The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
ft .sraa £ r . -*5| T H E H K J i ^ E O M I)(Dlil>jtSI)KKT WWXLV NKWdPAVK*. s-essesssCsesstem^ SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891. Vf. W» BT j A IJR , E d i t o r a n d JP !ro p y M ICK • I.3B P H ANNUM. T h e O h i o R i v e r , , The following poem from the pen of Mias Lida Keel, of Hamilton, O., was rend before the Shakepenre Club at their meeting last Friday evening; The idol-breakers erenow after Tal leyrand* Tbayclaim that he didnot writ* his own memoirs. Doubtless they would tp^ jfrove that no such men as TaUjiytand ever w%r were there nonliving witnesses to the form er existence of the wily old 'diplomat. ANDREW JACKSON, O, Itiver ,o.grand »nd majestic, Soaleeji, *o expensive, «o wide, » M y heMV’ij! entranced by thy beauty, At on you *o eilently glide. More preciods to Mrs, Windom than the wealth of all the world must bo the reference to herself in the will ofher late husbaud: “To whose love l ent Indebted for the happiness that has blessed my life, and to whose pru dent and wise counsel I owe much of prosperity I have enjoyed.” home The Ob, when tba fair queen of the raornlng, la greeting her lover, the Sun, When all the rart canvas of heaven, J n gold and carnation is done, 1 Ah, then thy rippleing wavelets, •. Kefleet thy nrigh picture to me, TU then my beloved old ri>-er, My soul's in communion with me- When Sol has eumpletod his journey, And sinks 'neath the mountains to rsst, When Bv'ning, that gentler artist,' . Has painted the skies «f the Welt, My boat I ’d then Idose front her moorings, ; And out on thy bosom I’d row, ■ . . ■ .Vor then Timagina that heayen. . lias dropped to our planet below. When Lima, the queen of the midnight, With stars is cqd .eking her crown, Thy Water she takes for. ber mirror, And smiles'a* she shyly looks down. And then my whole being is wedded ' To those dusky waterii of thine, , And this is the time of all others, l'hat tbnu, ooble stream,art divine. Flow on to-the great Mississippi, The ihtherof children like thee, And table strong aims he will entry Thee out to thy mother, theb'en. Money deposited in Baltimore would seem to be in n safe place, as the last bank failure in that city wae in 1837. Chasing a dead man with a and wagon is something new, ether day a body was seen in the river at Hooksett, N. H., and an effort was made to secure it. A citizen started out with a horse, and wagon to follow it down the river. It was kept in sight until the Amoskeag Falla was reached and then it disappeared. Thomas Boggs, of New York City, is more sensitive, about 'his adipose vesture than his fellow-townsman, Grover Cleveland. Dohobue, who is given to pleasantries, remarked that Thomas would moke a good match for Barmim’e fat woman. As. a result Edward appeared at the Jefferson Market Police Court with three- bul let holes in his clothes. A dealer in artificial limbs says that 300,000 Americans have lost one or both legs. But Americans, ob a rule, do not loae tbeir heads. The following rediculpus query was recently addressed to a Philadelphia journal: “Will you kindly let me know through your paper how I can makean egg's shell strong?” I f the query was bow to make the egg itself strong, perhaps James Owen CPCon nor, the tnijedian, could answer that the only necessary ingredient in the rccept is time. . A black ghost has been seen in Washington, Ind. This is notable, a* thoprevailing color o f these other- -world visitors haa been white. Parnell, with ail his mental acute M m , cannot see that he is a thing df a past. There is no escape from the Bt. Helena where public opinion has placedhim. '' i«W • Mm 1 . The waveaof the German Ocean onee broke in two a solid •column of freestone 33 feet high and 17 feet in ,, diMMter St the haw. The diameter a t the place o f fracture was 11 feet. Blood wHl triir* Scandinavian sail ors ar*said to prdominate on the ves sels of neatly ajlnatitonaliUes. The old •M aing's love o f wateryoi lingers in his descendant*. * Seven old ships o f the navy are to be sold at auction. Five o f them hare a romantic history, But hulks and Masts, like fled: add blood, must Buocunb fo time, however brilliant their services. It costs the government 8100,000 to bury Senator Hears!. Among the items covered by the account is liquor for his Mourning* colleagues. An estate worth a Score of millions ought at least to lie able to pay for the funeral drinks. It is claimed that there is a Btnal part of the backbone which fire wil not consume. It has been called the resurrection bone, and is supposed by many to be the nucleus o f the immor tal body. It may be that this claim is founded on superstition, but is very remarkable and actual fact that the incineration of the remains o Shelley, ,h|s heart refused to be con suuicd* A feasible scheme for invading the egg tariffhas at hurt been concocted It is to feed hens on tbo cheap grain of Mexico and have them lay in the United States, Fur this purpose long building will be placed on the line, halfin Mexico and half in the United States. The birds will feed in the Mexico end, and when they want to lay they will go to the farther em of the building. The man to whom the egg wodd is indebted for this pro ject lives in'Nogales, An., but he Was horn in the State of brilliant men Maine. a m i SUCCESSOR T O DUNLAP & CO . an is u i -1' ba t 5 b -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- w . n . PR I ■;y •/^ o v e n 'SbroiMt ■>11:00 a R. P. -AND ---------- iirtHtor. H C h o o l t Doors. S ash M. «• tor. P MIJOOI YoH«K 1 iiriiyyr . *IMl 1 1 >' 7:00. V.F p a sto r >»,; ^'ll A V SOU, P 7:00 i» 8:00 »< Hap . paatoi 11a u» 51:00 o’ - ,ien'lt LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new sotek. Can offer you bette. Grades for less money than you have been paying for poorgradesr 0AX*L 1A 1 AND SEE GRADES AND PRICES. BANKOFCEOMVUE General Banking Busines Transacted. S e c .W . H nrpcr.P rea . W . L C l e s i s s a C s ta k le r . I Hill J E E 8 E 7 8 . WF.TBADEBjPL TJ S H I S AttorneyAt Law. NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP POSITE COURT HOUSE. Largest Assortment ever Be* eeived. n A. J ’ CNAWrOBD,' J. 11. L ackkt Xenia, O ., /Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Potand-CliinaHois ZBHXA, OHIO. President Carnot, o f France, has ^cni word to Queen Victoria that he is at her command. And it was onljl the other day that the Emperor of Ruadagave himan order. It looks ns though the President of France was losing his Independence. A Arm in San Diego have built a hoot made entirely out oi soap; and will sail it about the hay during the reception of President Harrison, The craft will wan^ln several mem* MagHM the Inventor, hereof th*#«wi|»aa^ A tews! thouhl imfofod for n flag, The French Government his passed a most enlightened kw , designed to aid hi Am r*fornation o f criminals, HmeMMti have been empowered to * defoff ili'leiices for first efowmro for foNtjpAMk, fnenmaf ne seemid oft turns the m m m * k vcM. Some of our farmer friend* who en joy a good joke on a neighbor have given ns a dp on a very fanny incident which ocouved at a meeting of the A liance the other night not a thouanne mile* from Xenia. A young roan, an eloquent speaker who has recently been married, Wasdiscussing the taril question very earnestly and making some striking points for free trade, telling that lie was died o f this thing of protecting “the infant indus tries” as they are called, feeding them on milk and so on. After going on in this vein for awhile, and thinking ofa new enterprise he had commenced on his farm, he remarked, “I have just started an infant industryof my own1* when the audience broke out in Up- roarous laughter, Which can be beam re-echoing in that vicinity yet—Xenia Gazette. A cordial invitation in extended to you to examine the elegant Q i t i NEW We have for till* season's trade some large growilty pigs o f *both sexes. Prices to mi U the times. Also 3 extra Short-Horn bull calves. Call on, o “ address as above. being received now. SCOGK A complete line of fine A ilaal teasioecrw A 06 oi headed engineer prevented a disastrous eollkkm near West Pokt, Miss., tbeother day. TheWlegranhen- •rotor nmfieetedtoliotd a fr^fottrafit ae directed, and Hwas paUittg oat «l wtestailoa whan a paaasjiger tirali waa dkamNNed rowdlagaenw at the tala w M n iV v f V y W l gmakwpi smaf i t tti. JfMM iim fo imm vm -—THE BEST— FERTILIZER ON EARTH. aoo xroa. vatea all the latobt styles together with every grade of fine Business Suita, Cverccats. Paut Lags, Seats Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART 8c CO. ixasaviA., - - . o h i o . n :11c vl <j , . . » ; c l a k b cam OUANO. VMM. AMR&rY#vit WATCHES, CLOCKS •AMD**— ,AfotMMifoik REPAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDER BY C. A. HARRIS, m 1
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