The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

T H E H E f l A I i D . AN INDKI’ KKDKNT WEEKLY NKW iMCKK SATURDAY, JULY , 18 1891. W. IT. JII j AH I, Editor and Prop'r M I D I l l , H P M ANNUM* . The Kansan City Star speakB of the H2h birthday of Bismark. He will not be 77 until April 3 hext. A Boston woman h«s caught pm u- monia from the wind of a fan. What a perilous thing life is, anyway. Louisiana proposes to use its super­ fluous molasses for fuel. This is cer­ tainly a new departure in combus­ tion. ■ —-------- . — » « * «'----- --------- ■ Philologists are attacking the word -> “ electrocution.” But it is the thing i other than the name of it tbut needs attacking. (Seven hundred letters were pro­ duced in nn English breachot promise suit.- In love and politics it is well to be chary about putting one’s self on paper. The married life of Charles Huff­ man of Monticello, III, was the brief­ est on reconi. As soon as thepreach­ er pronounced hint husband he dropped dead. Julian Hawthorne says that lan­ guage is n bungiiug method of ex­ pression. It is certainly true that there are thoughts so subtle that it would he a clumsier process to ex press them with words than toattempt to knit with the mast of a vessel. A youth in Clark county claims to have invented the kintogrnph in* stead of Edison. It doesn’t make at y difference. Both are Ohio men. Queen Victoria insists on reading over emperor Williams little speeches before be delivers them to her sub­ jects. She feels that herrelativeshave made altogether enough “ breaks” of late. r > .. — —— . Institutions of learning are slowly but surely succumbing to the influ­ ences of civilisation. The first cer­ tificate ot admission which Yale Uni­ versity lias ever granted to a woman has just been received by MiB8 ' Irene W . C'oit, a Connecticut girl. In the hurry of make-up printers sometimes mix the heads of articles'. An Illinois paper recently headed an account of the doings of the state leg­ islature, ''The Illinois Steel Works." It is for the good people of Illinois to decide as to the enormity of the blun­ der. Woman is making a record in ex­ ploration this year, Mrs. Peary has umiiiipauied herhusband to“the north­ ern coast of Greenland, and Mrs. Sheldon who is traveling iu East Cen trill Africa, has sailed on Lake Chala, u sheet of water in the crater of an extinct volcano which was supposed to be'^accessible. Animals know more than they are , credited with knowing. A ' man in Florida has a deer which, in his ©pin ion, is too vnluablc for money to buy. His child fell into the water, and the uninud ran posthaste to the house and let the family know by itsactions that something serious was the matter. They followed the big deer to the beach and got therejust in time to save the little dear. Many people have golden thoughts, but few are blessed with, thought which are canvertible into ready raon «y. By running a single thread of worsted through all the silk he im­ ported a New York merchant saved 'more than $150,000’ in custom duty. The lawyer who thought the bright thought reoeived $50,000 for thinking it. Jt is believed that a sue -eteful treat­ ment for yellow fever has been dis­ covered. It is a notable fact that this dreadful disease cannot flourish where the weather is at all arctic. 8o an In­ genious doctor has hit upon the plan o f improvising a winter for his pa­ tients He puts them in a room where they are subjected to very se­ vere cold. It Is a plain case of “ freexe out” with YellowJack. A shepherd dog died in Ashville, N. C. tlm other dav. An undertaker embalmed the canine and it afterwards “ l«y in state.** % » casket was lined with satft and richly trimmed, and covered wjth a profusion o f flowers. Friday rite funeral ««* bold and MV* eral storesdosed faring the obsequies. I t would seem that it must have beta one VrfriietoWn'stadfng citizens to have catted forth so much respect. -to «t» Garrett Hume wm a Texan, who, reeogtdriag the dangers attendant up- bri his pretbiriou o f Cattle stealing, hade silrotujbe instiled f t his threat in sycb a manner that an ordinary lynching eouMnot completelyshut off his supjfly o f air. On three different occa^oqg he waa atraiig up to a tree lMranohby enraged either*, and lived untiMViends could cut him down, B n t c ^ ^ g seeti* to have been «■ the program flit him, for the very device wtft which W had escaped it three time*Beemne disarranged the other ‘lay nn<T he was asphyxiated forthwith. Dr. Yemen. the •>perieneto xpettaUrt. to SprtnrneM,Ohio, can be cownlted agateat tee Cliff House, Cedarrille Tuesday, July SI Dimcultw e e which have Kriited tbeordh nary method. o> treatment by theganerSl phy alclin an eapeclally Invited to call. - Tvn tptva year.1*experience in tbe treatment rt ob«tln»ie chronicdilate* bne marta Dr. Vae- nell tba Imperial uaater of themterriblemala- dlra. Yrn da natbare tft tall hint ronr ailment* ha taaSa raur cnmplatata Ilka an open book, de­ ter)be* roar peculiar mill fine* wltbant aaklaa ronaalaa’eqncaUaa. and remedies to meettba prtcl«e vraufaof eachparticular caaa, Koritfa rrarkl No e»**e-Iment»l No fallnrcal NnSlmppolnttrratal When he tabre a caaaha takaaitto enrafb It ron bareCatarrh of tba Heoi. Thrtmt.or Bmaebl, WeakLvpfe, Patna ar Boreneraini tha Oh-at, H.rriwetoeOowith.oeanr aShctloa at tba Throat or Langa, to ate ke*vala«bla Uma or «Mta tba prroona apaartuiiltjr of a enra on •arthlem patent medldaaa or lMttp-rlenejd praetlllanera but applyat aaca to.Pr. YarpaU, •bn aa-kea thaaadla-aata a aMcialty and l« « r t m i in tbrfr traaUuanitTerjr day fa thayaar. Ifyanrbaariasto Impaired. donotifaepalrto aenra nuUl youkava aanaoltad Pr. Taraall toe Catarrhal Daafiiam. Ifyoa ora raffhriae frata ttoetecta to to baraa aompltoaitoa ai dlaaama .aai |.> wot know vhM to lh a matter. bat foal wraiftad nil tba ttaw,caaaaltPr.Yaraall. waWtawtotemdiaffaS on aobteg Miheaa sad dawa auUra far laag, alirayaJtovaato r----------- Hytoifc— eaay of themteratam** na►temarhar Ever«hkk iiitwn et rare, or aay r tt rfoam OMaaaa, ar otwt _ ... tato Hnpartnw tnmpiafiia, yea ,oarraa«taPr. - toaaaMff, atkHM Dr. YanaST * . t. mw eaatoamatmiel a rto»»arhriea-daetaatoe,aril yaabora NMlMMfeiar frrl wa.k, at fco* i------- paattWtaaaratlittatohM 'nkb . . aamarawar.toiail4ar>Hi aShrrtaa if tba Karaa* tdadd>r. aaaralt lrr, YotaaU. M a *..... -■rTzr artiFas f..... --------- m>st^^Z^i^|ujU|adXaj| to tosfaldaa^UM^tom totf MMffyMI B^^ggBaaaM toiAuuks tm' to ototoia '<mtototo.^to itoaaa toM ftf MtekHMaiaSb hui|toff Mflb' Saa™ . y ? ii " ,B IRN u PSV mm V m BI# Y|^|tomAto iff^j|Mj^ato'..^i|aatea fluAM. tog «totokflto»ftto«ff « spsmuswj . ubsmm »MNRI i IVM.IV pvg eaawid.wilataS tototoamd fftoji r awed. ffJHMBP WMmMrnmm IM$ w$NMvflvtotolHN$toi — ul aaataa rtfjraktamf, iaMra m Seatoii- ibta ittoMed, «i»i h« fatouiaa to fftyt A C nv MIN. AN D REW JACKSON , SUCCESSOR TO DUNUAP & CO. ■DEALER IN- P I LUMBER OF ILL A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS BUNDS, SCREEN A large stock, A ll sizes, Heady for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. C A L I . A N D S EE . F O B T O V B 8 E L T E 8 . A . J* C haw ford , J. II. L ackey Xcuia, O. Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Polaiul-ClinaHogs Wo linvo for this season’s trade some large growtby pigs of both sexes. Brices to suit the times. Also 3 extra Sliort-llorn bull calves. Call mi, or address as above. Fnnset AieiiKit tstteCoutiti- tillltOlM. ' T A X A T I O N . 8 bctiom 1. Balt molted to tba GenenU Aminbly of tbaSteleofOhio, That a propoel- ttoacbalfbatebmJUedto tba eUctora of tbit Statooatbadrat Taeaday afttrtba Srtt Moa- t tyinNorombtr,18SI,to m m I Secttna 8, of rtleleXII, of tbaCoutilatWa of tbaSlatoof Ohio, tothat Itaball readaaMlowu ARTICLE XII. S bctop 2. Law* maybapattedwhichthat! tax by aaalfermraleall maaeyt, aredita, ia- tettaeaU iabaadt, tiockt, Jolat-itoek m p t Act, orotbetwlia; aad all reel aad pertoeel property ttttrdtex tothetreetalaa tberaef ia awaay. la eddlUoa thereto, lawaamyhepatt­ ed taxlag rlcbta, pritileget, ftaaebltet, aad tackether tatyeet taatton aa the legMatare aayAraeb tot barylax-foaadt, paMiaaebaat- boatee, boattt itedexflitlrtly farpabUswar- ehip,iattltolieaaafpertly paaEa teerlty, pab- lie praperty aeed axalaMTMy fbr aay pabUt perpeee, aad other preporty toay by geaeral lawt, bo exemptedDatatakaUee)aad tha tal- aeafall aropertytoexemptedtbeU, from time to time, heateertalaadaad pabUtbad at may to directedby lawk SacriM 2. At tack eieetlea, ttoee elettert deetrlagtoratatoreaehamaadmeal have plaeedapaa tbelr tollete tba werde “Taxation AMuaJtoami^Yaa iktotoAAWjatototolRMto^^A ^tosuatoft1 faESwmmMwNf ^RMf EMMStoSBMlHiS^Wffltoto WW SUtol aawadmeat amybareplaeedepee ttoir baUett thewards“TaxatteaAmeadmeat—Na.“ Baertox X. Tbitameadeeeateball taka af­ loat aa tba Irtl dayafJaaaary, Ittti MIAItR.NTSBI.fa, SpeakwefttoHeaeeefReprttoBtetitH. WM VAgCKMARQUIS, Trteldaatrt theSeaate. AdoptedApril U, m i. UsmutSYAtasev AkSatea. Oata. ) ornca ar tmk SaoaxriSvarS tavx . j X. S t tM L Ryaa, Saeretary af State af ttoStateaf Ohloj da tofsby sertty ttot the S i a brae eopy as a M at nwatattea the GeaerM AteambL of tea State tbe Site day af April A . D . 1M1, tabea from teaarigtaal relit tfsd ia tbit aNaa. (S WtUmaay Wbemf, I bart torteate tab- torltodmy Sameaad aflxed my ad - fssAb.] rial Itto, to Oriasitoi tea Sdte day - of April, A. D. 1M1. DAMIELI.RTAlf. SeSntaiyafState, , Hot Weather G-oodLs. NEW FABRICS . , Crepe De Tela, Light Tissue Ctoth with fl ><vers from nature, notabiy “Bear Grass1’ from Florida, the ‘-Solitude” (froift California) of the arid plains. These goods are very dressy, warranted Bure colors and peripirotion pr ut Black Organdy lawn, Ohally 5 cents a yard all wool fllling 20 cents, pine apple tissue, black dotted swiss. Another cose of Remnaht Sheeting only 18 3-4 c. per yard. 21-6 yards wide. • ^ Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, 50 cents and $L.(XX; XBNIA, 0 B 10 . A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant » NEW being received now, A complete line of fine all the latest styles together withevery grade of fine Btiaiiieafl Suits. OyfiTfiftntu P&iit ings, GcnttFornifthing Gftods. Our prioes, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. Ml. STEWART * CO- WVWW W W V W FAWCETT. H m ft stock « A m lino of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWJSLERY and DIAMONDS! * * * The fluent lineof Oplteal Goods in GreeneCounty. A Specialty nmite of BrsffllhiH PebbleSpomacle*In Child, Silver aud Stool tremes. They Confera brilliancy Ana dfstlnctneMof vision, with an amount of mum sntl comfort, aeldomenjoyed by spectaclewearers.