The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
t h e i p ^ a i i t ) . AN IN»Kl*ISJ<toKNT WNKKI.Y HKW8PAPKR. SATURDAY, JULY, 4 189!. W. //. IiLAU t, Editor andProper PJ?ICE * I .35 PER ANNUM. A Tennessee man claim)? to have a tree the eap of which is blooil. I t must he in the. nature o f” a family tree. Maxim, the inventor, says people will fly in the course of time. They will i f they have angelic appurtenan ces. Barring these, the outlook is dubious. Balmacedo has launched a procla mation against the Chilian insurgents. Words are cheaper than bullets, but are hardly so effective in ■quelling armed foes. / Parnell says lie’s happier than He’s been since life’sjourney began; Well,*all be has sought in the past, He has gained. He has home rule at last A cani)on hnsjn=t been invented which-will throw 50 pounds of dyna mite three miles and can be fired twice a minute. Somebody will get. badly hurt the next time hostilities break out. The hoard of education of .Fitch burg, Mnsa., has sustained the decis ion of the school teacher, that bare feet are immodest and must go. May be n leather syndicate owns a con trolling interest in the board. The execution o f an Atlanta man has been postponed because be was not well enough to die. In matter o f sleep, Benjamin Franklin said six hours for a woman, seven for a man, and eight for a fool- Shakespeare says: “ What fools these mortals be.” The Atchison Globe seeks to improve upon the remark. It says: MWhat fools other men are.” A N D R E W JACKSO N , SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. ■DEALER IN- The good Gladstone is iu ’ feeble health, and the hour of his departure is not afar off. U « ng his glorious life as a background, how miserable the life of the prince of Wales appears. A Kansas dealer iu monuments ad' vertises a reduction of 83J per cent, for the next thirty days. Here is a chance for poverty-strickenNew York to honor Grant at an economical out lay. A western Kansas paper says tlia*, sect ion of the statehasn-“ great future before it.” It certainly could not have a great future behind it. Then why such tautological explicitnets? Whether animals have reason or not, some of them, are endowed with human sentiments. A distinguished, naturalist relates the following inci dent: “ I know of an elephant who was trained to play the piano. The showarrive in ahew town andastrange piano was placed before the elephant. He struck an octave, and then broke into tears. It tprned out that the. keys were made from the tusks of the brute’sdeceased mother,” Bucklcn’s Arntcu. Salve. The best salve in the wortd ibr cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hniids, clu’blnins, corns and all skin eruptions, and positive i ly cures piles, or no pay required. Ii fc rmtaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, mey refunded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by B. G. Ridgeway’a OF ALL A N E W S T O C K O F “ Better late than never.” A coup KV>„ „ ( le have just been united iu England w caan f , who. were engaged 55 years ago. Circumstances under which they lmd no control prevented marriage until now. The bride and groomare nearly 80 years! of age. . A banyan ‘ tree covering between six and seven acreshasbeen discovered on Lord Howe’s island, . Australia, Emerson beautifully compares the good man to the “ banyan-of the for est, yielding shade and fruit to wide neighborhood of men." The death of young Brokaw, the Princeton student, who saved anoth er’s life dt the expense of his own, is npeculiarly sad one; hut if,, ns Bailey says, “ we live iu deeds not years” his life was longer thanmaiiy a life that rounds out the tliree-scoro and ten. Moonlight, like .every other good thing, should be used in moderation. Jefferson Horton, a Kansas City letter carrier, slept near an open window Wednesday night with the moon shining full upon his face. When he awoke ho was totally blind. Elegant Prizes tor cite Ladles. The publishers of The Canadian Queen, Toronto, Canada, are offering two new prize competitions, with lend ing prizes consisting of a pair of Shet land Ponies, carriage and harness, a Free trip to Europe, first-class up right piano, two weeks vacation to any summer resort in Canada or the United States, all expenses paid; safety bicycle or. trieycle, one hundred dollars in cash, suite of parlrtr furni ture, ladies’ gold watches, etc., This magazine has income famous on ac count of its prize competitions. Hun dreds of Americanshave won valuable prizes in previous contests. .Sample number of the Queen with full parti culars, will be sent by the publishers upon receipt of the addreas of any lady and six U. S. 2 cent stamps. Address, The Queen, Toronto, Can ada,. Shelly says of Greece Hint it is “ built below the tide of war, based on the crystalline sea of thought dhd its SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING. SASH, DOORS BUNDS, SCREEN DOORS . . A large stock, A ll sizes, Heady for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. G - o o c i G r a d e s , L o w P r i c e . € A L L A N D « K K . F O R Y b l K S E L Y E S . A..J* GitAwpoitn, ,T. 11. L ackey Xenia, O . Jamestown, (), Crawford & Lackey - BREEDS FANCY Poland-ChinaHogs W e have for this season’s trade some large growthy pigs o f both sexes. Price* to suit the times. Also 3 extra Short-Horn bull calvos. Call on, address as above. Proposed Amendment to tbe Coiistitn- tioii of d o . A L it t le Girl** Lxpcrience i n A Lighthouse. Mr, and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keepers of the. Gov, Lighthouse at £\md Beach, Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four . years old. Last April she-was taken down with - - S ' . M S " " ! « W . “ cough and turning into a fever, doc-j ahticl KXir. eternity.” The fame of John Slier- i tors wt ali<1 at treated man is built below the tide of traps- i Iiw> but in vriu, she grew worse rep- ient popularity, enduring achievement. Juew discovery and after the use of. s.3r.j, (1(iK,r xtlijeat matter* a* tho icgisiatato? .......... ■« - » ___ • two aud a half bottles, was completely! mai' 'Jir o •■m 1 pdmtd-; , f’i,i -r** • |liwisw, hourcs use;! exclusively for pubiie w*>r- i cured, Xlieysay Dr. Kings new dip-1chip,in?titu!ion*ofpurely publiccharity, pub c’overy is worth its weight' ‘ ' * ' ““ ‘ ‘ ' you may get a trial bottle iB. G, ltidgway’s drugstore. T A XA T I O N . S ection 1. Do it re'o’vcd by the General Afisemhiy of the State of ubi >, '1hat a tiun (ball be anbiultle.l to tbo elector* of this State on the Ural Tuesday utter the first .Mon day in November, 18'Jl, to ninertil Section il, of ' P fctiijt 2. Laws may be parted which ehall tax by a uniform rule nil money", credit*, in* |ve*luiei;fs in lo-d*. «tm It*, joint-strei; cmipa- i . I . b ba«(l on ...Mil -he « . » .nore --ImnUral *"<53 o f' intellectual bones .— ihen flho tried l)l\ Kings money, Ill mlthtifmthenU»* a\.« tony bejms** ' ' ! new discovery nml r f W the « l Uxinit riglil*. priTifffies, franebife", and! H o t W e a t h e r d o o & s . NE ’W FABRICS Crepe De Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flowers from nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘ -Solitude” (froin California) of the arid plains. These goods are very dressy, warranted sure colors and perspiration pmr. Black Organdy lawn, Chtilly 5 eeutia yard all wool filling 2) cents, pin.- apple tissue, hi ack dotted swiss. Another case, of E&XQnant Sheeting only 13 3-4 per yard. 2 l-($yards wide. Sun urnfuel las, beautiful handles, 50 cents and & 13 XENIA, OHIO. TOII PM A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant In a recent speech Pcffcr turned to a friend beside him and inquired, “ It’s Monday, isn’t it?” It is said that there are negroes in the south so ignorant that they cannot tell what month it is, hut in all probability they have reached the dizzy pinnacle of mental evolution where they can tell what day it is.. fi (IIP* j jli i s tion* u - in cold vet ‘ *'f" I,roI,tr,N upc '1 cxi Iu 'ivi ly for nny public is > * jiurjwse, ami other property may- by general free fit. law*, bo cxcinpic.I from luxation; and the vnl* A bishop recently concluded a talk to a Sunday school as follows: “ And now, is there any little boy or girl Who would like to ask me a question? I assure you, my young friends, that I shall be glad to answer. 1)6 not be afraid. I amyour bishopand friend.’’ After a pause a little fellow sangout: “ Please, Bir, why did the angels walk up and down Jacob’sladderwhenthey hadwings?” Thebishopwasnot suf. ficiently grounded 'In “higher criti cism” toventurisa solution. TI»c First Wtep. Perhaps you arc run down, eftn’t eat, can’t slesp, can’t think, can't do anything to yonr satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are tak ing the first step into nervous prostra tion You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find, the ex act remedy for restoring yonr nervous system to itsnormal healthy condition. Burprisihg results follow the use of this great nerve tonic and alterative. Your appetite return, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resums healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at B. G. RidgwayV drug •tore* !f uc of nil property so exempted slinil, from time to time, be nstcrtaineii cmi ptibligbcd as may bo directed by law. S wtiox 2. At such clcetioft, those electors desiring to vote for such amendment tony have placed upon (heir ballots (he words “ Tuxstioli Amendment— Yes," and thosoopposed to sttcb amendment limy have placed upon their buliots thewords “ Taxation Amendaiont—No.” StTTioif X This amendment shall take ef fect on the first day of January, 1802, N I A L K . 1IYSBLL, speaker of.the House of Representatives. avm - v a n c e M a r q u is , President of the Senate,' Adopted April 24,1801. UaitKwSTAtnB or A mebicx . O hio . ) o r n c r or. thr Sr.citRTARV or S tatk . j I. Daniel .f. Ryan, Secretary of State of theState of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy or a joint resolution pled hy i‘ ado t f> the Gcncraf Assembly of the State of Ohio, on the 24thday of April A. D. 1891, taken from the original'tolls filed In this office, In testimony whereof, I nave hereunto sub scribed my nameand affixed my offi- tflRAii.l Ciat seal, at Columbus the Silk day •f April, A. D. 1891. DAN1KLJ.RYAN. SesrstaryofStaUy being received now. A complete line of fine S3TX itia3L .g;s, all the latcht styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats.. Bant ings, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART 3c CO X I 2 V 1 A , - - -O H IO . F A W C E T T . HAS In stock * fine line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERYuml DIAMONDS! The finest Une ofOptical Goods In Greene County. A Specialty made of Braslllaii Pebble Spectacles in Gultl, Silver end Steel tramre. They confera brilliancy and diAtluctne^s of vision, with an amount o f case and comfort,seldom enjoyed byspeotacle wearers.
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