pleasant time. Quite* a number ol spcaches were made among them being one by Hon, Andrew- Jackson, of this place, who entertain­ ed the audience about fifteen minutes. Before their return home the boys mdt with an accident, their wagon falling; of a bridge aud precipitating them in the water, but,luokily n0-i»he was in­ jured. E. E. Murdock has" moved*to Greenville, Illinois. During his res­ idence here,’Mr. Murdock has made numerous friends, and with the scores of men with whom he has done busi­ ness,'there is none, but have found him square and upright ip all bis transactions. He will return to. CL*- darvilla some time in July; leaving hie ily a t Greehvilla. George Wat* — At 87.50------ Ju s t received a large shipment of the latest styles of Straw Hats, (bir line.of Tics never was equaled in this town before, vve have 500 select from, ail new. Everything goes cheap next week. «T * The Republican. .Executive. Com­ mittee selected, at their meeting on Friday evening of Inst week, Messrs. F. E. SIcGervey, of Xenia, and John' B. Smith, of Cffisarcreek, as members of the Board of Election Supervisors, subject to the appointment of the Probate Judge. These gentleman are not members of the Central or Executive Committee. The Denu- Bannqas, Oranges and Lemons.-.:tt Bull's."" Rock Salt nt Go to Charlie Smith Bull’s, for n shave. , A small shootin g affray- occurred nt Jamestown Saturday afternoon iu which Wm. Mnxou and Russell Schu- 0* lar. both ot tiint plnce* were the piu- ticipants., The trouble grewout of a cretic Executive Committee has also disagreement the parties had lind the nnule their selection, namely, Messrs. | previous evening and when the men B. Sclilesinger and John M. Bootes. ^met ou Saturday, Maxon declared This will make a good Board, one'tliat ■hi8 intention to sligot Sehular which will work in harmony, there being no high kickers among the members. Note the mimes of merchants who advertise in the Herald, and when fam Aonacompanied leotge him to Illinois and will remain there until turn, „ 1 Mr. 'M’a re- Carpets in. Boll Special low price*. Stormont&Co. them a call. Let them know you op- ^lecinte the information given you through our colnmns. I f the mer­ chant kuowB that you hAve been di­ rected to his establishment through' nn advertisement in life paper, you can rest assured he will not let you” leave his store without offering you bargain's He ^aysfo’r an advertisement because He wants your trade. I f he is willing to pay for an advertisement, he will undoubtedly be willing' to offef ydu' some inducements to become a per- maneu't customer* * . -• • »*■»'!..... Farmers buy your Binder twine fu ll’s. New Yorit-Cream Cheese a t Bull’s* » f „ Trunkijatii*'- J-. C. Barber’s . .* Well paper Iff cesWA e i the wall and Up* ' f ' J . OBnrber’s*' FOH »AI*K. . The Riff homretead, near cljurch, Cedarville. For'particulars call on Wm. Iliff adminstrktor of 'es­ tate. - he attempted. Fortunately however the ball did not hit Sehulnr, aud Max- om , was immediately arrested aud placed in the lockup uutil Monday you visit their places of location* give1when,he had his trial before Police Justice Clark who bound him over to court in the sum of $1,000. Being unable to give bond he was sent to jail. ^ . Notice to consumers of Flour* W-o take pleasure iu advising our friends a id patrons that the improvements which our mill, has been undergoing for the past riionth telioW eompletoif. The entire bolting system which was considered the-beat a few years ago has lieeh thrown out and subetitu- ed with the very latest improved bolt­ ing system known to’the tuiiling tradc, In no way has either lime or expense been spared to equip our mill with the most complete appliances for (^curing the very best flour, and we feel wM;- nnted in promising m r frimids a niucii lielter grade of flour than ever before, being of a flue granulation we,tfully guarantee GAden Rule Flour to re. tain jts mojsture longer n fte r‘beiifg baked Into bread, than any other flour on the market. *Very Respeotfdlly * McDillftE rv in . Dodies OxflszdA j ' , mifiOoenU'upat ** * l t o r m o & . t& C o . Qraf’ ovAralle. ‘ Best in thisworld ttb flllMfilillftairit Hilift i i ■ fitt'