The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

THE t \ aast*' AVfiroa;x#iKiiir wiojawrw*we mwmr . saWswwswteteiBteteteteiMfteto^s SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1891 t£teB IT. i f . B L A IR , Editor and P ri& r price a i,2B p«e annum * Broken Promises. Wednesday evening Feb. 25tb. At the McTntire School Souse. I Admission 10 and 15 cents. Don’t fail .to attend. 8. K. Mitchell went this week on .business. to Columbus /A double wedding is repotted to be in prospect in a short time in Ccdari ville. • Mrs. Charles Minser and son Carl have been suffering. with la grippe this week. The show next Friday night will be first class in everyparticular; Do not fail to see it.' Miss Ethel Fields attended the wed* ding o f her aunt, Miss White,, at Co­ lumbus, last week. / Kev, BaHautiue, o f Xenia Semina­ ry, will preach in the United Presby­ terian church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and ?,p. m. S “ ” so White went to Anderson, In- , this week to work at his trade, mk sick almostimmediately uj on his arrival there. Mrs. James Tewnsley is very sick. Rev. Sprowl was m Adams county thk week, y Mra. C . 6 . D . Shawan h u been quite nek this week. Mrs. Rose Winanaia visiting friends in Spring Valley this week. W ill Marshall went to Middiesboro, KentuCy, this week on business, Mr. Ed Jobe entertained several o f hiB intimate friends atdinner Wednes­ day,* . .■■■.* <' Mrs. Lottie Raney, o f Portland, Indiana, is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Archer, at this'place. ;Miss Martha Sprague, '.of Daytcn, 6 ., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Carrili, has returnedhome. Miss Mary Orr dismissed her school Tuesday that she might attend the funeral o f Miss Mary -McMillan, on that day. Mrs. “John George entertained a number o f her friends at dinner Tues­ day, in honor of Miss Nellie Reynolds, o f Xenia, who is visiting there. Jno. S. Williamson has petitioned for a township road to run from hie farm and that o f Caleb Nooks in southemly direction and intersect with the Columbus pike. ' Mrs, Feguson and little daughter, o f Sullivan, Illinois, who have been the guests o f Mrs. John Crain, on South Main street, returned home last Tuesday. Senator Ingalls resigned Thursday from the position o fPresidentpro tem. o f the Senate so that the place might be filled with some other Senator be­ fore. the 4th o f March. Mr. Ingalls has been a well qualified and just pre­ siding officer. The Yellow SpringsDramaticCom­ pany under the special direction- o f MissMarguerite McClure, will present the Farcial .Comedy “ Engaged" at the Cedarville opera house on ;Friday evening, February 27th, 1891. For synopsis and cast o f characters, see small bills. Music fiiraished by Car- No extra charge for reserved seats. Seats on sale at Stormont dbCo.’s, The old homesteado f James Dun­ lap, deoessed, containing eleven acres o f land will be offered for side on March 19th, by J. H . Brotherton, executor. The property is one o f the finest and best located o f any In this vicinity, and will no doubt attract nu aterous bidden. Twenty-nine icres just across the road will be divided into lots o f from one and one half acres to four and one half acres and sold to the highestbidder, Fourhun- dred acres located on the Clifton' and Cedarville pikewill also b# divided into four tracts and eflhred for aale. Parties within; to purchase real estate will find »t to their advantage to at­ tend thissals. The Commissioners last Saturday passed a wsoJutibn Urging theenforce* meat o f the flute law regarding haul­ ing mors than a Certain number o f pounds over pikes daring the rainy season, and the trustees o f Roes town­ ship were the first to respond, arrest­ ing C. At Little, o f Yellow Springs, fosbaultog mors than 2000 pounds dm* the pike* on a three inch tread wagon. 8, W, Dakin was attorney for Mr, tattle at the trial before ‘Squire MeDormoaTuesday, and was <mly a short time In idearing his client of the charges and throwing the costs o f the prosecution upon the trustees. While the defendant had several wit* nesMSsuhpoansd hie attorney manipu­ lated those o f the prosecution In *mol. a manner that the *Sq«lre dismissed the ease without farther evidence. The H erald was in error Inst week in stating that MissOrr was the teach? er who was sick. It was Miss Minnie Owen, who is still seriously ill and her Bister Lulu is teaching in her stead. Broken Promises is a flawless drama pure in thought and action, os a tem­ perance drama thispiece is unexcelled. Don’t fail to'.eee it, at the Mclntire school house next Wednesday even­ ing. The cast is the same that pro­ du ced '‘Ten nights in a bar room’’ one year ago, which was a grand suc­ cess. The Yellow Springs DramaticCom­ pany oontposed ofthe elite o f our es­ thetic neighboring village, will give an entertainment in Cedarville next Friday evening, the 27th, Inst. Re­ served seats at Stormont A Co.’s for 25 cents. ■ -/ , . It la pet yccewary To suffer with constipation which brings on sick and nervous headache, if you will only try a box o f the Little German Liver Pellets, the t smallest pill made in the world; sugar coated and plea&nt to take, no sickening or griping. At B, G. Ridgway’s, Cedarville was treated to a slight scare last Monday, but we are thank? ful to state it was nothing but a scare, A family by the name o f Grindle,who live near the depot, reported to the trustees that one of their children hat the smallpox, and the health officer at once commenced taking precaution ary measures, such as quarantining the. house, etc. The symptoms were similar to. that of smallpox and the physicians called reserved their decis­ ion until the following day when they reported that chickenpox was the cause, thereby relieving the minds' o f several of the timid ones. We are glad to learn that the oh Charlton flour.mill, east o f this city which has been run for a tew yearspast by Mr. W. M. Horbison, as a grist mill, is now undergoing a thorough overhauling and the new roller process being put in, the work having been going on every since the middle o f December, The mill willbe ready for.running in about ten days, under the direction o f the firm o f Hur- bison & Stormont. Mr, Stormont having gone into the firm recently. There is now but oneJlbur mill in the county running the old burr system and that is the Grinnell mill near Yellow Springs.—Xenia Gazette. almost AWRY The Cedarville W. C. T, U. has lately been making an effort to carry out the moral o f the story o f the far-, mer and the lark, in the replenishing o f ite treasury. The good success o f the women o f some o f the churches Whohave pursued this plan, also en­ couraged us to resolve to help our­ selves. As a result o f this resolution 88.00 was received into our treasury at our last meeting, though several o f our members were absent. Each mem­ ber in making her contribution, stated how it had been secured. Some had sold chickens, others butter and eggs, lisle’s orchestra. Admisifenr25ncentsr one had sewed carpet rags, another had knit for her money, another had baked bread, another had waited on the sick, and another gave hers out o f money made by keeping a boarder, while others had solicited theirs from friends o f the cause, The member Who seemed to have had the hardest time to get hers was the one who could devise no other expedient but to beg it Fromher husband. Altogether the result o f oar efforts was both gratify­ ing and encouraging. M .M . We have more than we want and will give you more fot your money than you ever got before. AIL of our $12.00, $10.00 and 88.00 suits go for $5,00. You can’ t afford to miss this sale. They must all go by March 15th, so look out. ^ * . . . ,,ur •* ■ -*■ Don’t fail to attend the entertain-1 1 ment next Friday night. I Mrs. Riley Stormont has beep euf- ] fering with a severeattack ofla grippe. *. A number o f young folks from this \m v ioS «h»nS«* h™ ]8> we are vow place were eotertaiued at the home o f prepared to furnish everything that Mitchell Collins, hear Clark’s Ruu, is kept in a first class Grocery. We Tuesday evening, when they enjoyed themselves tripping the light fantastic. The temperance drama, Broken Promises, will be presented to the public Wednesday evening, February 25th, 1891, at the Mclntire school house, district No. 2, by members of tiie literary society. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Mrs. Wm. Bnulds, o f Jamestown O., writes: . “ 'took a very violent cold which settled on my lungs which won'became so congested from con stent coughing day and night, that could not do my work. Tried two physicians in Jamestown, and one in Bowcrsville, but all said the same thing, quick consumption and that could not get well. My husband was persuaded to try Persian Cough Syrup and after using one bottle could rest well at night, and after the use o f 5 bottles am again well and can cheer­ fully recommend it os the most won­ derful medicine in the world." At Ridgway’s. when Two or thjfee years ago, the prohibition party was better organized in Cedarville township than atpresent a glee club was formed composed o f some of our bestvocal talent, and since that time, while the clubhas ceased to retain its organization, a Warmfriend­ ship has continued to exist among its former members. Several times have they met together and enjoyed them- «Ia* Maiding tfa dear* Selves socially since they ^disbanded, &odromanticIncident, iSrrertethoughts We this week received a commun'- but we venture the prediction that aro suggested totoereflectIngooUetfate Jno. Raney, who went to De Witt, Arkansas, a few weeks ago to make his home,-returned lost Tuesday, re­ porting that thut country was noplace for him. This is the rainy season there and to a person who is not Ac­ quainted with the climate it is nothing i|not disagreeable, and we do not blome Mr. Raney for becoming dis­ gusted. . ‘ GRADUATED.A T EIGHTY-FOUR. Tate Coafara a O41M oa a Maaiter af . ttei Claaa <rf ISIS, Yale University haa ju t' conferred too degree of A. B. upon Douglas Put- nam of Ohio, a gentleman eighty-four yean of age. Hla aheepakin la made retroactive In effect, ao that the new- fledgedbachelorof artebecomeaamem­ ber of theclasaof 1990. which graduat­ ed sixty-four yean ago. There were lately but aix survivorsof that close, nowthe number la Increased to seven. The recruit, who, by the wey,. (a cer­ tainly in one sense an “old bachelor"— la a grandson of theGeneral Israel Put­ nam, whose heroicdeeds formed oneof themost Interestingchapters in rerolu- tiobary history, It seems, says the New York Press, that Douglas Putnam was one of the two brothers who rode from Ohio to New Haven, Conn., onhorseback In1833 andentered Yale college Inthe autumn of the year; that' at the close of the junioryear their father died andonly one of the brothers could be spared to pursue the studies of the senior year while the elder Douglas was kept at home to esre for the family andestate. This Is an Interestingbit ofstory, sod the action of the corporation of Yale university InVotingtorestorehimtohis handle a fine and large lino o f Canned Goods. Oranges, Cranberries, Onions, Pickles sour and sweet; alsoa N,o. 1 lineof DUEDFRUITS. Sour piekles 8 cents per dozen, a fine quality o fapple butter 10c per pound, coffee 25 cents per pound, 6 bars o f Star soap 25 cents, Irish potatoes 3d centoper peck, Mackerel 5 cents each or 15 cents per pound. Our motto is to underbuy for cash and undersell for cash only. Hoping to receive a luge share o f your pat­ ronage. Respectfully, J.G.M’CORKELl Buy your bed room suits of B ark & M o R ton . P. R , Roosters at W. M. Mitchell’s .^ Next week is bargain week at • B arr & M orton ’ s , Remember you can save 10 per cent by buying your -Furniture this next week of Barr & Morton. A full stock o f lumber, shingles, etc., at M itchell ’ s . Bay Vonr Furniture of Barr&Mor­ ton ami save 10 per emit. Plenty o f hickory and ash stove , wood at M itchell ' s . F o r Cash unit F o r Cask Only, We will give 10 per cent discount on all Furniture bought from Ike21st to tbc 28tii, of this mouth, ^ B ark & M obton . cation for publication in which the writer attempts toshow that onr pro hibitory ordinance is a detriment to Cedarville. We have no objections to publishing such an article so lung ns the writer is responsible and holds hint or herself responsible for what they my. as the H erald is published Aw the benefit o f Cedarville, and we balievfi every faction should have their my providing it is without injury to any person or set o f persons. The writer in question meets all the re­ quirements except the last, but an at- tilde Upon the condition o f our busi­ ness interests excludes it from publi­ cation. Cedarville is as good * busi­ ness town for its size as there' is in Greene county, and we do not cate to have the impression go out that it is not, and so long as we have control o f the 11 k r a i n it will not at least never did they pass a more pleasant time than that o f Thursday even­ ing when they were so royally enter­ tained by Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bull, at their home on Cedar street Mrs. Bull knows well the art o f entertain­ ing and no paint were spared to make the occasion one o fpleasure, Supper comprisingan elegant menu wasserved about eight o’clock, after which croki- nole, a popular parlor game, was in­ troduced and enjoyed by thosepresent until a late hour, when the guests de­ parted feeling Suit they could not fail to treasure in their memories the thought tbit the evening had proven one ofthe most pleasant in their ex­ perience. The following,members o f the club were present: Mr. and Mrs, Sam’l Tomlinson, Mrs. Will Barber, Misses Rosa and Lillie Stewart, Stella Berber, Anna McMillan, Irma W il­ liamson, Edith Satterfield, Lulu .Bar through its columns. As we hate said before, differences o f opinion on ber, Meters. Al Stormont, Will K$de, subjects o f importsnee wo are glad to Brough Rife and George Crtswell. have discussed in this paper, but at* Meter.-, Will Barber, Hen. Bather tacks on individuals or individual In- and W. H. Blair Were also numbered tenets w* cun t>* allow. j among them present. mind thereby. Oat of them la that, very likely, if Douglas Putnam, aged eighty-fouryear*, were examined upon the branchestaught at Yale dar­ ing the senior years sixty-four years ago he would not attain an average marking of any thing near one hun­ dred per cent, for his answers. ~ John N. Hutchinson, of Covington, seems to be death proof. From. Me strange experience he was not born to __ be killed. He has met with no less But j than twenty-five accidents in the pftst the next thought te that just a* likely, JUa yeHrg. At the Sullivan gas pits if the other six surviving members of .. _ ^ the class of 1630, who astutely went 1 in Indiana, m 1874, there were through with those studies and thir- Stood examinations upon them, were how to he submitted to the seme ordeal they Wouldsucceed nobetter thantoe newly graduatedmemberwoulddo. Still an­ otherthought in the seme line; How many Yale graduatesof theeleeeof 1800 oouldsustain a creditable examination of the studies pursued by the tears of ltto? When oncethe scholasticmindbegins to ponder in this way there teno rial bis •topping place. Time brings many changes. Fouryears are but a small fraction of four score. One year more or lehaInthegreatschoolatNewHaven Isof value only as It affectsone’* career aaa student in the great school of life. And it would be a tolerably safe guess tohazard that theyoungman Whorode on horiiehaek from0!v >to New Haven taseareliofk.i! m v and rule from New Haven toOh«»■>»horseback afths call of duty. U tote. v no less truly a manof “ lilH-rai education" than are his surviving e!(A:.umc& who spent Obe year more at than he did. ^ teen men killed. He was a green hand, and escaped. He fell from the roof o f St Mnrv school lionse while it was being erected. He dropped a distance o f seventy-five feet, abd was badly injured, He was also hurt at the fruit house, and fell fromachurch in West Covington. While walking on a railroad track With two other men, a train came along and killed hk companions. He was stealing a ride with two other tramps in Indians. The train jumped,the track and the two tramps Were killed. He was hurt at the Dueber Work*, and a down other (Pffhrent place*. Both o f Ms arms have been broken, several rite fractured, his head crushed, hk legs broken, and yet to-day he k a pretty good mar*