The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
V01.12 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1891 HO. 25 ‘l ' H l i H E R A L D . i, «*IIKDK*>MMDMNTWKKKl.YNKWDMFMH. SATURDAY, JULY, $5 1891. W'. / / . B L A U t t E d i t o r a n d P r o p e r fr io i e i.x o $>■* annum . J. H. Gowdy woe in Troy this week. ‘ Busmens meeting of the ^Spworth League to-night. , . Rev. Warnock’avacation commenced this week, and he and his wife have gone to Chatauqiia to spend a few daya, Dr. J. M. Morton will preach at the Gospel Temperance meeting in {be Opera House, Sabbath evenipg at 4:30. All are invited to attend# The Sabina fair occurs the first five days o f next week; Large numbers wdl be in attendance. There will be half-fare rates on railroads. Ample e ntertainment at the groundsfor ail. OscarandRalph George entertained The Urbana camp-meeting will be V T * * ? of th« r you«« *riende held from August 6th to 17th. Born, to Air. aim Mrs. W. A. Spen cer, od Wednesday last, n girl. R ’V. Tufts and taaiity are attend ing the Cincinnati camp-meeting near Loveland. i the hospitable home of their, parents j Wednesday evening. About forty guests were present . An elegant luncheon was served*during the even ing. Dr. A. K. Strong, will preach at the Methodist church to-morrow morning, Go and hear him. Miss Rosa Stormont spent a week A lad named Frock last Wednes day threw a stone at a Little Miami passenger train which leaves Spring- field at 7:30 p. m. It crashed through a window aud struck a . passenger in the eye. His sight is said to be de- in Xenia the guest of her sister, Mrr. stroyed. McGearv, returning home last Tues day. . . . Mrs. Wiubus, wnu is employed' at theO. 8. and L. O. Home at Xenia# will be given a two week’s vacation, commencing next Monday. Tim new surveymade last Monday by order o f the council locates the line on the Main street bridge, tbirty-tWo nches east o f that surveyed by Coun- -SySuryeyor Rndell. Marriage licenses: trank C. Gear hart and Mildred L. Melvin; Daniel Dudley and Florence McGee; Frank Crouse and Myrtle McDonald; John L. HUuter and Belle JBodine, - The headquarters of the Xenia steam laundry has been removed to Stormont.A Co.’s, where the mem bers,of that firm will attend to the wanta of their customers in that line. The one-year-old child o f Mr. and Mrs. .Ross Tanihill, of near Clifton, died Monday o f cholera infantum, and was buried Tuesday. The funer al services were held at the residence, conducted by Rev. Bailey, » Mrs. Ayna McGuire, aged 73 years, died at her home in Selma last Satur day, of heart failure. The funeral services were held in the Catholic church at South Charleston Monday, morning, after which the body was taken to Morrow for interment. A man giving bis name as Knight, has been travelling over the coutry or ganizing the National Loan and In vestmentCompany, of Cincinnati, has proud to be an exteonvict of the Jol, iet penitentiary. We hear ha recent- ;y organised companies at New Bur lington nod Xenia, and was hen en- 1aged in the same effbrt a few weeks luce, but met with nosuccess.—[Wil mington Journal. Have you noticed the? new time, card o f the Little Miami railroa* J Cedaririile anight as well have no n il road at all set fkT a* the accorahioda* tions are concerned. Our citizens hate never been able to reach Spring- field and return home the same day by rail. And now It is almost Si bad so fat as Xenia or Dayton is concern ed, for they must leave home in the meriting and can not return until after night. I f the council will enforce the ordinance compelling express t a in to run through the corporation do faster ttatf tour mfle* an hour, better •ccoanUidiriooi might He seeured in the wap of a comfimmise if no other £ood is ac ‘on plished. Commissioner James Pollock met witn a severe accident Friday of last week. He. was driving, a couple of cuttle and near Whitshtw Reid’s tonn, in attempting to turn'raem bis hone broke through a tile ditch, throwing him some distance and rendering him insensible. He lay there about an hourand boring a heavy rain when he was discovered by Will Conley, who succeeded in reviving him. ■ Up on examination it was found he had lit on bis head producingconcussion of the brain, and was slightly injured about the left knee and arm. Mr. Pollock is still suffering from the effects of his fall, but is able to be about. Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cento Syrup and Molasses at G ray ’ s . Our Stock of Patent Medicines is complete at RidgWay’s Pharmacy. Heinz pickles, <&ow chow, celery, girkins, cauliflower at McCorkle’s. Sweet, spiced abd sour pickles at ;? G ray ’ s . Harvesting Oilrkt Ridgiyay’s Cheese, Cracker! aud Ginger snaps at G ray ’ s . Mower Oils at Bidgway’s. Elegant Toilet,Soaps at Ridgway’sPharmacy, Buy your fresh andsalt meats at the old reliable meat store of C. W. Crouse. Butter, Jersey, Milk Crackers at G ray ’ s . s Spring repair work at Murray’s har ness shop. Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Molasses at G ray ’ s . A fine line of pocket and table cut lery at Grouse A BuU’| , Smoke the Jimtown Dandy at Bull’s I f yon. want 'a good lunch or a square meal go to Boyd’s tad try him once. The best place in town to buy meat ofsllkinds is atC . W. Crouse’s, Tty him. * Machine Oils at Ridgway’s. Tobacos aad Cigars at G ray ’ s . Rev. Dudley o f New Jasper, was greeted by quite a largeaudience last Sabbath evening. He is quite an im preseive speaker, and presented some excellent thoughts on “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.’ He applied this truth especially to in dividuals aud communities. The re* sponsibilty o fcommunities for profan ity and Sabbath desecration was espec ially emphasized. In the light of that sermon every open barber shop, meat shop, bakery, ice cream parlor, drug store, (except for lawful business,) grocery and store In ibis village should at once be closed upon the Sabbath. In the light of that sermon every in dividual in this community should be found in the chunk upon the Sab bath. O ur wno was tieebe . TWANtFKIta OP fKAL ESTATE. ' W. C. Rwsril to Elizabeth V. Reddish, 10 lota fa M iU a^stad^ fo Yallow Sptfags, H15. f Jas. H . Gowdy to Chas. W. Min- oer, i acts, Csdanrille, $20. John Davis to John H. Shadrick, J acre, BeaVer Creek, 1725. John G. Ernst to John II. Shad rick, quit claim to same, $1. Win. L . Shoemake et. al. to W. T. Lackey, quitclaim to 1 | acres, Xenia, 1300. Eliza Ford and others ° to J, T. Lackey, quit claim to same, 1300, Israeland David Merrick to Mar cus eboup, trustee. Deed o f assign ment, Julia Moorman, heir to M. T. Meoriitan, to James Furguson. lot 52, Boop’s add, to Jamettown, 1750, A stray hog at Harry Johnson’s. Owner can hare same by proving property wad paying damages. M aury J ohnson , Gaasoline stoves, all patterns, qual ities and prices at Crouse A Bull’s. The finest line o f fresh and salt meats in the county i t C. W. Dean’s Seven. Doors at A. Jackson’s. A Card . . Councilmen and voters of Gedar- ville. My rent from my corner build ings last winter was 115 entire. This __ is special prohibition to me—etaiva-j turn. Pray over this if you dare to. Margaret A. D. Townsley Dried Beef at Bull’s j Go to Gfaarlie Smith fora shave. Do you want ice for your refriger ator or for any other purpose? I f so call on B. G. Ridgway and he will supply you at a low price. Teeth extracted without pain by application of cocaine at Dr. Homan's office. Aveua, Oatmeal ° Cracked widest Granulated Hominy Farino, Parched Farinose at G ray ’ s . Dried Beef at* McCorkle’s. Pure Pine tar at Ridgway’e. Paint and Varnish Brushes at ' Ridgway’s. Window glass and Putty at Ridgway’s Pharmacy. New Perfumes at Ridgway’s. Hard and Soft refined Sugars at G ray ' s . Picture Frames made to order at Ridgway’s Pharmacy. Wood and Willow ware at G ray ’ s Halters, collars and all kinds o f harness sundries at James Murray’s Peaches, Apricots and Prunes G ray ’ s , Screen doors, all sizes and kinds at Crouse A Bull’s. Smith’s the piece for a seafoam. . ICE at Ridgeway’s. Fly Paper at McCorkle’s. New Potatoes at McCorkell’s. Cabbage a t ' McCorkle’s N O n t iE . Will the parties having sacks be longing to Ervin A Stenett, pit return them at once aa we need them. E rv in A Sruourrr. Rolled Avene and Wheat, Oatmsa and Cracked Wheat, Farino am Parc-hadFarinose, PearlBarley, Gran ulated Hominy at G ray ’ s .. TOR BALE. The Iliflf homestead near M. E, church, Cedarville. For particulars call on Wm. Riff adminstrator of es The Finish. We will sell the finishing of our white goods Depart ment at a great ba gain and to make it the ppretbent* white goods bargain ever offered in our city we have rat it into two lots, Lot STo. Lwill be 5 cents a yard and will contain a ll the ;oods we sold at 718 Vand 0 cents, and many of the number were leaders at the original prices. Lot No. 2 we will sell at 10 cents and into this assortment will go the goods that was sold it 121,15.161, and some 20 cent goods. This lot will contain some very handsome novelties aad are decided bargains at the special prices. In hidiew’ and children's hem-Btitclied flouncing*we make s ;»eciai offers. One is a full Width flounce at 25centsembroid ered at that, and worth al most twice the price, also a new lot just received bought at almost half price. Tomake a July bargain sale we are selling them at 50 cents a yard and earlier in thOseason w6 could sdl no better than $1 for the same grade. Also some special values in black plaid and striped lawns at. marked down prices. JOBE BROS & Co, Xenia. Do you want R parlor suite? No difference what grade you desire you can getit of Barr A Morton. The bedroom suites at Barr A Mor ton’s lire elegant. Call and see them. Chain in all sizes, styles, shapes and prices, to suit children or grown persons. Also easy chain for for the old at Barr A Morton’s. K s r tk d e . A cottage house and two lots situa ted in Millers edition. An excellent well o fwater and fruit trees o f differ ent kinds. Wesley Hutson, Just received, twenty-five dozen working shirts at 35 and 40 cents: for mer price 50 cents. Also the largest stock of pants ever kept in town. J, E. L owry . Let the people rejoice. The dates o f the Greene County Fair are Au gust 11.12,13 and 14, 1891. A first-class exhibition is assured. En tries are coming in fast. The best of racing offamous fast homes every af ternoon. Splendidmusic will be pro vided to enliven and add pleasure to the occasion. The Directors o f the Greene County Fair have spared no pains or expense to foraish amuse- meats andmake the coming foir it grand success. The aim is to have a vast exhibition and it big crowd. Go to Wolford’s for the genuine Brown cultivators. Highest market price paid for wheat at A ndrew A Bao. Palm leafmattress, the best made, at Barr A Morton’s. Get your buggy painted at Wolford’s If you want a stylish livery rig go to Boyd’s. Fish at G ray ’ s . Paints in all size packages and oo ors at Ridgway’s. Corn, Tomatoes, Beans, Ac., at G ray ’ s , NEW THROUGH SLEEFEB . Chicago to f t is a x Valla, Sasun B stkata. Travelers en ronte to the North west are informed that the G reat R ock I sland R oute began running, June 14, a Thorough Buffet Pullman Sleeper, Chicago to Sioux Falls, south Dakota. Tnh car leaves Chicago daily, ex cept Saturday, on the G., R. I. A P. No. 1, at 1.30, noon; returning, ar rives at Chicago daily, except Mon day, at 8.06 a, m. Map, Folders, and further infor mation sent on application. E. S t . J ohn , GenlManager. Jxo, S ebastian , Genl Tkt, A Pass Agh G eneral Orrics, CHICAGO, ILL. THE MUCH-DESIRED MSS WMSTss< PHR6T NIP T H E ADJUSTABLE OVCfl THC H IP a » mu ANTHEM UwUatlr. gWf Parfeat Eaaa antf Cantear. S wim , whleh w UX. M t i t f l Wfctca wm SMrt IwMk. KsSs ts Ikm kBcttA, Jim u t _____ Aay<toyaooS»dMls>lathsU.S, osaampirrea. fta tiww W m WS. BendM OaU>*gu*. Mimcc MTS. C«„iMfclN. Mfcfc. BANK OF CEBAMOLUE General Banking BniiaeslTUsacted* 6 e a W . I « f e r , P i e i . W . I.* CjtaHS«uas,OsMhler. IMIfMMlMMtsptlaslpaUjriaVMtsi In Rest Estate $100,Mt. ffipeelaam S. II. Clifford, Niw Oassel, WIs. was troubled with neuralgia end rheumatism, his stomach was dlwir- dered, ids liver was affaeted to an alarming degras. appetite fell -away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles Of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., bad a running sore on his leg of eight years’ standing. Used three botUee of ElectricBitten and seven boxes a f Bnoklen’aArnica Salve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.. had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was Incurable. O mo bottle Elec tric Bitters and one box Bucklen’a Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at B. G. Ridgway’s Drugstore.
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