The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

* * T lfE H ERA LD . AH I.NJJKVjHSllKNf W*KK>‘Y M*W*fAWW SATURDAY, JUNK, 80 1891, .............■ i. ...... n : -,.- fint^r-- n i“'—i—niiirf•- W-Wi W, / / , JlLA 1 ll t'&liior and Prop'r PftlOjt • 1 .30 P * » ANNUM. Gal Barber was in'Cincinnati this week buying goods. Hunter# can commence war on the, squirrel July 1st, •Regular meeting of tHe Y ’s Monday evening June 22nd at 8 o’clock. Miss Hester Kyjer, of Middleton, ia visiting hermother Mrs, J.' G, Barber. .^Rev, Wesley Milburn and wife, of Xenia, visited relatives hero this week. Miss Lena Lebanon to ■Normal. Gilbert attend has the gone to simimer Miss Carrie Blair, of Sparta III,, has gone to Lebanon to attend her summer term ot school. Airs. J, P. lingers arid- daughters, of Wheeling, West Va., are guests of Mrs. li’s sister Mrs. R, F. Kerr. George Shrinks and wife have re . turned front Louisville, Ky,, where thev have been for the . past six ■weeks. Mr. Johu Spalir and family, and Mr. J. Smith of Jamestown, were guests of Air. and Mrs. A. G, Aliller, Wednesday. ■ \ ’ Aliss Flora Nesbit, who has been in Farinhoult, Minn., for the last year, is epeuding her vacation with relatives jind friends in Cedarvilie? ‘ The W. 0. T. U. Jiteraty meeting will meet Frjdrtythe 20th. at 2 p /in Subject for discussion, Social Purity. A full attendance is requested. . Misses Edith and Jennie Pollock, Glara Kyle nrtd Mr. Victor Kyle have lmve returned from Monmouth, 111., where theyhave been attendingschool. Misses Eva ahd Florence Barber entertained about ninety' friends at their home east o f Gedarville, last night. Supper was served about nine o’clock. Born, to Mr,' and Mrs.. Heliry Brown,* girl. Mrs, David Shfotidoa is,visiting her daughter, in Springfield. Selma citizens enjoyed a delightful lawn fete Thursday evening.* Mis* Mattie. Turnbull is visitingher uncle JaniesAllen of Spriugboro. . - * „ j|i|»i P | .if ; ii » > ;/ OnO found crushed Java coffee put up in glass jar for 20 gents at-Bull's Airs, ADhott pep White,’ of Pitts­ burgh, is a guest of,the Misses Brat­ ton., ‘ Mrs. Nettie Iiakestraw of Columbus, was the guest o f Cedaryjllo friends, pver Sabbath. • Mrs., Salinda Milburn is Visiting her daughter, Mrs. AVill Duffield, in, Dayton, this week. Alien Minnie Turnbull spent several days last week at Xenia, the guest o f P. B. Clark and wife. * The Epworth League1meets here­ after at 7:30 ,p. m. instead of 7 o’clock. ‘ All are .Invited,. Miss Ada, Ofc&well-/graddated at Delaware this Week, There were 92; members o f the; class this yeajr. Airs. MeGary and daughter Olive, of Xenia, are visiting Mr, and Airs/ Riley Stormont, parents of Airs, AI. Air. C. W. Crouse and family call­ ed bn Mr. and Airs. Robert Anderson, of near Spring Valley, last. Sunday,. AVe are under ohligaiionfe to Al. Aliller for u-box o f fine large cherries, the best we have .seen this season. * .. .... ...... Airs. Harry Johnson, who has been visiting- in Lima, has returned home accompanied by ner dnitgliter,. Mrs. Laura Northup, who is in poor health. Charley Neabit spent Sunday with his brother,Dick at Anderson, Ind., He saw the Gedarville colony while there and says they are all doing well and are well satisfiedwith theirchange o f location. Stephen Thomas, a colored mnn was sunstrnck Tuesday afternoon while working near Selma. He went into convulsions, and has had them regular ever since. He is not ex­ pected to live. Rev. Thomas Kyle, o f Champaign, Illinois, is spending * few days in this vicinity renewing acquaintance with former friends. He wascalled here to attend the funeral o f his brother Wil­ liamKyle, who washurried lastweek, Gedarville was almost depopulated Thursday, many o f her citizens go­ ing to WHbcrforce to attend the com­ mencement, while a number o f others wem !a Xenia as witnesses in the in­ junction suit o f D a Winiter aganit the tillage of Gedarville, Ed, Lynn, one o f the most prom­ inent buinhess men o f Yellow Springs, Whsa guest Of the H erald scribe last Tuesday, Ed. is general manager o f the Snow Flake Hominy company o f that place and it is largely through his exertion that , their business baa grown to suchlarge proportions within the past year. One day laat week, when John Mitchell was walking through the pasture Where Chao.. Barber had Some cattle, he found a rare looking rock weighing about 50 pounds, which he serried home, a distance of one half mile. Washing it he dis- ooverodjt; was a lump o f rock salt, which Mr. Barber had put In , the pasture for hia cattle. John is not looking for rare looking rocks now. The injunction suit brought by Dr. Winter against the village of Cedar- ville. restraining them from building the bridge on Main street on his prem­ ises,. was up for hearing in’ tho Com­ mon Pleas court at Xenia Thursday, and a judgement was given Dr. Win­ ter, throwing the corporation into the costs. Miss Walton has been giving paint ing lessons in Ccdarville. and has been phenominuliy' successful ns is evinced by the work now on exhibi­ tion at her ’ Studio on Bridge street. The class was a huge one and about forty studies are being exhibit­ ed. . To a person who will examine the work o f the various students enn see the marked improvement each pic­ ture Bhows over the other. While it is amateur work it is all far superior to many exhibits of like nature we have inspected nud fe c i, well repaid for the hour spent in looking at the collection. Miss Walton also has.her china collection which is elegant. The exhibit will continue through to day and this evening,and to those who care to call, we can give an assurance they will be royally received. R E S O L U T IO N S New Curtains. The people are always ready to buy when they are convinced they are getting a bargain, We received to­ day some bargains in lace curtains, they are very much under the price they sold at in the early Season. Irish point Lace Curtains nice quality and splendid patterns at $3 98 a. pair, a better bargain Ilian was sold earlier at $5 00 a pair; at $5.00 a pair we have several patterns in hand­ some qualities that are worth from $>1.50 to $2.00 more on a pair. We‘ also received a nice assortment of swiss sasli curtain goods at 25, 28, 35, and $7i cts. a yard, pretty new patterns that have come out lately. We have a nice assortment of low priced lace curtains ranging, in price from 75cts to $3 00 a pair, in dotting ham lace, Poles of all kinds very cheap. JOBE BlioS tfc Co, Jenia Boys’ suit# long pants splendid ues at. 89.70. A- R- Crandall it Co. ., ’ ^ i ■ ■Xenia. • idfe cheam soda . to-night $$- Ridgway’s.Pharmacy. Go to Charlie Smith for «4dmve. Ladies, Children’s and Men’s liose from 10c up to oOcts, These goods are tho very best in the market for tho money. The'Fair, Limestone St, near High, Springfield, 0. A buggy which contained George Thompson and Aliss Lolo Bell, two you ng colored people of Jamestown. Alwaj s buy where you can buy the clicap- e-t. $1,00 saved is $1,00 made and if you buy all your Clothing Boots and Shoes &c of Lowry you can save lots of Dady Dol­ lars. Just try him once. Itemember he ■ $ * always guaranteedeveiy thing sold to b£‘ as represented, and always the cheapest. We are hereto stay. J r $ IT IS THE AIM $ o f - r wna run into at8 a. in. by the through St. Louis express on.the I*., C. and St. L. Railroad, at Wilberforce Grossing,Thursday morning. Thomji- son was instantly killed and Aliss Bell is thought to bo fatally injured, having sustained a fracture of the skull over the-left eye. The young people were on their way to the commencement exercises at AVilhorforco University. To keep at all times the largest, best and most comprehensive and ve'i- able stocks to be found in this market. • To bring the producer and consumer in contact, thus saving the latter the retailer’s profit. To ataiul iiy every representation. To do a business largo enough to make the smallest profits fairly remu­ nerative. We are one of the largest manufactures and distributers of cloth­ ing in the country, • - • , , Factory under the supervision of the most expert designers and cutters, jenable us to offer the most durable, desirable, attractive, nobby and heat suits ’ in the market, and always at otic profit below competion. You always get vour money’s worth ht THE WHEN. A d o p te d b y H ie Greene,. C a . W . C .T . U .a t C o n v en tio n H e ld i t l l o w e t i v l l l e J a n e S. W hereas : Aa in Greene County fairs practices prcOby which are incon­ sistent with thar principles o f the W. 0. T. U.-—suchas horse-racing and im room! shotos, games o f chance, fortune wheels, gambling. Therefore R|ca<MUV£Dr We, thememberso f the Greene Co. W. C, T, U, in convention assembled Juno 5th, 1891, dcelare oUr workincirculating the literatureo f our various departments of work upon the fair grounds. R esolved , That the expense of tho literature and its distribution shall be matby the treasurers o f the various local unions. ' R esolver , That five county execu­ tive committee and the Supt. ot liter- aturs prepare the plans o f the distri­ bution o f this literature and send the plans to the presidents o f the least unions on or before July let, 1891. R wolvxd , That thklUeratate *be selected by the executive committees and the Supt. o f literature. Terrib le A ffa ir - at Spring Valley. Last Wednesday evening, nliout 5:30, as Mr. John CoiFelt, an employe ot the Fieki Cordage Co., o f Xenia, and Aliss Annie Gnrback, were driv­ ing home from below Spring Valley, their horse took, frightat something by the roadside and ran away. In com­ ing through Spring Valley, it collided with a Fan handle freight coming down the road, crushing Goffelt's skull so that ho only lived u few minutes, breaking the lady's arm and inflicting other serious injuries on her, killing tho horse and smashing the buegy aU to pieces. The young lady, who was Coffclt’s betrobed and to whom lie was to have been married on Thursday, was taken to the village hotel and cared for. The horse was a fine one belonging formerly to Riley Jobe, who sold it to Mr. Mntt Fifer, the livery­ man, who loses not only the horse but the phaeton-buggy,-a new oiie only purchased a few days since. Coffett’s body was taken to the home o f his par­ ents, where a large number o f the friends called during the evening to console tho stricken parents. The youngman ia spokeb of as a very in­ dustrious, steady workman, andhehad taken hia betrothed on a visit to his aged grandmother, Db&'tBeliev® thatAnyone can sell cheaper than, Stormont&Co. Ccdarville township’ was quite A new line of summer underwear prominent at the Xenia convention and hosiery for meil> A> R C r a ^ l last Saturday. J. H. Wolford waBi& Go. Xenia, chosen to preside over the convention J Our fast black socks at 55 both, as temporary and permanent are pc&viess. A newline OfP. K. flat chairman, and acquitted himselfnobly, ties at 25 cents. Puffs in new wash many words of praise being heard on „0H(l8 very Btyjish. A . R. Crandall all sides as to his ability as apresiding ^ £ 0 Xenia* 0 . officer. Hon. Andrew Jackson was also tho means o f bringing our del­ egation into more prominent notice by apportioning the county for a selection don’t forget our 25 cent pants and 24 o f state delegates, to the entire satis- ceut waists. ■A. It. Crandall & ( \>. faction of nil, after the committee, Xenia, on apportiouincut hud failed to make Machine Oil at Bull’s. Mothers, when buying for the boys, The Republican convention at Col- limbus this week was a most cntluis- iastio one. As wns predicted Mayor William McKinley was nominated a satisfactory report, Children’s day was duly observed at the M. E. Church last Sabbath, The church was beautifully decor- j Governor by acclimation, while all ated with blooming and cut flowers, other members of the ticket Were In the morning the pastor preached ohnsen on first ballot. In the plat- a suitable sermon to the-voting people ^0™ adopted President Harrison’s from the text, "Remember thy Cre-!a^,n‘n,slrf,ti°n Mas endorsed and ator iu the days of thy' youth.” Ecel., *Senator Sherman and his republican 11:1. Iu the evening n special ser- colleagues were lauded, vice was given by Sabbath-school, Which was enjoyed by all present. One feature o f the occasion was an exer-!rt . „ cne “ Tho Pearl Gatherers,” each one.J. ” ” l j '! ° ;r'” * 5 'f J’ ^ wlio spoke representing some -pearl.” j fhC f « 'r; LW m S t f ,p r ,,,f i e h l . The following are the ones who rep resehted the different jiearls: Iutro- Alachiffe Oils at Eidgway's. .All silks, mi tin edge ribbon Nos 7, BinderTwine at Bull’s. dMtory address, Homer Wade; Pearl s A etrnn^ inci'lenfc- n,.ld o f Righteousness, Mamie Irvine; Pearl ; wcnnvcuient to theparty interested, oe- ofEducation, Nellie IlifT; Pearl yesterday. Agentlemanresid- Love, Alary Templeton; Pearl 0f i*nKin Ceifarville attended tho Debt- Industry, Jennie Ervin; Pearl o f Gen- tfenfess. Delia Creswell; Pearl of In­ nocence, Infant class; Pearl o f Obe. dience, Anna EWry; Pearl o fNazareth, Alonzo Stretcher, and t Clara Lott acted the part o f Beligiou. Aliss ware commencement, where his daughter graduated. Having to leav« at mid-day he went to the depot and seeing a train standing there inquired if that was a Columbus train, and was told that It was. He bearded it and bus Dispatch. Bernice NorthUp gave an excellent,landed in Gallion, where he remained recitation. Quite a riumliCroi younger I j « * f e e v e n i n g when he returned to * ft “ <* Dig B&xgaitts In ladies fine shoes and Ox­ fords at ., 1 Stormont 3 sCo. New‘W’aUFftper just received. Priced lower > than ever at Stormont&Co.