The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

*h“ H k k U iU iD yamaKaereewKaemmmmteiemKemsaaBsefeoe JUt INDKrZKDKNT WlttKtY **WSFA«iK. mmssaassamnaie^ SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1881 IT. AT. BLAllt+Edltor attd Prop'r PRICE * f .95 PER ANNUM. There was a pleasant reunion at a wedding in Arcadia, Fla., the other day. Four of the former husbands of ■were present at'the cere* A mai by the name Tenpenny hat just been married In the west, It is to be hopedhe hasent got for a wife one ofthose women who “ hit the nail on the head/’ ,The Boston Herald says thatWheat o f Baltimore has got a divorce from her husband for taking too much rye. Perhaps Mr Wheat is sowing his wild oats, and will do better by and by. There is one thing for which the poor man can be thankful. He re­ ceivesno counterfeit $100 bills in change. - A new counterfeit bill or that denomination is now making the rounds As aa example o f the barbarismi which atm N n ifN hi * ins*«ndbasthei%httoaH fore* in compelling hiawill to lira with him. The outrageousabductiono fa wi h by! ter huabaad inEngland last weekand I her imprisonment in hishouse, arrous*! edfmuohsympathy, but fbe husband! was legally right, and nothing oould be done. President Eliot o f Harvard College I in a recentspeech said that uninfbrm-1 ed public sentimenteadsts “ amongthej famine claims, the operativeclasses o f | menthatwork with their hands,** But a thousand times greater man ^umhe I —one whose intellectwasnever warp- j by the artificialities o f alleged cul­ ture-thought diflferantly. Abraham] Lincon held, and held truly, that] the highest wisdom,the world knows is the collective wisdom o f common] man. ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. -DEALER IN ALL KINDS 09- FmLink,Pi#*M,MLath,M il M i English military officers are said to be agust at the propositnm to abolish feathers from their hats. But no arbitrarydecree o f government can ^deprive thorn of the privilege of show- dug “ the white feather." •j.'...... , George Lippcrt,a native o f Bavaria ' comes as near being the coatof-anns • ftbelsleof Man in human shape as anyone living. He has three sep­ arate tegs, each of. which is entirely independent o f the'others. Marion Smith is an octagamist. In other words this young Arkansan has eight wives. He is only 21 yean old. With such a record at such an age, what may he not accomplish in his specialty if given length of days. A Georgia schoolmaster has sent ! boy to the head o f bit class for spell ing tho word cat “ quattc.” But this boy did not have quite so much otho- gntphical ingenuity as the boy who ipelledcUcumbei “ queuecomeburto.” A youikg man out west has been ar­ rested forjabduction by flying with ,his best/girl, who U o f tender age. But it ianfe to say that she would net have been carried away by him if she had not been “ carried away" with him. 1 ' ' !«■» • I- - 1-- l John Griffin is the name o f a tramp printerwho doesn’t believe that pro­ crastination should bs allowed to steal jail the time. He worked h r the Han nibal (Mo.) Journal for a week, got drunk, stole the office clock andpawn ed it for 25 cents. That child born in the Covington jail the other day came into the work »<sy peculiarly, but not so peculiarly as a young man of Morgantown, W. Va., hasgone out o f it, He was out walking with another young man, when he slipped and fell, impel ing himself upon bis companion’s cane. This is an age o f organisation Wherever there are halfa dozen who find that they have a common interest belief or memory they forthwith elect a presidentand secretary and fornra late a constitution and by-laws/ The latest shape which this phenomenon o f the times has taken is the Rejected Manuscript Club’ o f Williamstown, Moss. Its name indicates its purpose and origin. Only novelists, poetsand essayists whose productions have been returned by the publishers or editors can belong. . As most o f the human race are thus made eligible, the or­ ganization of this club would seem to be perhaps the greatest step to­ ward universal brotherhood ever be­ fore taken. Doors. Sash Blinds, ■ ifla “ What's ih a name f” A gooddeal sometimes. The full name o f Mrs. Southworth, the novelist, is Emma Dorothy Eliza Neuette Southwortb She says: “ When I was born my people were to poor to give me any­ thing else, so they gave me nil those names.” In North Carolina there is a girl who iBknown asMiss Susan Ar- lesa Mary Magdaline Milly Nerva Clementine Jerusha Peck. In that State also resides MissesToledo Blade Wilson and Mary Tuxcollector Huck- leby. Lizzie Ryder o f Springfield O., has a short name, but she had what no one ever had before—three names in 12 hours, an average o f one name every 4 hours. It seems that she wish' ed to marry Burton Tavenner, ■but was quite young, and had no guardian to give consent. John Osborn adop­ ts! her long enough to give consent and the marriage took place right away. Thus Lizzie was Ryder, O f * bora and Tavenner all in the brief period aforementioned, . won r y V mkmcax $ The Leading Priaes Came te the limited States In The Queen’s last word contest, Dr. Edmund T. Stevens, o f Buffalo, N. Y ., won the first prise 'of a free trip to Europe and $200 in cash, and Annie B. Turner, ofDeposit, N. Y ., secured the special prize ofa handsome Shetland pony. . The publishers o f this well-known Magazine have decided to offer one more competition, and to the persons sending them the largest lists o f En gl'wh words (o f not lees than four let­ ters) constiucted from letters contain­ ed in the three words, “ Dominion o f Canada” they offermany useful prizes, including $750 in cash, Shetland po­ nies, China Dinner Seta, GoldWatch* es, French Music Boxes, Portiere Curtaius, Silk Dresses, MantleClocks, etc., all to be awardedstrictly in order o f merit. An elegant Silver Tea Ser­ vice (valued $30) will be given .each day to the persons from whom the largest list is received that day from the State in which they reside. Tho object o f this Special Daily Prize for* each State is to increase the interest in The Queen’s competition in every locality to the United State!. Those desiring to contest for one o f these valuable Jinxes may start on their list at once, bat sebd mit II. S, 2o. stamps LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new sotek. Can offer you better Grades for less mone^ than you have been paying for poor grades. GALL AND SEE GRADES AND PRICES. A celebrated Englishpoet erected a monumentto hisdog and wrote an elo quent epitaph in which he depicted the superiority o f dogs tomen in some o f the virtues. A Bucyru* dog died the other day, for which no geftiu* Wrote obituary poetry, but it was giv­ en what no dead dog ever had before —a regular funeral. Thedog was a favorite among the employes o f the T detlo A Ohio Central Railroad, and 2X1 of themgathered to {my their last respects. One o f the yard engines, decked with crape and drawing a special car, conveyed tinscoffined lx>dy 1 1 the yard master’s office amid Hie t tilingo f the hells o f all the engines in the yards and round house. Many » 'mgw o f vmtdotatte weresent from _ ........... employes Sta distance who could n o t ie ^ l^ ^ ^ ^ tm present, It wasa *tf*n«*ty i'2 ^ . BANK OF CEDARVILLE General Bauklng Buelnos Transacted. Ges.W . Harper, Free. W . L . Clemuma. Cashier. W . - J P , hrlcti Filin J E E S E 7 S , T R A D K R , P L U Attorney At Law . S T T T D G ! X I . XU o .Largest Assortment ever Re­ no. 9 BAST MAIN STREET, OP-| C S i V O d . POSITE COURT HOUSE. A. J* CKAwroan, . J . II. L ackey I • Xenia, O. Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANGY XENIA, OHIO. We have for this season’s trade some large growthy pigs o f both sexes. Prices to suit the times, Also 3 extra Sliort-llorn bull calves. Call oil, ox address as above. NOW Is your time. We will close out our HEATING STOVES A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SC0GK being received now, A complete line of fine ATM? all the latest styles together with fcvery grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats, Peat iags, GentsFurnishingGoods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART 8 c CO X E N I A , - - - O H I O . WATCHES. CLOCKS COST . P a O U l i w •BDwUU' REPAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDER BY C. A. HARRIS, »»« • • ..... “ maasw.waa* aasawHBW. BNENBr.dE IRBR U M »A * Y I L L * , • « * +