The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
1 ‘ H J i H J d J t & l t P Atf iHPIM XB im W»*KfcY N IV ir tflB . i.yp« n ....... SATURDAY, FEB. , 14 1891 IT. / / . JBLAIR, Editor and Prop’r PRICE * 1 .2 5 PER ANNUM. EggO 17 iCCBtS. Butter 15 cents. Com 55 cents. Wheat 94 cents. Hogs 83.25 ® 3.50, Master Charley Crouse is very sick week. \ Mrs. Bcv. Andrew was in Cincin nati this week James Orr went business Monday. to Columbus on visit D. S Ervin made a business to Milford, Wednesday. Lee Stewart went to Cincinnati yesterday to buy goods; Miss Mable OweuB is very sick with congestion of the lungs. There will be no preaching in the U. P. church to-morrow night; Will Smith is in Columbus this week talking ‘-Washing Machine.” Mr. Hnrve McMillan was in Oolum- 1» ub on business Tuesday of this week. .■ . ~ _r._ o Mks Mary Bratton will attend the Abbott-White nuptials at Columbus ’next Tuesday. This is Valentine day. Have <you received one? ________ _ Dan McElroy returned home from Illinoia Thursday evening. The B. P. church observed their annual synodical that Thursday, Miss Nellis Miller,*of Jamestown, to tbeguest of MissMay White this week. Frank and Clara Jackson have been, suffering with la grippe this week. - ■■ General Sherman's life is despaired of apd his death is expected a t any moment; Miss Mollie Martin, of Indiana, is the guest of Mrs. Andrew Jackson this week. Mrs. Andrew Creswell, who has been troubled with lung trouble is much better. J . E, Lowry has recovered from his recent illness sufficiept to .be able to walk down town. “ Mrs. Chat. Ridgway, of Yellow Springs, i* the. guest o f her sister, Mrs. G. L . Crain this week. MiasMary Opr has not been able to Attend to her school duties on account of a severe attack of la grippe. Gedarville township was well rep* resented a t the Farmers’ Institute both at Xenia and Jamestown. McCorkell Dayton Mr, Harvey McMillan was threat ened with paralysis this week, bat has fully recovered. Mrs. Jacob Alexander has been confined to her bed with typhoid pneumonia this week. Will Marshall and J . H. Wolford will go to Lexington, Kentucky, next week to attend a sale of thoroughbred horses. - j J . N. McCullough first vice presi dent of the P, C, & St. L. railroad died at his home in Pittsburg, Mon day. Rev. W. P. White, of Xenia Semi nary will prciiCh in the R. P. church (Rev. Morton’s,) to-morrow a t 11 o’dloek a* m. The school children have been suf fering Wlthlft grippe this Aveck" and the attendance bos been considerably -decreased thereby. The regular meeting of Clark's Run alliance next Monday evening bids fair jto bean exceedingly interesting; one. J . H . Wolford will talk on the* tariff, A number from Cedarville will bo in Attendance. Mrs. Jane Anderson went to Adams county this week to visit her sou, Rev W. H. Anderson, who ii located at Tranquility. , Misses Anna McMillan, -Stella B ar her, Clara Townsley and Erma Wil liamson Avere the guests of Will Dean and wife, of near .New Jasper, Wed. nesday. ) W. H. Wilson returned to .Dun. kirk, O., this week, to settle up some unfinished business. He intends re turning to Cedarviile as soon as that is accomplished. Mrs. J . C. McMillan, ^of South Charleston, is very low with fever. Her mother, Mrs, A'ex Turnbull, iH now with her, having left for that place Wednesday of this week. The - Cedarviile correspondent to the Xcniu Gazette was mistaken when he reported the sale of D. J . McMil lan’s property to Mrs. Irvin, The property has not been sold to any person. Jno. McLean and Hnrve Owens are iu Licking county this week in the interest of the Wood Automatic Wash er, having purchased that county, Mr. Murdock, the state agent, spent a day with them getting things in run ning order. B. G. Ridgway, J . G; and George Winter went to this week to hear Stanley’s lecture. Mrs. McGearey, of Xenia, was the guest ot her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Riley Stormont, a few days this week, Mrs. Town Carlisle, who has been with her mother Mrs. Ed Van Horn, returned to her. home in Yellow Springs, Saturday. ’Squire Galbreath is improving in health slowly and his physician ex. pects to see him able to attend to bus iness again in a short time. I f you knoAV anything of interest to the public tell us about it or put note in the item box a t the podtoffice call our attention to the matter. Mr. and Mrs. Ciius. Dean, of near New Jasper, entertained a number of friends Thursday evening. A num ber of young folks from Cedarviile were present. Mrs. Anderson, an elderly lady Avho makes her home a t Mr, Paul Tomlinson’s during the winter mouths went to Waynesville, Wednesday,* to visit her daughter. Mrs. Hyra and Miss Day, of Aus tin, Row county, were the guests of Mrs. Atwell and family this week. MissLulu Hoehour, of Cambridge City, Indiana, who has been visiting Mrs. IV. H . 8hull returned home on Wednesday, Mrs. Shull and Mrs. James 'Tine accompanied her as far Xenia. Hon. Andrew Jackson, is a mem ber of the-legislative committee who are in New York this week for the purpose ot examining the System of conducting the reformatory of that etate, located at Elmira. We are under obligations to lnm for a copy -of the Elmira Telegram giving a partial report oftheir visit there. Ed Smith, who has been in Spring field in the interest of the Southern Building and Loan Aesoeiaiioa, has suesf ledim organizing one o f the best toed boards there the association has in tbs Mate, J . R. McElroy, wss in NewCarlhd* this week work ingfar the same association and has been equally successful and will asm nletahis labor* there before returning It tttNb‘ A Chicago liveryman has invented a device for stoppingrunaway .hdhtes by simply pressing a button, thereby cjotfef to) dterirfc circuit. The light ning strikes the rebellious steeds in the nostrils, and they manifest an in stant. and earnest desire to slacken their pace. I t has been toted and proved successful. Why couldn't electricity bfe applied in the discSpling o f unruly boys in schools; so that the teacher instead of having to resort to • the switch nr ferule could touch a but ton and with a little diluted lightning eugjrest to the offender that it would lie for hi* interest tit turn bis attention to hi* jtaok, A dog belonging to a „Mr. Brock jumped through a glass iu the door of S. L. Walker’s business room SVed- nesday. The dog ivas uninjured but the glass appeared slightly ‘disfigured. The King estate has brought suit against Ed Smith, of Xenia, for 84,000, money alleged to have been advanced by Mr. King lor the pur pose of starting Mr. Smith in business. I t in n o t le c cH H a ry To suffer with constipation which brings op sick and nervous headache, if you will only try a box of the Little German Liver Pellets, the smallest pill made iu the world, sugar coated aud pleasant to take, ho Sickening or griping., At B. G. Ridgway’s. Harve Stormont left for Chicago Thursday evening after a two months Visit with relatives and friends in Cedarviile and vicinity. He intends remaining in that city about a week and will then go to Washington, in which state he intends- locating p e r manently. Encouraging word has been re ceived from Amos Ferguson, who is in Cincinnati receiving the Koch treatment for consumption, He has been steadily gaining in strength, and is now able to take long walks each day. His physicians feel now there is great hopes of his ultimate recov ery to health.- A very pleasant affair this wsek was the marriage ofMissLillie, daugh ter o f Mtv John Bradfute, and Mr. Albert'.Jackson, o f Tippecanoe City, a t the residence o f the bride’s father three miles west of Cedarviile a t high, noon Thursday, in the presence of about fifty Invited guests. Rev, War- nock performed tbs -ceremony in a very impressive manner, and was as sisted by Rev, Bailey, of Clifton. Alter congratulations dinner' Was served, the menu embracing all - the delicacies otthe season. The bride was dressed in pigeon blue henrietta cloth trimmed with steel trimmings; natural fioweia. The groom wore the regulation black doth suit. Alter dinner tho bride and groom Were driven to Yellow Spring* where they took the train for Tippecanoe City, Married, on Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 10th, 1891, at the residence of the bride’s parents on the Clifton pike near Yellow Springs, Mbs Jane Kizer to Frank Levecet, of Yellow Springs, in the presence, of about twenty of their relatives. Rev. Middleton, of Yellow Springs, officiated. ' Mt*. Wm. Bradds, of Jamestown, O,, writes: “ Took a very violent cold which settled on my lungs which soon becamo bo congested from con stant coughing day and night, that ] could not do my ‘Work,' Tried two physicians in Jamestown, and one in Bowenviile, but all said the .same thing, quick consumption and that could not get well. My husband was persuaded to try Persian Cough Syrup and after using one bottle could rest well a t night, and after the use of fi bottles am again well and cad cheer fully recommend it as the most won derful medicine in the world.” A t Ridgway’*. ' A tobacco shed on title farm of* Ro land Kyle, three miles cast o f Cedar- ville, was burned Wednesday morn ing together with its contents, includ ing about 7000 pounds of tobacco, There seems bu t little doubt but that it is the workof ati incendiary. On Tuesday morning Mr. Kyle arose and discovered the barn afire and as it had not obtained much headway i t was extinguished easily. A t the time, knowing no fire had been about the bam, he supposed some chicken thief had been there t a d dropped a match, bu t* repetition of the i r e the next morning exploded that theory. Both fireeoriginated about the same time in the morning. The tobacco belonged to Fetor Morgan, and he had, ju st about got. through stripping it. The Ohio, where they will make their ft.* ]shed and eootenf* were ^insured for 4ut* home, * 18600. * ■ ‘ Mr. and Mr*. C. M. Crouse enter tained at their "beantiftil- home on Xenia Avenue last evening, making the event one of the most pleasant of the season. Luncheon a t an early hour, was served in courses. The tables were the personification of eie ganco. In the center was seen a pyr amid of fruitsdecorated with cut flowers, while entwined about was smilax in profusion. Rare china and silver only tended to enhance its beau ty and add to itssymmetrical arrange ments making the effect simply comme 11 faut, The menu was iu accordwith all else. Alter supper croconole oc cupied the. attention - of the guests until time for their departure. The folloAving guests were present. H. M. Stormont and wife; G. L. Crain and Avife; Wallace Barber and wife; Will McMillan and wife; J . R. McElroy and wife; Dr. Oglesby and Avife; L. G. Bull and Avife; JamesAn drew and Avife; Frank Townsley and .wife; Misses Eva Barber, Rosa Stormont, Mary Shepherd, An- j ua McMillan, Stella Barber, Mary Martin of Circleville, Lulu Barber, Messrs. James McMillan, S. A. Spen cer, lieu ry Barber and W, H. Blair. C o u n c i l P r o c e e d in g * . The council met in regular, session last Monday evening Avith mayor Townsley iu his chair, - Messrs. Van Horn, Shull, Orr, McFarland aud Barr Avere the mem bers present. After the reading of the minutes* the committees were called, the street committee reporting that Will Mitchell had put up fences across the alley running from Maple street north. On motion the marshal • avsis ordered to lake down the fences, and haul them away. An ordinance entitled an ordinance to suppress pool and billiard tables and nine aud tea p:u alleys was intro duced by the ordinance committee and read, after Avhioh the rules wore sus pended and after its third reading passed by a unanimous \-ote. TtPBLKOV W1NK8.. A pMuriyWf Mm ifl t h * game-of Mfltoftr wfafet to-fltej latest fed, «V* ‘lte*MteIto*I*N*Cj UMEWr wWns a r t a U tite f fc The g u n a is taaoocnt, ff the players O h amt hat, and subjects tha aMatel gfSh torn to no heavy strata. Iteoositeeeff a small paper box, divided Intooouw partmenta in which can he found A wood tub. or glam ja r called a wink pot, a number of bone or celluloid chips a little larger In circumference than a quarter of a dollar, called tiddlediea, ' and a large number of smaller chip* about the alze of a dime, called winks. Each hand, consisting of one tiddiedy snd'slx winks, is -o f a color, and, while there are generally four hands in a box, there may bo as many as colors can bo had. Each of, the parties playing a t a, table, over which there should be a soft1 cover, takes onc tiddledy and six winks,, and, placing ■ them ten to twelve inches from the wink pot, located in the cen ter, endeavors in turn to flip the winks into the. wink pot. The flippingprocess to accomplished by placing the tiddiedy firmly upon the wink and then by draw ing or sliding it off the edge of the-wink to flipped and bounced toward, the wink pot, if aimed in that direction. The one who tips M b six winks into the wink pot first: wins the game. Soma very nice points are' involved, which ex perience will teach how to discriminate between. When, one person’s wink flips upon that of another and remains there* the lower wink can not be removed until relieved by the owner of the upper wink, Avhich is an annoying dis advantage to the proprietor of the. under wink. I t requires not a little skill to give the wink the proper flip; and tlxe sport derived from the awk wardness of the inexperienced and the ohstiuancy of the chips is hilarious. MENDING An Expertuient THE GRAIN. bins u tar o f u i.,iro a n d Xathre. Dr. W. G. Thompson,, professor of physiology of the University Medical College, recently accomplished the re markable surgical feat of transferring the brains of a dog and cat while both, wore alive. Tho object of the experi ment, says tho Chicago Tribune, Was to show that brain tissue may bo grafted Avithout interfering with tho normal functions of the body. The laboratory of tho college- was the scene of the vivisection. After first bathing the an imals in a weak solution o f ,hi-cMorffiC of mercury, they were etherized, and sufficient of the skulls was sawed off, through which tho larger portions of tho brains of each wore taken. Tabby's brains boenmo liido’s property and vice versa. The openingswore closed and dressed with antiseptic bandages. The room was kept a t exact blood' heat during the operation, in order to guard against a cold. Tlio patients were then placed In safe quarters and carefully watched, until they were deemed sufficiently recovered to be ex hibited to a class of one hundred and fifty students. Tho cat seemed to bo all right and the dog moved about with almost ns much freedom as when ho hod his oavd brains, though ho seemed perhaps a little stupid. At tho time of the operation and just after the brains had been taken out the animals lost -'Tho list of bills to come before the j feeling in tho paws, but tho union, of council was the smallest in years, only I °,1(1 “?w „ , , „ ,, J * 3 developed that the sensation bad re- three being paid, us follows: ‘ 830.83 15.00 •John Griudlc, Jus. Caldwell, Scc’y Fire Co., *There being no further council adjourned. On Tuesday evening a special meet ing was called to consult about the advisability of hiring a city solicitor and Messrs. Orr and Grey were ap pointed a committee to look after the matter/ The only safe way to insu re is to plage you r risk in a reliable company th a t pays you cash on the arijustim n i o f the loSs. The Iloyal is Mich. It. F, K krk , Agent. Choice sugar cured meats of home manufacture a t Ktnm’s. Pickles s I K krr V Window Gisss a t K krk ’ s , Fo r sale, a briett house o f six rooms and summer kitchen, stable ami bug gy shed on the premises, within a Ifuudred yards of the d e p o t.' Atm n house and lot fronting on Grove street one hund red feet front. For pnrth'ti- lars call Oh B. B ird, Cedar' !'*- t e wst o f Hi IS WM AsMtdtefftollMRaMMonanythsv* feateatt* 1* bridal nartteatewadfroi •orem th* rcwrea ilaOraaga rfvsr,*bdl sany boatonsa iw s f i t e * A mom. |*> tbs eolcs^oBOM«Sdsof RMOnMffsoMy *ol asany his decs—sd wMsto tester- H«May la the Onwg* Free Mato. I* IhoIWBteteaasaaiMaRAoiiManyhto •onte*. B*atayteteto4sla*y- ltos% tntbefomMrwMC,aU IheatMtolMwitci dote toorOM tUOreaf* irivwr, where, «tey Si* «#t te*fcri*4 I* tew tetter * om tteiiowteui im ortostUOnute* river into tiw mm kjt, m u m t e w i t s htobi t t e a n ln* lu#vs|r or wtoMtobte JMREdteMRPs turned to both animals. In speaking to his class of tho experi- , ment, Dr. Thompson said that a buc - nri | oossfnl operation ot this kind meant 6.60 j nothing more Hdr leas that tho poseibil- busiucse! ity o t repairing! a man’s brains with portions of those from the lower ani mals. Hairing changed hands, we are now prepared td furnish everything that is kept in * first class Grocery. We handle a fine and large line of Canned Goods. Oranges, Cranberries, Onions, Pickles sour and sweet; also a No. 1line of DRIED FRUITS. Hour pickles 8 osott per dosen, a fine quality ofapple butter 10c per pound, coffee 25 cents per pound, 6 bate- of Star soap 26 cento, Irish potatoes 30 centoper peck, genuine Jersey sweet potatoes 35 oento per peck, Our motto is to underbuy for cash and undersell for esrii only- Hoping to receive * huge share of your pat ronage. Respectfully, i
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