The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

■ 4 + '0 L . 1 2 OHDABVILIA OHIO, SATURDAY. MARCH 21, J8S1 NO. 1 ■jLl THE $ MOST * COMPLETE $ SCOCK $ OF In the city is P. S. Justin* An immense line of the Newest and Nobbiest Hats cf the seasoncall i; Lookfttour announcementcolumn. H i 4** ' ;4 "Bessie'Milburn is Buffeting with la* grip thisweek. ^ Pella Alexander is very 'tick with Typhoid fever. - . Mias Nettie Manor, o fXenia,spent Thursday with friends here.-- . The W. R, C. will furnislirdinneron election day in the Gowdy ibuilding. IHfra. Nettie Rakestraw, of Colum­ bus, is visiting her many friends in Cedarville thisweek. In our announcement column will find the name o f S. K . Williamson as a candidate for trustee. Mrs. Ota Manor who hasbeen ser­ iously ill for the past two Weeks we pie glad to say isslowly improving. Frank Reid, of Lyons, Injd., who has been visiting.his hunt'at this place, returned homo Wednesday. The W* 0* T. II, will meet Friday the 27th at 2 p. m. The exercises will consist o f a pariiamentatj^ drill. Mr, Pinkerton, a OtudentKftt the Xenia Theological Seminary] Jwas a guest o f Rev. Warndck a felt days this week, Mrs. B. W. Norlbup who has been so seriouslyill for the past' six weeks vre are sorry to say is not improving in health. Miss Eva Barber entertained a number o f her friends with aaelegant dinner yesterday, A veiy jjlMtasnt time is reported. •TamesH. McMillan, who ks been spending a few days in Cedarville, left Wednesday for KnoxvilktTenn., his present home. Harry Wilspn and wife, o f Dunkirk who has been spending the jWt few weeks with Mrs. W’s. rekHI**, re­ turned home Wednesday. j, We are glad to hear IJd. Ipe: has started upin the fishbusMs again for he baddies nothing but thjt finest kind o f fish. Try them and fce con­ vinced* - _ I Hie Prwbyterial Woman’s fisrion ary society o f the IT. P. churti com* posed o f the societies, in thejXeni* presbytery will meet in Ceiwvilli April 2nd, « * ■ .Too. W> Hedges is a candidate for infirmary director. Mr. Hedges i*an <o1dseddietv a farmer'and if elected, will withoiri i doubt fiti the ofikt to the satisfaction o f his constituents, Tlie fBmktxptr* Club will tain at the home o f Mr. Cat nekf Friday e ftih tf. Tke-n^Ww are arranging an hMeewthg litcraly And mtt4«d program. Mrs. Craig of Springfield, is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. Jacob Alexander. Will. F. Trader, the present prose­ cutor, is a candidate for reflection without opposition. Mr. Trader has, filled the office with credit and is just-j Iy entitled to a second term. Mrs. McCollum, who has been liv­ ing in Mrs. Leary'sproperty onGrove street, will now take charge of An­ drew Creswell’s, her brother’s home havingmoved there this week Last I ncer Wednesday was the fi: marriage auuivereay of Mr. andMrs. Will Tarhox, and in honor of the event they invited in a number of their friends and entertaiued them with a dinner*' Mose White moved his family to Anderson, Ind., this week. Mr White has beena citizen ofCedarville for several years and he and his esti­ mable wife have a numbe - o f friends here who regret their departure. B.N.Adams, the present incumbent is again a candidate for re-election to the office of county recorder. Mr. Adams has made-an efficient official andhasproven worthy o f the trustgiv­ en by teh electors of Greene County. Bee bis announcement in another col­ umn. . Helen, the four-year-old daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Eli Small, of Spring- field, died last Sabbath morning of pneumonia,and on Monday the re mains was brought here where it lay in stateat the ltome of Mr. Daniel McMillan, grandfather of the deceas­ ed child, until in the afternoon when it was buried in the Tarhox cemetery after appropriate ceremonies at the house. LOCALS. - Teeth extracted without pain by application o f codaiue at Dr. Homan’s office. Avetta, Oatmeal Cracked wheat Granulated Hominy Fariuo, Parched Farinose at , . , G ray ' s . New perfumes, very elegant at R idow ay ' s P harmacy . Go to Dean A Barber’s, for fresh cats o f all kinds. 'Irish and sweet potatoesat • \ . McCorkell’s. JC s Butter, Jersey, Milk aud Oyster Crackers at . G uay ’ s . Canned corn, tomatoes, beans and pens at McCorkell’s. Cooked pickled pigs feet at McCorkeli’s. Art materials, a complete stock at itlimWAY'S PlIAItMACV. Mias Ida Wolford’s selection for the Demerest contest at Springfield, next Tuesday evening is "The Martyred Mother,” and her rendition o f it leads her friends who have heard her to be­ lieve she will be the successful compe­ titor, Shouldshe be it will be quite a compliment to Cedarvi'ie as the best, talent ' from Clark and adjoining Counties will compete fopfijm prize. Charles Mulvanev li a stylish little Chicago tailor, lie dressedhimself up in the flight o f style the other night.' He was so pleased oyer his personal appearance that he thought the occa­ sion demandeda half dozendrink. He took them and the next morning found that hehad no nose. It seems thathe got kotoa quarrel and his am togonist wasan expert in the use of a kaifs. It will hew long while before Gfcwriee will rejriet over his peraotMl appearance. 1 Highest market price paid for wheat at A ndrew A B ho . • * • , Dried Apples, Peaches, Apricots and Prunes at G kay ’ b . A number one butter bean at McCorfeell’s. Tobacos aiul Cigars at G hay ’ s . Tiddledy winks, a novel game at Riwo way ’ s P harmacy . Mackeral, herring and white fish at McCorkell’s. Huy your bed room suits o f If ark & Molrros'. The best place in town to buy meat o f all kinds is at C . W. CrouBe’rf. Try him. Dried apples, peaches, prunes, grapes and raisins at McCorkell’s. Pie punkin, mince meat at McCorkelt’s. Oranges, lemons and cranberries at McCorkeli’s. Young Hyson tea 45 cents per pound at McCorkell’s. Jellies and apple batter at McCorkell's The Xenia steam laundry is repre­ sented here by Iiobt. Galbrejuh Who will be glad to serve all customer. Office at lfarr A ortoiu New Spring Millinery* Hats, ilibbon*, Flowers, and others trimmings at M rs . C ondon ’ s . MOTICK, the qualified stwtow of CedarvHti aafcesl dlatriet. arehsre k? notified that <mIhe (th tUf of Awil, A, B* IWt M # nr the leer* of 1 o'clock a, *). a»d1 e’eloek j», m. aa riaetis* will ha hald at the Mayer*office to tlcet twa m **- barter the m M W id , to »trra torn (») years Sy aflMaf taMrik . .. ■ . *, A, Saaraxai, Uerk. ^ Flaked Pineapple,at G ray ' s . >Cash paid for furs at S. L. W alker ’ s . Choice white clover honey at G uay ’ s . Sec our new papatrie at 25 cents. ItlUOWAY. Honey at G ray ’ s Gloves, good stock, low prices.' A ndrew <fcBiro. Custard pie pumpkin, mince meat pie, at G ray ’ s . Glover and Timothy Seed at at A ndrew A Buo. Irish and Jersey Sweets Potatoes, at G ray ’ s . Pure old Dutch Java Coffee at it A ndrew &B ro . Corn, Tomatoes,-Beans, Ac., at G ray ’ s . Sweet, spiced and sour pickles at . G ray ’ s . Old Kentucky tine cut tobacco 40 cents [tor pound, at A ndrew B ros . Cheese, Crackers and Ginger snaps at G ray ’ s . Hard and Soft-refined Sugars at G ray ’ s . Sugar, Sea, Coffee, &c., at Gray's. Huy your fresh and Suit meats at iho old reliable meat atoro o f V. W* Crouse. Rolled Avena and Wheat, Oatmeal and Cracked Wheat, Farino and ParchedFarinose, Pearl Barley, Gran­ ulatedHominy at G ray ’ s . Persons wishing stock in the Southern Building and Loan Asso­ ciation, o f Huntsville, Alabama, and Cincinnati, Ohio, or any information concerning the Association, please cull on E. L. Smith, county agent, or II. M. Storlnont, *iea« J. R McElroy, Pec’y. Syrup, Orleans and Sorghum mo­ lasses et McCorkell’s. Fish at G ray ’ s . Wood aud Willow ware at, G ray ' s Rolled avena, oat meal and rolled oats at McCorkellV. Some novelties in ladies purses at U idoway ’ s P harmacy . Buckwheat flour and pure maple molassesat G ray ’ s . , Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Molasses at G ray V*. Take your blitter and eggs to Dcntt A Barber aud get the highest cash price. C r y s ta l II tre f C ry sta l It lee ! The most popular cereal food oh the market, Forplain cooking and pjt dry it boa no equal. For rale at MoOorlM ’t. Dr. r*ra#n.. th# WWW om A hm I s UW. et SprintfleUI.Oato, can be eooraiudssrinsttbe Cliff Hoat. Cedarville, Tu.sday March 3l*t. Qotel Sradivy, X.nia, Wcdnetday, April 1st Dl0nuH ca»M*hiol» have nriitad the c narrw-thode e» tw tofnt by theconerO: aietanat#tepeSaliygrvlted tecalk yh j-Mr*M*xp*irienr«in thotnatm of nbuUnstAchrenlSalMaaMhM made pr._Y nelltha imperial mutrr ol iheaeterrible dlta. Yf.u do sethavetntalltrim your aUmcnta; nada yenr oomplainta Ilka an open boek* .ertbevvour pecnU.r auff'rinR* wlibout m *1 yon a etna'aeneatlon, and praparva temedlM niMtthe pWfctiewant«oleachpartionlarca»a, , . XAtawitHlrl Noeknarlmental Ne fallnreaf* Nodlmppolotmenul When ha takr* * earnbe take*Hto core It. It yon haveCatarrh of the Read, Throat, or Bronchi. Waak tnOg*, Patna or BoraneMln the Rh-at* Hann.*In*CiiB*b,prany alftetton of lb# Throat urLunw. do not lea# yatnaWe time or wuto the prvcTOn*opneriututy o f a enr* on worth’raa patent aMOldhee or practitioners, but applyat once to,Dr. haraeii. Who m-kra the** dtavasM m apaetaltrand iaen,' fa^ed lu tbrir traatmantevery day lathe year. Hytmr benrlnnla ta^ irf.A^ o td eaMU o l aenro uuiu you nave consulted Dr. Yarnoll lot Catarrhal DaaXnaaa. Ityou are suflhriat.Item the. etfccU ot l a <.r ppo.orhavaa eoaipUearioa m dtataaw.and i • >’ot knew whnt is tbs naattar. tovat leel .rratrhed all tb* tlma, consultDr.Yunwll. imTcrinawomenwho liar# drayttad an achlnz *i<—and limbs up. at:d down rtaliii for tops. to I. -•'t exhanaUwi,"^y“A»iaYuai^ .<t*t a perraanaat cure by applylns to Dr, irll i. yMJhaveaayotthoaeinvetande dlasaaeaef .<»toiuachor liverwhich havedepadall ouiar >ilirMig.itcare.oranyi't thetroublaaowa tom* am UlaeaM*, or other tubelieha andwbtU* ■» >!r,,terl»jc compiaUt*. you *heuW .briaff urraae tu Dr. T. js V'-Mrxliid, orrMnUenU'iwhneafa*aladi*- gured dhd repuiMJve by thepretenceot pljuple* warupttoua, (*-■ haw everyttaeeattheaebleM- •*U.» t^rmaaeiitlr retuovedaud lh*»lua raatotta to It* tiainriUitoeolhntMand baetny. ..... n iuiow .uiwm vi na pm i a»«vM|* imw »K .il-routented (wlln*, fearottotpendinadM- terordeath, adried oTbafad.elan* -or tMM- adtalM to be nteOi-Tt yMr aaeaMYta audyou eresleerayaoddejveudenfeor ;(you drew*tnhrhorofiea,aridl**lauavaraia* to society, oenauit Df<YarntU. lfyoururindla.htfibtr cefated. arilkyarvSry rOear, if pMsod oftea itxl wlih padn, orl* acuaty'. anu caatoa aMltaaMtof wUta, ropy, or brNOc-duet calot, or U jern baVapainatn thitback, or feel ws k, tv bera.naatm. to *«•» l.eiit tlut >*« are threatened with BrUht* dia* >~Ato or fiiiier to;midax.e affection of the' kid- oofsor i ia ld r t>wo’.t D,. Yaroell, who et* amtneannd .pre-tribto tor a •reatetndmberM th-anduSeuli c-feafu h aircla monththanAd ordlnvry phy»ivi«ii acea tualiatlaaa. J . The evil o»nto<|Tient!cawblahfoBowthtldraad- tul«.d devtructiieKfibit, rouimcntomi nyoftbo yrMutu ot the land, towhich aredue a I irg*and inorearimt proportionof tbadtoordera. id rttainnd phyrictl, by which kutnai IHala tmbli bttdabd tu dorattan UboriMM, will M abaointc y cured, aMht or.waak aarto and ■...... * aauhoad. 14mot, Mk* rtha»etidiau fiyrup mm J Molabies at G ray ’*. * l> Mt ui no e uie 7 iaetndliiz thu deVekriMnen p *, tb* eumpiete rMtorMleaof parlaetm n o Dtaeoataet the prorate nlaihdaad^wk f oat vtoar in *ae» who ha efUfa. aueaawfnliy (real* ” DaUaata. dUa«*M. rilhaewnaXno aaaUarhow ehuMd,raUevedaiM>eaaadqeMuyw'u#d. CoMuttafion freeaadstrictlye»ttlldan|lal. ParttonM* attantlon givMit*UMtnit*awte( eMaebyeottttpuadauto. : Dattar*promptlynuawaredaedmadiaiaM MM by i i | k m ftiufmu obaarVadon. A fad seem* rf imhariii, whoto «e Inatwi- awi«Utr« teqnityA, Wtu he fandalwd at p«e Detlwa perMouth. DalAkmYaioiiiWAi^