The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
,K»W>=» im&wm E S I i l d S E E I ^ S B ! HlM»il'-~~l Vil. YOU 12 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1391 NO, 21 D R Y GOODS Lams, Challies, Sotted Swiss and ‘White Dress Goods, In beautiful patterns At low ,; , „; .• ' , -price's. ‘ \ OF EMBROIDERES t f S& s le t Corsets. Ladles and Misses Cause Underwear. Call and see our Stock of above goods . .-vl km'::, P . S," We h a v e th e m o st com p lete lin e o f fine Shoes in th is c ity for men, woman and ch ildren . Kuwaawii^ a t i i— wp T t f E AN INDEPliWOKNI? WKEKl.Y NKVVSPAl'UU. SATURDAY^ JUNE, 27 1891. W- H . B L A IR , Ed itor and Proper PRICE S t . 2 5 -PER ANNUM. 'j Smith's the place for a eeafoam. „ *• ,f l * « "VJV’P ...*... ‘ * ' ' . Bananas anti Lemony at. Bull’s. Do you want ice for your refriger ator or for any other purpose?. I f so . cull on B. G. Ridgway and . he Avill supply yotl at a low price. ' Miss.Mary Bratton and Mrs. Abbot •will attend the Y* P . S. ■C. E. con vention *■a t’ ‘Cleveland' next week. , Both Indies are (telegates. A Masonic home is to bp located at Springfield, that City having donated a farm of 135 acres valued a t $16,875, and made a cash donation ot $ 11 , 000 . ’ 1 Misses E tta Northup and Ola Lott, teachers in. the M. E. Sabbath School, gave their scholars an “outing” Wed nesday, all taking their baskets •well ■ filled with,'provender. FrankSmith, Whohasbeen mnnip . Mating the movables at the H ebaud f office, had hit hand badly mashed in one of the presses th if week,, which ' will incapacitate him from work for ‘ sometime. >. , On last 'Tuesday night,a horfe and buggy driven by James Shepherd was run into at Barber’s crossing, three miles eastof Cedarville, by nn east bound* freight. Mr Shepherd was thrown to one side of the railroad track and was unconscious when pick ed Up. His horse waskilled instantly, while his buggy was .broken into ft hundred pieces. Mr. Shepherd was not seriously injured and is now able to be about. An Englishman not long sincewilled a goodly sum of money to a woman for having cototributd to his happiness in alter lifeby jilting him in his youth. The Englishman was scarcely more satirical than the late Gen. Albert Pike, who wills to the United States the moneys in the treasury, of the United States arising from the sale un der the process oi confiscation of his property in Little Bock, “ that they may have an honest title thereto and no longer hold them as the proceeds of plundering under the form o f law, and also the iadebteaew o f the United States to ms for tour homes lost by me in the military service ofthe Uni* tedStoieeialfexiQO'” Good farmp are numerous in this county and theyare made so by the farmers who have them in charge, and it is seldom a piecc*of lattd is found that is superior to that of a neighbor ing farm, but through the courtesy of Mr. Oscar Bradfute, a crowd from Cedarville who had called on him this week was shown what is said to he the finest ho'dy of land in Greene comity. From a prominence on Mr. Bradfute’s farm was seen in the northwest a val ley In which, is about 2,000 acres, all Under cultivation, in the* centre of Hurrah! The canon for the fourth at Jamestown leaves Columbus the 26th. Boom! Boom!! Mrs. Abbott gave quite nn interest ing talk on Physical Culture at the “Y” -parlors last Monday evening, and has succeeded in organizing a class here.;--.. .■/■ . Men's good, dress straw hats from 25 cents up, reductions on fine grades. A. B, Crandall & Co. Xenia, ■'f; A half dozen, styles ■ in men’s.- straw hats, .lilac'll andwfiite, yacht and eurv- w h f c b S rW m . H i S s o u r f a rm I brims foroO cents,' Other grades, of 119 acres',' not a foot of which is! A- R- Crandall & t o. Xema;, waste laud. This farm is said to be Mr. Wolford of Selma, brother of J . N. Wolford of this place, passed in .appraised higher than any other in the county which wo presume is one of the penalties of good farming. I f the waving grain and mammoth fields of corn throughout the entire valley are an indication Mr* Hutchison i>» not the only good farmer in that see-' of that river, tion. In fact Messrs Alex and Win. Ferguson, and Richard Bull, nil own fine farms in this fertile valley have them well improved, making through Cedarville Tuesday evening with a German carp weighing eleven pounds and six ounces, which he had caught in .the Miami river at Cliftou. I t is the largest fish evei caught in Miss Lulu Smith entertained about sixty of her young friends at herjhome on Clitirolv street, Widne.-diiy eve ning. The yard was beautifully il* them models aud second to. none.:laminated .with 'Chinese lanterns. Looking southward from the same j Supper was served on the lawn at 10 prominence can he seen another farm 10*cloe!t. The menu was elegant as that is apt to attract attention. A j tfau bo attested by the H erald force, few years ago it was a very poor onoj w]10 received a sample the next morn- hut now it numbers among the best, and .he neighbors in that locality give the entire credit to Mr. David Dixon, who is tilling the soil. Year by year he has added to it until now no farm Mrs. Notrio, Ilarbison, north of in that section produces better crops ](Vdarville, 'entertained a number of than those harvested by Mr. Dixon.j friends at a delightful tea last Mon- But in speaking of good farms Mr. j day evening in honor of her cousin, •Bradfute’i is be ignored. About; Miss — ----- , who is visiting her. 500 acres, all in one body, there is, | Fresh roasted Java Codec at Bull’s. of course, some notifiable land, but' ' LOCALS. Dried. Beef at ’ Bull’s Go to RIDOTAY’s FOUNTAIN to-night.and get ; . ICE - CREAM SODA. . . Teeth extracted without pain by application of cocaine at Dr. Homan’s office. - Aveun. Oatmeal i Cracked wheat Gniimhited Hominy Fariiio, Parched Farinose at ■ O k a y ’ s . Farming Implement* of all descrip tion at ■- Andrew & Bro. Go to Dean & Barber’s, for fresh meats of ail kinds. Pure Pine t aP at Eidgwfty’s* Paint and Furnish Brushes at Bidgwav's. Window glass and Putty at ltidgway’a Pharmacy. . Good second-handed binders and .mowers good as new at Andrew Bro &.Co* New Perfumes at Ilidgway’s. •\ Hard and lsol‘1refined Sugars at O kay ' s . Picture Frames made to oniu- at Ilidgway's Pharmacy. Wood and Willow ware at , O kay ' s Halters, collars and’ all .kind- of bairn> sundries at James Murray’s lVuchc-, Apii'uls end Prunes a G u a y ' s # . Hereon doors, Ml size* and kte-te ;.t Crouse & Bali’s. For two week* w** will tell chamber sets (wanvnted) at one half what A -VlNit “Down S o u th .’' M all b rich loamy ’Mil, that any | » « aWl" ,vo a l1l,Wn other .to re w l <•&* J* farmer might well envy. Mr. l)UTid ;'» * A.lam» e,,a» y » near. We.rie-e t o , Ja r . v r Is. Biodfuto and soil are paying maro nt-fp 1*^ '1'° S1™'0 "V * '^ r; fcJ™SJ' w- '>• teution to the rafeing of line eattie SwtUer and H=lu- dear, little M aC lllllC . Oil lit B u l l 's . +h*n to f'lrniimr Thev have the;chiWien hy side, are quietly ----------~ S n Z r n t t l e , one of the sleeping there., “ A t o p h ‘Jm * . W W T n M A M K S tB ISPBB . bk'fsed sleep,” resting from pain and care. , I t is a beautiful site for the steeping dead, upon that hill top eo AbCrdeen-AugUs best breeds now known. Both of these gentlemen have made the breed- ingof cattle p constant study aud are. * - ■. os well if not better posted in that | high^that rangeofitfis m the (In line as any persons in this section of lance, and that tertile valtey so^mgh. the State, And are now reaping their reward as their cattle have a national reputation among breeders. While the greater part of their farm is in pasture land, we saw no finer wheat and corn any place than is growing there, which shows Oscar to lie a firat- cliuft farmer as well ns a cattle man. A X*«hlfc W e*4 ln* . The marriage on the fourth a t tlie Jamestown Fair grounds will positive ly taka place* Notice wilt be given in next week's issue where the con- tmettef parties aw from. Part of our crowd took in Mineral Springs, and a jolly old ride had they o’er rocks and hills and the rain pouring down, how pleasantly time passed away- We nil went up on that serpent mound, and traced the serpent from tail to head, bu t didn’t decide who made the same, that mys tery Julies with the silent dead. I f you want a good time just go down south, where blackberries grow to per fection; where every body is kind and everybody is clever, and friendship without deception. O k * ov the C rowd . Chicago to S toh x F a lls, M on th D a k o t a . Travelers on route to the North west are informed that the G bijat R ock IsLAXi> R oute began running, June 14, a Thorough Buffet Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to Sioux Falls, south Dakota. T his ear leaves Chicago daily, ex cept Saturday, on the O., tt. I. & P. No. 1, at 1.80, noon; returning, ar rives at Chicago daily, except Mon day, a t 8,05 a. m. Map, Folders, atid further infor mation sent on application. E. S t . J ohn , Geu'l Manager. J ko , S ebastian , Gen’l T k t, & Poes Agt. G eneral O ffice , CHICAGO, ILL. Go to Boyd's restaurant for a 'good meal, only 25 cents. Syrup ami Molasses at Q uay ' s . Our Stock of Patent Medicines is completeijt Ridgwnv's Pharmacy.. Go to Wojford’s for the genuine Brown cultivators. Call and see the step Jader chair at | Crouse &Bull’s. Rolled Avena and Wheat, Oatmeal and Cracked Wheat, .Farino am] ParchedFarinose, - ariBarley, Gran-, ? ulatedHominy at G hay *«. I f you want a good lunch oe a square meal go to.Boyd’s and try him once. 5 Highest market price paid for wheat sit Asciwisw I 5 m>. P is h a t 1 G h a s '-. Get your buggv painted at Wolfbni’i I f you want a styli.-h livery rig go to Boyd’s. ■ ■ ■ ' . . Paints! in all -size puekagc.s ami col ors at -* Rid&wavV, Coni, Tomat'jes?, Beans, Ac., at *O ka Vs. •Sued, spiced ami sour pickles at. G iiay V, Harvesting Oils at Ridgivav s Cli'.'C'", Cradars ami Ginger n at ( j U ay Matter Gils at RidgwayV. Kit giuit Toilet Heaps at Ridgway's Pharmacy. Buy your fivsli an- 1 -;iU nicaL. ;>1 tiic old meat stoic of C< \V. -Crouse. ^ Buttir, Jn.fv, Milk ( ’rnckri- it t ' * O hay V Hpring vepair w*.;'!: at Murn.y's l...r* mss shop. Horghiiii!, Hyr’.ip IfctV Oivaiss Molufsesat G uay *.-. A fine line of pocket and table cut lery at Grouse & Bid)V, Tbhaeos and Cigars at Q uay ’ s . Ga&cHne stoves, all jiatterns, tp.m! ities GLd prices at Ciw,o & BullV. Hits on the outside, on ottr Hrreert Doors at Andrew Bro & Co. For low price and guaranteed paints go to AndrewBro tt Co. Harness, coal, machine, nnd Lin-* seed nibsat Andrew Bro & Co. FOB HALF. TJ:e Iliff homestead near M. E, clnneh, Cedarville. For particulars call on Wm. Iliff*adminstrator of es- tate. Tim best place in town to buy meat ofall kinds is a t O* W. Crouse's. Try him.
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