The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26
T H E H E S i & E f ) . AHIHDBrKMDKHT WKBKl.Y HgW«PiPKB. SATURDAY-, APRIL 25, 1891. IK. / / . BLAJli, Editor and Prop'r PRICE f i,ao PER ANMUNI. It is never too late for new experi ences. Mrs. Nancy Evans, o f Char* iton county; Neb., 79 year# old, is just recovering from the measles. «... Some consciences are slow but sure. A Lancaster (Pa.) wan has received 950 through the mail, with a letter stating that it was stolen 40yearsago. The Bellefohtaine Examiner says: “ We are thinking seriously o f going to New York to edit a newspaper. Editor Dana gets 950,000 per year for editing the Sun.” ■ mm to —«■' ' There is a newcounterfeit two-dollar certificate.incirculation. Its vignette o f (Jen.Hancock is a “ counterfeit pre sentment” o f the distinguished soldier in a'double sense. . . . Newfoundland is eager to east its fortunes with the Unsted States, with the faiuteat nod o f approval from Uftdq Sant she would rush into his gq^erfimental fold instanter. Rev, Prank Montrose Clendenin has sprung into national repute by engaging lumself to the daughter of Horace Greeley.. This is a far better way o fwinning fame than in becoming a heretic. It takes butlittle to make lifc.unen- durableto atman when his nervous force* reaches a certain depression. Enos Garret, o f Winchester, Pa., sold his house. After selling it be'was so torry that he killed himself, A woman in South Chester, Pa., of a somewhat irritable nature, threw a china cup at the head'of a gentleman friertdThursday. When he put the pieccs together an inscription on the cup read, .“ Think o f Me.” •But he did not need the admonition. ' Mies Anna Dickinson's preparations to go on’a lecturing tour are made al togeather too. soon alter becoming unify. It arouses the suspiciou in those o f suspicious natures that her maniacal episode has been one o f the cleverest advertising schemes o f the age. - Capital furnishes money for the carrying on o f enterprises, but labor furnishes flesh and blood for the car rying o f them out. Statistics show that every building o f sin stories and over erected in the big cities calls for the death o f one workman to every two stories. « i — - ■ 'Father Jackson, o f Indiana, now propbeskft that the world will come to an end Aug. 1C. As this.venerable adventist hassetthe date o f the earth’s demise 14 distinct times hitherto, it is apparent that the old addage, “ I f at first yon don’t succeed, try, try again” finds in him an ardent believer. An instance o f the “ blind leading the blind.” Little Hellen Keller, the d*fj£dtfrab and blind Alabama child hefaff educated in Boston, has under fallen to importknowledge to Tommy Stringer, a 5>year-old-Iad from Wash ington, Pa., who has also been with out the faculty o f hearing, talking or sering since his birth. There will be a wedding in Berlin soon, the bride and groom o f which hate been engaged for 60 years. This union will be more,romantic than the union o f Mr. and Mra Bohannon o f Stanford, Chun.) who are nowSeeking disunion. Mr. B. claims thatMrs, B, “ struck him in the stomachand threw a pan o f milk and several cups o f col- fise in hisfime; that rim took a hairpin to bed with her, with uheolishe prod* ririUhwt the* rito repeatedly polled hit whhleen and shied morirary at hi* head, and finally ran at M m with A j u t v t a h a th .* — - Over 29 percent, o f the population o f the United 8 tates is now in cities o f over 8,000 inhabitants, and there are enough towns and villages o f lesspop ulation than 8,000 to bring the total o f town-dwellers somewhere between a third anda half o f the entire popula tion. The census shows now, to in 1880, that the town growth is deplet- ing the country in the vicinity o f every growing town. George Bellamy o f Normam, Okie homa, is a notedjoker in his vicinity, but one o f his jokes the other day seems serious to him now. He joking . proposed marriage to Mias Emma Cannon, She consented. ' The judge o f the county court being present per formed the cermody. A few hours afterward George learned that the judge hadbod the. marriage recorded. He hastened toexplaiu that it was only a little pleasantry on his parts He was informed that the law doe 8 not have a very keen sense o f hu mor, and that it bad taken him at his word. Professor Barnard has invented a trap—not to catch rats or any earthly thing, but those tailed monsters o f in finity known as comets. He has fast- eneb a prism in the object glass of his telescope. When the light passes through the prism it is is decomposed, o f course, and if the light is that from a commet certain rays pass through slits and fall upon a seldeniuin cell which connects with a battery and an alarm. Seldeniuin iB exceedingly sen sitive to light, and when struck by the rays it lets the battery know it in a hurry. The telescope is made to sweep the heavens by automatic,machinery. Astronomers can now go to bed and be awakened when the comets are ready for them. - ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP A CO. .DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Doors, Sash % Blinds, The State Encampment G .‘ A . . R. will be held at Steubenville April 28, and 30th. Reduced rates' via the Pennsylvania Lines. J £ a d ie s o f d e d a r v i l le AND VICINITY You are cordially invited to attend our display o f S p r i n g & ; S u i n m e r MILLINERY Commencing Monday April d --------- And----- — Continuing through the week. . It may at first seem out o f the wny, but when you see our stock it will pay you for we will show you more Trimmed Hats, Bonnets, Toques A c , than any retail house in this pnrt o f the state. Here you will find all the 1 ttest styles, combinations and nov eltiesof the season. In our fine mil linary, o f which we handle a large assortment, we have special trimmings for each hat, so no two hats are trim med alike. In Boys’ Hats we have a large and elegant stock o f fine straw, and in childrens’ hats and caps our line is complete, let us once more insist on you attending our SPECIALDISPLAY or call during the season as it will pay you for three reasons viz: First, our styles o f trimming is not excelled in the state, Second, you have the largest lot o f trimmed work to select from in this pari o f Ohio, Third, the prices are as low as any first claw inillinary houseanywhere. Respeotfblly A . O . ' T a y l o r , V t a W S M c . ’ JAMESTOWN, O, LATH, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, SIDING, ETC, Have just received a new stock. Can offer you better Grades for less money than you have been paying for poor grades. CALL ANDSEE GRADES AND PRICES. BANK OF CEOARVILLE General Banking Busines Transacted. Gee. W . tyarper, Pres. W . L Clemsas, Caohlcr. Individual in d t principally invested 'in Baal Estate $200,000. Ferlet Fitim J E E S E T S . W . - F , T R A D i m AttorneyAt Law* NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP-' POSITE COURT HOUSE. P T T T C ! XT X T Q • J_j U D H . i l l O ., Largest Assortment ever Re ceived. O. L. P aine , p. n. a. E bkb B ktnolm , d . p . b PAINE &REHOLDS, DEN T ISTS ! i XeniaNational Bank building, corner Main and Detroit Sts., Xenia, O. XENIA, OHIO. V ita lized Air a u s e d fo r tlon or Toatn. o a s x tra c- CHAS. E . SM ITH ’ S Is the place foryou to get a smooth Bhave or a stylish hair cut. BASFMENT ORR BUILDING. A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant _ _ _ _ _ _ NEW SC0GK being received now. A complete line of fine A . J 1C hawfori ), J. II. L ackey Xenia, O. JamestoWn, O, Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Poland-GhinaHogs all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats.. Pant ings, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. S TEW AR T * CO . x n w i A . - - - o m o . WATCHES, CLOCKS -AND- We have tor thin sMukm’s trad* tom* Huge growth? pig* o f both FttoNtomtittk*tfiiit*. AM* REFAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDERLY C. A. HARRIS, t*xtraflh<w^H*m b*H«Urwi, 0*11 wv wwflPNRWrW m eMPfiPiMk -A*— •
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