The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
r f t 1 AWWHUePKWDWWTWKKKI-VWWW8PAPK*. sma SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1«91 W. IT, Editor and Prop'r PRICE $1.25 PER AMHUM. %lrtj!and Calhuunie an actor- He ivagrandson o f John C. Calhoun, whit wiu considerable o f an actor, ,but or the board* o f history. , - ;,, " " i ■—.«—■»---- - " - A New Jersey court hu decided that phonographs cannot lie. It didn't go so far, though, as to maintain that those who talk in them cannot. Michigan isthinking o f taking a step backward: Its Legislature at this posaionwill doubtless pass a law providing for capital punishment. Illiteracy is said to he increasing at ■an alarming rate in Pennsylvania. There are 150,000. children between 6 and IQ years of age who do not at tend any school. Brazil is charged with treating her ' immigrants not assheshould. Perhaps #she has refused to turn the entire gov ernment over to them, insisting that the natives o f a country should have some voice in its affaire, . A mail pouch was rifled on the B. A O. the other day and the contents strewn dong the track. The letters • were picked up, l>nt the one Watter- bou sent to Hill and Hiil didn't receive was not found among them. A. strong effort is being made among English educators to abolish Greek as an obligatory study. The old idea *' that no intellect can realize its possi- ■ bilities o f development unless it study a dead language is fast losing ground. The Ohio Press o fSteubenville cites a Scriptural illustration o f the value o f advertising: "’Noah advertised the flood, whichshould induce merchants to follow his example—for he lived through it,and the fellows who laughed at him gotdrowned” A new ftuhion in Paris puts metal boxes on the tombs in all the cemc, tories, into which friends o f the de. ceased can drop their cards through the slit at the top. But we had sup posed that visiting cardswereonly left when the persons visited are not in ■v' - ...1•'■!^ -ssaj$ w— ■ ■’ " ■/■- ’ Blaine has bought a 165,000 house at Washington. His countrymen will find something for him to do in that town as long as he ahall be able to do anything. It is possible that he may live in another house than his own for four years beginning March 4,' 1893. We hear a great beal about the ex* tinction o f the red man. It is all non sense. Thereare now in the United State* 265,000 Indiana. The Albany Evening Journal Says: /'There is the beet possible reason for believing that two centuriesanda halfago the Indiana in what is now the United States east o f the Mimswppi did not altogether exceed 180,000." The Wooster Jacksonian has the fol lowing to say o f a contemporary: "In the new editor o f the Republican we have the realization o f the anticipa tion o f a general public desire. His neck is clothed with thunder. He someth auil weshudder; he remaiucth uim I we are baffled." The editor whose tteek is clothed with thunder must Wear a.pretty “ loud" necktie. There is A philosopbar in fhe editor* iid chair o f the Leesville Connotton Valley limes. He says: "N o time is pm** vnsated. thart'that..takenI up discussingmight have been’s. We aUmight have been born millionaires, but aa only ftw o f us were the. rest will have to keep right along hustling or down we go deeper than you know who.” : I There never was anything more truly Celtic thau the split in the Irish party. The fatal weakness of the Irish race has always been their inability to cohere, A people which does not to deeply feel the need o f freedom aa to forgetiall differences will be a long time in its quest. It looks now as if the Irish would secure horns rule late in the afternoon o f the day that Char lie R om is found and the' air ship makes its first successful flight. - *y-tajg~vi SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO; -DEALER IN ALL SUNOS OF- J -A N D " 1.. . .... A bill has been introduced in the New York.Legislature to allow the widows, ^mothers and daughters o f soldiers to vote.' Why this clsas o f women deserve the baUot particularly more than their sisters is not clean but the bill is significant in that it is one o f the numerous expressions- o f the rapidly growing sentiment every where in favor o f woman suffrage.. I f everybody were as peaceable as James Galbraith, o f Pittsburg, there would, be "neither wars nor ruipore o f wars." He recently for few days. When he returned found that his wife -had taken 'the household goodsand; with the co-oper ation o f Joseph' Stern, had started another hearthstone on a neighboring street. He was not the least bit ex cited. He .called upon-her, congratu lated her on her choice o f a new hue. band, wished her much happiness an< then went backdo-his old homo, con- Doors, Sash Blinds, couple tented as a kitten. . In a weeks Mr. Stem and Mrs. Galbraith were evicted for non-payment o f rent; and what did they have the nerve to dohut seek shelter with Mr. Galbraith. Although his house was a reasonably capacious one, he felt that it was too small for two husbands, and to he fiet up a few of his belongings and left. He says he doesn't waqt to do any* thing he might regret in his after life, but he must have peace, and i f his wife and her lover follow him aroum any more he may see a lawyer. Long fellow made Victor Galbraith the sub ject o f a charming poem. The genius isn’t living who could do James Gal braith full justice. WON BY AMERICANS. Miss Jane Meade Welch, a Buffalo; lady, isMid to have introduced the study o f American history among the Four Hundred o f New- York. . But one would suppose that American his- desiring to contest for Ik e Leadlsi Prists Cowse to the lla lte t States. In The Queen’s last word contest, Dr. Edmund T/Stevena, o f Buffalo, N. Y.^won the first prize o f a free trip to Europe and 1200 In cash, an< Annie B. Turner, o f Deposit, N. Y. secured the specialprize o fa handsome Shetland pony. The publishers o f this well-known Magazine have derided to ofier one more competition, and to the persons sending them tbe largest lists o f En gliah words (o f not less than/our let ters) constiucted from letters contain ed in the three words, "pominioa o f Canada" they oilermanyuseful prizes, including $750 iu cash, Shetland po nies, China Dinner Bets, GoldWatch es, French Music Boxes, Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses,MantleClocks, etc., all to lie awarded strictly in order o f merit, *An elegant Silver Tea Ser vice (valued $30) will be given each day to the pcitout from whom the largest list is received that day front the State in which they reside. The object o f this Special Daily Prize for each State is to increase the interest in the Queen's competition in every locality in the United States, Those one o f these lory would be the very last study to ' valuable prizes may start on their list, edify high-toned society* What is it* at onto, but send aix t f. S. 2c, stamp* hut the record o f men who lacked the and receive last number o f The Queen jwtfiriaa grace o f boodle, and who with full psrtieubursbefbreforwarding tom hr the toms o f such pW*ton mri* your Bat. Adftnee The Cattodiap i as brains am, . . Queen, Toronto, Chmidtt, LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new sotek. Can offer you better Grades for less money than you have been (paying for poor grades. CALL AND SEE GRADES AND PRICES. BANK OFCEBARVILLE . , General Banking Busines Transacted. G e t. W . lla r p e r . Fret*. W . It. CleMHUH. Cafthler. W / F , T R A D K R AttorneyAt haw- NO, 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP POSITE COURT HOUSE. t T? 15 ft W V « w 'JE m I JC v J S i X i v « P t t t q t a r tp a i j U D J H L H i d ; Largest Assortment ever Re ceived. i J. A. C kawford , J. II. L ackkt { Xenia, O. Jamestown, O . ' Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Pdani-ChinaUofs A I f t XENIA, OHIO. We have tor (Ills ttcssuti’s trade ( some large glow*Itv pig* of both. Hexes. Price,, to knit the times..Also &extra. Sh,ot-t Hum bull valves. Call on, o'- address as above. N O W Id your time. We will close ■out our HEATING STOVES! A cord ial in v ita tion iu extended to you to exam ine the e legan t NEW SCOGK b e in g received now . A com p le te line o f lino all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats.; Bant -Lags, Seats Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like qiiality in fine goods can notbeexcelled. D , M . S T E W A R T f t C O - a t r a m x A . , - - o h i o . A T COST . G r o u s e & B a l l WATCHES. CLOCKS REPAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDERBY C. A. HARRIS. F IBLTW T X O T K L , C H »A »V U J L M ,$H U « I, i j A 9
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