The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

MU* - ■ r0* itl&isiis ANINDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEW8&VEB, SATURDAY, FEB. 21, ^ 1891 IF. I I , BLA1JR) Ed itor and Prop*r PRICE *1 ,25 PRR ANNUM. CXIUBCK M B E C T O B r . Covenanter Church.—Rev T. C; Sprout, Pastor. Keantar services at 11:00 a in; Sabbath sehqol at 1Q|:00a m R.P. Church.—Rev. $, V, Morton, pistor. Services at 11:00 a in: Sabbath h W ioo Iat 10:00 a in. M. E, Church—Rev* GLL. Tufts, pas tor. Preaching at 10;45 a in; Sabbath school at- 9*30 a. m.; olass, 3:00 p. m.; Young People’s meetin" at 7:Q0 p in; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:00 IT. P. Church.—Stov. J, C.'Warnock, pastor. MorVloes’ at 11:00a in and 7 p in; Sabbath scliool at 10:00a in A .V, E. Church.—Rev. J. D. Jack- son, pastor. -Services at 11:00 am and 7:00pin,each Sabbath; Sabbath school 3:00 p m; class, 7:00 p in each Friday, Baptist Church. — Rev. D.MTiimer, pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at and 7:00 p i»; Sabbath Soliortl at 2:00 o’clock nm ; Prayer meeting Wed- liesday Right: .AN INTELLIGENT ROOSTER. Be Ie Deaf and Dumb, But. Is Able to Take HU Own Bart, A gentleman living on the ontakirta of the city, near Black Rock, oWna a curiosity the, like of which Barnum never dreamed -of, eaya the Buffalo (N. Y.) Express. It is a deaf-and-dumb rooster — a full-grown, brilliantly plumed, brown’ Leghorn chanticleer -—that has lost hie voice, can neither crow nor cluck, nor make any other audible sound with his .vocal apparatus; does not wake up the neigh­ borhood at five o’clock in the morning with an everlasting eoek-ardoodla-doot doesnot give an alarm of'hawks every time a black cloud crosses the sun, but is still os much the lord of the chicken park as ever. He has nafc.alWays been thus. Up. to the time hd was eight months old he was usnoisy as any young rooster need be. Then he got his head caught in a barbed-wire fence in suck a way os to mangle his peck and probably tear out the vocal cotdfc Losing the power to make sounds, he evidently forgot how to hear them. At least now, at the age of threeyears, he gives no evidence of hearing. But he makes his eyes an­ swer for ears and voice, too. I f any one wantedproof that he was really deaf and dumb, those eyes wouldbeconvinc­ ing. There ishothing he does not ace. When the first glow of sunrise appears he begins the duties of the day by rous­ ing all the rest of the fowls in the hen­ nery in his own originalway. He walks aroundto eoch one, and kicks it off its pefeh. There is no resisting such an in­ vitation to get up. It’s much more ef­ fective than crowing. When he gets a challengeto fight he does not atop to announce whathe can do. He goes and does i t And Ids battles are all victor* ions. The most remarkable thing about this intelligent bird, however, Is the fact that, though deaf# he can dis­ tinguish betwem an admonition to “shoo’*and a request to oome to dinner. Howhe does it is a mystery, but it is believed that he tells Igr the motion* of the lips and general attitude of the per­ sonwho addresses him. A course of instruction in a deaf-and- dumb institute is all this rooster needa to learn to talk with hi* spurs. THE STRUGGLE FOR WEALTH. Money a Potential factor Is Most of tht World** Misery. What is the most active factor of evil in this country ait the present time? It Is not drunkenness, nor licentiousness, nor infidelity. It is not bad politics, and it is not any thing that U disreputable sod under the ban. It is simply the pre­ vailing erase for wealth, and nothing eke. Fromchildhoodto old affe the aver- •ge men thinks o f nothing but taoaey- gettfeg. Everybody is Impatient to make a fortune in a hurry. Naturally people take what Baas Jones sails the “nigh ento," No mail can lore money tadkmg retain a eonmleno*Had good principles. Tbestraggte for Wealth, S*y» thaAt- laataCoiaalwnttoa, I* ndni»ar and WH- togpeople. Dm^thepiOjibtheothar day, a broke* dropped M in Wall street AnotWlwoWlnNewYork,* few days befonvkilladWaieelL ItWaa aUahenta Matterof money.' tadk at inirdefanlUagBotrtbeni atatsTranfwr j <**, VtowmtTsto,Bwrttaimd R n i ^ ! way. lT*y areBowdfrirtecii, dead, in prtamortortxOa. Hooey Wasl*>s>awa*i Andtbereara woreetidage, Woethtk, whodiedmi m g itiw m m fowareanp* W a amtldtewiiHsfBi^ lil ffieJiepse* (wtthjgaioaiiy. AwdMirrtiaB, lant ttwteir hBCaaada. tM fiiref hlei « •WTftVw ill' «OO0TMiiiqr, wwmm pffWw MM2' mKWWVm wife, r«rlh « aslw*f « ‘ doUftta he decoyed a 'iirMw vM|mUPwreT® 'AU lurmwW f, D m * Em tow a* doaw», 1 1 ffMMitoCNjfo mto •aWde tbs ettwr dap. Us warnedm ■mm in gm $ *# '«# eeetsfo, * • ! Hi* mw fitoAfed jfefr tLA^ YMPfo vVMP^NTPPHHw UPr ■ m Twm sJiggl »»!-«#*’A « m e o n ^ ^ ^ d ^ i n S t o £ b s t o S :a leap in the dark. Money'again. Ha* •ides these bold fellows we have a few million sneaks and robber* who keep insideof the law, andgrindtheirfellow* these things themoney devil begins to, loom np a very potential factor. He is the cause of mosto f the crime andmis­ ery of onr day. SYMPATHY EQR DESERTERS. A Omo to Whleb I t Worked tk* Object In ju ry B attler Than G ood. Not one deserter in fifty is caught, and the tmwilljngness of citizens to give inforination that will lead to their Apprehension sometimes leads, to cn- rions complications. Some, yearn ago, aaya an* officer/ in the United States Service, a young graduate from West Point was sent to the West and de­ tailed for special duty with a squad of Indian scouts. So long as he was with |iia party he, of course, was able to keep his hearings, but one day, return­ ing from an expedition into the mount­ ains, the party stoppedfor dinner, and, after dining, he directed the1"Indians to go on to the post, while ho would fol­ low ah hour or two later. Not ac­ customed to the mountains, he lost his way. The Indians came to the .post without him and reported that hehad not overtaken them, but as they were directed to go on they obeyed orders -and did not search for him- A day or two passed, and 0 * no news came of the missing officer, his friends, who esteemed him highly, sent ont the Indians to trace him up and findhim. They followed hia trail for two hun­ dred miles and repeatedly had news of him, es he was seen by'miners and prospectors, but could gut, no informs- tion from them aa to the direction be had.taken, as he was supposed to be a deserter from -the army, and no one would aid the soldiers to ran him down.’ He was found at' last, after over a week’s wandering, almost dead and ont of hia headwith hunger, thirst and ex­ posure, all of which heowed to the gen­ eral sympathy for deserters, for hadthe civilians aided the scouts he might have been overtaken in a few hours. - .............— i a fiacklen ’ i Arnica salve* The best salvein the world for cats, bruises, bo res,,ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped, hands, chilblains, cornsandallskineruptions,andpositive­ ly cure* piles, of no pay required. It it guaranteed togive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents a box* For saltby B. G. Bidgeway’a . ■".•""■"* » «»’.v. t. Travellersmay learn a • lesson from Mr. C. D, Gone, a prominent attor­ ney of Parker, Dakota, who says; “ X never leave home without taking a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with me, and on many occasions have ran with it to the relief of some sufferer and have never known it to fail. For sale by B, G. R idoway . Specimen Ca«e». 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wie, was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disor­ dered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, aiid he was terribly reduced in fioMi and strength. Three bottles of Elec* trie Bitters cured him. * Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had a running sore on 1iis leg of etglit years' standing. Used three bottles o f ElectricBitters and seven boxes o f Buckleu’sArnica Salve, and hfs leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.. had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Elec­ tric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at B. (J. Ridgway's Drugstore. Mr, WillianI T. Price, a Justice of the Peace, at Richland, Nebraska, was confined to his bed last Winter with a severe attack of lumbago; but a thorough' application of Chamber- lain’* Pain Balm,enabled him to get tin and go to wo>k. Mr. Price says: “ The Remedy cannot be recommend­ ed too highly.” Let any one troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia or lame hack give It a trial and they will be o f the same opinion. 60 cent bottles for sale by B. O. RiPOWAY. T h ey Can’t A lB eri te Trtffe. When a man nr wbtuftn Is all bro­ ken down with a hacking cough, and their rest Is disturbed at night, and finally their bones get sore, their heads heavy, eyes watery* then lajust the lime they can't afford to trifle with themselves. The great medlel- nal |»ro|ieriies o f Wild Cherry as a stimulant to the weak Itmgs sml fr* Hfatrd air cells baa kmgbeen known. To this has Iteen added fa Jackson's Wild Cherry endTar Hy«i|V* <* theesseniIs^bgrcfllentN to stimulate miirilkm to IIt* Weak parts* and they positively gaarantee one dose to wt» Have the fc*o*t obeilirtte oongh* and one hoitle w01 generally c«r* a wdd. S*r$r»HawM0«tttHi* fW #a*« *»y c* MWaway# Rev. F. M. flhreut, Pastor United Brethren Church, BlueMound, Kan., •aye: “I feel it my duty to tell what wondersDr. King’s New Discovery has done for me. My lungs wen badly dUeaied, and my parishioners thought that I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr, King's NewDiscovery aiid am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. iu weigh! Arthur Love, Manager Loves Fun­ ny Folks Combination, writes: “A f­ ter a thorough trial and convincing evidence,lam confident Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, beats ’em all, aud cures wheu every­ thing falls. The greatest kindness I *an do iny many thousand friends is to urge them to try It.’ . Free trial bottles at R idgwat ’ b Drug Store, Regular sizes SOc. and $1.00. B. G. Rjdgway, the druggist desires to inform the public, that be I b agent fo^ibe most successful preparation that has yet beenproduced for coughs, colds and croup. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. The article re­ ferred to isChamberlain’sCough Rem­ edy. It is a medicine that .has won fame and popularity on it’s meritsand one that can always be depended up­ on. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to’ be appreciated. It is put iup in SOccnts and $1Tattles. For sale by B, C . R idoway . CHAS. E~SMITHIS Is the place foryou to get a smooth sbave or a stylish hair cut. BASFMENT ORR BUILDING. ’AWCETT Ham In stock a fine line o f W^TCHRH, CLOCKS, JEWELRY DIAMONDS! The finest line o f Optical Gooda In Greene County. A Specialty made Jrazllian Pebble Spectacles In Gold, Silver and Steel frames, confer a brllllancy anq distinctness o f vision, with an amount o f ease and They comfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. Q. X , P*t«K, D. II. S. E b KKfiKTSOLDB, D.:D. S w i s e & m m m , DENTISTS !! • * Xenia National Bank'building, corner Main and Detroit Sts., Xenia, O. vffliS^»rrYArtta°£ tion « f Tenth. idoCao Mrso* s m .'efinhftft>r?iri| KfF ffatef#erif* wiJiiiy mut |«’i« fo|»lr, .If/ thp** of tltlirrmLUiiurvf old,and lii thalfi ana V*Ha*ylit^AAf B» oirtr*hridllie w*tk* i:a»y tolearn. W Ornishdvefyihlng. y/v atsixyhu* So ri»k, ten ca»tla»oie • ' t «1>your llniote thework* ThUi**B MONEY yenreynwtttumetito,orail entirelyuewlsmUndIwituc* B*|rfHiK«nief*eenriuff (Vutm ......v.jr«... we»iii«if«»lmMYeseivewrywe.ktf* «dm>«niif*Mmng fr mfils In#2rfltafartklw) epytatd*« andmoraan^f« ltriiee<t>«rleneAWecanfumlihyentha*m- lil«jrm«alawdimk yoiijkHKE* >*oejncftifosijtUtahen. Fait kNNflltileftmiinhibetfhHlMMlelli nii«r w*t Ly Auue l‘«ge, / rVxia, gml J hh , Itoim, Tsitaq .............. . . iwDMiv*. rtH.fifhvnfered'dAfaawai),why ...ynnf Hoin#varW(ritfrtH69*M* •unttlh* Tunratitt«thewvrlrandItva (i ktu^nktffrrtytoiin* Kite r|lRhrr»«rsHil|tTanili(if (IrlMlito ftHadny.AlUiree,Weshewyonbow andatari yn*i, LTenworMnanafgflat# oVall therime, llif «K*oy ht nifk* $»•* FallHraHttawnwngmeitgthem* NKWnmlwnndafftel.J^aHhniarafraa* ■•H •11*11*lr €"#•■MemM M * l M Now determined that no firm in this COTJNTT or AD­ JOINING COUNTIES shall undersell them in' They have a fall line of all kinds of Furniture, such a s . Parlor Suits, Bed-Room Suits, Dressers, Bureaus, Book- Cases, all ksnds of Beds, Chairs. Stands, Tables, Rock­ ers, and everything found in a First class Furniture Store. Give them, a call. - ' UNEET AKX 1 TG Is a specialty. We keep on hands a full line of Coffins Caskets, Robes, Etc. All calls will be promptly atr-, tended to. BARR & MORTON. ifcM A H mOQ<Mmwm<TK«MBWHYMTM»WWmOITU MIKW tOUMIUWMHITKWMM» ITtlHorTN»MtfOFINC •N*' “ X . r * - , J (. .• I" • -V% ^ HO pm f p . Onlckertlmil any otlipr line rinelnnati to tek«oiivili«< ft.ltlilliA . the only line ruuiiiiiK Pullnirtii lloiidoiraiid ,1’r.i- huc 8loe|*er* rnnkhta <|Uk-k time -to At- iatito,Au*titHto; Macotr,Httvani»Bh*|tru«e- wtek, l.»K« t lty, ThouiHHvitle, Cedar KeyB.TumOB, Aw*tl<VtUiie etui <’ U6». CoinmlnW. Moldie and p«tiiitn lh Oeorgia and Aialmuta. 94 nittoa the altorfeat to NEW ORLEANS 'lime. 37 hour*. Solid train* with Pull­ man Boudoir Sleeping fara making di­ rert connection at New Orleans Without omnibus traoftler for Tessa. Mexico aud CALIFORNIA A Vioksbiirg, making dlrtct raiiUeciloua WitfaouKnniilhna transfer at Shreveport, laiuiatana for Iiallae*- Fort Wurth, Hous­ ton. Oatvi stoM,Texas. Mexico amt Cali- fwrala. Tito short line with thtonuh I'uilnisu Doudoir 8l«6f*errto Knoxville aonmetiug with tHroii*th car lines for Asheville, Ralrigh ahd the f'arolinas. Only lies ffoniCnielhsati to Itliattanoo- saTeMit.. Fort Payne, Ala., Meridan, MhM., VIckslMirgh, Mis*., Shreveport, fat, 3*) tnilc»>h« KhoHcst cieelntiati .to fwxihgion, Ky., Afmnrsquitkeid ITneln- nati to Knoxville. T ciik » il« miks tM shortestPlnriniistl is Atlnnia and An- gBsts* U*., ill miles toe sbortsstClnols- sati to Asnlatoit Ala., 9$ miles Iksshort* iNt CiUrinMNtl to fUtigiBi^M. Alim 16 mtiss shortNt tlnriahsuto Howie, Als, e«wwst Mfinto hM[)wlki;fiin lhibtnBw*i ttoacalisw of<Htoto«a { CkiGap,Bocl Island&FacifiGBy Tha Dlnct Roola to and Ikon* Chicago,Jnlltt,Otmwa, Etofta, la Sail?, Moline, Rock Maud, in ILLlKOtS; Daranport. Moacatlna, OUornwa, OskalooMt, Dta WoiiMB, Wistofaet, Audubon, Marian and Cooadl BluA, In IOWA: MlnMapolls and St. Paul, in MIK- HKSOTA: V iS S n a and Slow Kail,, in DAKOTA; Camoton, St. JoMph and K bmm City, In MISSOURI; Omaha,Lincoln.Halibut?andHrtaon.inNEBRASKA: , Alcblaon, lAovanwortb, Horton, Topeka, nntchlason, 1 Wkhtta, Bcllmrllto, AblMne, DodgwCitr, CaMvatt, in KANSAS; Klngflabfr, El EOnoand Minpo,la INDIAN TERIUTORV: Dtnrcr, Colorado SprtniMand Fmblo, In OOLOKADO. M im a atw areaa otikk tfcnalnc and gnxlng land*, BIB^dlrxth* ban ikctlttlM ofIdler: communication to *11 town, aud cittartaat and mot, aorlhweat andaoulhwwt of CUcasn and to Uaetdo Bad traaB-oceanlcMaportx MAOmnCVMT vxsrmmx xxpaxss nunrs Lradiitr Ml competitor* In apleadot of rqolpiBaiti, betswa cn tcA oo and on moines . council XLUm and OMAHA, and brtwMS CHICAOO aad DXNVXK COLORADO SPEiNOS aad PUEBLO, vU KANSAS CRY aad TOPEKA and Ms ST, JOSEPH. Tbat-CUae DayOoacb**, FRI1CXECUMtNQ CBAlX CABS, and PatacastojwT*, with Diivtnc cur lerrlca. O m oonprcUonaatDrurer andOelarat a Bpriafe yM , dbrnslac r»Rw»y Ham, bow WnalDf O n »* w aad rtetaneque STANDARD OAUaX TRANS-ROCKY UOVNTAlNMOUTX •a Orrr who* myrrhly eqwipfed tnlad n s dally TBHOUOH WITHOUT CHANOK ta aad from SaM IAkmCMf, OgtiM -asd Saa PnHKfaM. THE HOCK ISLAMD la alaa dw Dtraetaad EmrarMaUa« la aad ftaaa MaattM. Pika** Paale add hU other aaahary add Bernk)rtaartaaadeltlmaadmlatafdletrkiala Chiorada. DAILYYAST RXFiUm TRAINS F n a Sbdaatpb aad K mmm OV i» aad ham all lac* partaatI owm .dtlta and aastfaMla SewSMraNrtnaWa, turn* aad tba tadOn Territory, Aim rid ALBERT LEA MtTtXIVam KtamaCHyaod CSteaso to Water- M«S, Maaz IMW, HWNEAPOUS aad ST. PAUL, S r M w a ld tM M C w t hfisAUa 1 dais . ijfltoil* HlVy s'JvNHi, •» Q^ h N' IBronilMwWH aavly taaajrCoaamTiafcatOHm la M m UaMed Mat* m Omada. arr iln a C. «T. JOHN, JOHNNSNASTIANi fie ri Maaastr. Oaa>lTM.4krM*.A<4, n t u i n t t b I M I M W E l E i i f i W i H M l M i M O r n c E tut D it t o e A G a l m n , Dealers In find horses, Columbus, O.. GiNTimMKN—Early list spring one o f our horses was seriously injured Vy being kicked, Arabian Oil was recommended to us end we gave it e trial. Tim result wae not only sxtU- Ueiory, bat surprising. The wound healed rapidly, and the animal was reedy for use In e< few day*. Since ‘thai lime we have by its use cured a number of cam o f eeVafches and re­ moved some bad cases ofeurb. Are* bian OH is nttdonblsdly <hebestgen* eret Stoek Llnlwent that we ever used, and we advise Fermere and Ilorermeu to keep a supply o f ft in their sfahfes ai ail times. Years Re- si»eetfully, _ D wtor 4kQ a LU ii . 1WcofiVr f 100 for a case offteretchei Arehlen Oil will net rare* Xot sate by B , Q . KMgway, Pitsburgh,€in*ti& St.Louis R’f PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. Scboilulo in effect Juue. 1.1890. Trains departfromCedarville as follow GOING WEST. | t 4.40 a. in. flag stop. * fo.14 a. hi ; ■ | * 5.31 p. in. flag stop. GOING EAST. *8 a. in. - . * 3.57 p. m. SUNDAY. .Tiie following trains stop on Sun­ day only, EAST. weht , | 10.14 a. m. I 4.17 p. m. lift.5 7 p .m . - 4.26«a. m. Time g i venabove is Uen tra ) Time., lF»a« fDaily. *l)at|y except iitunitay. JERSEY fiALVAhixEn artEL Tjum ^ LfiWN FENCIN6 T he T hhvq a b m a e r e o N O , IL *«TXM «, «W* <rttHUK>«<Mtos4ee»Ui*A foWRHAdtHireAt^fiswiaMrt dMagariysi tMbMNMMg jkl8 gmfoietoWtaaif IPlNfiNMlMMKiNNa ^ ^ j N u H u e s i e r