The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

t f' ' M ru Jainco Brown is very sick. ■Pried Beef at Bull’s Miss Rosa Stormont is the guest of her sister a t Xenia this week. Mac, Cooper entertained a number of his friends at tea Monday evening, A newline of summer underwear 1 and hosiery for men. A. it, Crandall & Co. Xenia. ,I)pwn ah? cornea. Four cents for 4 loaf of bread or seven loaves for a quarter. ' Jacob Seigler, • ' - Rock Salt at . Ball’s. Several" from here attended the opening of the Yellow Springs hotel last Wednesday evening. , W. M. Barber and daughter Lulu, attended the Prohibition -convention a t Springfield this week. Mrs, Wm.. Leach and daughter, of Wilton, Iowa, are visiting' at Mr. Henry Owens this week. J . H. Jobe, the senior .member of ■the popular firm of Jobe Bros & Co., Was in Cedarville yesterday. Breast pins, Necklaces, Rings, But­ ton hooks, <fcc, dirt cheap for two weeks, The Fair 3p S. Limestone st. Misses Maud Satterfield and Clara Lott visited at Jamestown this week, being the guests of Miss Gertrude Shigley. New York Cream Cheese at Bull’s. Mr and Mrs Thos Tatbox entertain­ ed several friends at their hospitable home in North Cedarville one evening V* >ji • ° this week. J . P . Williamson and P . ,T. Mc- Milluu visited friends ia Springfieh this week and while their attended the state Prohibition convention. The IV. C, T, U. will meet Thurs­ day JSthat 2 p. m.' We neglected to mention last week the marriage, at London Ohio, Miss Pella Farnsworth to Mr. Charles Car- rill, of this place, which occured on the 4th .in?t. - Rev, Shultz officiating. Mr. CarrilljpetUrned to Cedarville the same evening with his bride and com­ menced house keeping at once, The school board at New Carlisle, by a unamour vote, this week employ­ ed J . J . GsboYa& as principal of the schools for another year. The result of the investigations proved that the charges filed against him were entire­ ly false, and the board at once gave him a complete vindication by ie-em ploying him ’ Thomas Mitchell is drilling bis ca­ dets. preparatory to' entering u compe tition drill at Xenia on the 18th inst. By courtesy of Captain Mitchell we were alowed to see the boys practice Thursday evening, and found them becoming quite proficient in the dif­ ferent maneuvers, some of which are extremely difficult. The boys will give an exhibition drill on the street here Monday evening at 7o’clock pro­ viding the weather is favorable, and our citizens can witness a rare treat. Window glaBs at Bull’s Mrs. Pnul Kerr and daughter have returned to their home in Rushviile, Ind., after a fewweeksplcsautly spent among friends in Cedarville and. vicinity. ■ ' <J- W..Follock was ' elected perma­ nent chairman o f the republican dele­ gation that will be in attendance at the convention at Xenia from this township. // ■ For two weeks we will sell chamber sets (warranted) at one half what other stores ask for them, in order to dose them out. The Fair 35 8 .- Limestone st. Springfield, O. -Our fast black socks' a t 55 cents are peerless. A new line ofP. K. fiat ties lit 25 cents. Ruffs in new wash goods very stylish. A. R. Cfandall & Co. Xenia 0 . Miss Pe lla .McMillan expects to start to Washington next week to visit her brother. 8 he will be acopm panied by M i ' m Norn Barber, who goes to Tucoma, and will spend the summer with her uncle, A.G. Barber, and wife. Mies Emma, daughter of I. N. Kitchen, of Selma, a n d . Mr, I. N. Thorn were married a t the residence- of the bride’s parents, last Thursday ’evening, Rev- W. Q. Shannon, offi­ ciating, TL M*Stormont was in Cincinnati this week, and concluding not to be behind John McCorkel! and others of his niends, purchased a fine “safety” which he brought home with him, and which bis friends have been calling to see and admire. Oscar Bradfute had thirty fleeces of wool stolen from his barn within tl>e last two weeks.. Lest Monday he and his father were sorting their wool for market and in counting the fleeces found them eight short hut supposing . they had simply made a miss count thought but little of the matter hut (the next morning when going to the house whets they had it stored saw them had beea seme one there during the night and upon a recount being made found twenty-two more had dia* appeared, A slight due w m discover «d and the parties were tnulted as for •a Bfebhi where tfa# tiwfl was lost. The leal wee about seventy dollars. .McDill & Ervin have made won­ derful improvements in the mill with­ in the; past six weeks. The old bolt- iiig process has'been replaced with an entirely new one, and instead of the old hexngou shaped affair so familiar to all who have visited flour mills, they now use a perfectly round one which sifts the flour iustend of forc­ ing it through the doth. Only two grades of flour are now being made by this firm and the, best is said to be superior in every way to any made by the old process. A visit to the mill yesterday found both Messrs McPill & Ervine as busy us nailers, but Mr. McPill found time to show us the im­ provements, and we found the hour we spent there a profitable one. • -- j - ■ ------------r-; "■■ Among the numerous deaths that have occured in this vicinity within the past, none has occasioned more profound sorrow thanthut of ’Samuel A. Galbreath. He had been in poor health about nine months, having been first attacked by typhoid fever which resulted In pneumonia, .finally euding' in lung trouble from which he eventually.died. The deceased wm an ,estirnuble gentleman having the respect and admiration of all, as is at­ tested by the electors who have sever­ al times given into his charge places of.public trustniid without solicitation on his part. As a soldier his record was to be envied. He Was a member of llie.lOtli Ohio battery, and a t the battle of Kenesaw Mountain was pro­ moted from- Sargcaut to Second Lieu­ tenant for meritorious conduct. He was aged about 56 yean.* In March 1871,' he was married to Lizzie Little. Three children, Robert, Ethel and Charley, besides the afflicted widow remain to mourn the death of their best earthly friend. The body laid in state at his late residence, Wednesday and was viewed by all lus old friends. The funeral was held Thursday morn­ ing a t 10 o’clock, and was private. A number of the members of the 10 th battery were present including Capt. J . R. Crain, of Jamestown, who has been a lifelong friend of the deceased. The bereaved family have the sympa­ thy ofall. ‘ C a n t o r T h a n k ! ; We desire through the columns of the Herald to extend our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us by their sympathy and kindness In bur recent bereavement in the loss of our dear New Curtains. The people are always ready to buy when they are convinced they are getting a bargain. We received to­ day some bargains in lace curtains, they are very much under the price they sold a t in the early Season. Irish point Lace' Curtains nice quality end splendid patterns a t $3 98 a pair, a better bargain than was 6oid earlier at $500 a i»air; at $5,00 a pair we have several patterns in hand­ some qualities that are worth fiom $1.50 to $2.00 more on a pair. We also received a nice assortment of h\yisvi feiu-h cuitiin goods at 25. 28, 35, and- 37 i cts. a yard, pretty new patterns that have cmiie out Jtitelv, We have a nice assortuitijt of low priced lace curtains price from 75ets to $3; 00 a pair, in Netting ham lace. Poles i f all kinds vei v chegp. J O B E B R O S & O , X e n i a W TOlllffl ju st received, than ever a t PrictB lower w», and rest assured that your’every^ - Uothm , when buying for the boys, act of kindness and wordsof consola- don*t.foiget our 25 dint "pauts and U tkm have been appreciated. David Shroadca and Family. * Don’t Believe . tin t any one can MdlduM^ar ■ titab. cent waists. A/R» Crandall dt Co. Xenia. In ladies fin* shoes and Ox­ fords a t Stormont&Oo. ' Stomtnt&Oo. Aiwa} s huy where you can buy the cheap­ est. $1,00 saveS is $1,00 made and if you buy all your Clothing Boots and Shoes &c of Lowry you can save lots of Dady Dol­ lars, Just try him once, liemember'be always guarantees §yeiy thing sold to be as represented, and always the cheapest. VVe are. here to stay. JT M. Jfcli. GREAT SPECIAL MIDSUMMER OFFER ■ ; r i . - n u n f l / A half dozen styles in men’s straw hats, black and white, yacht and curv­ ed brims for 50 cents, Other grades:. A. R. Crandall &, Co. Xeuin. New W a ll Paper LOWEST PRICE CLOTHIERS, 50and52East MainSt., Xenia, 0i OFFER choice of Olio 6 ^ 4 Hundred Hen’s FineDress and Business Suits in Sacks and Frocks*lightAhfen&TO fortlie cxtrcmelysmalLprice of Stormont & Co. A visit to Cedarville Stock Farm yesterday in company with H, . M. Stormont, proved n very interesting one. Hon. Andrew Jackson propre- tor of the farm, accompanied us and Bhowed us several ns fine horses as can be found in Southern Ohio. - The race track was in fine condition .and after seeing the driver speed a pacer for u time, We were shown through the bam where is kept several fine fetnllioue, among which is the celebrated “On­ ward” valuedat 810,000, j The ani­ mal that is most npt to please a lover of horses, is “Pearl Wilkes” a fo'nr- yenr-oid mare, She is pitro bred and Mr. Jackson was ollered 82,500 for her Inst season but would not part with her. Another beauty is the yenrlingcolt “ Waywnid” that is-en­ tered for a race nt Terre Haufo in ’94 for n’purse of 81,200. 'Meu’sgood, drc #<8 straw hats from 25 centa up. reductions on fine grades. A.>R. Crandall & Co. Xenia. Clmnice o f fic luda le o f I ’ass- enger T rn ln a on tliePenn-' sy lvaU la liiiiva. • A change in the schedule of passen­ ger trains on the Pennsylvania Lines went into effect Sunday, June 7th. Ufider the new schedule the time of trains at Cedarville is as follows: Depart for the West at 4:16 a. m, 10*14 a. m. 5:45 p, mu Depart for the East at 7:40 a. m. 3:54 p. m.,The corrected official time card will be given in the next issue of this paper. The time card on third page lias not been corrected. Bo}s* suits long pants splendid val­ ues at 89,75. A, R. Cfandall & Co, Xenia. P c a a i y l v a i la JLlnes, Excursion tickets will be cold to Columbus; June 15th and 16th at one fare for the round-, trijv,^ on account republican State convention. iiESte SUITS wo W e re (luccJ from $14, $16, $18 imd $20, They are faultless tit­ ling, being iiuide by first-class mnnufaoturerfl who ar^ always glad to close their Spring Stock at this late season for law prices. SeeOurWindowDisplay hxA if you H ie fortunato dnorfgh to secure one \ we will make a customer of you for Ufa. D E P A R T M E N T . * * \ ■ , 4 - •mi I« ,.,l I■ ..l 4i... * ea^BOUT Oho Hundred and O b Twenty-Five Boys andChil­ dren’s Suits at the followlhg re* duettons: Choice Df suits, long pants, nge from 13 to 18 years REDUCED FROM $ 1 2 . $ 1 4 A M > $ 1 8 . 1 MOOTSOM l PUT!MU Ages i 1 q Ifi Years; Catto 1-3 TO .1-2 MORE 1 ' - ......... .1 ----- r - OSITIVELY none of these advertised goods, .will be charged, and all will been Spec­ ial Tables with prices In plain figures sharked upon them. Greatest bargains of the year. mm. 4 i.iHi. Misses Ger| ball twt ynWIg ladies j Tuesday. A half dozJ huts, black a | cd brims fori • A. R.J For two ui sets (wnrrehj other stores i close them Limestone i Messrs. Owens, Hd and J . J . 8 r can convey week. Ladies lig to 50 cent Fair, Lind Springfield | Complaitj ersare alloi other obnoa their fence neighbors, taackward is clearly them away I the couutyl the tax duj said land of the folltl in additionl “ Whoev grass or ot there i s : tie, white' rot, andw| eupier or" any Cans carrot i or on the' shall be fit This rite all temedyi i U o i