The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
* • «* -T- VOL. 12 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1891 NO Our Necessity is your To the purchaser of $1.00 worth or more of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS ^ SHOES, 1 • 4S . ' ■ » ' > ; ‘ ' * we w ill give a discount of 10 P E E C EN T POE CASH O N L Y On Tuesday, "Wednesday Thursday next, March 10th, 11th and l*2th. Now is your time to purchase your spring DRY GOODS M A M M O T H S3. r.<mx ragBBfflfffT.ia Mrs. A. H. Creswell, it is reported aud all night too, with your brother.’’ , local preachers, and -what » is dangerously ill. Lung trouble is buys LordMucauloyol Wesley: “ lie Lvc-ry day many additions an the cause ‘ j was a man' whose eloquence and logic-j to-this family both oa earth and ----------------- al ucutouess might have rendered him Miss. Carrie L . Badger returned. enj;nent in literature, whose genius for home yesterday from Paducah, Ky., | government was not inferior to that where she has helm teaching school. •ofllichelieu, aiul who devoted all his Miss Daisy Gray entertained a few , Powers 1,1 deHanoe of oblo,luy and de friends Monday evening with erolti- 'rhipu, to what lie sincerely eousider- nole. Refreshments were served duv- ed The highest good o f his. species. ing the evening. 1729 'vhile the-V wer®ttt 0xf<ml> ------- r—------ , John aud Charles Wesley, with a few Mrs. Harry Wilson has had a severe other college friends, among whom attack of la grippe it being so severe was George Whitefield, organized the as to cause several severe hemorrhages Methodist movement.. They wore but she is now recovering slowjy. called “Methodists” in derision, bc- Tl.e entertainment ut East IV m t oauPC of their methodical ways Thus which was repeated Thursday evening Methodism, winch was destined to l»c- was a successful and very pleasant' affair, notwithstanding the inclemency come the greatest religious factor of the world, was boi.n and cradled in n of the weather on both evenings, and ^ e a t university, nurtured by college the society are to be congratulated on the neat litthxsiim which they realized. Much o f the success was due to the olficient management of Mrs. Marshall. T h e C e n t e n n i a l A n n iv e r s a r y o f M e tltod itnn . John Benjamin Wesley was born in 1703, at Ep worth'. ijnglaud, and died March 2, 1791. The centennial anni versary o f his translation to heaven is being celebrated throughout the world by his admiring followers. Wesley’s father was a noted minister of the most potential fact m the annals of church of England, for thirty-nine jchurcM»^LV- P«>vo tins state- years rector o f Epworth. He was!raent>con,l,are with two other great learned, laborious and godly, a protessors, aud in its incipient*}', com posed only of college-bred ruen. The world needed another reformation. England was on the borders of anarchy. Tliese were the men, and this- the church whom God chos >for this sti - pendous work. They waded through sens of persecution, bafilcd mobs, brooked scorn and ridicule, and had the Hood-gates o f a nation’s wrath opened upon them. I t is only voicing the declarations of history to say that Methodism is the (llor, to t|10 imirp wo,„en to the ------ . . . o fi family, e made, in heaven. 'Her members outnumber those of the Baptist, Congregational and Pre-hyteriau eliurchcs combined This is the largest denomination in America. O f tiie churches represent ed iu our own town, in 3880 there were 82,000 members of the United Presbyterian church in the United States, 17,000 members of the Reform ed Presbyterian (Covenanter,) aud 3,374,000 Methodists, The first Brit ish Bible Society was projected by a Methodist. The London Missionary Society was the result o f an appeal from one o f Wesley’s preachers. The first Tract Society was formed by Wes ley and Coke. The first Dispensary the world ever had was founded by Wesley. A Methodist lady organized a Sunday school fourteen years before Robert Raikea had one, aud Sophia Cooke, another Methodist, suggested the. Sunday school idea to Ranees, and assisted him in organizing his first school. The Methodist was the first church to recognize-tin* independency of the United Stales, and to promise support to Washington's administra tion. President Lincoln said: “The Methodist church has sent more sol LOCALS. I Anyone having an account with Teeth extracted without pain by | die nndofeigned will please call and * * i I. /• A •! t i \t* 1 volll* movement?. The Apostolic church in miaous writer in both prose and poetry, two centuries'-gained 2,000,000 eon- n master o f several oriental and classic- application of cocaine office. A vena, Oatmeal Cracked- wheat. ’ Granulated Hominy Kariuo, Parched Farinose at 1 G hay ’ s . at Dr. Homan’s !settl<' before April 1st. We are buy-, iug our spring millinery aud need the money. Wo also invite you to call and sec our remnants of ribbon which wo arc dosing out to make room for spring stock. - -B arker & M c M illan . Now perfumes, very elegant at liimnVAV’BI ’UAltMACYi Go to Dean Barber’s, for fresh meats of nil kinds. Irish aud sweet potatoes at ‘ MeCorkell’s. Housekeepers ge t a good feather duster at C. L. Crain’s if.vou want to keep down the <1ust, <*yrnp and jMoia»«cs al :H uai ' s . Buy your Furniture of Harr &Mor ton nnel save. Hi per e*,nt. Butter, Jersey, Milk and. Oyster Jl1'0- !d G ray ’?!, Crackers at * Q uay ’ s . > Glover and Timothy Seed at Canned corn, tomatoes, beaus and ja* • A ndrew & B ro Flaked Pineapple, at G uay ’ s . Cash paid for tars at - - S. L. W a lke ii ’ s ; Next week is bargain week at B ark & M orton ' s . Choice white clover hojfiev at G r a y ’ s . See our new papatric at 23 cents. Hi no way . llotiey at C ray ’ s - Gloves, good stock, low prices, A ndrew & Buo. Custard pie pumpkin, mince meat pens at • McCovkeH’s. * Cooked pickled pigs feet at MeCorkell's, Art matt rials a complete stock at Hi in; way s P harmacy . Highest market price paid for wheat at A ndrew & lino. hospitals, and more prayers to heaven Dt ied Apples, Peaches,t Apricots tlmn all others,” The one branch -0f a,*d Prunes at G rays . , this denomination represented in ( \* Tobneos raid ( ?"irs a» Gi; tv I darvillc, is building four new rburtl.e* T‘Id !1<:!.• v, i . ! a i .>». d ’gamr at everyday, raises a million miduqttar Kim. w *. y ’ s P haii . mi * y . verts, and spread over most o f tlw* j top tlollursi f f W a n n u a l l y , 1ms! Hememb! Irish and Jersey Sweets-Potatoes, at . G ray ’ s . Pure old Dutch Java Collee at at A ndrew & Bito. Corn, Tomatoes,*Beans, Ac., nt G ray ’ s . Sweet, spiced and sour pickles at G ray ’ s . Old Kentucky fine cut tobacco 40 cents per pound, at I A ndrew B ros . j Cheese, Crackers ami Ginger snaps at G ray *?. industry. Wesley’s mother, Susanna, was a remaikable woman. She possessed a rare intellect, a most discriminating judgment, a peculiar faculty for fami ly government. Her family 6 f nine* teen children wefe tinder perfect con trol- They never cried aloud after they were one year old. The mother was their preceptress until they left home for the schools in London. With two exceptions, the children were taught their a, b, e’s in one day. One daughter was able to rend the New Testament in Greek when fight years o f age# John Wesley spent fifteen years at <txfortl University as student,1 fellow, lecturer, tutor and moderator o f the classes. Alt parties recognized his talents and his learning, while hie skill in logic was remarkable. Dr.Bamuel Johnson, one Of the greatest o f con* verratiomdists, anxiously sought the s H'ietv of Wesley. Sakl he to Wes- IcyV sister,!who was Johnson’* injti- jmate friend, “ I could t*fk all day, the 16th century shook the papal throne to its base, extended to nearly all parts o f Europe, and bequeathed the legacy o f Protestantism to coming ages. But becoming1 involved with pdlitica{ life, it lost its aggressive pow er liefore two centuries had passed,and when Wesley appeared, Europe was plunged into religious formalism. In 1739 the first' Methodist sreiety was organized. What lias Methodism done for the world during the one hundred arid fifty years which have intervened? I t has spread itself over the entire gtabor-Eiirope, Asia, Afri ca, Australia, North and South Amer ica, and the isles o f the sea. The sun never ceases to shine upon its spires. The sound o f its church bells mingle the world round. Wesley has more followers than any other man. How mattv communicants? 6,000,000! Uow many receiving Methodist train ing every week in her churches aud B&bbatlf schools? 25,000,000. Add ing her 35,000 ministeM and 60,000 language “ What hath God wrought?” G. Dried apples, peaches, prunes, grapes and raisins at MeCorkell's. Pie punkin, mince meatnt ■MeCorkell’s. Oranges, lemons and cranberries at MeCorkell’s. Young Hyson tea 45 cents per pound at MeCorkell’s. Jellies and upple butter at MeCorkell’s A number one butter bean at MeCorkell’s. Itollcd uvena, oat meal aud rolled oats at MeCorkell’s. Syrup, Orleans and Sorghum mo lasses at MeCorkell’s. C ryn tiil K iev ! C ry sta l R ico ! The roost popular cereal’ food on the market. For plain cooking und pastry it has no eqlrnl. For rale at MeCorkell’s. .ii rim -a vc H) pel* rent to bujrag jour ruriJiurc this next week o f Barr A Morton, Maekeml, h ir in g aud whit:* fish at MeCorkell's. Buy your bed room suits of B arr &M orton . Buggy Harness and Whips, a com plete stock at rock bottom prices at C. L . C ra in ’ s . Fish at G ray ’ s . Wood and Willow ware at O ray ’ s Home novelties in Indies purses ,at H iduway ’ s P harmacy . Parties going West will do well by seeing C. J-. Crain for Trunks, Valises und Shawl .Straps. Buckwheat flour and pure maple molasses at G uay ’ s , Sorghum, Svrup and New Orleans Molasses at G ray ’ s , Take your butter aud eggs to Dean A Barber and'get the highest cash price. F o r t ’a s li itnd F or C ash O n ly . We will give 10 per cent discount 0 » all Furniture bought lYoin the 21bt log or small fruit, Will sell very eiteap. For further particulars in quire of B W. Northiip,Ced*rVlik'tO. Hard and .Soft refined Sugars at G ray ’ s . Sugar, 8ca, Coflee, Ac., at Grays. Fur and Flush Hobes nrnl . Horse -* j Blankets at reduced prices to closs out stock at L. C rain V. Buy your fresh and salt meats at the old reliable meat store o f ()? V,’. Rolled Avena and Whfnt, Qatmeal and Cracked Wheat, Fnrino* and Parched Farinose, Pearl Barley, Gran- ulated Hominy at G ray ’ s . Persons wishing stock in the Southern Building and 'Loan A*- mj - ciation, of Huntsville, Alabzma, and Cinrhmati, Ohic|, or any iiiforntalbin eouecruing the Association, pleas# call oil E. h . Smith, eounly agent, or II. M. SloiTiionl, tjeaavicr. cr J. H McElroy, Se.-’y, F * p S a le . Tile factory in good running order also house and tot, bouse o f six good rooms, rcMar mn) eistern, ipring and spring lioiise, stable, buggy shed, corn erib,c(c., also four acres of good ground suitable tbr pasture, gardeit- to the 28lh, i>l fids inonlli. B arr & M orton . mm M m M# ! t ]
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