The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
VOL. 12 . ‘BiiAliVTLLE, OHIO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1891 NO. 4 DRY GOODS M GTHING, HATS, C A P S # SHOES, Tinware , Queonsware and Groceries. THE LAilC+EST STOCK, THE LOWEST PRICES are New stock of the above goods just iA. N. B. Genuine MAPLE MOLASSES $1.20 per gallon. 8 pounds BUCKWHEAT FLOUR for 25 cents. pure Mfe. j . C. Stewart was the guest of Mr., and Mrs.- A. G. Miller last week. Harry Murdock is confined•'to the house with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Minnie Wooten is very sick .With Ja grippe at her home in Louis* ville, Kentucky. • The spelling match at the cross road school house Monday evening, was a very pleasant affair. Mr. and Mrs. John Spahr, of Jamestown, were the guests of Mrs. Anna Townley last Saturday. The next entertainment on the pro gram for Cedarville so far as wo con learn, is Prof. White's lecture on “1 have Forgotten. Spring Valley hasbeen trying to regulate by ordinance the speed of trains through the village, and the railroad folks threaten to retaliate by taking away the station. The infirmary directors should look at home while practicing their now ideas of economy. Besides having on an average about six board meetings^ month, when one would do’ as well ,r .they attend inn body every pauper funeral and charge $2,50 each a day ,sfor their services. In other words ■#7.50 is paid for mourners (?) every f, time a body is buried at the expense of the county. The system of caring for the poor so graphically described , by Dickens in Oliver Twist wouldno doubt be a source of gratification to about two members of our present in firmary board, as they would then have more funerals to attend, making the office more. remunerative. Cour age, my friends Only about two or three more years of selling out to the lowest bidder and you will have the1 institution about where you want itl Three desperate character, WiltiarJ Carter, George Jones and Chari# Mrs. Rev. R. B. Patton and ehil- Mrs. S. M. Keyes is visiting friends dren, of Columbus, came Tuesday in Sabina this week. evening, and will remain two weekB; — -----—r—— the guests of Mrs. P.’s parents, Mr.’ Genial Dick Nesbit, compositor on and Mrs. D. M. Dean. (the Anderson, Ind., Herald spent the —--------— iweek in Cedarville. Dick is account-j The Epworth League of the M. E . ’ed the handsomest young man in that! church will celebrate tlfe anniversary city and many a young heart beats of Wesley, the founder ofMethodi.- . painfully cs Anderson’s fair misses see to-morrow night at 6 o’clock. All the gallant Richard meander about are cordially invited to attend. j their busy city. He has been on his The concert given bv the Westmin- ‘S°°a Savior, while here, however, ster Quartette at Clifton, Monday *}th ^ exception ° f a few ely fiirta evening for the benefit of tho young lddiesM. S. was a decided success. The ladies realized quite a neat sum. Many from Cedarville attended. Justice, made their escape from tire Work House at Xenia, Sunday after* noon by knocking down Superintend-jl tious just to keep in practice, his ac tions have been exemplary. He re turns to Anderson Monday. F ort C uster , M ontana . T lie P e e r of. A ll. [ En, H ekauh ^ I thought that per- John Zeiner, undertaker, some ofmy friends in Cedarville would like to know how Uncle Sam treats bis boys in blue, and as 1 have had a little experience in that line T shall give them the benefit thereof. Now, if there is any man or boy who wants to enlist in the army to eat and sleep, as that is-thecommon impression among people at home as to the.extent of our duties, he Will miss it, ns there is nothing but work. There is no fighting to do and Uncle Bam must keep ns busy. Some of the knowing people, and the town is full of them, told me that I had done a- bad thing, it.was a dog's life and I would do town, O., says he neverhad n worse chid in his life. “Two nights I never slept a wink for coughing, after three doses of Persian Cough Byrup was entirely relieved and never enjoyed a better night’s rest in my life. Cun cheerfully recommend it as the . best cough syrup ever made." Sold by B. G. Ridgway, 2-5 and 50 cent sizes. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. James McCann to' Annie Comiord, let 554, Xenia city, $1,500. j George Boyd to Caroline Lawson, (part-lot 17, Xenia city, 816. | ‘T L Magrudcr, assignee of Isaac nothing but lay around. The only LOCALS. Teeth extracted without pain by application of cocaine at Dr. Homan’s office. , A vena, Oatmeal Cra'cked wheat Granulated Hominy Farino, Parched Farinose at ‘ G ray ’ s . New perfumes, very elegant a t R idoway ’ s P harmacy . Go to Dean & Barber’s, for fresh meat&jofall kinds. Housekeepers get a* good feather duster at C. L. Crain’s if you want to keep down the dust. 1 Syrup ami Molasses a t G ray ’ s . Buy your Fu rn itu re o f Barr & Mor ton and save 10 per cent. Butter, Jereeys^Qjy^gQd Oyster Crackers a t G ray ’*. A rt materials, a complete stock at Ittoo way ' s P harmacy . Highest market price paid for wheat a t A ndrew & Bnn. Dried Apples, Peachey, Apricots and. Prunes a t G ray ’ s . Tobacos and Cigars a t G uay ’ s . Tiddledy winks, a novel game a t H ujgway ' s P harmacy . «• Remember you can save 10 per cent by buying your Furn itu re th is next week o f Barr & Morton. Buggy Harness and Whips, a <um- Auyoite having an account with the undersignedwill please call and settle^before April let. We are buy-.- iug our spring millinery and need the money.. We also invite you to call and Bee our remnants of ribbon which we are closing out to make room for spring stock. B arber & M c M illan . Flaked Pineapple, at ' G uay ’ s . Cash paid for furs a t S. L. W alker ’ s . Next week is bargain week a t B arr S c M orton ’ s . Choice white clover honey at G ray ’ s . See ou r new papatrio a t 25 cents. ItlDGWAY. Honey a t G ray ’ s Gloves, good stock, low prices. . A ndrew & B ro . Custard pie pumpkin,- minco meat pie; at C ray ’ s . Clover and Timothy Seed at at A ndrew & Btio. Irish and Jersey Sweets Potatoes, at G ray ’ s . b * ~ i-------- o ------ v .....- ..... — D v uu ivn • oi uck, to J C Cunningham, 99 acres, men I see laying around have just •plcLe sloCk at 10(:k bottom prices iXenia, $3,382. come off guard. The rest are sawing (*, l . C hain ’ s . I George G Hall to John F Wright wood, digging down some hill or build- j part lot 8, Lewis &Monroe’s add to j >ng wads «1<J wllcHno“ that we are j jXenia, $265. . . i drilling, shooting at targets nml Jearn- J Milton Keys to W Etta Sellers, 'ing to handle a rifle. "When that is lot23, W A llW .add toX .n ia ,MUll. “' Y f 1' S»“ ! olca“ yT , "'“I'i"’ ' . i t . Iand then there is a man paid to blow 21, IV Allisons add toXcma, $1,181. yOT„ut in J miDgi on<1Hmt W must bo kept in. good shape, too. I f yon are consfitutionally lazy, try a cut Toddand rushing out the door and through the residence part of the works. Todd and hi/» assistant fol lowed, firing at the men with pistols, while a neighboring hoy came to the rescue with a shotgun. Justice was shot in the back of the head by the boy with the shotgun, but not serious ly injured, and all of them were cap tured after an excitingchase, in which three or fourpolicemen joined, two of them taking refuge in the paper mill and one m the cemetery close by. Justice was sent to the Works for at tempting to shoot the Marshal of Jamestown while under arrest, and escaped fromtheWorks some timeago but recently had come batikand given himself up, Robert Law et al. to John Law, quit claim to lot 5. Lewis’ add to Xenia, $2,000. Mary Band I I I I Long to John Bishop right o f way, Jamestown, $15, Johu W Smith to Wm Green, lot 33, Boop A CVs add to Jamestown, $ 120 . 4 Jannctte and Charles Reed to John A Fudge, 2 acres, New Jaspervillage, $ 220 . David Davis to Samuel N Davis and-Emma A McGuire, 1247 acres, Sugarcreek, $720. M. 8, Farrell to A S Dice, and Catharine and Wm Dean, lot 4 and 10 Huston’s add to Xenia, $360. Martha A and Wm II Page to Em maB Eaton, lot 8, Weathcrholu’r, and Clements add to Xenia, $100. C H Kyle, admrto Aaron WMills, 21.11 acres, Xenia, $2,370. J , WChanay to Catharine Hoover, 60 reran, Jefferson, $2,250. soldier’s life a while. Some have the impression that a soldier isa cut-throat and gambler. That will be cured in a hurry. The laws are belter and more strictly enforced here in camp then in the East. When a man gets pulled by the guards I think ofMayorTown* filcy and $8.60. The nearest town is 85 miles. The neighbors are awful friendly—stylishly dressed in blanket* and feathers andalways ready to give yon the contents of a six shooter, very clever people. We go to school from 2 to 4 p. eveiy day and i f you don’t go to school it costs you $5. When I go on guard the thermometer goes so far below-aero that they have togat out a searchwarrant to find the mercury. Now boys, have you got an idea of thk life and if you’re de terminedyet to bs a soldier, get a broomstickand a paper cap and stay at borne. W. E. Smrcwa. Pure old Dutch Java Coffee at at A ndrew & Br.o. Corn, Tomatoes, Beans, «&c., at G ray ' s . Sweet, spiced and sour pickles at G ray ’ s , Old Kentucky line cu t tobacco at* 46 cents per pound, a t A ndrew B ros . Fish a t G uay ’ s , j O -c, Crackers and Gingct snaps Wood ami Willow ware at j G ray s. G uay ’ s . j Hard and Soft refined Sugars at Some novelties iu ladies purses a ll G uays . U iduway ' b P harmacy . , Sugar, Bca, Coffee, &c., a t Gray’s. Parties going West will do welij l n r and Plush Holies and Horso by seeing C. L. Grain for Trunks, JBlankets a t reduced prices to close Valises and Shawl Straps. j out stock a t C. L. C rain ’ s . Buckwheat flour and pure maple j 15»y your fresh and salt meats at molassesat G uay ’ s , | tin* -hi reliable meat store of C. W. Crouse, RolledAvonaandWheat, Oatmeal and Cracked Wheat, Farino and.. Sorghum, Byrup and New ■Orleans; Molasses a t G ray ’ s . Take your bu tter and eggs to Denu Sc Barber and g e t tho highest ca-h prise. F s r Cush and F a r Owl* Onl„ , SS; , ,-nBuilding and Ixiau We will give IQper cent di>n ■;nt *<!:;•inn, of Huntsville, Alabama, an ParchedFarinose, Pearl Barley, Gran- uintedHominy at O ra - ' i r.-ons wishing slock in r u 1 \t on all Fn ru itu re bought from tin -i>-i ;<* to the 28th, o f this month. B arr & M om NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the t*s tees o f ' -edarville township will n.< at the Clerk's office, the first mo. in March for the purpose of u ».* their annual settlement witu i Supervisors. All persons htivu business to come before board or bills to present will bti< to the matter on or liefore this dm By order of the trustees. H, M. S tormont , Clerk nuati, Ohio, or any information ruing the Association, please on E. lu Smith, county agent, or d. {Stormont, tiessurer,or J, It «oy, Sce’y. F a r 8 a le . "actory in good running order uisc and hit, houSOnfsix good . cellar and cistern, ipring and u house, stable, buggy shed, ■ -.‘Hi,etc., also four acres of good d suitable for pasture, garjert- • smalt fruit. Will sell very . For further particular* in- •ifB W.Northup,Cedarville, O.
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