The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
t ' r *L‘1(16 H-MI!I\ Icf)J A.\ l,M.|<|*KNUK.vr tVKKKI'Y XBWSI'AlUtlt, .SATURDAY, JULY, 25 3801. n \ n . l i t , A i n , Editor m o Prop’r raiGE * 1.25 PER ANNUM. 3 viij |1 j <> mu 1A‘.“, volcanic eruption* and the birth of a new sea—iilj go to ►howthat, the pm-ont rct*tk'ssnesrt this world is not nil on the outride. A New York drinker mistook vit- fiul Jin' wh'ukt y.7 He oulv reached hin destined goal by. a shorter route. Paradoxical as it may seem, if there were le<& reckless railroading there would ge more wreekless railroading. . Rev. Phillip Brooks can uise Vigor ous figures if neccessary. He recent- y referred to Dr Bartol as “ the moth- eaten angel.” Burns wrote a poem on the louse, A Chicago poet Inis chosen the bedbug of ,{ for liis thomc. He nuikes ciinex lec- But thing j tillturns rhyme with Darius. 1 then, faultless rhyme isa small Howells has figured it out that .Sir Walter Scoffcafnij a failure ns a novel ist. Howells remitids one of tlte man Sydney Smith tells about, who criti cised the solar system as “a feeble con trivance.” A Virginia school girl has written 250 lines of verse from winch the Iet- ti-r 1 is entirely omitted. Most peo ple find it more difficult, to leave that letter out of their compositions than any other. in true poetry. By the hfe of a letter to Chicago woman has missed a chance to got married. She should sue the govern incut for breach of promise. Certain ly there was an implied promise on the part of Uncle Wain to deliver her let ter safely. A lta il Set. Mn. E uitok : • • The people of C edarville must be the deafest and dumbest and deadest set of mortals that ever walks the face of the earth.' The saloons have been ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. -DEALER IN- PIKE A N E W S T O C K O F Here is a chance for a young wom- iio to rise in the world: Undertaker <V>lwe|i of Minniiiglcim, Conn., a rich >c{t)secl, a poor woman has been robbed, widower, announces that lie will mar-|6j,e jlttS utteret; one wild wail of woe iy the girl who will go up with him in a balloon', the ascension to take place August .1-5, iafter another, she has made one ap- \ peal after another fur help, for rolief, but ueither man uor woman nor child Dr. Edward Holden of Newark, N. , has opened their hem! or wagged their J „ read a paper before a medical>oci- tongue in her behalf. It’s too bad. rty the.other day, in which lie held Something must De done, that consumption is spread chiefly, by Mr. Editor, there is something rot- dust. Perhaps die reason why pco-i ten in Cedarville; the stench is per- ple are so prone to have it is they aie made of dust. Many a will is hampered by imagin ative contingencies, but the extreme j is reached in the Frenchman who is ; that | fectly awful. A rag ought to be Iburned and something done imrnedt- jntely, if not sooner to keep down the lawful odor. What nu outrage has been, perpe- ‘ •tmted! A poor woman has been for- nindered from traveling because lie is , , , , 1 , i . .. .v -, . i , ... , . bidden to rent her property for a sa- atmia that he innv be obliged to sitL , , ' 1 . , . . . ~ . lloou. fehe has been deprived "ot lier oppitit a man whose face would he . . . . , ■ , personal ltbertv. Is not her property disagreeable to him. f‘ *. • A J . , --------— ----------- her own r Has not she the right to The New York Sun claims that the jtJy „s sj,e p)cusos vv;th j,or ovvuy j f law which makes it a misdemeanor t» ishe wiuitfl t<) open a ^U|()0I1, und sell p ihlieh fhte details of an execution is !whisky, and make drunkards, and kill unconstitutional in that it abridges the our. an(J j^ay suiuh I i generally it iieedoin of the press. Whether uu-j i* i,0tndy’s business. And yet the constitutional or not, the state ofNew j c<mncil, the men, the women and Vork will attempt the ini| ossible in j children—silly, senseless simpletons— seeking to enforce it, !say she can’t do it. I t’s an unmitiga- Merclth^rackld a jok7n7his life!tc(l «Htn,«e* T!,‘8 who,« community ebbed awav. Heroic ( harks Todd, fro,“ Dl,“ to ,kw *houW *» an fqwa engineer, teirildy burned last «roU8cd 1,80uc ,Mfn»and as one woman Hutilrday in a successful effort to save t00’ un<J |><>»”™down on the oouticil bis passengers from destruction, said jnnd c*tize,i8 ot Cedarville, like turkey- ashe died: “Well, this is a glorious i ,H,zzaw,V»» t,.IC Climm oUAeaAhono Fourtik we tm Imvmg* Vxw aiVflKl I SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS BLINDS. SCREEN DOORS A large stock, All sizes, Beady for banging, at low pices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. CA LL AND S12E FO R YOHU SELVES . A. J ' C mawfoud , J* II. L ackbt i Xenia, O. Janicsjowu, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY have had too many fireworks^” ;by the side of the road. The vile vandals! Why every mothcr’e son o f (hem, and every mother's daughter There Ss a book in the murket enti- °f them, ought to las cmight by this hair of the head, mid shook over Er vin’s mill pond until they squall like wild cats. What shall be doae? We have for till* aeifou'ii trade some large growth^ pig* of both sexes. Prices to auit the times. Also 3 extra 8hort-Ilorn bull calves. Call on, or address aa abova. tled“Offkc Oetting.” It gives redi»es tor the securing of all kinds of politi cal plums. Probably the author nev er held an office in his life and lias not Let n great public meeting be celled enough shrewdness nnd persona! mag- uext Momhty evening a t early candle light, and the council be' im* netiem to achieve the road supervisor- Ship o f e country school distnet. Mn, Hansom, of New York city, Las an extraordinary rare disease. Only seven cases of it have been re corded. Despite the mime- plorcd to rcjicnl the oilionsprohibitory ordinance; let a law be enacted for the utter and everlasting abolishment of councils, churches, schools, preachers, women aud everything elsebutsaloons, na —akrom- aud let everything that opposes this egatty—it is not necessarily fatal, jgreat reformatory work be knocked It Si an enlargement of tlie short I kihcb into eternal smash. Then and not h q n i iK tim l kfeCwm - ttniTflkfB. T A X A T I O H , B ictiqn I. Bslt us»brs< ht tbs Osunl A imih M/ aftE t SUtssfOMs,TlMta i h sm I U ihi ibslftM«ataslMs< it ihs slsslsw i t (Ms BuuoatlMIrat Trnshlf sIWrM n Sntllsa. 4syis Jtiwatw,1W1,Is uwU I n lhs X, sf ArUeUXII, ef thetewtiteKwsf thsfMssf Ohio, •«that it shsHM* asMM nm ARTMLIXII. Etnoi X. LawsMif hs f eeeiwhUh shall tax hy aaaifenataltai SMMfe, snaHs, ia* vMUaents ia hoahe,stash*, JslaMssk siaiaa nics, »rotherwise! aaA aMseal aai pertehal aropertr emrSier t» ths traa ralaa theteiT ia aoner. Ie aMMea thereto, lav*■ of the laxly, and, as can tie easily im agitted, seriously himdicnps personal loveliness. - A Michigan doctor nuikes affidavit that he has Icon engaged in the prac tice of “ infeaihou” for lf> years, and (hat lie t* a graduate of the American “Collejf of fSiense of Arts” of Buffiilo. But then he may understand the hu man franie to {lerfcction, nlthmigh a little Weak in such a superficial ac complishment ns spelling. Prince Ferdinand of Austria has taken a I k Id stand. He asserts that love should have precedence to poli tic* ami that he will brook im rovnl interference in his heart's affiiirs. He Is engaged hi Mme. Vacaresca und. de- (daraalhat he will forfeit his succes sion in . the thrime before he will ferthA oF tlte engiigcmeut, There wenw to he something worthy o f re- »|»ct lift Eenliunml, If he is a prince, until then will our poor suffering rio ter get relief. . It is true that if the infamous or dinance is repealed that many of our boys and brothers will drink and swear and quarrel and fight, and some of them lie shot down like mad dogs, hut wlint would all this be com paredwith robbing a poor sister by not allowing her to rent her property for a saloon ? I f the saloons arecraned it 1s true that some of our wiveJRbmd sisters nnd daughters will have to Tere their homes at midnight, and visit the saloons in search of theirdrunken hus bands and sons and brothers, but our wives and sisters and daughters will surely be willing to make the sacrifice for the sake of such a noble cause, Mr. Editor, the situation is dreadful. The** touching, tender, heart tearing tCppealsmust lie beetled. Tush things untilsomething gives way. F air P lay . n oj la r ilwistfcsw ,Iw iaw k pw . «4 testae OK***, priVitefM, ftaasMsst, a mi •ask »tk«r adjust aWw as H» tsaUlataia aiy Oiati tat tan taM sab , yaki s sutasl- koHMe,twauusaiMssmaslvsiy fcr paMIs »*»- ship, lastUattoasafparity paMISlaariiy, p* . Its pwpsrty asui aastaaivsty k r aay paM* psrpuM, aas sttar Mspsrty w ; b* mmm l tewi, ta sasstpte* Irstetexuttsai aaa las vat- as ofaMpupsrty a»swiptei stall, f t a that id (law, asMMrntal aa* wMhls t as a te beSifasts*by law. * Bxorisa 3. At task slsstlua, tksM stsstsrs Seiirlagl* tsls a>rsask sawlaaif aay law ptsesAapea tbsir hsUste lbs <mti* “TsxsUsa AwusSaieat—Vs*,” aa* tfwss spp«»«< to task sawathasat awy bars tltiil aaua tbsir ballots UwwotOa“TswrtloaAaUlaali Ka.**. Bacrtaa k This ta ia law t shsll taka sf- isei oa tbs flrst 4ayafAifewuy, ItM, MXALit. mrxKLL, Spsakarsftbs H ssms TKspnstateUrsf. WM VAXOittAftQVM, PrssMsatsftbeSsasts. ASspte*April VWTsafrrAtasso AMaates.Oats, I omoa as t»a Xasaarsar softriTR. | : I. fta lilJ . lyia, tssntary a t •)**• *t tbsItetsat OWs, As t a lly strtUy that " (bpipl^ka teas say .a» a|»h»t i m '' S f C S S i K ^ l t AAVuril'M ifeNh''HihAfi4iK iAlAt til Aisiiitrawwta f- II VivtNMWJ WMIMVAI [-**«••] «lsl'''* ‘ ’"TOMTOM !** . flssrstsrysrttsls! Sot Weather G-oods. N E W F A B R IC S Grape De Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flour us from nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Flo ida, the ‘‘Solitude” (fromCalifornia) of . the arid plains. Theae goods are very dressy, warranted sure colors and perspir itiou_ pro *t Black Organdy lawn, Ohitlly 5 cents a yard all wool filling 20 cents, pine apple tissue, black dotted swiss. Another case of Remnant Sheeting1only 18 3-4 c. per yard. 2 1-Hyards wide, i ,x Sun umbrellas, beautiful handies, 50 cents and $1.00. *1, ISON & XENIA, OHIO. A CHfKal invitation is extended to you to examine the \ elegant NEW SC 0 GK Mng received now/. A complete line of fine nil the latest styles together with every grade of fine Easiness Suits, Overcoats, Pant lags, dents Furnishing doods. Our fMrifees, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART A CO- X E 2 V X A . , FAWCETT. O H I O . VVWW V WW Vw wmmmm iM . n i T t t l Vm la stock « floe line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWJBLERY and DIAMONDS! QwmncCouttty^ ABjwwriwlty made <m*lort, KMom fitfoynci b , iim m i . n i n They nmottttt of mwe nnd ‘l* i ( 15- A.s ISUIvl*KM»| SATUKDA1 Wi n . n h . PRICE CHI!K< t;ove»<«»U«i ^pr->i|l, I’iiNH II s«i. « m; -'I . K. I*. Lirtiitiii'. Ht»rv| at U*:(l M.1?. Oliuil tor, i-reaniiil liool ill. *>')! Yoimic ('eo)il .itrayar , '(HI IT.' P. Oil ml ,*ii»tor. S o f in; SiillIulMi A V . 12. I ni'j-lor. fieri ;(H) p im eiu;l| ► III, J Uaptiwt 'Oil paiillMV I’w l ■Tt t mi , mill 7:| .S'rtM0’<;I om !«. | neHtldV EENEFITj Tbo rbyj!«n| Int^ ■ritnidrecis| for .that abroad, drel hcasieh, rvj Every preen! ed or told, il wo,men go d ty of so-eal lrill ten ordl The simpj bo little ur seasicknensj may recoraf intending thing r.S a : fo r uner.i;in| Tliere is r.c • ductive of True, it isl food raedicl Spate seasf Snore eomf.l day out. oontinnoti uccustomf tire yov tort of a i •the first: Tlien ti end yon - BophicullJ crablo. land it is l it and ce^ •it by a i of remet5 ech and ancc o f ; One ofl •in the w| Bulphat limtrs, oj embarkf netisitivq seasicl tvving. What | tperson1 1" Womm | The ■ scions i:I a t preij ongh Ing ofl 'Women iform oners, i ,a ira b k | "be app influet th e ir betwe years :< goodc| pood Selves I special prison | ’ the the are del whL‘h | instit* in a Mng<k| in all tors ft ami toj lectnr Angus A ccod dl internal T l lot smay feci a l tl. depend « p | E'll two days il end cevo rl oqs «oriinJ recommcnl dation, th J (pic BCUBC. is t<| •way. and 1 You P thy a little l [<9 tiefore s a il k Vicb foodsl g o o n boafi A on are g « gihougbt. 1 l a i BX
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