The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

“CITIZENS OF CEDRRVILLE” A N D V IO m i T Y . Commemcing next week I w ill Call each morning and take your order forGrooere both staple and fancy, and w ill deliver the same each evening before the hours four and five. Below you w ill find a ' ‘Menu” for the week commencing Adril 20th. Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, Pickled Tripe Evaporated Horse-radish, . Canned Vegetables, Cooking figs, apricots, Pickled pigs Feet, Mustard * Canned Fish, Peaches, Currants, Grapes, Mackerl, Herring and “White Fish, Catsup. ^ jj'ex t week i w ill liave a fre6h line of Green Onions, Radishes and Lettuce, these goods are packed fresh on the day o f shipment for the * ^GROCERY ON TH E H IL L ” a ca ll and we w ill do jou good. JOHN 6. M’CORKELL THE! A.S INDKPENUK.NT WWBKI.V NKWaPAl’Klt. SATURDAY, APR IL 18, 1891. IP. IT, 11LA 111 , Editor andErop'r PRICK SI.R 5 PER ANNUM. Miw Ghcw A t Open Houee Friday evening April 24th For benefit of the “ Y ” library. Reservedseats for sale ut Stormont 4 Co's. ■■■■ ■ . I f you want a stylish livery rig go to Boyd’s. • Mrs. B. W. Northup is able to ride out once more. Hugh Boyd hns been seriously ill during the past week. Milo Randall has gone to Indiana, on a tour o f inspection. . Frank Smith and John -Adams, o f Jamestown, were in town Thursday evening. - , Mrs. Eva -MeFurland, of Covington Kentucky, is visiting friends in Ced­ arville, her former home. - Mrs. Emma Riff, who has been speudirig the ^winter in Springfield, returned home this week. . John Barber on Friday night of last week broke his right leg by at­ tempting to throw it over upon '■his left one. His limbs are .badly crip, pied and all sense of feeling seems to. have left them and he now feels no pain from the accident. The MostMarvelous Achievement inCheapand Useful Machines. The Misses Bruton this week pur­ chased a Decker piano which was de livered to them by Fred Smith, of Xenia. Communion services will be held in the Covenanter church to-morrow. Rev. Dr. McAllister of Pittsburgh, will preach at 11 a. m. in the church, and in the evening at 7 o’clock in. the Opera House, on the Sabbath Ques­ tion. Mite Kate Bather, of the Orphan’s Home, Xeuia, spent a couple of days this week with her mother, on Lime, stone street. It does good werk. Operates entirely automatically. Is simple in con­ struction. Has uo parts liable to wear out. Is compact in form and light in weight. Is well made and neatly finshed. * Will write rapid­ ly with prac­ tice. T ^ g l i f e i ' i t s o f T h i s b fq c h iq e Lizzie Gorden, who was sent from this place to the county infirmary a few weeks sence, died of diptheriu at that place last Monday. Ed. Spencer has the finest fish that ever struck town, some of them weigh its high os 7 llis. and none lower thau 2 fbe. ■Try them and be convinced. Ed Smith und Spence Shephard, who are working in Miami county in I the interest of the-Wood’s automatic] washer, have ’keen having a splendid business. The Messrs. Smith and Shepherd are estimable gentleman and have the confidence of the citiaens of Greene county all o f whom will be glad to hear of their success. t We are glad to s ate that Miss Irnm Williutmibn is convalescent, It 1 nMI- MissSusie Leary is slowly improv- Mrs. E. E. Murdock and son, Har. ry, went to Illinois, their iormrr home, to spend-the summer; trip was occasioned by the ill health of Harry. ing from.a serious attack of la grippe. Will McMillan and wife were in Springfield this week, visiting friends. Mrs. Ciias. W. Crouse was very sick this week, but is reported better new. James Killen, a former citizen of Cedarville, hut now o f New York city, stopped ofr here a couple of hours Tuesday evening, to shake hands with old friends. < Dr. Winter has so far recovered as to be able to be out tn our streets again. Leb- Barber & McMillan call the often tion of the. ladies to their display rf Spring Millinery. -They also have the nobbiest hats for children to he found in the market. Cal. Morton will remain in anon, and attend the spring term of school. Will Ferguson, of London, was here Monday, having milled to see his brother Amos, A report o f the Mayor show thatdur ing the past year there has beeu before him nine cases for intoxication, twelve for disorderly conduct, one for using obscene language, one for profanity and one for keeping a beer house. Warren K . Moorehead, a young archaeologist of Xenia,, who is acting for the Government iu getting up an exhibit of archeological specimans'for The ^ or^ '8^!,' r Chicago, has just madea rich find at Ft. Ancient, in Warren county. He has uncovered walled vaults which'contain twenty- four perfect and complete skeletons of the aborigines. ‘ He. has had them photographed as they lay in thevaults and is now teuring the vaults away, marking each stone nud all of the skeletons, so OB*to put them in place just as they were found at the World’s Fair. In one of the skulls was found an nrrow-hend, while through the skull could be seen the hole where the arrow had penetrated. Several of the skulls had similarholes iu them, showing that they had died in battle. Mrs, Carlisle, o f Yellow Springs, is spending the week with her mother, Mrs, VauHorfi. Meadateet Russel and Hannah Johnson, o f Clifton, visited friends in Cedarville, Thursday. Eli Small and wife, o f Springfield, were the guests of friends in CedM- ville a few days this week. ’Squire Galbreath was able to ride out a couple of times this week, the first time he has been out of the house since last fall. No man iu the town- slop has more sincere friends than the Squire and it will be a pleasure for them to know there is now great hopes of his rapid improvement in health* Miss Martha Gibsou lute been dam gcrouely ill this week, with neuralgia o fthe stomach and Itowels, 01., Townsley, of Anderson, Indi­ ana, was called home this week by the serious illness of his mother. Inez, the three year old daughter of Spence Shepherd, has been seriously ill this-week with pneumonia. Sermon at M, E, church, tomor­ row morning ou “ Daniel, the young man who could say, Nol A t 7:30 p, m. on “ Those Suudav newspapers, Sunday barber-shops, Sunday drug, stores, Sunday livery stable, Sunday moat shops, and Sunday groceries.*. Special singing will be provided, and all will receive a cordial welcome. Merchants have got their awnings up, and tw town now has the appearance that spring is here in earnest. Mrs, Maggie Otrain and daughter, went to Yellow Springs, Thursday, to Visit Mrs. C/s sis er, Mrs. Ridgway. Will Blain Writes /is to tell the dt* isrttso f Cedarville and Vicinity that ho wlHi soon visit GtodarvMe with a ftrtt fine o f btunrlet and a n k m A JUfoxont foriiiin. Miss AnnaGhew, a gmnunte of the Bostson School of Oratory, and pro­ fessor ef elocution at Oxford college, willgi.-ean entertainment under the auspices o f th« Y . W. C. T. U . o f this place Friday, April 24th. . Her readings include dramatie, pathetic humorous, character sketches, dialect asiaeikm, etc., which she renders with the skill o f a perfect artist, as all wke While numbers o f sudden deaths have occurred in this vicinity within the past six months, each succeeding one only adds to the gloom which seems to be overshadowing our vi Inge. Tuesday none seemed to have a fairer prospect for years of health than Mrs. Margaret Townsley, wife of ourestimableMayor, Luther Townsley and today silent and motionless she lays, conquered by the grim reaper, Death, Tuesday night, after a day actively engaged, as usual, she was at* tacked with imflammation of the bow* els, Medicnl assistance watt secured, but there was no hope ftom the first, and on Friday morning at 4 o’clock shedied, surrounded by her husband and children. Marguret Jones was born in this county near Xenia, in 1851, In 1869she’ was united in marriage with Luther Townsley, and with the ex* ccption of a few years in Solon, they have since been citizens of Cedarville. Four children were-the result of their union, the oldest a daughter, having diedabout four years since, Ollie, a sM, and Fannie wad-Annie surviving her. Hie sympathy of the commun­ ity m extended the sorrowing husband and children. The ftuseml sendsenw ll he held at Ihe lL P* ehurob this afternoon at o’clock by Rsv. Waruosk. Cad forth the highest pralee and testimonials from hundreds. B e c a u s e : I t .lids no ribbons to wear out. Leaves every word visible'to the opera­ tor assoon ns printed. Requires no skill or practice to operate. Operates by use of one hand only. Its size and weight adaps it to travelers. Is an educator for the young. The legibility and beauty of its work' recommend it to the useof all. . a®.This beautiful and useful machine will be presented, FREE to even- new subscriber-sending 83.50 for one year’s subscription ; to Bcl- fordu Magazine. Send at Once, before the present'-supply isexhausted. BKLl'OItUK’ M AG A Z IN E COMPANY, 8 6 0B ltO A BW A V , N EW YORK . William K. Cooper, whose serious illness we mentioned last week, died at low twelve Wednesday night. Heart failure was the immediate,cause of his death. The deceased wus born in Chester district, South Carolina and came toOhiqin 1831. He after­ ward married Miss Hannah M. Ham­ ilton, who survives him. Two chil- deru, Mrs. Will Frazer, of Springfield and Mr, John R. Cooper, of Ccdai- ville, also are liereaved by his death. Mr. Cooper was a man of integrity, respected by all. and his death is a 1ms to the community in which he lived many years. The friends met at the home of the deceased at 1 o’clock P. M. yesterday and accompanied the remains to the R. P, church where the furneral serviceswereheld, Rev. Morton officiating. The intemnent took place at the Tnrbox cemetery, The council met in regular eession last Monday evening, Mayor Towns- Icy presiding, Messrs Cray, Shull, Barr, Orr and McFarland being pres­ ent. The usual routine of business was attended to until the clerk pre­ sented the bills, which included the salaries of the officers for the past year, when exceptions were taken to allowing them as there was no money in the treasury, and it was decided that the newcouncil could attend .to the paying of the old council’s debts. A communication from Attorney Smith was read giving the decision of the Judge iu the ease -of Mitchell vs. the village of Cedarville, and the thedecision was ordered placed in the minutes o f the council. The Mayor made a few remarks to theold council just before they adjourned in which he spoke of what had bceuaccomplish­ ed during the past year. He said that while it had been said that thecouncil had done nothing they bad accom­ plished a great deal. ’ Streets and alleys bad'been openedand numerous disputes oflong standing bad been settled, andbe congratulated them bn tkair swoon *. Ybe aid council thin* adjourned siwe die and after Mcst-ts Gray, Shull, Harper and AfcFnrlmul bad taken the oatli of office the new council was called to order by the Mayor, who appointed the following standing committees: _ Light—Rolieit Gray. Street—Orr, Van Horn and Har­ per* Pump—Wm. Shull. a Fire—Dave McFarland. Finance—Harper, Gray, Orr and ’Shull, The newly elected.treasurer, Jacob Seigler presented his bond with A. W. Osborn and C. W, Crouse as se­ curities, which was accepted and he then took the oath of office. After a short report by the Mayor in which wasshown what had been done in the Mayor’s court during the past year, the council took a recess until ne: t Wednesday evening. SHERIFF’S SALE. STATE OF OHIO) GltEE.VE COCKTY, PS j P URSUANT tocotnlaand of an Urderafeali «f pr<i|terly attached before final jadgmcnl. iseued from the Ceart ofCommon Plea* of *ei<l County, and to me directed and delivered, I will offer for dale at public auction at Cedar- rilte, OrecneCounty, Ohio, on Thirsdajr A p r i l 3 0 t h , A . 1801* D. The (rood*andchattiesfollowingvia: AH the stock .of goods, consisting of Mnn- nfactnred, single and double sets ef harness, of •It kinds. A lot of saddles and hridles und stock on hands not yet manfactated. A lot of trunks, valises add traveling satchels, and everything usually kept ih a firat else* harness shop,, > To ha sold as a whole at not lets than the ap­ praised value. * I f not sold asa whole, 1will offer Said go.i.N for sale In quantities to suit pnfcfcDser* at f t b- lic auction commencing tin the said 3f ' * ith day April Ih9l, at 10 o'clock a.ta, and continuing front day today until all ate sold. Appraised at $1,323,1)9. Terms of safe, rash. To be sold in the suit of Th'imSi IV, t?nei>irr et al vi Calvin L. Cthin ‘No. fill#, tlrm.o County CommonPleas Court, Wm. DO&M, ' SheriffUreene County, 0. Tftantft * KAOketiKg, fait’*.Atty. » Fotwfttstehs* lAwn mower go to . 1 \ A Ififc line of pocket**! table out- Wry at Grotf* # the same l VOL. 12 ent'fortha E e sen i f t - t pret (lisp -Jan Ra c:h an pe ro- Wi th W5 Ri b? il Machines. simple in con. ipact ' 25T. : blay d Have I f you to Boyd’ Gertit fcchool o I f v< square i once. , Bev. ard, Ki thiB wet “Mrs. numbe ing at *. Boy’ m - ’ Spring Mrs residef ant vit Bu; reque lately 01 India iresnn that M Pear Her were * G» Tho: er, f Wee i l G. 1 will P icbiqe tundreds, to the opera ce to ucator for th ed, FREE t ption f to Be sexhausted. >A 1 > 1 V A Y , id after Mem ind Mcb’nrian office the ne' order by tli 4 the follow! dorn and Ha .•land. Gray, Orr a tre surer, Jact bond with 1 . Crouse as ceepted and ’ office. After ilayor in whit oeen don* In ft •the past yea .•cess Until net S «AT.F OH IO ) STY, t*SJ of an Ceder e f ssie fore final jadgmii immon Piece ef h ((land delivered, ic Suction at Cedi , cm 1. 36 tk, A. (owing vlr: . insisting of M ole set* ef harues!', (itrs and bridles Mifactnred. A lot veling satchels, * ina first elate hern itnotlrtalhaa the* I will offer said rit luffchssera at p» hi the said fiitfc day a.ta, and swwtinai are sold. A ffraii its, rash. TIi MSi IV. in Hv. 819ft. (Im art. Wm. ■rTffdreeaaCotrttly, CeAtty. wn mower go rousft A RnJT*. jfet nsh PMbit et troM# 4 b£yr««