The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
ipapa ppwpwwpi •■PUB" sum.,-*! -vr.s.;.„?4?i.'i3S.XK2ii mw lTKRaitB l [’ I rrzrsrrs~{£ssss: a .\ s,’.:r*fiiJ?;T wkkkly hbw 8 i * ai *« u . SATURDAY, AUGUST, 1 1891, ir . I f . 1U , A U l , l i d it o r a n tiP r o p 'r P 3 IC E S 1.2 5 PER ANNUM. IY m :- D.-ns of tl»» ]»un>t-£»H h e H« .| y . «■• „ ’**!•>* - a, ...* ij« | 6.* 4** », . i?* * ]>!iiu inhabitants’ A (iemiau physician lias discovered 4 uew disease. Ofcourse it will spring intp ininiciliate^jopularity. “ I am going to get well,” says Blaine. That means lie will. There is no drug so oflicatioua as the deter mination to live. , ‘A N D R E W J A C K S O N SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CC. People there rf» whose personal | appearance is po-itively injure irooil cltJthcs. ;.rtl?uc nuirv. The men who receive the most pa d nv i are not always the men who.are of the *kiiulinors breaks their There it<a Maine farmer who bi- ■ lieves in a strict observance of the Lord's day. Last Sunday afternoon he went out and killed a Iamb which persisted in bleating. Either Lamp'.,ell is not very super stitious or else he pairs off election diva. In 1/167. he said: May my right ann wither and drop- palsied . to my side if ever X attempt, to raise, it t > casta Democratic ballot!" - nufrt service to the world. York jockey lots been offered 1for IK'12, ' . • A New §18.000 The prompt action ofGov. Morrimn of Minnesota, in preventing the Hail- FitzMmmona mill is in the highest de gree commendable. Like the Irish man in. the story, he was bound to have peace if he had to fight for ■it. ■ Mr?. Stanley is a direct descendant —the seventh in line—from Oliver Cromwell. .If there is anything in he redity, she, is fully as anxious to hat© her own wav as her husband is his. There is a saloon keeper named Wondel in the town Of J uarez, Tex., wlio is poorer if be is no wiser. He cursed the stars and stripes lh{‘ other day in the presence of some bystanders, flisjilace of business was in flinders hmjirly. Little is said ajioret the Asiatic ehol- •CniThis nuiinner. No earnest, clfort hashtfen put forth as yet to get tip a gOod stare- There seems to lie a grow ing belief that cholera has transferred to lu grippe whatever claim it may IiuvA had np.m the Unit -d £t:it< s. Speaking of Co'. »ticvu*r, the con- mnnder o.' the Teuaccsee milit/a sent against ll:c miner*, the Nashville American says, “ Ho has an unbroken record of having never been killed in any battle he ever fought, and if bis rations do not disagree witli him we expect to welcome him back' safe to our arms.” An Oregon nmnproposesaflusnbeti- tute for electtDcution'the'iiijection of a drop or two of, pruseic.ueid . into the jugular vein. There is no pain com neeted with an operrttioh of this kind, and a moment bungs death with abso lute certainty. Aside from the hu manity of itrrif there lie any human ity in murder—itisn much cheaper mode of capital punishment than roast- ‘ing. Chief Justice Fuller's bourn for the presidency will not thrive, however assiduously it is nursed* In the first place people do not choose their presi dents front the supreme bench, and in the second place, with all due regard r to Fullers eminent abilities, he hardly seem3 to be the calibre of man for . chief exepntive. There is ns much reamn to lielicvs that IVffcr’s whiskers will reach the white house ns FiillerV al bino imistnchiop. : Probably no intelligent "man ever eame so near .Iteiug a ‘‘wmalerihend” nfi did Lewis E. Kottmlnm of IVofia, XU* lie Was in the tllfated tr/iiii which was wrecked ot Chatsworth in' 1887. v Ilo wns badly cut and hiuVd but upon recovered. Recently be con sulted a surgeon in segard to the vio lent bead-acbes wlfich he had from time to time. The shrgeon took from his head, a t the inside corner of the ’d t eve, An irregular piece of woik ! H indies long, fl 8 inch wide. ‘ This” .hit of a window sill bad been in Rotter dam^ bead for four years. Tlie case is pronounced One of tbo most re* markable in medical history. The Russian government has im posed a heavy ia * on books. I t is a verv logical move on the part of a government whose existence is imper iled bv intelligence.1* Nature.wants the new lake in Colo rado to stay. The Southern Pacific railroad wants it to go. Of course, if the railroad puts Its foot down . tliere will lie no other course for Nature but to gracefully capitulate. Aside from the debt of gratitude which the people of Canada owe to Sir John'McDonald, there is a debt o f i 85'J percupita wliicii his policy created. | Until it is paid there is no boubt of his memory being green in the hearts of taxpayers. A good many tears were' shed in Plainfield, N. J\, the other evening; but they"’were destitute of tenderness us the lachrymal secretions of the crocodile. A hoy sprinkled the pol iahed floor of a bull room with a pound of red pepper. I t has been said by au eminent Frenchman that three things arc u-iceessary tojsuccess—audacity; au dacity ami audacity. But a thief - in Ionia,Mich., was altogether too auda cious to be successful. What did he do but attempt to sell a pair of boots to the iiian who owned them! P I -DEALER IN- OF ALL A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING , FLOORING , SASH, DOORS BUND ‘ SCREEN DOORS “ A large stock, A ll sizes, Ready for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything .in the line of Lumber. CALL AND SEE F O I t lO T « 8 £ L V £ 8 . A druggist iu Holloway, Mich., bought a soda fountain. He invited in the entire town to take the first glass free. But his generosity did. not receive that appreciation-it would have received if he had not acciden tally used tartar emetic where l.e should have used'tartaric acid. A. J* C rawford ,. J . II. L ackey Xenia, O. Jamestown, O. Cranford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Poland-CliinaHon A Kansas City company proposes to import fresh air in bulk and retail it to the citizens through mains and pipes. If uir can be made an article of mqr- cfiaudise the time is probably close at hum! when a syndicate will control tlie entire supply ami the common man must pay its price or asphyxiate. The explanation given at the En glish war office for the mutiny of the Cold-stream guards is that •‘unreason ing compliance with orders is no longer obtainable from men permeated witli quasi-cducation.” Intelligence is theV mortal enemy of militarism, although it makes invincible soldiers in a good cause. A dictionary should be the last place in the world for personal preju dices to lie recorded An exceedingly worthy race is grossly insulted by the following definition in the Century dictionary: ‘•fslieeney—-(Origen ob scure.) A sharp fellow, hence a Jew; a term of opprobiutu, also used attrib- utively, (Slang).” A young girl of May’s landing, N. J ,, married a man named Kuudle. He was away up in the eighties. The honey moon was obscured by clouds of infelicity when four months had rolled around. .A divorce suit results, ami the wife frankly- testifies that she did not dream when she married that tl>e Handle would bo so long burning to the socket* Dr. Tanner, who exhausted all the notoriety there was in fasting, now seeks it elsewhere. In a long article he tries to establish the probability that Poe wasburied alive. He.briugs evidence to show that Poo was n cata leptic And that much of the gloom which overcoat Ills life was his knowl edge of the fact and hit dread of the horrible doom which at last overtook' him, We have for this season’s trade ?omo large growlby pigs o f both sexes. Prices to su it the times. Also ii extra Short-Horn hull calves. Call' on, o-mldross as above. H o t W e a t h e r Q -o o d s . NEW FABRICS Crepe De Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flowers from nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘Solitude” (fromCalifornia) of the arid plains. These goods are very.dressy, warranted sure colors and perspiration prool Black Organdy lawn, Chally 5 cents a-yard all wool filling 20 cents, pine apple-tissue, black dotted swiss. Another cose of* » Remnant Sheeting only 13 3-4 c per yard. 21-6 yards wide. Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, 50 cents and §1.00. ProposedAmendmnt othe Constitu tionofOMo, r t X 'X A T I O N . S echos 1 . Belt refolded by the (icncral Assembly of the Stateof Ohio* '1 bat a proposi tion shall be submitted lu the electors of this Htntcnnthe first Tuesday after the first Mon day in November, 18 S 1 , to amend Section 2 , of Articlo XII, of the (.'institution of tbo State of Ohio, so that it shall read as follows: ARTICLE XII. S kcton 2, Laws may be pasted which shall tax by n uniform rule nil rnonoys, credits, in vestments In bonds, slocks, joinl-stock cumpa- j nies, (•rulhcrwiso; and all real and personal property atronling to tbo true value thereof in mouey. In addition thereto, lairs may be pass ed taxing rights, privileges, franchises, nnd such other subject matters as the legislature may direct: but burying-gounds, public school- ! houses, bouses used exclusively for public wor- ' ship, institutions of purely public charity, pub- lie property used exclusively for any pablie purpose, nnd other property may by general laws, be exempted from taxation; and tho val ue of ail property so exempted shat), from time' to time, bo .ascertained and published as may be directed by law. S f . itiov 2 . At such election, those electors desiringto vote for °neh amendment may have placed upon their b:ulots the words "Taxation Amendment—Yes,” and thoseopposed to such amendment may have placed Upon their ballots thowords "Taxation Amendment—No.” ' tsErrioJ, 3 , This amendment shall take ef fect ontho first dayofJanuary, 1892 , i N’lAI* K.HY 8 EI.L, Speakerof the lloilt©of ltcpi*fentailves, WM VANCEMARQUIS, President of the Senate. Adopted April 21 , 1891 , / L' siiko S tates op A meu I oa . O hio . 1 office or the S kckrtarv or S tate *j I. Daniel J, Ryan, Secretary of Slats of theState of'Ohio, do'hereby certify that the foregoing)# a,true copy o* a joint resolution, adoptedby the.tfenerai Assembly of the State ofOhio,'on the.-Mtfaday.'ot April A. D. 1891 , taken fromtheoriginal rolls med*in this office: In testimony' frherebf,' J. have herennto (ub- seribedmy fiameand affixedmy.otfi- [sEAf,.] ciai seal, at Columbus the 2 ith day of April,.A. 1 ); 1891 . DANIEL J . RYAN. , * Secretaryof State*. OHIO. TOTHEPATRONSOF THEHERALD A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant ■ * ■ NEW SCOGK « being received now. A complete line of fine all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats. Pant ■ inga,‘Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled* D. M. STEWART * CO X E N I A , O H I O . F A W C E T T . T i l © J e w e l e r Has la stock a fine line ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWKLEUYand DIAMONDS! «Th n?neeA'I’MrfOpOc** Goods In Greene County. A Socia lly made of Brazilian Pebble Speetaclea in Gold. Silver nmi SiM iramea. They confer a brilliancy nnd dlsllncttiew of vision, with an amount of ease and comfort, aeldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. ■i‘HK wma ^ r U I l D A Y , AUG Ijr I Hi A| min c e Covenun^*/ iivsask KSlIIrtl'at » •»*-] M B. Cli'iroli.- W i» r " I'ra a c liia if >lM l l I,V mi I a t » ’»0 “ • '"•) vAniia •••‘j ,:<Hi IT. t’. C liu n d i.— 1] S«rvi«'"H H »nl*l»atli w I iimii A V . K * llliiirc li. gervicOK k :«0 l* ••• eacl' >< 1 R aptlH t Cliur«'l«. U renvbm i { i s hi , a ti'i |> H O HI • r ' ’ WASTE] P c l u d o i Atnor Themselves Theu*u ,t' el Dot the Hopeless f ■ C is lm i Wbl® dxttue In Brits -of thl ■which have been time .by the I’nit anil by tlic pre?bJ • th e fravidiiVeTit d lin "lisb esta te si cent. ,ievelop:ru*J t he Cliicago .Tins Dave been unhec ber of dupes is i.j creasing. Dufhj iao re letters tha received from A imaginary esta aw aiting the wj England. This! bach as Mr. Loj enormous pror th is descriptior p rin ted circntaJ circular, said: I The pretana©3) American c'-»ln*J on with ©uchpcrrl toen enKagcd lnj ■able to mth* tbr stand what an s I**©whole bunlnol advleo you. alncel subject. U> kwl Schemes, and eg* ibelragonta. In the caw I jthe Jenningsj *Chaae-Townl<( Hedges and had to be prij spplicad Adopted by tl «ert itdvertlf papers to the erty ha* beej came name . iatnily off" ingly oomrnij where. T h e mods tw thnsn sor. xnittance copying th*f purports ^ man for t' qafarks, more hla ■ epondenccj th stsere^ for© the During as minis! ter* hovel town*. sh| them the i Iksnaos, h s esj though parts of letters i ar* i some tlij o lslm sii tw t oo«| walidfty- ilsgstiho j lielpcis msec*, drocs < tsobsd this ci A anyoasl wUU tion i Clsia that s i period f rever twentl aeUool ofi
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