The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

t e l THE IfE^aED. AN INUflt'HNDHNT WKKKI.V HRWapAPKH. SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1891. IP. I f . JBLAIJi, Editor and Prop'r PRICE S 1.95 n k ANNUM. A; dispatch from New York o f March 30th wye—George B. More* wood & Co,, have obtained au attach- went against property iu that city be* longing to the Field Cordage Corape* ny^ of Xenia, Ohio, for 13,277 due ’on a breachof contracts - , . church to* W. It. C. Dinner, Monday. • Mrs. JacobBecnier is mucli Hugh Stormont was in Cincinnati thisweek. ■ ■. ;.■ t Kat Dinner with the \V. R. C,. la­ dies election day. Miss Mliter entertained friends one evening this week. Taiin'ugq Baldridge is visiting his brother this week. Mr. Joe. Vnnllom was in Dayton Monday on business. Mra. Ora Manor who has been ser­ iously ill is much better. . Sermon at the M. £ morrow morning at 10:45, on m M obc 8 a Model of Unselfishness.* The sub­ ject that will be ventilated at 7:30 ]o’clock in the evening is:. “That sa- j lonn of Cedarville, How to dose it.” worse,, y oteWespecially invited at the even­ ing service. / Mack Bull moved into the house formerly occupied by C. L. Crain. J. 1). Silvey will he a candidate for Supervisor of Hoad District No, 9. The W. t f r . V- wiii meet Thurs­ day 9th at 2 p. the “Y”4parlors. .fames Orr has purchased the Ililf quarries,' aiid will operate them the comingseason. Col. Finley, the genial candidate for county Recorder, was in Cedar* viile Tuesday getting acquainted with the . voters of . this township. The Colonel is an affable gentleman nnd is making a great niuny warm friends during this canvas us he is a-man who bears acquaintance. Next Monday is election day and so, far there appears to be no candi­ date for the oIbices o f .councilman, or school director, although both offices are opes of vast importance to every nix payerin the community. Why would it not be well to call a enliven* tion.and uomiimto officers to fill these positions. That will take the respon­ sibility oft’the .shoulders of a few indi­ viduals who will otherwise be obliged to attend to making out a ticket, or leave it undone. There is a clause in the Chicago Merchants association which assesses* a fipe of 920.00 upon a member who gives credit to any person who, is placed upon the black list while the name remains there. This will ne* Cerate the cutting. of several names from our subscription list, and those who have any fears that their name is there and do not care for any person to can call and pay up iu ad­ vance and. have the H erald contin­ ued. This rule is obligatory ' and must be enforced by the association aud we give timely warning, as the names will not be taken oft'until next week. . * There will bo the regular seryiccs in the United I’lxs'.yterina church tomorrow night. ‘ Mrs. Hickett met. with a serious accident last week, by falling am: breaking her arm. Gil. Morton was in Marysville this week buying furniture of a factory located in that town. Mr. Frank McLean, of Xeuia, spent Sabbath with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mel.can, There are none who thoroughly ap­ preciate spring than the young. The ladies especially feel that,' they have no want unsatisfied when they can ap' pear at chinch or social donned in a 14 new style spring bonnet. The latest, styles and shapes are to be found at Barber audMcMillan’s millinery store, as no ladies have better 'taste in the selection ofgoods. Call on them at mice and see them. Remember it at Barber and McMillan’s. is Della, the soveu-ycar-daughter of Mr. and Mb?. JacobAlexander, whose eiekucra was mentioned iu- the H er - alj > last week, died lafit Sunday morning. AH , that loving bands could do was done to reclaim the lit­ tle one from grasp of the grim de­ stroyer, but without avail, and death claimed her as his own. The funeral was preached at the house Tuesday afternoon nt 1 o’clock p. m, by Rev. Tufts, assisted by llev.-Wnrnock after which the body was laid at rest ib the Tarbox Cemetery. Cnpt. Culbertson Small, the oldest citizen of Cedarville township, died at his home in North Cedarville Wet!- uesday. at an advanced age of eighty- one years. Sir. Small was born with- irt a stone’s throw of Gedarville’s cor. poratc limits August 20th, 1809, and has always lived in this township, and at all tin** commanding the confi Oeo. Winter agent for the Troy Steam Laundry, of Dayton. Leave your work at Bull’s grocery. .Hand in your name and twenty* five cents if you arc a candidate and have your name printed on the ticket. «TacobSeiglcr went to Ridgoville, Ind., Inst Saturday and spent a couple of days the guestof hia brother of that place. ' ■’ Dr. J. O. Stewart spent a couple, of days iu Cincinnati this week attend* ing the commencement exercises of the Miami Medical College. The H erald is under obligations to Will McMillan for valuable assistance rendered last week while Hie editor was in 4lie throes of the “grip.” Misses Anna McMillan and Stella Jk r t e r C i . d m . l i th i.w e e k , r f S i T e e w h f m . ” I » 7 5 a militia company was organized here The circulating library ib now n fixed fact for it is here. ., Wednesday it was opened, lilies Jennie Murdock acting ns librarian. There was a num­ ber of callers the first,day and several tickets disposed of. Through the kindness of the librarian we are ena­ bled to publish below the title's of the books,now in the library. Others will be added from time to time: <. American History; The Prince of the House of David; Through-One Adminstration; Gretchen; Wise and Otherwise; Land of the Midnight Bun, 2 Yol; Zigzag journeys in the Orient; Zigzag journeys in the Occi­ dent; Bcnrlct Letter; Six Girls; His­ tory of Cleopatra of Egypt; Dickens Dictonary; The End of the World; New Years Tangles; txathrinn; Only Girls; Ben Hur; Old Fashoned Girl; Fifty Years Ago: Three People; Throne of David; Two Boys; Every Day Religion;'Lucile; One Common­ place Day; The Sunny Side of Shad­ ow; White’s Words and Their «JJeee; Tact, Push, and Principle; Nicholas Minturn; Ivanhoe: Whittier’s Poem Bitter Sweet; Johu .Halifax; Kenil­ worth; Barriers Burned Away; Little Mira; Longfellow's Poems; Steppiug Heavenward; The Greatest Thing in the World; What Can She Do?; Lit­ tle Women; Guy Mannering; Rieuzaf Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Young People’s Tennyson; History of Mary Queen of Scotta; The Life of. Christ; Self Culture; Innocents Abroad or The New; Pilgrims Progress; Macaulay’s Essays end Poems, 3 vol.; Stones of Venice,'3 vol.; Scottish Chiefs; Tltad deus of Warsaw; Iu tiic Cojig or the Coming Conflict; Sut Lovingood’s Yarns; Macaulay’s History of En­ gland; Men of our Times; Woman’s Wrong; Daisy Thornton; Twice Told Tales; Tour of the 80 days; A Pastor’s Legacy; Vanity Fair; Laila Rookh; Mary Queen of the House of David; Richard Vender* marck; Torn Bible; Dicken’s Com­ plete Works. The Most Marvelous Aekievement in Cheap and Mol Machines, It does good werk. Operates entirely automatically. Is simple in con­ struction. Has no parts liable to wear out. Is compact in form and light in weight. Is weU made and neatly flashed. Will write rapid­ ly with prac- ■ , tlce. ’ . -. . . . ■ v . . . ' ' ’ I ■ - Tl^e ,°f. Tljis Mqclpqe Call forth the highest prats* and testimonials from hundred*, B e c a u s e ; It has no ribbons’to wear out. Leavesevery word visible to the opera­ tor as soon as printed, Requires no skill or practice to operate. Operates by use.of one hand only. Its size and weight adaps it to travelers. Is an educator for the young. The legibility and beauty of its work, recommend it to the use of all. aft-Tliie beautiful and useful machine will be presented, FREE to every new subscriber sending $3.50 for one .year’s subscription to Bel- ford’s Magnziue. ■Send at once, before the present supply is exhausted. BBLIOUUK’MAGAZINE COMPANY, 8 6 0 BROADWAY NEW YOBK. ' attending the spring opening of ntilli uery goods of several wholesale firms there. Candidates wauting their names printed upon the tickets must leave their names and twenty-five cents here by noon today, as the tickets will be printed at Hist.time, John Dean, father of Chas. Dean, of this place, died at hie home on the Xenia and Jamestown pike, Thursday morning. The funeral will take place from t’le residence at 10 o’clock a. m. tide morning. The “Y” library will be opened to­ day and all are cordially invited to «•dl. Remember the rooms will be opened Wednesday and Saturday af­ ternoons and even iigs and ltohlers off Lumlojg lamp which set fire to the tickets’must call on thoats days for 1 dw&Utofr bat fortunatly neighbors dis- lamks. covered it in time to extinguish the and he was Selected captain which ti­ tle he carried until his death. While never having any active military ex­ perience during the Mexican war, he eliowed devotion to hia country by or­ ganizing and equipping a company here and started with them to the seat of war, he hituself paying their ex- jHmscs as far as Cincinnati, but as the quota of the state was already fill­ ed, they were not accepted. The last years of Capt. Small was spent in Cedarville, and although iu feeble health he would allownoperson to remain with him. Friday of last week he had an apopleptic stroke which came near terminating in a tragedy as .he in tailing overturned a Will Dunlap, editor of The West* *111 World, Sra Haven, Wash., is spending * few days with friends in Cedarville. Will informs t'is it was a imetaae about his becoming a Ben­ edict as lie had no such intention when he left home, nnd has not changed his mind yet, The young ladles of Uednfville can now breathe freer hav­ ing the hope that Will may yet tali R victim to their smiles. flames beforeserious damage wasdone. From that tint* he grew rapidly worse and quietly passed away Wednesday evening. The funeral services were held in the R. P. church yesterday afternoon at 2 O’clock, conducted hy Bev, Merton, after which the interr- meat took place, . Jfo f M wantany hindof A horse frota a vearhng to a drirar, dwfr m * o r to m m m , relit* \ M umhjck , C^rvilto, the stay of the visitors a pleasant'-onc. At high noon an elegant diriler was served at the church to alMMio at­ tended the meeting, and impper was also served to. those who were to take the 6 o’clock train. 1 L is t o f lie lte r a . Remaining uncalled lor iu the Cedar- viile Ohio post office for the mouth ending March 31 |891. List No. 3. Fiyu, Thos LewisMr. Johuie Stegdill E. B. Persons calling for the above will please say- advertised. J no . W. M c L ean '. The Woman’s Messiouary Associa­ tion of the Xenia Presbytery met in the U. P.. church, Thursday, and was well attended, every society having delegates present. The meeting was opened at 9:30 o’clock a. m. with Mrs. Garruthers in the chair, when the fol­ lowing pr^ram was carried out; HORSING SESSION 9:30 a, m; Praise service, conduct­ ed by the president, Mrs, J. B. Camithere; Roll call; Reports of secretary and treasurer of Presbyte- rial Assocution; Reports of missionary societies in Presbytery; Report of Mrs, Rev. J. K. Martin, delegate to the W. G. M. 8; Greetings from Sister churches; Mi*seHsu«ous busiuMs. ArrmooN srssrox. 2. p. to, Minutes; Bible reading The Christian Walk, by Mrs. Anna Hibbeu; Discussion: Working, Watching, Waiting, Opened by Mrs, J. C, Warnoek; Magazine oommitteq; Thank-ofikring service, Mrs. J , G. Carson;. Report ofCommittees. kvsmiko kEtotow 7 p. m, Minutes; Devotional exer­ cises; Temperance by Mrs. H. P. Jaekson; Method* o f condncUng Young People’s Missionary sootatke, by ^ringfidhl younglpiH^K ttttaun ‘ if * . Joaeph Kyle; Rejnetentarion ’ Dt oriawtat JbatsMi, lqr Mr* and Mm. M*eaa (Mtlva MwptiaM,) lltak' M iw i B apd .odtaH. Adj^weataent. ; 'Tlm tadtalof til* iwtaity in BJa place did all In thrir lower to make FETThRED VOLUMES. LibnriM Wherein th e Hooka Are Seenrsd by Chain*. In Europe, long before the^ilaya of printing, books were fastened to shelves or desks in libraries and churches, to guard against their being stolen, and also to prevent ono student gaining an unfair advantage over another by secur­ ing^the loan of a book,from a too ami­ able librarian, Tho libraries of the English univer­ sities were chained Until the.latter part of tho eighteenth century, when, on. ac­ count of the inconvenience of using them, the chains were removed. I t is recorded that a t King*? college a man waa paid one pound and seven shillings. In 1717, for nine days* labor in taking the fetters off tho college books. Ac­ cording to the Antiquarian, there are, however, a fow chained libraries still remaining in England. The largest of these is a t the cathedral church- of Hereford, and is the one genuine star- rival of an old monastic library. It consists of abont two thousand volumes, of which fifteen hundred are chained. There are five bookcases, and the re­ mains of two others. The catalogue, which ia also chained, classifies the books, many of which are In manuscript, in eight divisions. Each chain is from three to four feet long, according to Its position, so that every volume can be placed on the reading desk. In the center of these chains are swivels, which are useful in preventing their entanglement. Hereford possesses the latest, as well as the oldcsteoUcotkm of ehalaed.bhoks ia the kingdom, the library of two hun­ dred and eighty-five volumes, whisk was bequeathed to All Batata’ aharok. THE BIGGEST OF FLYING BIRD*. T) m >Wa*Uert»* AZhafres* aM t in Bwtk Aw r i t e s Cead s r Are tk« O s n The biggest of a ll really powerful fly- tug birds are, I believe, the wandering albatross and th* Boath American eon- dor—for the too I reject outright as worthy only of the most restricted Ara­ bian and nocturnal ornithology, ok the wing, says a Writer ta the Ckkte go Globe, or even with the wings ex­ panded merely, both them great exist* tag birds have a most majestic and ookteal appearance. But feathers ta such eases are very dsospthre: they make fine birds outof very smallbodies. For cxsmptatour well-known little Stag- Heh swift, which looks so imposing in flight as i t passes overhead with pinions ptaesd, ta hardly ss big whenpluckedas a man's top thumb joint aud Weighs only half an ounce. So, too, tho alba­ tross, (hough to expanse of wing is said to cacoeed th a t of any other tatown bird, amounting iwn.-tiricfi to nearly ton feet from tip to tip, do ri not Overage ta weight more than l>.ffc3-'Upounds; whisk I*ju st exactly the poulterer's statement foe my last fciafiy (hriAiaos turkey* A*for the comb,v ,v,uS.‘ !i:» spans from Wingto wing eoia.t ci^hi feet, his length from bssk to tid l k only three and » keif, and*! doubt It he would pluok ta le suytktagoorrespteltaf to Ids ttsftd ta admit tha t I have never psteenatty tried tVs 1 iiipisniinlitzpsflueesit. ANNOUNCEMENTS. REPRESENTATIVE. AVearo authorired toannuuno the name of J. J . SNIDER' as a candidate for the norainatiou of representative in the State EegiiUture. *ub- •eot to Republicitn primary election. We are authprired to announce the name of JT011NB. AELEN us a candidate before the oommilig Republican primary'election for the nomination of Representative in tho legislature from OreeneCounty. . . TREASURER. \ire are unthoHted to announce JOSHUA'P. OOLBSBEE as a candidate for Treasurer of Oreone county, subject to the Republican pri­ mary election in April. . . • COMMISSIONER, We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN B . STEVENSON, hi a candidate for County Comjuioaioiicr before the Ivepublican primary election. RECORDER. Wo aro authorized to announce the name of S* N*ADAMS u candidate for re-election a, County Recorder at the April election. Wo are autborized-to announce RODER 0 PIN LEV as a candidate Recorderof Orccue iounty,subject to the Republican Primary clee- ' lion in April. . INFIRMART DIRECTOR. Wo are autborzed to aaaounco the name of JOHN W11ED0ES as candidate for Infirmary Diretor, subject tothe Republican primary elec­ tion in April. - We are authorized to announoe the nameof JOHN W. PUDOK a* a candidate for Infirm­ ary Dlfetor, aubjcct to theltopublioan primary eleotioD .ln April, PllOBKOUTfNS ATTORNBV Wa atra authoriaed ta annCunce the aamtof W P TRADER aa a eaadidat* for Proaeeitting Attorimy, aabjeet to the Republican primary alyefion la April, TRUSTEE. Ws are authoriaad to annouSc* J* R. ORR aa a candiiltta lot Traatea of Cedarvilla Tava- abip, wo are authoolxed to announce WM. WALKER aa a eaadidate for Truatoe of Cadarvllla Tevnahip. -We are authorized ta announceH. A. TURN- BULL aa a candidate for ‘J mate# of Cedar- viile ’i'ownahipi We are authorized to unneunct S K W1LLI- /■MSON aa a candidata for Truatae ef Cedar- villa township. TREASURER W* are anihoriaed ta anuoonea the name of JApflb 8K1CLKK a« a oandidaiefor corpora­ tion Traaaurer to fill the UUexnircd tan* ef use year, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Wear* authorised jm announce LL'TllER TOWNSLEV aa a candidata for ra-ekietleti to the a lee of Justice ofthaPaae* of CMarvilta township. We era authorised to announce ta# same ef A. W. OSBORN aa a aaudidate for Jaatkc of the Panes of CaderviHa towaablp, ^ Wa are autboriaed ta aaueunee the name nf Z. T. PHILLIPS aa a oaedidati h r Juttlcc cf the Paaoa of CtdarriDe Tewnabip, ah' 'ami*.. -rairegsiflimagmMtt E9g** M A I 9 B 8 n t M U M A T w y OF ELKCTIOX. I n eomphaneewith the requirement?ofthe tawe of the State of 5b(0, I Luther TownateyMayor «f the inrorporatedvlitet of Cedarville, Ohio, hWsbyUotifiy tbequeBM eleeter*ofaaidvillage,thaten Monday the 6th day o fApril, A. J). 1891 Betwaeutbeheura *r d e’eteck a. M o'etotap. m . at theMay village, mi adeetkmwill , . . ...... ............... .. ...... wild ft ’ i eh w ik ayor'*offiee. within raid l a Wi tJow beheld fir tar auniore ofehowiiagtaeNHowhig ofte*r*«fptid rill*** tavrltiThreemembersef thaviHageaeeaaii ftwthe tare af tweyearareektadewemwaber ef the riHag#ireaeBNytb*here-efewe year. D*«Trtaaeterta 1ft tlta awexpired trre of fitmy L „ ) eMeehaeaMvillage,taidlltlt day itlKAt lef MwehlWl. I j LetWKaTet!WMhr,Mayrr.